EXPLODING SLIMES!!! Slime Rancher - Part 3

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hey gamers I am back with some more sly wrenches I'm so excited to be back a little old lava slime Mack miss Lyman thing and then there's this green slimes with a force field around okay here we go [Music] yeah hello little boy oh hey you got Oh Bert all right so I've an idea for what we're doing it today guys sir I figured out we need water for this to grow of course so we can adds the sprinkler that's 500 coins but I'll check out how much the upgrade is from a tink water tank 350 I can get that easily but then there's a jetpack I'm gonna go get the jetpack first then I'll get the water tanks step is there any plots in here you guys okay mom what what else can you guarantee I actually have my iPad here so I can look up some tips and stuff cuz I know I now know how to get a slime key so I can go to that place where those feral slimes were and I can go through the gates and see what is on the other side so food oh look at all this plots my goodness that was amazing all right there you go be free I just love that be free what's that oh email from or Alden Ortiz you guys just eat oh cars yes all right sir you guys can just go Union and union yum yum yum oh sorry I'm actually gonna take off no not by all the so cute but the hen heads and honey come on where are you because if you have at least like a lot of hen hens and a couple of roosters I think that might be what they're called um if you have those then you're good and there's this tabby cat Largo somewhere out at that practice it's over it was where that cave was it's not a pear is it hey Dex now this is where the water source is and also figured out how to make and stop the tar monsters the wilderness though eating the other cute are you guys okay are you feral oh yeah get your feral bites but um I found out how to defeat the tar monsters they were eating then these poor little slime I will save you so let's go take a look at the email all right sweet those are like literally they've grown they're good oh this is amazing I've never had so much Pogo fruit Oh I've - let's see oh my gosh you can only have 10 see okay and then carrots oh wow nice amazing still growing what well isn't it this actually sells a mother oh this is this looks better and cooler alright let's quickly just go I'm no no no no wasn't there another portal just escaped it would never skip me sir we have 466 and the Pogo fruit and the head hens Pogo fruit I think what we'll do is feed how you guys okay so we need to feed largos in order to get the slime key it was the tapi logger oh that's a pinky tabby Largo what's up here is this the lab allows you to begin your career as an amateur unlicensed unlicensed slime scientist it's an expansion to the ranks the houses the barn containing Hobson's old slime science work filled once and lots to the lab which allow you to fight crime dozens of useful gadgets using slime science that is so cool AHA when it says steep drop YUM sir we'll put the make what was it when you did the jetpack yeah what else is there actually have a cool and the tank booster we want up we got the complete got the completely wrong thing amazing but we can get some water where's the water song there was one like this no wait if I step on one what happens absolutely okay first I'm gonna step on one okay we're gonna step on this one I want a really is okay oh it's fine it's fine I thought it like exploded or something I was going to be like no um what the sauce water sauce aha wait I heard I heard one oh no that's just the waves what is that well it's like this huge slime oh my god I'm going to take a look at that but first I will use that always a flashlight whoa that is so awesome alright then its water cool and then if I just go whoa awesome so that can actually make them happy so if I go like them so where's some just go I'm just gonna go little a little a little bit whoa AAA but braaap braap you okay you're good bro so what we'll do is we will go over to this place this is I don't know that if but okay sir the good this way I'm going someone new who are you your big fatty oh you're a gold Oh Sam bigger it's getting huge oh gosh wait what you just display exploded that doesn't happen what is this well it was like Oh head head radish what is this mother hen name what it's a slime key sweet okay uh so that's what happens where is this mushrooms guys that was so cool give it a diploma hey you guys can just do it you guys are staying here I've got some water for you oh they all sound so pure and happy and alright so let's go to the place where the slime key was needed I have a feeling there's gonna be some really cool slimes out tonight it's like is it this way it might be this way yes this way this way this way oh whoa whoa whoa guys guys I've got some fruit I have some fruit I have some fruit jeez no tar for you hey you guys okay oh you're scared oh oh yes it was it let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go guys are you ready boom open says me ah whoa what does it