Why Chicago's Navy Pier was Almost Abandoned

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Navy Pier located on the shores of Lake Michigan  in Chicago has been a staple of the city's history   for over a century from its Inception as a  part of Daniel Burnham's plan for Chicago in   1916 to its present day status as a beloved  destination for tourists and locals alike   Navy Pier has undergone a series of exciting  Transformations that make it one of the most   fascinating landmarks in the city despite its  popularity the structure has many unusual and   forgotten features such as a streetcar line  that once ran directly onto the pier today we   discover Chicago's Navy Pier I'm your host Ryan  sokash and you're watching its history [Music]   foreign so why does Chicago have a pier that's  3 300 feet long with a total surface area of 50   acres well believe it or not this Marvel was  part of the so-called master plan of Chicago   and when it opened to the public in 1916 the  name was Municipal Pier but had you seen the   state of the river and Lakefront back then  the concept might have seemed outright insane   you see Navy Pier's location would have been  entirely different looking before the turn of   the century the mouth of the river was occupied  by Massive grain silos which at the time were   as iconic to Chicago's image as the Sears Tower  might be today and flowing past those silos was   some rather wretched water from the mouth of the  river to Goose Island Chicago's Waterfront was   highly industrial congested and polluted by toxins  routinely dumped into the water ranging from raw   sewage to chemicals it was a nasty place making  matters worse all that waste ran directly into   the lake which was also the city's water supply  and as you might imagine tap water was frequently   causing people to fall ill the town initially  tried to solve this problem by tunneling under   the lake and building water cribs further offshore  but ultimately they decided to reverse the water   flow in 1900 the reversal was accomplished thanks  to a 28 mile long Canal that ultimately drained   into the Mississippi now the other massive benefit  of the Chicago sanitarian ship canal historically   known as the Chicago drainage Canal is that it  enabled passage to an entirely new commercial   Market although waterborne Freight via these  systems only makes up a tiny percentage of   goods these days during the turn of the century it  was a big deal as railroads were still developing   and trucking wasn't the best option for Long  Haul hence many more ships would be visiting   Chicago in the coming years and Pier was needed  but not just any peer you see Burnham's plan for   Chicago called for the lakefront to be a place of  Beauty for the people reading quote the lakefront   by the rights belonged to the people not a foot of  its Shore should be appropriated to the exclusion   of the people hence elements of recreation  and elegance were to be a significant theme   the first widely available sketch of the piers  concept was published in 1909 featuring massive   diagonal docks for package Freight and passenger  Steamers now when you put this side by side with   modern day satellite imagery the projected  location of the pier is where the city's water   treatment plant now stands this is deceptive  because it suggests that a natural island or   Sandbar may have already existed yet when you  examine old photographs from before the pier was   built it's clear that there was previously nothing  but water the plan of Chicago embraced the concept   of being connected to the rails it was initially  believed that five massive peers would be needed   to support the city's needs still authorities  quickly settled on just one with the following   intention reading from the plan of Chicago The  Proposal is to create a Central Freight Depot and   common track facilities owned and operated by all  railroads in Chicago to handle Freight business   quickly and cheaply the depot should be located  in an economical spot and equipped to handle all   incoming and departing freight trains the mutual  relations of the depot warehouses and tracks are   expected to produce efficient handling of goods  if perfected Chicago have a unique advantage over   other Trade Centers and be fully equipped to  handle its Destiny the docks at the mouth of   the Chicago River are also suggested for package  Freight steamers the original concept called for   far more rail to be installed reading this center  of gravity is at or near the location shown on   the diagram here should be trackish capable of  handling in the best manner all freight trains   coming into or departing from Chicago which are  intended to do business other than local and   Suburban it should be arranged so that individual  incoming cars can be promptly placed beside the   planned unloading platform or Warehouse where the  goods can be handled with dispatch and as large as   possible by Machinery at this rate the center may  be the great Warehouse of the city arranged about   the tracks and service these Mutual relations  must produce an economy of handling goods and   an economy of the closest sort if the car and  truck service are perfected from the freight train   standpoint Chicago will have an advantage not  possessed by any other World Trade Center and her   equipment will be fully equal to her Destiny the  top results would be the quick handling of freight   trains by all roads and their rapid unloading  and reloading ultimately the mouth of the Calumet   ended up being a far more suitable location to  create this landscape and hence Navy Pier was to   take on a very different form from its original  plan construction of a single massive Port was   about to commence