Exploring Italy’s Monte Arsiccio Mine: Part 2 – Surprises On The Surface & Underground

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the adit is just around the side there but I thought I'd start with this building up above it up these stairs here [Applause] of course on the blackberries huh here we have it so I cannot be a carbide camera there and and by no means 100% certain but this looks like a blower to me [Applause] again definitely out however since certain somebody might correct me but I think it's a blower and the adit is directly underneath me you see the other structures right there i pierce we get up here so let's go check those other buildings and see what that pyramid structure was there's the portal to the add it there that building we just checked out it's up there I've got a piece of machinery right here I'm not sure what that was and some very large Timbers which suggest there are some very large Timbers inside of the mine and it's like I've got a couple of workshops here maybe [Applause] I'm not in a very good shape but just somebody equipment here it was like a press again probably no manufacturers plate or stamp to be seen anywhere just on us being a pessimistic a kerchner Leipzig German huh that's their amazing power box there and more here and if it's an office or another kitchen who knows but nice fireplace there and identify have all the scraps of wood and then it over here I see more machinery now it's confident about this so I don't know if that's a press or what but I know 100% certainly some of the audience till now and well it's like a little jail right here I don't know what this is for seriously it looks like a little jail it's got door right there you see the hinges and they're opening all right they store dynamite or something there that's fine I've never seen that before and actually the bars of the jail those are rails right there funny behind this here it's like more of a tool shop or something you see bits of pieces of bolts and such presumably that I've had a bunch of little pieces of equipment inside here but like they're mostly rusted away that appears to be it for this section and something else something here and actually a rate less real here too nothing added up here okay it's the other side of that uh that building on the fireplace maybe it park something there who knows and is that we him Wow okay this is full-sized train rail as you can see my hand on it that's much much bigger than the work heart rail that we see here so I don't know what that would have been used for you see us up on a stand right there I have no idea what though it would have used full-size train rail for me I don't know what I'm getting into this mine and like I said another structure right here and the rails are still continuing in front of us and around the building there's more racks right there looks like I've got a hose or pipe on them to go locker room here yeah I see the miners the remains for the miners boots and slickers and stuff here there's something even still in the locker so I always say this is the changing room for the miners you see since there are fireplaces everywhere it uh it gets cold here in the winter and it's obviously wet and cold on the ground I kind of believe how much stuff is left here it's really really cool all right so let's see if this is more of the same it's just like the shower room yep you see the individual shower stalls for the miners cleanup when their shift ended that's a toilet actually there there's also these are actually these are the old like old-school Middle East squat toilets I don't think that's a shower drain I'm not gonna go digging around there to find out but uh these old tweets no I don't know I don't know this size shower it looks like there's some what do you call it where the pipes come out I'm struggling for the vocabulary right now so maybe this side of showers on the left till it's on the right I don't know there's a water heater here so then we'll suppose some kind of showers here I don't know you guys tell me I don't care that much to spend a lot of time investigating it yeah assuming those are carbide or they work hard but they've got that look and let's see the rail keeps going this way I'm really pretty I swear that runs off too I just had more racks with pipes right here there's a creek coming down the hill there I'm not sure how that fits into everything let's see over these rails go look at that that's cool there's a little trestle going over the creek and there's a pathway leaving up here and the rounds to a building there so I should probably check that out before I see where the rails keep going right now the creek rustling on the rails keep going that way so I tell you what I'll follow this up and I will be join you as I build in there all right I was filming if I'm just down there a moment ago and came up this path and they're still real down there but I just picked up some rail here so I don't know what this is about and then here is the building here with a cable coming out of it don't tell me there's another tram system oh man I think there is hey see that I think that's part of a tram down there you see the rails go around looks like they dropped down the hill this is nuts there's a nice stone wall right there maybe a control box right there and with that cable going in it but there's a winch inside of here see the cable goes in right there there is look at that there's another winch here I don't know