say where we are still on the dry reef but this is a completely new location mine all mine the indigo quarry all that remains of our mining projects that quickly went burst wow this is so cool I was like I was always happiest when I was by my lonesome places like this old quarry really suited me nice and quiet and mostly empty so I figured little a from afar file Ranger suit me just as well well when you know it I came all this way in the first person I see well chains to us all things I guess quite wasn't good anymore I like to laugh oh that's so cute oh no way guys look at these dudes oh so special amazing this place is so vast and just look at the nail in a minute whoa bro your pink bike whenever I hate whenever I hear that music I don't know that there is top monster somewhere whoa wait whoa brah pink boom Lago guys guys Dona I'm gonna always season wow this is so cool purple and this is a treasure Polly's locked I still don't know how to unlock the treasure pots I don't see what's in here whoa oh it's another one of the big Gordo's that's so cool what is this oh it's a new map location the indigo quarry and there's two slime keys here it says and I found one of the guys who all have one of them Uther handler you just standing there so happy you're gonna get bigger and bigger my friend bigger and bigger I was guessing more food for the dude oh it's those things oh it's like a fanboy what are you rad slime loves veggies it's ready it's a suit lovely it makes it sick and the boobs drive out all the hurts search carefully signs have been known to export boom oh no it makes you wait when you go inside but they make you sick oh it's radiation that's cool Gani food this is what's the I whoa what bra bra bra bra okay got a chin all right okay what's the chicken the chicken what a chicken it says diet everything oh whoa look at this thick plots boom what are you hello there not a puddle wart what are you puddling keep wondering your boot and your always stay cool but it's weird hello everyone I'm actually gonna just keep a couple of you here one of you because I think the guy that I'm taking should have a bit should have a friend I used to cut me and when I needed a good soak it's a great way to clear your head sometimes it's got to put all slime flushing it can never tell it was because I was in my bathing suit or not Wow oh is it another one of those what is this I'm checking it out even if it says a danger sign oh it is quite dangerous you need the jet pack here eh so you need the jet pack to get over there let me just look at that and then is huge it's huge right you know what in the world of like it's a logger but it's the radiation Largo you okay you and you good bro you good bro oh it takes away their radiation for a little bit so if I threw that it takes me there right just take away just take it away forever no I can't because it's still the bad thing anybody's almost dangerous that's good alright so we've explored here and we haven't got a I waited water work on the dude oh there's another treasure pot now what does it work on you okay okay I don't think we need a do we need a boom I don't think we do because there's loads of booms here he though be free be free oh wow oh all right what's hey I know it's a pig can we get up here oh yeah we can whoa it's loads of stuff this is an amazing place whoa guys okay did you see how fast I went down that well if you got head hair heartbeat if you if you listen to it close you can faintly hear a veggie heart beat Oh Mike holy moley he's huge Oh admit there was a talk no way rock lava look at all these largos what's the time what's the time there's not too tired something scared me okay this is Todd there's a toddler sitar there's a top no no you might be might lead up you know you can also just suck them up and just plop them in the lava okay we're good we're good we're good whoa phosphor that's just impossible I don't need you guys I'm sorry I'll leave you here don't worry wait a minute wait a second a no heartbeat no quick real quick I need those chickens give me the chickens no nope okay those are my chickens I know I know no no oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh why bro bro what are you doing oh gosh get out of here it was still just bouncing there just doing whatever he wanted you're gonna become one staring at it so cool all right stop it Hey bad boy bad boy gosh hey wait wait stop it you're a naughty boy naughty boy all right so we have a heartbeat we have a head hang um does he like the hen hen I think it says he likes everything is that right oh it's only a veggie so if I give you that you just be like hurting dope so I need to get some more food for you so I'm going to head home she's this way isn't it though it isn't it isn't it isn't it isn't I lost my way home can i teleport home now no all right sir it's this way wait wait if I look on my map yeah boy the right way is that a hen head is that a head I CNN hello hen hen assuming it's my vacuum thing I see home oh yes I feel good so we get if we empty the water just out on these