***UNTOUCHED SINCE 1976*** Incredible ABANDONED 1970’s Time Capsule Stuck in Time

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okay so we're going to start off this video for the in the basement for two reasons first one being because Carlo's upstairs I don't want to run into him secondly because the best parts are upstairs I don't want to just jump right into the good stuff and that'd be it not saying the basement's bad but the good stuff's upstairs take my word for it so basement this house was built from the date I was fine and we're able to find 1976. so keep that in mind here's your panel what paneling nice rec room what is that like linoleum as big in the 70s does this blind open it would like if it did that'd be really cool because like it doesn't let in any light it's under the deck I never mind and there's no power these are literally like the excavator is in the driveway right now so don't expect these to be around us longer by time you see this this house will be gone all these old desks like look at the color of it it's just 70s color that's got some use out of it look at this jeez another dark brown shelves AC holy geez is that carpet of the crawl space because it's like a side split so it's got a crawl space look at this carpet cool design the way they got the vent like running under the steps it's a good use of space foreign North would drive copper still in here surprisingly cold cellar that's a storage holy good sump pump down there new sump pumped October 2021 so it's very new the old vacuum another old desk lift up does very cool sorry guys okay so that's the basement and then you see as soon as we get upstairs you have a lot of really cool tile it's like ceramic uh tiles which is really nice what's this oh it's a garage do you see double garage nice imagine the cars that could have been in here that one time you can only imagine what is that concrete yeah it is that house there is also going you can see the excavator there so you know I'm not making up jeez oh my God sorry closet there's upstairs so it's yeah it's a split level house all with light fixture I removed the doors completely probably Salvage operation I would imagine yeah I'll show the inside because it doesn't matter because this is going to be gone by time you see it oh wow look at this bathroom oh my gosh what's up guys that's insane toilet's gone but this tile is just something original doors oak on the her sorry dark wood on the windows a lot of original features definitely still here laundry room yellow that's a color choice washer and dryer are gone this flooring is insanely cool oh my God before we get to that I've always wondered how these blinds open and shut inside the glass is it with this I just pull one of these I do did you just pull this that's so cool and then what you just like tie it around oops look at that that is awesome this would have been chandeliers at one point that is such a cool fireplace I don't know mister I haven't got there yet wow foreign old carpet feeling an older couple probably lived here the entire life of the house and sold it because maybe they didn't need a house this big anymore and we're downsizing that's the vibe I get could be completely wrong though but judging my heart was never updated and it's like completely original I'd say it's probably a one owner type deal definitely untouched this car just went by AMG GTR wow look at this little thing pretty cool kitchen there's a front door jeez e dining room for sure that's really nice you got the things hanging foreign let's go back in here that's weird why they would have the tile like that I really don't like that that's weird definitely an old 70s kitchen is your intercom love these that's that's really cool a lot of cabinet space in here like what you put like wine bottles in there and then probably was a dishwasher there the water's off I'm guessing yeah yeah that's really cool old hanging like ball light that's old and these tiles with the uh art on them they all different not the same geez that's cool they've removed the front door assuming they probably just salvaging that but by the time you see this this will be gone I'm sure so don't really care if you see too much of the out front area this is just a little guys a little front closet let's go see what's going on up here still the old original railing and everything nothing's been changed in here oh wow I'm seeing some pretty neat wallpaper let's go back here and work our way to the front oh my gosh look at this oh my gosh that's incredible what's up guys that's nuts oh my God look at these tiles cabinets are original wow these light fixtures are definitely old 70s lights like that's crazy cool master bedroom with a little ensuite for sure nothing too crazy in here but that's awesome that bathroom um I'm gonna guess this is just a closet yeah big walk-in closet it's got that old musty smell oh [Music] look at this wallpaper Wonderland my gosh that's amazing pink Valance not quite shag carpet but very puffy carpet they glue the attic shut okay yeah no power close it oh my God another bathroom that is just unreal this tile work that is so trippy oh there's even like a pattern on the countertop this is cool it's like the newest thing I've seen in here is this light fixture that's like the only thing that I've seen that was replaced holy cabinets there closet and then in here you've got all of your uh in your tub and your toilet I imagine the toilet was probably to match the tub at one point but that looks newer that's crazy cool wow another closet there's so many closets in this house what the heck wow Green carpet and I'm gonna put this vent back in place Green carpet pink walls with like this like lower area of what is that ribbons that is so cool wow a pretty good sized closet closet and some more just unreal wallpaper so cool light fixtures are all gone into the bedrooms look at the old stickers cat oh I got like the stars