Deep Blue Mystery Mineral Inside An Abandoned Mine In Nevada

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[Music] okay so the mine we're going to is down than that ravine there and because the better part of a day to get here and I just wrote down through here which was not easy at all so for all that I really hope this one was worth it but you can't get much more remote than this so has good promise that hiked down from up there and we've got a nice little mining camp here there's a crewed cabin right there see there was some structure here standing on the waste rock pile now and I see some rail stretching out here take a closer look at that and over here you can see there's more rail and a series of Timbers stacked here for use inside the mine and I see that the the tracks are running off surf toward the cabin and so I would bet that the ad is back behind there it does not look like anybody's been down here a very long time mr. Chuck McBride gets the credit for locating this site but I think I'm the first person down here in quite a while I'm just see if there's anything at the end here you see some some wood stacked up there and then you can see how steep these canyon walls are I'm often amazed by how the miners or prospectors located some of these sites but with this one I'm particularly amazed because it's really steep you can look at that inside of the mountain over there to get a sense of that is really steep here and God were in the middle of nowhere so I'm impressed just wanted to show you another perspective on what the site looks like since obviously you'll be able to see more from up above than from me filming down below it's also another chance if you see how rugged this country is back here I think it's beautiful but it is definitely rugged and I just can't imagine the miners getting back here with all this equipment and heavy track and that sort of thing see that waste rock pile of course over on the right and then here's just another look of the area around that cabin or workshop or whatever it is go check out of the miners cabin you can see there's more bits it would scattered around over here next to the cabin got some wire and that seems to be about it for here sorry this slipped and here's a view of the side of the cabin say stack some rocks up here to form the lower section of the wall and then right there some of the rocks have come down to create a gap here's a look inside the cabin obviously it guess that was their fireplace and given that these are kept out of the elements they still look quite fresh that's incredible you see how they shape those by hand with an axe or something pretty impressive I always get this was a pretty low-budget operation given you know the crude timbers and such that could be the edge of a dynamite box right there and a couple cans and porcini pipe or a ventilation pipe okay so there's the cabin there and you can just make out the edge of the adit right there I'm a little concerned about it because it's in a wash and a lot of material has come down here and filled this area in so that looks like a tight squeeze I'll go check right now another view of the cabin and I just right from the cabin here these uh there's a metal contraption here muster fellas a stop for the ore car sir would that probably some in the audience to know a lot better than I would so let's go take a look at this at it oh boy this is not looking good just some more rail right there oh man that Wow that will be a tight squeeze but I can even get in there let me get a better look okay that was extremely unpleasant to get through and this is pretty sketchy material here so I'm not really enjoying this but I was able to get in and you can see that it looks like it does continue which here is just really difficult going though so bear with me okay I'm down on one knee now and you can see a lot of the material has come down aside the adit here hopefully gets better back with my light shining because I it's really tough to get through this I was just filming a second ago from from there you see all those rocks where all his rocks came down and of course there's the extremely tricky portal right there so I'll keep going and really sincerely hope this gets better because I'm not into this at all right now looks like there is a shelf of some sort right here and of course a bunch of rock has come down okay maybe getting a little bit better now okay I can finally stand up straight got some bits of wood on the floor here and see where this attic goes like it bends pretty sharply up here interesting the killer isn't here wow that very dramatically you're doing some interesting rock it almost looks like courts huh cuz I courts me it looks like you can see that pic marks there to you okay continuing on we've got a junction here there's a drift going off to the left there and we've got a drift going off this way I'll stick with right-hand rules for now pretty rough in here osseous is a fairly old mine really soft material look out that uh that big chunk is just left off the wall there exactly make me confident but look at these colors here wow they're those blues what is that yeah I sure hope something the audience knows what that is because uh that is gorgeous it almost looks like the the lapis lazuli that you see in Afghanistan really beautiful here huh I don't know I think about the history of this mine