Explicit Torture Footage (Not for the Faint Of Heart)

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hello everyone and welcome to a very important game from round seven of the usgs championship it's fabiana carwana versus ray robson and it's a very important game for many reasons uh for fobby it's because he already lost two games so he took a real beating on his classical rating but also on his chances to actually contend for the first prize in the usgs championship and for ray robson uh who so far has not lost a single game he's doing excellent and a draw or win against fabio would definitely propel him towards uh winning winning the whole thing so let's see uh what happened here as the game is uh quite a lot to take in uh so fabi with the white pieces opens with c4 he goes for the english opening with e5 by robson knight to c3 knight to f6 and now g3 going for the carl's bremen system and now bishop to b4 attacking the knight here this missile of um uh variation we have e4 we had this position quite a lot lately so of course you guys already know that grabbing this pawn doesn't really do anything so black just continues development knight to c6 bishop to g2 and d6 now uh we have h3 h3 is very rare here usually in just knight g to e2 is played but here h3 very rare from fabi yeah bishop to e6 continuing development putting pressure on this pawn and d3 nicely defending this spawn and now castles here is a known move but uh robson goes for knight to d7 and it is already as of move seven that we have a completely new game so he's saying to fabi i'm ready to play f5 uh open up the position and it's gonna be um uh it's gonna be a crazy game uh fabi says all right let's see it he plays knight to e2 prepares the castle at the safety and now f5 so what do you do here well fab just castles he doesn't mind uh black capturing or pushing the pawn doesn't really do anything uh for example if we we could even sacrifice a pawn here to kind of open up the white king but we don't have any anything to attack the white king with and it's uh it's a very important pawn that we've just uh thrown away basically because we don't want to allow f5 uh f5 we don't want to capture here and allow knight captures on f4 then the bishop will be hanging so maybe not the the greatest of ideas so here uh robson just castles and fabi now pushes f4 himself we have bishop captures on c3 now this bishop is no longer very useful the king is not on e1 so it's not even pinning the knight and all of our pawns are in dark squares so here bishop captures on c3 we have knight captures on c3 and now f captures an e4 and it's always a question whether to capture or not maybe you could improve the position with knight to c5 put some pressure on blacks and whites position uh but okay here we have f captures on e4 knight captures an e4 now fabi improved the position of his knight and the h6 taking away the g5 square from the white knight we have g4 by fabi now maybe getting ready to push this pawn all the way to f5 and orozo now trades on f4 we have pawn captures bishop captures and now d5 and here black can be very happy he got rid of everything he almost completely developed and he has a very very enjoyable position the white king is uh somewhat open so we'll see what happens however you do not want to trade down too much because white still has the bishop pair so c captures bishop captures and now queen to d2 connecting the rooks developing the queen knight to d4 and now rook 8 to e1 and fabi's pieces are now fully mobilized we have knight to e6 going after this bishop and of course fabi saves it bishop the g3 now it's a question whether black should consider c6 right away as you do not want this c7 pawn to remain a target forever but first he goes for rook captures on f1 check rook captures and now knight d the c5 uh putting more pressure on the knight here and here you could uh consider something like knight captures knight captures and rook to f5 you could force some trades this way for example bishop captures king captures or rather even queen captures and you'd get this position and it seems that the white uh is not to be preferred here because you have uh well such a loose king and the queens are still on the board uh but it's actually uh a very enjoyable position for white you're attacking um a lot you're putting a lot of pressure on the queen side here and your rook is already developed unlike black's rook that's not developed and the d3 pawn is of course off limits if you capture it just rook d5 hangs the knight and if you try something like queen captures of course this hangs the knight here uh for example queen captures on d3 rook captures on c5 and it seems like you can win the rook back for example queen d4 check but bishop f2 saves our rook so it's a very tricky position whether you should go for it or not fabi decides to go for for queen to c3 it ensures more trades and trades are what he's looking for uh so knight captures on e4 d captures on e4 now fabi gets a beautiful pass pawn here uh bishop to c6 and now queen to b3 pinning the knight and uh what do you do here uh will you have to defend it but first queen to d4 check king to h2 yeah and now rook to e8 of course this is how we will defend we want to activate our rook as well and then later on we're going to unpin so our knight can move so rook to d1 fabby chases the queen away and now what do you do with the queen you could keep the queens