Magnus Carlsen's 3 Best Chess Games Of All Time

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hello and welcome back to my Channel today I'm going to be going over Magnus Carlson arguably the best chess player of all time in five time world champions best games he's ever played over his whole chess career these games are very instructive and informative and can help you improve at your chess middle games end games and openings by understanding the ideas presented in them I've saved the best for last and without further Ado let's get into the games the first game I'm going to show you is from July 9th 2005 Magnus Carlson is playing atle growan in the Norwegian championships and it's round n in sanes Norway he wins the game in just only 24 moves showing how good his understanding is for the game of chess and why he's the best player in the world the game starts with D4 from Magnus taking space in the center his opponent does the same and plays D5 taking space in the center also mag Magus then plays Knight to F3 developing his pieces and his opponent does the same Magnus then plays C4 attacking the center and Black's D5 Pawn if they were to not take him which is a sort of delayed Queen's Gambit which Magnus likes to play Black responds of C6 which is a semi slav defense which is a very complex opening to learn and one I wouldn't recommend for beginners which defends his D5 Pawn so that after C takes he still has two point in the center as well as magnus's two Pawns in the center so the position is more symmetrical Magnus continues his development and plays Knight to C3 black plays E6 further solidifying their Center and Magnus plays Bishop to G5 pinning his opponent's Knight to his Queen his opponent tries to get rid of the pin and plays H6 so the bishop has to slide back Oho meaning his Knight can't jump to the G5 Square as well gr then plays Queen to B6 six attacking magnus's weak B2 Square so Magnus plays Queen to C2 defending it and developing his Queen black then plays Knight to E4 putting their Knight in White's position threatening lots of weak squares white can't take because it allows the bishop to infiltrate and it's a lot worse for white in that position so Magnus plays E3 further solidifying his Center and allowing the bishop to now see that pawn so he can take it right away if it is taken in the future black then plays Bishop to B4 pinning the Knight to magnus's King Magnus doesn't care and just plays Bishop to D3 further developing his pieces getting ready to Castle after Queen A5 Magnus just castles out of the pin but after takes takes takes Magnus is down a porn but this is what he's wanted and he just slides his Rook over to the semiopen file and as you can see here all all of magnus's pieces are very active and canol lots of squares in his opponent's position black takes the pawn on C4 because he's already up material and Bishop recaptures growan then plays Bishop B4 cutting off the circulation from the rook and Magnus plays Knight to E5 advancing his Knight into enemy territory and attacking lots of weak squares around the king black then plays Bishop to D6 trying to trade off the bishop for the Knight and double the pawn however Magnus plays F4 so if black ever was to take Magnus has a very good control of the center of the board and after the queen retreats to C7 trying to hold on to the position and defend the weak squares Magnus merely puts his Queen in the center and plays Queen to E4 getting ready to open up the position and attack the king and after Pawn to B6 by growing Magnus plays a brilliant move and sacrifices his Knight and plays Knight takes F7 with which after a long sequence leads to Checkmate in a few moves after Queen takes Knight Magnus plays F5 and you can see his plan come into effect he can't take because Magnus takes his Queen and at leads a Checkmate in a few moves so he plays Queen to H5 trying to hold on to the position Magnus merely just takes on E6 with his Bishop trying to open up the King again black can't take because it leades the Checkmate so they play Knight to D7 trying to the King on the other side of the board but it's too late Magnus plays F6 further advancing his pawn and after Knight takes he sacrifices his Rook another brilliant move again black can't take because it leads to mate in a few moves or a great loss of material black gives up the queen on H4 but Magnus has mate so he doesn't take the queen and instead goes for Queen C6 check King to E7 Rook f F7 check giving up the bishop but it's mate on the next move Queen C4 mate and the Kings completely boxed off and attacked from all sides this game shows how brilliant Magnus Carlson is and why he's the world champion the next game I'm going to be showing you