wonderfully [Applause] okay now that sir if we go up here to rad slimes we need to meet buy a lot of stuff so you guys do you guys want we need a storage place uh-huh so much stuff so we'll get a silo that's four or 450 oh we can put the puddle slimes in here there you go guys hope you enjoy your little time there on the rad slimes you guys can go here here and here can we actually make high walls wait no this is a coop not these oh this is a cool run place / okay so this is where the head hens go oh gosh no no no a a bad boy you go in that hay and you alright lots more food Oh sir just eat that I'll take the plots you can have one more if you want good boy I'll take this carrot instead so what we'll do is we will sell this plot all right how much can be but no we can't buy those can we and this is resources loads of resources it's the stony hand so many branch and world the slime scene similarly a mixture of water and slime whoa cool what do not enter the slime see it says I won't why can't we get more books that ok so I'll leave these here and what I'll do actually is I'll get these ah yes ok 17 and then what we'll do is can I just like its then morn here all right so let's go over - wait what's this oh no good so we'll go to the big fat see the Gordo I think it's called the Bordeaux legend la gorda 3rd all need those no guys you can take those ah whoa anything lately forgot about that completely forgot about it so we got slimes over there and that should probably explore should we go to the place where it said like simply kind of how do you say like danger don't go here let's go there let's go to her where I said don't go of course logic what's this well good this way and then I'll see it can I actually get there oh yeah okay can i oh no I can't brah why is happening there's just like a ding ding ding shine what wait all right oh yeah oh it's another danger place oh gosh oh geez oh gosh do you guys not rush through rush through no it's the stony hands though make our way back okay let's go gosh I love in a world so how do we get that no car I think we're at the wrong place yeah okay how do we get to the you can go over that okay loads of places you can go loads so we've been over there where was it I'm trying to think I think it might I don't know whether it's this way but we art we actually do need to go this way so just really literally just run through you'll be fine and then go through here and he's literally going to be this way oh gosh no what oh okay stop it gee it's like whenever I come here this is a huge tossing all right then hello I'm got the bull for you we're gonna go big and strong alright then what's this one and then where is it is it behind your something what always only a veggies vegetarian oh you can't admit hey why let's go through here get some carrots if they've not already eating them well in no way oh my gosh it's a rooster it's a river stunt sorry guys wrist up rooster owes dresses stuff like it's the king of the coop oh all right then I'm fading my way I once I go take a look at my tips in a minute sir okay so make a coop early on and get two roosters from the mix of hens oh wait you will need meat to feed the kitty Largo that is covering up a fast track fast travel telepods it's helipad sweet so girls get back home I would like to see this telepods and also the kidney there's actually carrots back at house the ranch and I can also get and all except the male actually get some carrots right now sweet we probably don't need much but I'm just taking something if I want to feed some of those slimes that just get really angry with me and you guys you guys deserve some food so it's all of you here's a rooster for you right wait the Roosters TrueType is me oh no that's what it is nobody eats is one of this meat let's go home all right what's a star mail I okay hiya Beatrix the name's Ogden Ortiz I'm a slime rancher much like yourself but I'm mostly but I'm Ursula France myself as a farmer I came to the far far range to her fruits and veggies the way we used to back on earth by getting down into the soil and guessing your hands dirty you know the carrots improve your night vision cool so yeah it seriously they do those new Y ranches are just gobbling down every chance they get be lost out on the range at nights can be so dangerous all right well though let me ramble on you ramble on your hair we'll be in touch via the range exchange I tend to only race slimes the influence and veggies so expect those kind of requests from me looking forward to doing business with you oh oh ever heard of the gut pile the ginger it's a mythical veggie they sent me the favor of the equally mythical gold slime but some say that neither of them actually exists I think it does I'm sleeping till morning you
Channel: EthanGamer
Views: 2,183,391
Rating: 4.7387199 out of 5
Keywords: ethan gamer tv, ethangamertv, ethangamer, ethan gamer, egtv, family friendly, let's play, gameplay, video games
Id: cFW0tTL-kXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2017
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