Burnham passed away in 1912 yet  the harbor and Subway commission engaged architect   Charles Sumner Frost to design the first five  Piers the city planned to build and what would   become Navy Pier Frost stayed true to Burnham's  Vision by creating two double decker Freight and   passenger sheds in the middle of the pier to  serve business needs along with classically   designed buildings at the head and foot of the  dock to serve as great places for public assembly   the construction of Navy Pier began in 1914  following the approval of the plan by the   Chicago plan commission the pier was designed  by Charles Sumner Frost and constructed by the   engineering firm of James A Dickinson and Company  the original design of Navy Pier was for a 3   000 foot long pier still the final length of the  pier was extended to 3 300 feet to accommodate   the growing demand for commercial shipping in the  Great Lakes region the construction of Navy Pier   was a massive project involving state-of-the-art  construction techniques and materials the pier   was built using a combination of concrete steel  and Timber and the docks Foundation was anchored   into the lake bed using thousands of pilings  the pier was also equipped with a network of   electrical and water supply systems there  was also a firefighting system during the   construction of Navy Pier thousands of workers  were employed and they worked Around the Clock   to complete the project the workers were housed  in a temporary on-site camp and provided with   food Medical Care and recreational facilities when  it was completed the construction of Navy Pier or   Municipal Pier as it was known was considered a  significant achievement for the workers who took   great pride in their accomplishment and in the  fact that they had contributed to the creation   of a landmark that would be enjoyed by generations  to come construction was completed in 1916 and the   pier was officially open to the public on July  the 15th 1916. Municipal Pier number two opened   in 1916 and it was the first to combine the  shipping business with the pleasure of public   entertainment at five million dollars the 292  foot wide Pier built by the city for the people   was the largest in the world projecting East 3040  feet into Lake Michigan and even today it Remains   the longest of its kind the opening of Navy Pier  was a prideful moment for the city and although   Recreation was always intended to be a part of the  structure's purpose the original version was more   utility based and Industrial looking train tracks  accessed the piers outer area to transport goods   and supplies to and from docked ships the trains  served as a convenient and efficient way to load   and unload cargo later making it easier to supply  military ships and installations on the pier the   tracks on the dock were connected to the leading  Railway Network allowing trains to transport cargo   to and from the pier with ease these days Navy  Pier has an endless slew of attractions from   its Ferris wheel Crystal Gardens and ice skating  rink to restaurants light exhibitions sightseeing   cruises and shopping but this wasn't always the  case in the beginning the festivities were limited   to parade type events or ceremonies held in The  Splendid 18 000 square foot grand ballroom with   a sweeping 80-foot Dome ceiling and panoramic  views of the lake event attendees and workers   alike could visit the pier thanks to trolley  tracks which operated on the pier itself via an   internal Loop and with time this became a unique  feature you see Navy Pier's trolley line was a   popular mode of transportation that operated on  the pier from its opening in 1916 to the 1960s   trolley line number seven that serviced the pier  was a part of a more extensive network of trolleys   throughout Chicago and integral to the peers  Transportation infrastructure at its peak the   trolley line was a bustling Hub of activity with  trolley cars coming and going from the pier all   day long visitors could even board the trolleys  at various points along the pier itself and enjoy   Scenic views of Lake Michigan and the city as  they traveled in addition to being a popular   mode of transportation the trolley line was also  a significant attraction in its own right drawing   visitors to the pier just just to experience a  ride the exact trolley route changed forms on   several occasions at one point being relegated to  an outer drop-off area when the ramp and internal   route were converted to accommodate trucks  and cars this era was known as the piers Civic   Glory Days billed as the greatest collection of  business and Industrial exhibits the city had seen   since the 1893 world's Colombian Exposition at one  point a two-week summer pageant Drew in more than   a million visitors with Thrills like skydiving  stunts speedboat races and mock pirate attacks   naturally the pier became a prominent feature  on the lakefront reaching a peak of commercial   and cultural success in the 1920s and serving as  a bustling Civic Center which attracted over 3.2   million people for events such as live music plays  art exhibits and more in 1927 as a tribute to Navy   personnel who served in World War One Municipal  Pier number two was officially renamed Navy Pier   in their honor into the 1930s the pier saw a  gradual decline in its shipping activities but   compensation was made as this allowed the facility  to Hold Steady as a Convention Center they hosted   The Flower and Garden Show the national motor  truck show the automotive service industry show   and other major events in many ways Navy Pier had  become the heart of Chicago but it was not to last   the Great Depression struck its blow and later  popularity would decline in the 1940s when