you know what they mined here anything so I'm unable to plummet on the minerals and such we're seeing so much okay you can see that that actually this whole wall or the river they add it's my left here was up concern you can see all the Timbers bracing it up right there and I'm a little concerned about it myself you know what we've seen so uh just mosey right on past this section did your scene work okay Wow suddenly the my intern a great you see the track and everything it looks good much material down here is wondering if there was a little mini stove above me here but I think that's just for a bunch of material came down okay well now I'm liking this a lot more I don't see a bunch of rubble such as come down and my voice is echoing from so much much happier now with this mine so you ever been around the left here piece of rail right there there and still going here obviously they're following some sort of beam given how we're beyond during through here okay that's something going off to the right here that goes back a ways and then that keeps going aways that way but let's do right hand rules and head down this one this is another I should say sketcher there's more that blue blue mineral but you can see it more collapses and stuff in here so this isn't quite as secure as why we're in I'm real very very thin real that's uh that's no wider than somebody's finger that's interesting okay let's see here so the drift keeps going that way and then to my right there's a little shelf right here and ol box carnation milk I would love to see a date on that says keeping a cool dry place and they have certainly done that no I don't look for a gig or anything okay so that's that box right there I just noticed what I think is a some fuse cord there in front of me and let's see where this drifter keeps going down looks like gypsum crystals right there it's still going this mine is bigger than I expected from the outside sometimes that can be very misleading and just the end maybe maybe not no it's not somebody wrote something ten right there and get a little sketchy again it was a bat oh you know as always it always throws me a bit when I fly right at your face okay still going okay come on just fly by me around of course the bats flying around it means we don't have bad air in here which is it good now still going man this is a lot bigger not expected I think that might be the end right there sorry I'm getting really distracted by the bat here I love you sure that's the end oh come on just fly by me okay yes yeah I can I squat down I can see it so that is the end of this drift and I'll go back and pick up on that uh I mean when we are on okay so that is the drift that we just came down you can see the bats falling us and now we're going to continue heading down this drift which is complete shape in here he was going away and I'm glad I stopped for second Americas you see some miners rafita they're still wrap our way through here looks like there's a little pocket here nothing of interest there interesting changes in the rock along the way I'm sure you guys are noticing there's another change and see you've got big Junction here so there's something going off to the right right there it keeps going straight and then it goes off to the left although this looks like it may be a cross kick looks like it stops right there does it hit us - no I thought maybe a Stoke but uh it was just a cross cut they did and I would bet that the one that crossed away is the same thing yeah just stops right there so we shall continue down the mean holy you know as thing as I saw sorry that thought work timbers I think they were actually using those as track ties they were the right size for and you can see they're using a fairly primitive wood here at the time might hit the ends with this tree the rail is just turned really big yep so that is the end of this drift and we still have that drift off the left that would pass in the way in so let's head back there and check that one out okay that's the section that we just finished exploring and now we've got this drift heading off to the left which is more crude than the others we just went down but you just keep going I should not might be the end right there let's check big section came down here and I got rail back that's cool looks like an old a carbide container interesting squared off pattern here I'm pretty sure this is the end but I'm just having double check maybe not yeah okay there we are well this was interesting to mine it is bigger than I ever thought it would be inside and got some interesting minerals especially those blues whatever those were really taken with those so good stuff
Channel: TVR Exploring
Views: 930,295
Rating: 4.7863083 out of 5
Keywords: Visiting A Remote Abandoned Mine In Nevada, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Mine Exploring, Underground Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mines, Miner's Cabin, Nevada Abandoned Mine, Old Abandoned Mines, Crosscut, Stope, Adit, Mine Tunnel, Mining History, Industrial History, Mining Artifacts, Mining Relics, Quadcopter Abandoned Mine, Drone Abandoned Mine, Motorcycle Trip To Abandoned Mine, Deep Blue Mineral, Mystery Mineral Inside Of Abandoned Mine, Lost Mine, Hidden Abandoned Mine
Id: MimPqfiwXXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2018
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