is from the same tournament 4 days earlier on July 5th 2005 and it's round five of the Norwegian championships and Magnus is playing a strong International match master named GE s Talon this game proves how strong Magnus Carlson is and how easily he can beat someone as strong as an international Master Magnus has the white pieces and he starts with Knight to F3 staying flexible and developing his Knight out not making any committal decisions black does the same and plays Knight to F6 Magnus then plays C4 transposing into an English sort of setup and black plays E6 keeping his King's Indian setup Magnus responds with D4 taking space on the queen side black then plays B6 getting ready to Fen Kettle the bishop on B7 Magnus goes G3 looking to do the same black instead of putting their Bishop on B7 fening it instead opts to play Bishop A6 attacking magnus's weak C4 Square so Magnus plays B3 defending it black tries to exploit White's weak pawns and pushes B5 and after takes black has a solid position and an active Bishop Magnuson plays Bishop to G2 F Ching it and black plays Pawn to D5 taking space in the center Magnus and castles and now we enter the middle game with Black's King still in the center of the board it can be easier for Magnus to try and exploit his opponent's weaknesses and deliver a devastating Checkmate black develops the Knight to D7 trying to get his pieces out Magnus does the same and plays Knight to C3 attacking Black's Bishop so they drop the bishop back to A6 Magnus then plays Rook to E1 preparing maybe an E4 push trying to open the center with Black's King still in the center black then play his Bishop to D6 finally developing all their pieces and getting ready to Castle so their King isn't unsafe anymore Magnus plays Bishop to B2 F Ching his other bishop and black castles Magnus plays Pawn to E4 which was the point in playing Rook to E1 after Knight takes Knight takes Pawn takes Rook takes here plays Bishop to B7 attacking The Rook but the Rook slides over the H4 trying to attack the weak H7 Square on Black's King side and after Bishop E7 trying to attack The Rook Magnuson plays Rook to H3 so it can't be attacked anymore black them plays Knight to F6 trying to reroute the Knight and attack White's position and Magnus plays Queen to E2 which is a solid move trying to Route the queen over to the king side and attack Black's castled King black then plays Bishop to D5 centralizing his pieces and Magnus plays Rook to E1 creating a battery with the rook and queen preventing an E5 push and preparing to plant the Knight on E5 so after Queen to B8 Magnus plants the Knight on E5 which attacks loads of vulnerable squares in the black position and offers a bishop trade so that magnus's King is more protected as it's harder for black to attack on the light squares so after Queen to B7 Magnus takes Queen takes and he plays Queen to C2 and it's a lot harder for black to attack or defend on the light squares now all Magnus has to do is get rid of the Knight on F6 black them play C5 looking to take space and maybe capture on D4 then Magnus plays Knight to G4 sacrificing the Knight because if black was to take on G4 that Knight stops guarding the H7 square and queen to H7 would be Checkmate however black sees this and plays H6 so magnus's Knight is now hanging but what's worth more than a knight a queen so Magnus plays Rook to E5 attacking the Queen the queen has to move now and it opts to go to F3 but after Knight takes H6 check a brilliant sacrifice yet again G takes H6 Rook takes H6 Black's King is completely vulnerable and there's nothing black can do to defend him black plays King G7 Magnus plays Rook G5 check forcing the black king to take the Rook on H6 putting the King on the edge of the board and forcing them into a meting net Magnuson plays Bishop to C1 and the black king now has no legal moves Magnus now preparing to perhaps win the queen on the next move and play Rook to F5 discovered check there's nothing black can do here so they just take on D4 with the pawn but Magnus being the incredible chess player he is se's a force mate in nine moves instead of picking up the queen and plays Rook G4 check only move Queen E3 Rook H4 check Knight H5 blocking the check Magnuson sacrifices The Rook on H5 checking the King again the king then takes allowing the White Queen to swoop in and check from behind and play Queen H7 check King's then forced to play G4 and after after this move there is no longer any more pieces that can defend the king so Magnus now takes the queen finally with the pawn G then plays Rook a to C8 trying to hopefully win the bishop but Magnus isn't that stupid and just plays King to G2 so if G was to take his Bishop the king now cuts off these Escape