Exploiting The Life Out Of The Game To Get The Obliterator And Ruin Everything in Forager

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oh you could really destroy like anything anything did I solve this puzzle before I destroyed that this is gonna be fun old man well now I'm gonna say it the obliterator isn't worth the money you know what I get it I'm getting a lot of experience but I would like to see the game again I can't even tell what it is I'm killing anymore not that it really matters step number one today turn the volume down even further because Mining rods are driving me insane then we're actually gonna change our appearance not that there's anything wrong with the way I look we're just not really coordinated don't we have a lot of choices like a lot of choices now this is very but all I can think is butterfly and you know what there's so much going on on screen I'm just gonna leave it very basic now how much time is this going to take we're actually already a lot closer than I thought it would be it's simply a matter of making as much electronics and fiberglass as you possibly can thanks to my minor automation project yesterday we're up to 850 for bottled oil we can get that turns into a lot of plastic but still not enough definitely to borrow a robot to take care of that into things one thing I never seem to have enough of is sand which I need for glass like that we can already make over 2,000 of them and thanks to my little furnace setup from the other day these are gonna be done really fast well we can all agree that I'm a very busy person so that's not fast enough for me I have no idea how that works or how big that radius is but that sounds very helpful for gathering sand these definitely aren't too bad to build and I understand we multiply the effect the radius isn't bad it's really just matter of deciding where to put these I think I'm actually in a stack of them right here that way I can shovel up all these islands right here again and again and again for maximum sand before we do anything can we get our hands on any handy perks that might help this process it's actually hard to say considering I don't really know what it is we're doing so we'll get these then we're gonna need to remove some of my hard-earned would let you do for now hoping I can squeeze a lighthouse into that little gap and we can perfect all right it's hard to see the radius but it basically covers well it doesn't really matter when it covers that's where it's going now anything mined in this area between the two lighthouses shield extra extra materials which basically looks something like that there's no way to actually tell but I'm assuming it works we can also be expanding the size of the islands therefore more sand to mind we get a hundred one more crown spaces and that's gonna be tons of sand and luckily the market is things like a hundred extra 200 extra sand is waiting for me I can already feel something going terribly wrong my ideas never really work out that smoothly or efficiently but this one so far seems pretty bulletproof still really don't cost anything at all to build certainly less than whatever I spilled in the other day mining Roth certainly add up very quick the thing I don't like about lighthouses is you can't see past them look how big they are now what was that other little thing we had these sir cheap enough to build I believe these just automatically attack enemies so have at her yup that seems to work pretty nicely I'm just gonna lay these on skeleton Islands there's not really any benefit to this right now it's a little bit of extra experience and just kind of fun to watch but when I want to kill skeletons all I need to do is go like that I might just add some of those ballistas down here just to keep the skeleton numbers down because the game at some point is gonna start to slow down these are so cheap to build it like how could I really resist there is I don't know five or six what does let those go I really gotta remember to keep up on bottle production it's one thing I keep forgetting to do and thanks to idiots dicks second Factory down here we can get rolling on some other stuff more electronics another 8 we're that much closer you know what I still watches one more of these over here on the side help clear the skeletons out of my way also at least for now before I start digging I'm gonna drink our lucky potions which helps me find rare items while I'm doing this which includes plastic which is very important if I can be finding extra extra plastic while I'm digging well which is that much further ahead here we go extra extra extra material as I'm seeing stacks of like hundreds of things come up all at once 259 stone 260 sand and I've only mined a little girl yeah the lighthouse is Right great alright so now it's really just a matter of figuring out how many lighthouses I can squeeze in everywhere and the best way to mine it I do need to add more land all around here to get those extra spots just like that there's a little bit of extra pineapple land which turns into hundreds of thousands of sounds over time before we let that potion run down too much more again let's do some more digging and find what incredible amount of resources we're about to find I'm starting to hate these lighthouses just for the fact you can't see past them and try to remove one single board and can't do it and the sound of those mining rods just gets better and better and better as the hours pass already we've actually got so much plastic that we can almost get enough electronics royal steel is actually a limiting factor right now so how many of these can we make right now 100 you too with no doubt steel being the limiting factor of that luckily we can make about 800 of those because that's all we did last time and boy that was so much fun that I've been crying myself to sleep ever since sand production seems up to par so far I can already get another 3,000 glass and we're still going strong 4,000 and 5,000 that's probably enough for now look at all the slimes why do so many more today and already enough for another 440 bottles so it won't actually be that bad to get the obliterator at this point and the overlap of all those lighthouses and everything is actually what's giving everything is red haze it feels really weird to look at look at the size of these stacks I'm digging up we're getting two thousand at a time five hundred at a