why they had two systems you got me on that one I don't know if one was made of her waste rock and the other one was four or I am really not sure huh where one predates the other and the other one was abandoned I don't know I was actually a a very visible stamp right there car wood industries Detroit just up with that building to fill me a moment ago and back at that little trestle here bridge and I've already have a pretty good idea where this goes but we can come up here and take a closer look at it and looks like it remains of an engine here at least an engine mounts um for a rack down the hill there and see is much a rail but shooting out the side there but there's nothing that would suggest anything that maybe it turned around carts here I'm not sure yet yep sure enough here is top part and look at that rail we ran all the way down the hill to whatever that is down there looks a bit nasty but you can see the cable would be run over those those wheels right there and you can still see the cable I hope stretching all the way down the hill although snapped or somebody cut it right there very interesting very interesting and then of course that building is drop the above us right there fortunately it looks like there are stairs going down to the bottom here which has a real luxury for us the reefs having a really scramble around so I I'm gonna head down there and see what might be down there alright I'm almost at the bottom of the rails here which went up there after the leaves and such there's another structure down here right there and if you can make it out or not the rails draw up down to there it's all nasty down there and I don't know the waiters on yet so I am gonna cut across or I'm gonna try to cut across on this trail here and see if I get over the buildings that way in a more pleasant manner there's a view you down still nasty others down there oh man look at some large flywheel there and there this site just keeps on giving and you know what I think there's another at it over there but isn't it at it look at that it's another large at it right there came around the back side of the building here and drop down the hill and look at this how cool is this tram er there's the engine inside or what's left of it anyway you know this within the driver's compartment bumper and here we have an Italian company Milano how amazing is this I cannot believe all this stuff is here those are the control mechanisms right there though and then we've got impressive rails running out this way on this huge waste rock pile here these rails in front of me come out of that add it right there show you the extent of this waste walk pile first and actually there's more rail running out that way somewhere I wonder if that big pyramid shaped structure was an orb in cuz I see rail running up that way so maybe a waste watch the left or to the right pretty large huge weight truck file actually its size of this that's the road down there for comparison Mansingh is I'm a monster [Applause] this is a really enormous waste rock pile [Applause] Wow alright let's go look inside the buildings real quickly and take a peek inside that at it get some rotted timbers piled up here looks like the best way in the building might be through here well you've got some big doors right here but they just lead into this empty room here so don't know about this one [Applause] the tower right here with insulators up there and not sure if that's accessible or not I doubt it and then coming in through here here are where those large flywheels are located the barrel right there and a very large flywheel here almost completely hidden and also here you see this one maybe a little bit better [Applause] I got I'm getting overwhelmed by the sight you guys I was an engine on this one sir who remains an engine on this one - right there you have no idea how to get up for that section of the tower there but if this one's anything like that last one that's nothing up there anyway okay there's that building behind me and got a rail running they add it here these look like older workings to me see this tree came down right across the outer here another portal day at it and some pipe right up the hill there I don't have the waders on yet and this one looks quite wet cuz of you looking up as far as I can see the large HR pile is there and I am now following those tracks that went off to the right to see where these go and the cable here as well resuming these go to the pyramid shaped structure [Applause] ah I think it wasn't Orban Wow big one man who the size of this thing so they would bring the carts along here and side dump them down those chutes they're here and there's another one and obviously there are or shoots openings down at the bottom there [Applause] this is an impressive complex I think if you like hiking down to where the chutes emptied out along the road then so I've photographed it for you when I was driving home at the Orban right here and I know some tracks keep running this way so let's see where these go tell me there's another at it okay there's come over here probably for a staging area or something got a pretty waterfall here about that okay I couldn't stay away I'm back at that lower at it and I have to see if this goes somewhere I don't want to come back all the way back on some trip because I didn't do it slower out and find out that goes around the bends he's me goes around the bend and it's Justin to collapse so I'm gonna go in a