and all the space stuff that would glow in the dark awesome pretty cool spot look at that light switch that's pretty cool jeez another intercom there I didn't even notice that that's insane I think that's it so I'm gonna go do some pictures before it gets too dark it's the sun's starting to set and then obviously I'll see you guys out in the outro so um yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this video this has been uh quite the place so uh okay guys that's it for this one we're gonna go to the next one now um it may be added into this video depending on how it is if it's good then we're probably gonna make it its own video but if it's not as great we're gonna throw it into this one so either way I'll catch you guys in the next adventure if you like this hit like leave a comment down below hit subscribe if you haven't yet I'll catch you guys in the next one peace okay guys so we're gonna head over to the next one oh yeah excavators rip through here there it is there's the side of it wide open another really cool fireplace so I don't think it's as cool as the other one but maybe with the right flooring this would have been cooler this one does look like it's had some updates I love brick Arch stuff anyways this is awesome not gonna sit here and try and downplay it is not being cool when it is proper wood burning fireplace kind of that electric crap it's a little dark in here see if we can work some magic with the old uh twisty stick here didn't really do anything but two-car garage same idea as the other one pretty cool again with the same thing I'll be either spend some nice cars in here and it's time but there doesn't seem to be anything too exciting in here trying to see if we can find something but I don't really see anything screen door takes you in here let's go to the downstairs while we're here holy crap look at the bar that's killer the other house did not have a bar or if it did it was removed but I doubt it was removed because the whole thing seemed pretty original orange bar what's up guys we'll come back to that let's just get this here a little storage area out of the way like I said I don't think this one's going to be nearly as long as the other one looks pretty unfinished or sorry rather unfinished I'm saying what I'm seeing in front of me uh it looks pretty more modernized but I could be wrong I have not been upstairs yet so I'm just judging based upon what I've seen this is cool man I love houses like this cold cellar washer and dryer yeah what's the temperature in here boot 17 18 Celsius which is about 65 Fahrenheit for you American viewers nice big rec room tile oak or Oak no Oak just wood paneling and then what's this this is your uh I think this is perfect just the panel there you go there's your panel the bar is pretty pretty cool eh that makes this video this part of that was pretty good Isn't that cool this house is kind of blah yeah but I haven't been upstairs yet now we've been in basement showing its age this is division so much better than this in this house in the whole house itself good to know good good to know this bathroom's cool wow look at the tile that's awesome yeah the basement it definitely shows its age a lot more what's up guys trippy tile I can't already have a shower in there it's so trippy on the eyes or maybe it isn't I don't know what's this crawl space I hate crawl space it's so creepy maybe it's just because I'm tall and I don't fit in them I bet you that's why I think it's weird it ripped all that out the old doors that would have been on the doorway there some funky tile yes because that's where a fork goes in the basement laundry sink I might foreign let's go top floor first save the main floor last pretty plain compared to the other bedrooms in the other house then again it could be wallpapers painted over I bet you that's what it is because they're both built by the same Builder I guarantee you it was the same same idea as the other one modern light fixture just normal hardwood floors no funky carpet yeah not a whole lot going on in here master bedroom I'm assuming it's pretty big or the master was at the back of the other one but this is facing the front it's your closet right off the master oh it's hot in here oh cool bathroom purple tiles are cool there's a purple bidet nothing crazy but it's cool it is okay there's nothing going on up here front door no yeah front door of course I'm gonna push that neighbor was out front if you're wondering what Carlos asking about it yeah nothing really going on in here too crazy there's like a star on the ceiling that's kind of cool but other than that guys that's there's the uh dining room that's kind of cool but kitchen's pretty boring this island is looks like it's going to be removed which is cool um yeah pretty boring kitchen to be honest like it's modern uh yeah oh the intercom's still there that's kind of neat same one as that was over there I think does that move these oh there you go that's cool but that's about it not nearly as exciting as the other one but uh figured we'd throw it in with the other one so I think that's everything um what's this it was just a closet isn't it yeah it's just bad okay all right well I think that's about it guys hey guys so here's the exterior that I'm going to show you because by the time you see this these won't exist so you can see they're clearing out the yard the back of that the boring one and then the back of the good one there you go pool no it's a garden I think it's a garden and it was a pool originally or something I don't know oh is that an outdoor fireplace yeah it is neat deck we don't need to go up there and there's your uh your shed as far as I didn't take that these are expensive but uh yeah there you go
Channel: Ethan Minnie
Views: 19,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SWXNuTfdybg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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