time this is too easy now and you know what those ballistas I got there killing skeletons so fast that is giving me unlimited energy because I get energy every time they get killed and apparently I have whatever this guy wants well good thank you so much I probably should have paid attention to what he wanted I might have needed that you saved a life today son well I saved one but I took a few others be proud of yourself and be proud of your poop oh is that what you wanted I'm okay with that every MPC quest don't don't tell anyone I did that that's not really a thing of mine and what skill do we possibly want this time someone before said bows and arrows are really overpowered and fun no no no no every NPC quest is done you don't get a request did you just drop stuff for me now nope there we go what's red and bad for your teeth lava a brick not as bad as lava yeah this one's on me a brick well to be fair I would drop them in a volcano if I could right now I think this is the point where I've officially broken the game cuz I can do whatever I want gather so many resources that it's absurd look at how many are sitting on the ground there's almost 300 leather that I just dug up look at that stack there's 2,000 amethyst and if I was really not correctly a billion billion plastics so thanks to those lighthouses in my digging I now own 3300 plastics so the sand in the bottle doesn't really even matter anymore at this point and we're getting ever closer to our goal how many more electronics can we make right now still waiting a lot of Royal Steel but we're actually halfway with our other stuff suddenly so great not sure where we're getting all that material from but I'm not gonna ask questions yep those lighthouses are way over powered suddenly I can make 714 royal clothing like just that's because I really wish it was a way to disable the radius thing no it gets so annoying to pay for red haze all the time but you know what since we got 5 more minutes of my lucky potion let's dig up a billion other things just because we can in the dark of the area is the more material we're gonna get I just dug up 2,000 plastic all the ones but you know what while we're waiting for everything to do its thing short bow I think I can spare that though I'm actually pretty close on the thread which is surprising why do we not have billions and billions of thread right now that was quick probably thanks to power plants shoots arrows from your inventory hold down to attack and rod release to shoot okay if I could find something to shoot that isn't already being obliterated that would be fine no matter arrows anyway I guess I can pretend what do I do with all my arrows and more bombs Iren is actually a limiting factor there we need more iron Hey look all structures work places fast production I can't see any more but it's worth it alright that's pretty annoying skull bow iron leather bone got it and we connect you to sit here and watch a countdown thanks to all this power plants I always now burn the targets well that sounds fun what else we got crystal bow yep good enough arrows now please targets wait so did it not burn anymore do they burn do they freeze do they do both so many questions how do we make arrows by the way arrows are pretty straightforward what were you book goes after fiberglass royal steel yeah that's all fine I'm pretty sure I recreated those ingredients while I was using them to build this one I always now explode on hit so is that different than burning until they still freeze I have a lot of questions well here's some arrows I don't even have a chance to play the game anymore just walk around and everything dies before I even get close to them oh the blisters got upgraded to you that's why everything's doing that and I think you're also eating up my arrows as quick as I can make them but that's fine I even managed to level up thanks to everything going on but I mean look at everything going on that sound we've really got to do something about that sound so much quieter alright what more can we do to be overpowered lighten enemies drop coins I really couldn't care less about money right now because it looks like I have five hundred sixty thousand and nothing to buy with it anyway what I did want to check while I was down here all structures produce twice as fast instantly spawned a bunch of taking spots well let's go for the double thing again look how close we are though we own 89 electronics so we make another 11 that's enough then we just have to worry about fiberglass and I really hope I've already got everything I need in the furnaces and everything because I'm not sorting through that right now I forgot a solo an upgrade thick tycoon wallet it does eat up some fiberglass everything else is fine you know what that's fine it was quick Oh collect every accessory I guess that was it coins are worth 150% more I know it's a little bit hard to see right now but we're gonna collect our banks because well might as well we're at five hundred and sixty one thousand something like that and after I think collecting all the banks we're up to I don't know what that number is anymore seven something a million thing it just it just doesn't really matter at this point I'm really decision to markets to buy stuff that I need four bundles another robot how lucky 42,000 not sure I can afford that now I just collected some stuff if the milks where am I gonna give 50 milks from I guess I could bottle 50 cows and then this one's done well this isn't gonna be fun but I'm gonna go bottle a whole bunch of cows cows how does this work I can't even see what I'm doing anymore did that give me milk that give me milk Here I am at the verge of the obliterator and I'm running around milking cows we're always thinking I was out of bottles there is 1500 if you milk the same cab multiple times at poor cow I don't know if that's working or not now is the time and I'm not gonna be able to find any cows I am actually up to 34 milks I'm not sure if that's working no that's actually working you can just note the same cow continually well that was about 4,000 percent less painful than I thought it was going to be one milk fifty milks farming bundle let me guess a sparrow dorbz original luckily surprisingly close considering haven't been trying that hard only seven more perks to go so um this is a thing so if I go like this in a gem that's a perk 20 for energy it's just really