Pattern Palace! Number Fun! Numberblocks Episodes! Learn to count!

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thank you for coming to play my big new game huh I'll roll the dice to start my friends this game is called how many tens [Applause] [Music] six times 10 equals 16 I am 16 here to play with 60 spots hip-hip-hooray 66 lots of 10 is a new high score I'm 6/10 we can dice I'm sure you'll see that dice again this calls for another 10 [Music] seven times 10 equals 70 I am 70 you lucky numbers as luck would have it I'm 7/10 so I'm also it's way over there but how can we get it back again luck is in the air tonight here comes another 10 eight times 10 equals a change I am eight a super octave not to the rescue Oh secretly I'm 8/10 but this is a job for ten days Optimus assemble Roboto block forward [Music] die nacht o clock smash a tease the biggest hero of all oh there's always someone bigger look up in the sky it's nineties I AMThe I say you won't believe your eyes oh you a square or not I can tell this grid is ten blocks by ten blocks but I am one column shorts oh one row by the way I'm not all square aah and now are you vanishing trick what have we got here 20:49 T's got the highest score but I wonder how long for hello what are you up to hello zero today's the big one I'm going to count higher than I've ever counted before I've got a fantastic flippers like this one Ted's whole towers like that one these rings that looks fun can I have a go I was counting on it there's a flipper here with your number on then let's go for rings great but we need to go fast so we reached the last tower in time to catch this [Music] [Music] 14 15 16 17 19 20 we're going to make so many new friends today 6 7 8 9 everybody flipper it's rectangular 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 [Music] 153 57 59 60 racing through the sky this high rollaz gonna fly we're going over the I don't like the look of those clouds [Music] nearly there no time to spare this should do the trick 41 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 Oh 99 100 I am 110 lots of 10 on top of the world now how do I get down again a parachute 100 is hello 1 you're so big yes little one I'm a big number but I wouldn't be here at all if it weren't for you look how far we've come remember when there was only one then 10 ones made 110 with a 1 and a 0 now we've reached a new place a place of possibilities a new friend a new face and the brand new kind of here I really really really big I am gigantic did I mention I was me I would the street no one hears as tall as me cuz I'm big I'm really very big what - oh babe you need a quicker way to count if you count ten tens one ten at a time you reach the right amount 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 [Music] I'm 10 by 10 that makes me square he's impressive now I noticed that you squared 1 4 9 16 25 you know when all the squares arrive cuz I'm square I'm one big massive square [Music] [Music] you can't see a hundred times the size [Music] I'm one with you it takes a hundred ones to make one me I won't make fun of you I'm not done with you inside I'm just like anyone you see but I'm [Applause] [Music] I'm really really somewhat big I'm tremendous tremendous I'm proud that I'm so big you'll see ten ten sweet life I can repeat shooting that's big unquestionably big I'm bigger cuz I've got three fingers my Ciro's might give you a clue is this the start of something you [Music] I'll be I'm really really really big I'm a landmark you can't miss me I'm that big and when you're 99 plus one I'm busy I'm really really really [Music] [Music] hello one hello ten hello 100 sit see it ones place tens place hundreds place many stars there must be a hundred of them though there are many more than that and how would that look think think big this is a good night for big 102 103 oh we can add tens 110 120 130 tens hundreds 100 hundred number I can think of but there must be bigger numbers because we could always add more boats so what's bigger than 999 think about it this way let's start with you one one block now ten of you ten ones what's that now let's have ten tens what's that 100 now look like a giant me Wow I can't wait to meet you 1000 there are so many fake thoughts buzzing in my head I'll never get to sleep 1000 that's not even [Music] I never knew there was a number so big and you can always can think of bigger and bigger numbers because numbers go on forever [Music] we've had such a lot of big adventures and everyone has played their part no it's time to take your turn you'll be happy to learn this is not the end [Music] there's so much more to explore you can take a look [Music] [Music] [Music] it's the next one in line seven toll by seven White is 49 and I bet you can guess the very next one is mine watch me [Music] there's so much more to explore hope the doctor potato prints and patterns [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's so much [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Views: 113,410,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: numberblocks, number blocks, learn to count, learn counting, cbeebies, numberblocks full episodes, numbers, learn numbers, numberblocks episode, numbers for kids, numberblock 100, one hundred, number 100, new numberblocks 21, skills and tricks, land of giants, great expectations, three dimensional, summer block party, party of six, Weโ€™re going On a Square Hunt, seven fluffies vs octoblock, artistic numbers, 5 new numberblocks episodes, under the radar
Id: 2oJA0C5Qd74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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