little ways here trying to get a sense of what the back here just real here in family and honestly at this point out of elements relieved if there's a collapse just around the bend but there probably would not be pretty good shape actually because uh pipe in my left here here's some kind of roaring sound on that distance to know if that's water or air flow or what you guys hear that little creepy actually the rails are really rusted here see that there's some spikes there hose that Orient's getting a bit louder about there's something up here this is kind of creepy you guys do some more of those little spikes here getting the muddy again something up here still going there's something loud up here though really spacious inside of here now that's probably 20 feet over my head Wow some kind of significant Junction up here and very slippery [Applause] water coming down good God background that way nothing over here then it smell very good back here right now have a rotten egg smell so I may not push in too far got a horseshoe right there so a horseshoe with some impressive timber work above us here and it's what are there you can see the rails keep going and then it stops right there it goes up and then stops right there like it made like a little prospect or something right there I wouldn't guess office is you know Marge Stokes and possibly more above us so there's that war banner would just check out and I was looking back that's where we came in from and looking that's what water's coming down from there's a bunch of workings up there too obviously and we brought this behind us here follow this live always keeps going away as this green plastic here is more modern so I had assumed that these were the older workings but these may not be try again which is nice going opens up again here above us there's something a bull chamber up there I have no idea how to access that and that's what our ladder or something but I'm not able to climb up there more opens a large open space above us as you can see and then they add it that it hits a nasty collapse right there okay this is why I'm glad I came in here because there's a total collapse right there and this in front of us is really bizarre you've got all these small tree branches in the middle of some big Timbers and I can see a bunch of other tree branches stacked up there so why on earth all these small tree branches in here almost like a giant bird nest or something I have never seen that before unless you know I've never seen a bunch of branches like this inside of a mine before unless a tree came down from an air shaft or something and that's obviously not the case here because it looked like these are all stacked up very curious I am going to climb over this and just go to that claps right there and I think this one's done alright I'm carrying on and I've got all those tree branches above these Timbers above me can sort of see them through the Timbers right they're very strange and then there's that large collapse in front of me here I am making my way to you okay here we are at the collapse you can see it does go up a little ways and I will go up there it looks like it's completely collapsed up there you see the Tim work here we should get a better look of the Timbers we're up there so I'll rejoin you up there okay there's a look back at that really odd layer of tree branches again I have no idea what that means and this is that section we just came from so I was always good to check because uh sure enough there's a small passageway through okay this is that collapse has squeezed over that's the opening I came here right there see a view of the Timbers above me here and some nice lagging on the side and as you can see the mine ends up and I really sketchy collapse right there and you could maybe get out of that calm your stomach but just beyond it I know if you can tell or not just beyond it its collapsed up to the very top of the adit and I know I said this before but I have a high degree of confidence this time because I can see the very top of the adit which I could not see or the other so when I prematurely called but this one I can either way I'm not going to cross over there anyway because I've got this pitch-black stagnant water in front of me and it stinks I don't know the waiters on and even if I did I'm not going through that because I don't care enough to see a total collapse right there that I don't think I'd probably go through anyway even I have my limits especially when I'm by myself you see more lagging here and I think that's it for this lower level I'm glad I came in here even though as nasty doing so without the waiters cuz I'd hate to have come all the way back here made a trip social trip all the way back here just for this so good have this question resolved
Channel: TVR Exploring
Views: 30,762
Rating: 4.884726 out of 5
Keywords: Exploring Abandoned Mines, Mine Exploring, Underground Mine Exploring, Monte Arsiccio Mine, Exploring Italy’s Monte Arsiccio Mine: Part 2 – Surprises On The Surface And Underground, Adit, Stope, Ore Chute, Ore Carts, Adventure, Exploring, Caving, Ore Cart Rail, Mine Trammer, Mine Funicular, Miniera di Monte Arsiccio, Alpi Apuane, Stazzema, Toscana, Sant'Olga Tunnel, Old Mine, Abandoned, UrbEx, Old Iron Mine, Abandoned Mine Buildings, Abandoned Mining Equipment, Iron Mine, ankangite
Id: aLJQ0QpMhd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 11 2018
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