expensive food so cool resources drop double items well that gives me an idea let's go shovel up some more crap don't forget lucky lucky is very important oh right see if we're gonna find any resources while we're doing this you know again this stacks of thousands of whatever it is I'm picking up no problem if the protection of everything at this point is just absolutely absurd still can only make 25 fiberglass though which is gonna bring us about halfway there if we can make more royal clothing though we'll be alright well there's a full stack I'm not sure that's my quickest loom whatever that's called this one's going anyway with another full stack so it's just the waiting game no what are the east cost I don't have those things or a spirit orb though I only need to bottle fairies I'll get one to go please and what are you there we go now one of these how long do these take that is bottle two of them where'd they go did I not maybe a pressed on button okay there we go now I've got some they seem to be showing up an absolute drove so there there is five it was literally that easy now give me my magic cheater orb oh it's done already I was expecting her to be a pronouncement that was level 60 and I've got an idea I've noticed you can get this perk capitalism gain XP when selling items well guess what I have hundreds of thousands of so Ernie I'm about 1/3 of the way up to level 61 if I sell say 10,000 cactuses what does that do for me doesn't really move me very far probably earned some money doing that at the very least but again I just don't care and what's going on with my hotbar it's escaping off this screen look how close we are 167 29 to craft that leaves us for short but then again it probably doesn't because we often get double items oh this is when I can buy I wonder if I have a stack of anything valuable enough that I can just sell it and double up with it looks like sand might be a candidate 237,000 sand and we started out with basically nothing so currently we're just past 260 in level 60 237,000 sand yep actually leveled me up that basically gave me a full level just from sand I can level up the rest of the way just mining sand oh and I guess now we finally hit the millionaire mark so great I think the best way to utilize lighthouses would be to have them surrounding an island that way the effect area in between because when to get marry like that there's just so many resources it's ridiculous after circling the lighthouses once we're back up to 45,000 sand what about 168,000 sand is that enough to level me up no but it's awfully awfully close well there was ever 62 I was just kind of wandering around waiting might as well just because we can allow it's called instamorph steel into gems know that the factories freed up again do we have enough we do have enough one obliterator coming up and I'm gonna sit here and wait there it is use it to destroy anything I can think of an old person he's gonna be the test subject and it looks like this oh it even destroys the ground so more lighthouses potentially well you can really destroy like anything anything except for this but I solve this puzzle before I destroyed that it doesn't matter this is gonna be fun old man well now I'm gonna say it obliterates isn't worth the money hey that's a nice factory you got would be shame if someone obliterated it alright this thing's got bad you kind of got to be careful how you use obliterator though you'll be destroying something and then destroy the ground under it too like that and it works really fast what did this thing to you again there's one max harperman alien crease max damage by one great that'll help me destroy it someone like me should never have an item this powerful ever well since we know the power to do so and I need to do something constructive with this obliterator rather than destructive we're going to place a few more lighthouses and if I'm understanding these correctly how they work every lighthouse boost things by 50% so one more I was supposed 50% even further than now and one more 50% more from that so one there and one there what if when there would reach over probably what if we put one there we're gonna do that you know what we might even put a few there we go I don't know that's 1012 lighthouses and we still get our lucky stuff going on so let's kind of see what we can get out of this keep in mind Kearney we have no sand on us what I'm gonna do is shovel around make one pass essentially inside and out of the lighthouses and we're going to see how many materials we get out of that in particular the sand because that seems to be what we get the most of and I can use it to level up and we'll wreck away back again a little bit this isn't the best radius up here but still pretty good we've got to take advantage to those lighthouses all weekend I think I must have grabbed all of it it's really hard to see but how many do we have nine hundred and thirty six thousand sand we just got 1 million sand from that and I'm pretty sure a lot of other stuff that we really didn't need at this point so there we go that was two levels we're almost maxed level basically thanks to just that and I've interrupt a 5.4 million gold alright obliterator get to work I like wait doesn't even drill with it he just swings it works I forgot about that yeah this is why shouldn't have an obliterator from this point I could really only do more harm than good since you're this close we might as well would you never go to more luck potion shovel one more time and bring us up to max level the only question now is did we break a million on that circuit no considerably less still five hundred and fifty thousand which is more than enough to get us to level up and that will get us all the skills we need I'm not actually sure if that's a max level but that is the rest of the skills and look how far we've come from the beginning one of the very first parts you can unlock his economy instantly gained 40 coins that's a lot of coins in the beginning learn every skill you get a penguin as a reward okay so what's next
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 863,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: df, dangerouslyfunny, dangerously funny, dangerously, funny, pc, gameplay, forager, forager gameplay, forager endgame, forager obliterator
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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