package   Freighters and Excursion boats gradually stopped  serving the pier then rail Freight and the onset   of automobiles and trucks crippled water-borne  shipping altogether as the city's financial   situation fell apart the four additional piers  were abandoned so in 1941 new business was needed   Hope was in sight when the U.S Navy decided  to occupy the space and convert it into the   largest training facility of its kind in the world  serving an important role in the Allied war effort   in fact by 1946 more than 60 thousand Sailors  and Marines had learned to become metalsmiths   Aviation mechanics and Diesel operators at Navy  Pier when U.S forces left the pier the University   of Illinois leased the area as classrooms a  library and gymnasium for the University of   Illinois's first campus in Chicago this was a  Saving Grace having such prestigious tenants   upheld the peers historical significance then  by the 1950s it regained commercial success as   a home for trade shows astonishingly the pier also  resumed its terminal service when the Saint Laura   Seaway opened in 1959 thanks to this new passage  it became possible for major Atlantic vessels to   access the Great Lakes hence a commemorative visit  from Queen Elizabeth II took place with the late   Queen recalling quote an unforgettable day though  in the long run it was unlikely that Atlantic ship   traffic would accumulate here as Chicago's Port  had opened in a different location that same   year not to mention air traffic had started  transatlantic flights from Chicago operated   by Pan-American Airways as far back as 1939.  streetcars were also on their way out by the   mid-1960s trolley systems popularities overall  were declining as more cities began replacing   them with buses and Automobiles and so the trolley  line at Navy Pier was eventually discontinued in   favor of other forms of transportation hence  the tracks were torn up and removed Forever   at this time Chicago was still identified as  the greatest Inland port in the world as more   than 250 foreign vessels would Dock at the pier  during the brief Resurgence of the Great Lakes   shipping industry but the Seaway ultimately  failed to generate enough International Trade   to keep the pier competitive with the more modern  facilities at Lake Calumet and so it was the late   1960s abruptly ended the piers popularity as a  major shipping Port this is perhaps the moment   of our era that most pre-born 1995 Might Recall  Navy Pier seemingly disattached from the city   desolate looking and with without many purposes  desperately needed maintenance was halted and   the once Grand Pier looked more like the set of a  horror movie Burnham's Vision was turning to smoke   architecturally speaking I believe far more  important Chicago buildings have been lost   to the wrecking ball Chicago's Federal Building  Madison Street Terminal and Chicago Stadium to   name a few but the case of Navy Pier is different  the city acted graciously designating the entire   structure a landmark in 1976 and then in 1978  hosting Chicago Fest which Drew in millions of   visitors with music food and entertainment guests  enjoyed performances from Frank Sinatra cool in   the gang Alice Cooper and the Chicago Symphony  Orchestra this event eventually grew to become   the Taste of Chicago imagine that Frank Sinatra  singing Chicago cool singing celebration this not   only started Chicago's most famous Annual Festival  but drew the attention Navy Pier needed to become   what it is today a protected landmark of Chicago  by 1989 the Illinois General Assembly created the   Metropolitan pier and Exposition authority  to manage both Navy Pier's Redevelopment and   McCormick places expansion the city subsequently  sold the pier to mpea For a symbolic ten dollars   and the state government provided another 150  million dollars to redevelop the pier as a part   of the public infrastructure Improvement program  by 1995 Navy Pier reopened and entered its most   refined and celebrated status yet historic Navy  Pier is among the most visited destinations in   the world since its reopening in 1995 the pier has  welcomed more than 186 million guests including a   record-breaking 9.3 million guests in 2006. Navy  Pier has enjoyed a remarkable Evolution initially   designed for shipping and recreational  purposes the facility has evolved into   to a Premier Entertainment and Exposition Center  it holds a special place in our hearts a place of   Rich cultural heritage and vibrant public spaces  for all to enjoy whether taking in stunning   views of Lake Michigan EX exploring interactive  exhibits or enjoying a day out with family and   friends Navy Pier provides endless entertainment  education and Community Building opportunities for   generations of Chicagoans it has been a place  to unite and make cherished memories that will   last a lifetime and we'll leave it there for  today but if you'd like to watch these episodes   commercial free click join otherwise please  consider subscribing for new episodes every   Thursday and Saturday at 6 PM Eastern until  next time this is Ryan silkash signing off
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Keywords: navy pier, navy pier chicago, chicago, chicago navy pier, chicago river, navy pier chicago il, chicago navy pier tour, pier, lakefront chicago navy pier, what is the navy pier in chicago, navy pier chicago new years eve, things to do in chicago, navy pier boat rides in chicago il, chicago's navy pier, navy, light up the lake at navy pier chicago, what to do in chicago, navy pier history, history navy pier, navy pier fishing, navy pier tour, history of navy pier
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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