squares from the black king So Magnus can can deliver mate and that's what happens after GE takes the bishop on C1 H3 check King G5 Queen G7 check King F5 G4 check King E4 the beautiful queen takes D4 Checkmate and the king is m in the center of the board a beautiful game by Magnus Carlson the last game I'm going to be covering and arguably the best game Magnus Carlson has ever played was a match between him and former world champion from India vishan Anand in round three of the world championships in chenai India November 21st 2013 and it shows the brilliant Magnus Carlson has and why he is considered to be the best of all time Magnus has the black pieces and vishy plays D4 taking space in the center similar to the first game and Magnus plays Knight to F6 one of his most common responses vishy then plays C4 putting two Pawns in the center taking up more Center space and Magnus Carlson decides to go for a king's Indian with the move E6 vishi then continues developing and plays Knight to C3 developing his Knight towards the center and Magnus plays Bishop to B4 the nimzo Indian pinning the Knight to the king fishy plays F3 the kok variation wanting to maybe play E4 but this allowing his Knight to develop to the F3 Square Magnus plays D5 trying to take space and vishy plays A3 trying to kick the bishop back but Magnus just trades the bishop for the Knight and the pawn recaptures doubling Bish's pawns Magnus then play C5 a very aggressive move wanting to maybe play Queen to A5 attacking the weak attacking the weak C3 Square vishy takes Magnus takes and vishy plays E3 keeping his Center solid Magnus plays C4 taking lots of Center space on his opponent's side and Vue plays Knight to E2 because he can't develop it the normal way on F3 because a Pawn's there and Magnus does the same and plays Knight to C6 we get G4 from vishy and Magnus castles not scared of the king side attack vishy then plays Bishop G2 VI Ching his bishop and Magnus plays Knight to A5 trying to Route his Knight to the B3 Square where it can attack lots of squares in his opponent's position we get castles from vishy and Knight to B3 like I said attacking The Rook so The Rook slides over to A2 we get B5 from Magnus taking more space on the Queen's side and we get Knight to G3 from vishy trying to attack on the king side A5 is played by Magnus attacking on the queen side more and Vue plays G5 doing the exact same it's unclear who's going to win this game so far Magnus Retreats his Knight to E8 and vishy continues with E4 Magnus takes the bishop on C1 which defends the weak G5 pawn vishy recaptures and Magnus plays Rook to A6 trying to Target that weak Pawn Wishy plays E5 taking even more space on magnus's side of the board Magnus responds with Knight to C7 trying to Route his Knight to attack the weak Pawns in his opponent's position and maybe F4 vishy responds with Pawn to F4 putting all his Pawns in the dark squares which allows magnus's light squared Bishop to become more active B4 is played by Magnus wanting to open up the Queen's side vishy takes Magnus takes Rook takes Knight takes and we get a sequence of Trades and F5 by vishy continuing his kingside attack B3 from Magnus Queen F4 from vishy attacking on the king side still and creating a battery with the queen and Brooke Magnus still un phased plays Knight to C7 and after F6 he just plays G6 and says that he's completely safe vishy plays Queen to H4 wanting to put his Queen on H6 and it B for's Checkmate but Magnus just plays Knight to E8 and there simply isn't anything if this she plays Queen to H6 and magnus's King looks completely trapped but there's simply no attack Magnus plays B2 his Pawn now one square away from promotion Vish she plays Rook to F4 trying to continue the attack but completely misses the fact that Magnus can just Queen and there is no Checkmate after Knight blocks Queen E1 there simply isn't anything vishy can do and Magnus will sack the new Queen for the rook and he will just be up material and viy resigns this game just shows how easy Magnus Carlson can beat someone as strong as the former world champion from India vishan nand in under 30 moves and how good is strategic players if you like the video make sure you subscribe and like as it helps out the channel and my videos will be recommended to you more and if you want to get better at your end games and be as strong as Magnus Carlson then check out this video I made about the top most common end games you should learn that's all have a good day
Channel: thejackmeistro
Views: 8,880
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Keywords: #chess #magnuscarlsen
Id: tKhKpN_LD_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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