on the board with something like queen to c5 or you could go for a queen trade queen a4 queen the b6 also offers a queen trade but you should definitely do something because that c7 pawn is hanging the knight here is pinned the knight cannot move so here queen to a4 uh trading the queens ensures the unpinning over knight on e6 and uh this is uh what robson goes for so queen captures bishop captures on a4 and now rook to d5 this is a fine move by fabi this rook to d5 idea as it ensures the knight the knight stays on this square the problem is if you go for something let that activate it right away there's no square for it for example knight to g5 is a nice square but uh we're gonna capture on c7 so you haven't really accomplished anything here if you capture on e4 uh we don't mind uh i mean okay the material is equal we can play rook to a5 go after the bishop go after this pawn so maybe not not the way to go so instead bishop the c6 attacking the rook rook to e5 now fabi would very much enjoy trading rooks here then he would have the bishop pair against the bishop and knight and it it is definitely favorable since the game is on both sides of the board so g5 here uh and bishop to f1 now trying to shift the bishop over to uh to this c4 square as the king is still on this diagonal soaking to g7 unpinning and now king to g2 both players starting the activation of their kings king to f6 and now king to f2 so looks looks a bit scary but the king is perfectly fine there and now you could consider a move like rook to d8 as now the king is defending the knight maybe you can activate and then maybe you can try something but okay king e3 prevents rook d2 the game continues but the rook remains in the game however robson decides that uh the the trading of the rooks is uh well either favorable or you know insignificant uh so he decides to go for knight to f4 and fabi very happily trades the rook so rook captures bishop captures and now king to e3 and now we have this end game where uh the bishop pair is fighting against the bishop and knight with both kings very active king to e5 uh robson's king is a little bit more active occupying d5 square whereas fabi's king is on the e3 square and now bishop to e1 we're gonna kick away this king very easily so we don't have to worry about that king being overly active so knight back to e6 bishop to c for now uh we have bishop to g6 putting pressure on the pawn here but the just b4 we don't really care about this pawn because if black captures it to bishop c3 check and we win that bishop so after b4 we have a6 and now we have a6 and now we have a4 uh knight to f4 now putting pressure on the h3 pawn and now fabi's idea was bishop to c3 check king to d6 and now bishop to g7 going after this pawn and now if you trade for example captures captures uh then this knight is stuck here guarding this um uh g uh g5 pawn and it's not a great square for the knight uh you know it's uh for example bishop to f1 could even get trapped there okay you have the f4 square but you're going to lose the g5 pawn so not not the greatest and white can even shift this bishop over to f6 to still put pressure on this pawn while controlling these two squares the bishop covers e6 so the bishop square will really restrict the movements of the black king so instead after bishop to g7 we have h5 uh trying to trade off this way but now bishop back to f1 fabi defends the h3 pawn captures captures and now knight back to e6 uh we have bishop to f6 as we said the bishop is nicely controlling these squares not allowing the king to go anywhere and we're still putting pressure on g5 so the knight can't really move so king d7 uh a5 now it makes sense to put our pawns on dark squares since uh robson has a light square bishop uh we have king back to d6 bishop to c for now and king to d7 we have bishop to d5 putting pressure on the pawn here and now uh what do you do you could uh try to move the knight and defend it like this but that doesn't really work since the bishop covers that square and you really like your knight here it prevents the king from going anywhere deeper into the position so just c6 bishop back to c4 and now bishop to h7 black really has nothing to do here other than wait and see what fabi does so bishop to d4 you don't really want to capture this because like we said the knight here is an excellent piece just regarding the king preventing the white king from reaching deeper into the position so bishop g6 and now bishop to f6 we have bishop to h7 and now bishop to f1 you could eliminate the knight yes you do win the d4 square for for your king for example you could even win the pawn but now it's bishops of opposite colors and uh well it doesn't matter if you're up upon this will be an easy draw for black since uh in bishops of opposite colors uh it's uh it's possible to draw even when you're down material so bishop h7 we have bishop back to f1 and now king the e8 so robson is saying okay do we do we draw this or what do you want to do but fabi already lost the two of the previous games and this is classical time format he has nothing to lose he's he lose here he can only win uh so of course he's going to keep pushing bishop d3 bishop g6 bishop to c4 knocking to d7 uh black has an other idea uh it's the either wait for the for the 50 move rule or to get some sort of a three-fold repetition so bishop to d4 now asking do you want to trade of course not bishop back to h7 we have bishop to a7 uh now bishop to g6 fabi trying all of all of the squares bishop to b3 king e7 bishop to c2 and now king to d7 uh we have king f3 bishop to h7 bishop back to e3 and now bishop to g6 and now bishop to d3 uh we have king to a7 king to e2 king to e8 and now king to d2 we have king to f8 now comes the bishop to c5 check and do you capture the bishop now well it's a very interesting position for example if you capture the bishop now then b captures on c5 yes you want all of these dark squares for your for your king but the problem is this position is a dead draw and it seems like uh fabi uh unknowingly offered the draw by playing this uh offer of a bishop but maybe robson decided against it maybe it's hard to imagine that robson wanted more than a draw from this position maybe he just trusted fabi that fabi could win this position because after captures captures uh notice how uh there is no square for the white king to go deeper into the position all of these squares are covered so you only have to worry about the e5 square and that's easily taken care of for example king e7 king c3 we're gonna play bishop to f7 and we don't even care king d4 we're gonna play anything bishop to a2 if king e5 we're just going to go back bishop to e6 and there's no way for the black for the white king to go anywhere you can't push any pawns uh the light square bishop is completely useless here there's nothing you can do here this is a dead draw so what happened here did fabi uh knowingly offered this did you know they both just miss it it's hard to say maybe some of you could uh caught an interview after the game maybe they talked about it a little bit but okay king the g7 was played he didn't grab the bishop and now king to e3 now the king is already closer and now it could be a bit of a problem because this is one very important tempo so king g8 bishop the c for now again attacking the knight uh end king sorry now bishop to f7 we have bishop to e7 by fabi grabbing more space here and now we have king the g7 again uh we we can't really make prog progress here by by capturing anything because then bishop captures also wins this pawn so e5 now a very important pawn push and now king the g8 uh you of course know that um if 50 moves are played without any pieces or pawns being captured or without pawns being moved it's a draw by the 50 move rule so moving this pawn was very important so king to d2 we have came to g7 now bishop back to d3 still trying to figure out a way into the position uh because as long as this knight is here we cannot uh go anywhere so king back to g8 bishop to f5 now and king to g7 uh we have king to d3 knight to f4 check king to d4 and not knight back to e6 with check king c4 and now king to g8 and here again a very interesting position where uh you could uh enter the position but it's it's still not enough this is uh the the problem of the end game see it doesn't matter how much you work it's still a draw because if bishop captures bishop captures and king c5 yes you are going after those pawns but bishop captures ng for king b6 we're gonna play king of seven go after the bishop here bishop captures and g5 king captures and be uh sorry king to a6 king captures on b7 and after let's say bishop to a2 defending this pawn now you can capture this pawn and lose this pawn still a draw or you can defend this pawn then we defend this pawn it's still a draw equal material bishops of opposite colors so instead after this king to g8 move fabi found a different idea he decided to sacrifice a piece and now he played bishop captures on g5 so you save your bishop pair for 70 moves and then you sacrifice it so let's see let's see his area and he's also discover allowing this discovery so knight captures on g5 opening up a discovery here with chuck uh the only move you can play king the c5 now comes bishop to d5 uh we have bishop the c8 going after the pawn here and now is the critical moment of the game the game is uh objectively still a draw but uh finding a move that draws for black requires a lot of thought so feel free to pause the video and try to figure it out while i give you a couple of seconds so for those of you who are able to do it uh congratulations on being a true master of the end game and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it's knight the e6 with check no that's not it that's what fabi played that's what uh uh robson played uh and it's uh it's similar to the to the move that uh doesn't lose but it comes with one very important difference the actual move is knight to e4 check and this is how we get a draw the crucial point here is that we take away the d6 square from the white king because now after king to b6 we have this c5 move this allows us to draw we also guard the the pawn here and after b captures on c5 we play king f7 and now after bishop captures on b7 we simply trade captures captures knight captures and c5 with check guarding this spawn and now the point is after king to be e6 we play knight to d7 check and the thing is the king is enough to stop both of these pawns and the knight only has to stop this pawn and that's very easily done king captures an a6 we're gonna play king to e6 now king b7 ready to advance the past pawn but just king captures on e5 because if you ever push this pawn to a6 knight c5 check and the knight captures the a6 pawn so of course uh you're gonna go after the knight but we just play knight c5 again we protect the a6 square then king b6 or king c6 goes after the knight knight to a6 blocking the pawn now again we attack it king to b6 knight to b8 again we're ready to sacrifice our knight for the pawn and if king to b7 just knight back to d7 and again if you push a6 knight c5 check picks up the pawn so we did a full circle but it's enough to draw the game but in the game after bishop to c8 bishop knight to the e4 was not played uh knight the e6 check was played and this is much much different because now fabi doesn't have to go to b6 fobby plays king to d6 and this is just much much stronger now c5 does nothing because bishop captures an e6 comes with check or even better king captures and d5 threatening bishop captures on e6 with check so you have to play king f7 to guard material here but now bishop captures on b7 we have bishop to c4 guarding the a6 pawn bishop captures on c6 and now knight to d4 so okay maybe you can still fight your upper piece but now bishop to d5 check fabi gives up his last bishop bishop captures king captures and now knight to b5 so can the knight stop all of these pawns uh very unlikely we have g5 uh king the e7 now comes g6 uh the pawns are now creating a wall against the black king so you can't really do all that much we have knight to c3 check king to c6 now comes knight to eight you're going after the spawn uh and fabio of course advances it to b5 so a captures on b5 king captures on b5 knight to c3 check now king c4 not allowing this knight to cause any any problems here guarding these squares and if not here you will not have this square for your knight so knights the a4 was played now king to b4 uh chasing away the knight again these two squares are not available not back to b2 and only now do we push our pawn to a6 with knight to d3 check king to b5 and not knight to f4 but you don't really care about those pawns just um uh you can simply advance it uh but you still have to be very careful for example if you if you push this pawn g7 then uh the king can still reach it and maybe some knight to d5 to here uh it doesn't work but still you have to be careful fabi still advances the pawn to g7 we have king to f7 and now a7 so what do you play here knight to d5 of course the knight is a menace up until the very last moment now if you bring a queen into game of course knight c7 check picks up the queen and it's still a draw so here uh what you have to play is uh we can even show it if you guys want knight c7 check the king will go let's say to b6 we're going to capture king b7 you can pick up this pawn captures and now of course we are much much faster than the white king we're going to pick up this pawn as well so instead after knight to d5 fabi played g8 check and he brought a bishop into the game not a queen because it serves the same purpose and it's much much more stylish uh why wouldn't we want that uh and he was in this position on move 90 that ray robson resigned the game and unfortunately uh he is no longer in the lead of the us chess championship but fabi broke his losing streak i mean it's incredibly rare for for a player like fabi to lose two classical games in a row that's uh i believe that's unheard of i mean i'm sure it happened but uh not in recent times uh but yeah here of course you resign uh because if you capture the bishop a it brings a queen into the game with check of course we pick up the knight so there's nothing there and if you avoid this king e7 we simply pick up the knight and then we don't have to worry about the check and then we're just going to promote our ponto queen yeah after this beautiful g8 bishop check uh robson resigned and an excellent victory for fabiano caruana who is now back in the tournament which sounds odd because after losing two games you shouldn't be able to be back in the tournament uh but he's only trailing by one point so uh behind the leaders linderman wesley so and samuel savion uh so it's still possible for fabi to actually win the us chess championship it's not going to be easy but there are still four more rounds to go and if there will be tie breaks uh maybe it's even enough for him to uh equalize with with the leaders uh and then maybe he can play the tiebreaks so i think it's still possible for him to win uh we'll we'll see what happens uh so yeah that's the game hope you guys enjoyed it uh that's the power of the bishop pair even when the game is completely equal for like 50 moves uh the bishop pair almost always prevails uh so once again i really hope you guys enjoyed it i will i would like to wish a very happy birthday to david sorodi i hope you had a good one and that you've spent it with many friends you know and with joy and chess and i would like to thank mr hoody guy tom derelo you'll never walk alone in hb for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot i really appreciate it uh as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thank you for watching and i will see you soon continuing the coverage of the usgs championship checking up on your wonderful suggestions and whatever else happens in the chess world thank you i will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 237,684
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, magnus miniature, carlsen miniature, carlsen brilliant, carlsen best game, carlsen agadmator, london, london system
Id: 0IxlsSFPP3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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