Vasyl Ivanchuk - The Human Engine!

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hello everyone and welcome to a really wonderful game from round three of this year's jerba Masters chess Festival it is vas leuk versus Ari anari vasel coming off off of two draws and now playing this game anari did lose that one game to Hans nean that we've shown but also he uh defeated Divia deshmuk in the second round in the game that we haven't shown so this is the game three uh let's check it out and uh see why why uh why I'm showing it and why it's so impressive so Vel with the white pieces opens with Knight to F3 and for those of you who are maybe new to chess and are new to the uh you know the name and the The Legend behind the great vas leuk do check out the link in the description below uh features his Immortal game against none other than Gary kasaro from the famous Laris tournament where he uh completely paralyzed the the world champion and uh he uh well made his Bishop pair absolutely useless it's one of the most beautiful games you will ever see so do check it out uh um now let's continue this game Knight F3 we have Pawn to D5 by Arian uh D4 Knight to F6 C4 and now Pawn to E6 so through a bit of a different move order we reach the Queen's Gambit declined and Knight to C3 and G3 are the top two moves here but we have Bishop to G5 going for the so-called traditional variation D captures on C4 grabbing the pawn and now Pawn to E4 as black is no longer contesting the center uh White can grab the full Center we have Pawn to C5 uh Knight to C3 and C captures on D4 and in many of these lines especially in the Cilan defense when C captur on D4 is played uh you will see Knight captures on D4 but here in this particular setup Bishop to C5 is just incredibly annoying as the uh Knight is hanging you already developed your Bishop to G5 so you really don't feel like bringing it back to E3 you can't really put the Knight on B3 you don't want to move the Knight back to F3 uh so it would just be giving black a little bit too much black would already already at least equalized so instead after C captures on D4 Queen captures on D4 is the standard reply here we have Queen captures Knight captures and now Pawn to H6 the position has been reached before although A6 is the move that was played here Leon Aran had it against Yani pishi and he won that game Neo tried playing A6 but it didn't go that well against Leon and also dubov played it against rajabov but their game ended in a draw but here we have Pawn to H6 byar and it is now as of move a already that we have a completely new game uh so okay Bishop to H4 we have Pawn to A6 now and the bishop captures and C4 grabbing back the pawn we have Pawn to B5 attacking the bishop Bishop back to E2 and now Knight B to D7 we have Pawn to F3 uh strengthening the E4 pawn and now Knight to E5 the Knight is very strong here on a nice Central Square there's no D Pawn if you want to advance the pawn to F4 then you weaken D E4 Pawn so all in all the Knight is very strong on E5 and this Knight will come to H5 maybe to F4 so it's um going to be very tricky we have Bishop back to F2 by vasel and now Bishop to B4 developing and pinning that Knight we have castles uh and here the position is uh sort of equal and the well you should continue either with something like G5 or or just castles uh but in the game a crucial error a crucial positional error has been made Bishop to D7 was played by T and there is something monumentally wrong with Bishop to D7 and you know it's uh it's very hard to spot but uh vasel spotted it so maybe you can spot it as well feel free to pause the video and try to find the absolute strongest move here for white uh while I give you a couple of seconds so uh for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on punishing Black's play already on move 14 and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it is Pawn to A4 and uh to to to understand why Pawn to A4 is so strong I will just show you what happens uh if instead of Bishop to D7 you Castle now probably Vel calculated this but also he could just have a very very um you know uh strong strong foresight uh so so maybe even maybe even he played it without calculating it uh but the point is that let's say you castled here why doesn't A4 work now with the bishop on C8 even though you're attacking all of these all of these pieces are attacking the B5 Pawn well the point is now you can play B captures on A4 and after Knight captures on A4 you can play A5 and now your Pawn is very safe at defending the bishop here and if Knight to B6 attacking the The Rook uh Rook B8 attacks the Knight and now if Knight back to C2 attacking the bishop and defending the knight uh now you can bring the bishop back and of course now if Rook captures on A5 there's this very nice Bishop to C7 move attacking the Knight if you move the Knight you're going to lose the rook and also you cannot defend with Rook to A6 because the bishop on C8 is defending the A6 Square you cannot play a rook to B8 or B5 to defend because then there's Bishop to A6 again with with a winning idea for black so that's the reason why the bishop uh is strong on C8 but not on D7 however uh uh tar played Bishop to D7 and vasel immediately went after it now he played Pawn to A4 and the same idea no longer applies because you really need that Bishop on C8 to be controlling the uh this diagonal and tar cannot afford to to go into that so instead he played Bishop captures on C3 uh and now B captures on C3 B captures on A4 and now Bishop to G3 attacking the Knight here so Knight to C6 and here Rook captures on A4 we have Knight captures on D4 and Rook captures on D4 you you also um of course want to improve your Pawn structure but the Rook is hanging so you have to capture with the rook and now tar castled it's uh interesting that castles is the strongest move recommended by the engine but it's still insufficient to survive the game uh because after castles pause the video for a second time and try to find the absolute top way to continue the game uh while I give you a couple of seconds so uh for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on continuing this positional Masterpiece and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it is Rook to D6 uh if you're wondering why Rook to D6 well the point is if you play E5 you attack the Knight and you want the Knight to move to win the bishop the Knight can just come to D5 and then you attack the Knight again to win the bishop but then the Knight comes to C3 and attacks the bishop which will come with check so capturing on D7 will result merely in a trade and a bad one for for white at that so instead after this castles we have Rook to D6 now this is precise Now Pawn to E5 chases away the Knight and wins the piece on D7 s so Bishop to C8 again you cannot um go for anything else Bishop interestingly again comes to C8 which was the original Square the bishop never should have left we have Rook to A1 uh putting pressure on the pawn here now it's attacked three times and while you could defend it with Pawn A5 of course SAR knows that this Pawn cannot be saved in the long run he goes Rook to B8 he he prefers activity over this um a pawn but um Vel doesn't go for it you could capture it but let's say you you capture and everything gets straighted off let's say Rook captures on D6 now Rook be to C8 goes after the pawn uh Rook A3 defends the pawn and now Rook to C4 stops further advancement of the pawn you're going to double up on the C file next and with both of your Rooks and light squares vasel having a dark Square Bishop it's going to be very hard to kick those Rooks away and to actually start advancing your past Pawn so instead Pawn to C4 if the pawn will be captured the Vel wants the pawn to be already on a light Square nicely defended by the bishop so okay Rook to B two goes after the bishop Bishop to F1 nicely tucking in the bishop for later use uh Bishop to B7 interestingly again the bishop moves from the C8 square and now look at this Rook a to D1 uh Rook to B3 and now Pawn to C5 the pawn is now coming to C6 so Rook to C3 Ty stops IT H but now uh Rook to B6 attacking the bishop and again look at this the bishop returns to the starting Square Bishop to C8 so tar is trying to move it but it just has nowhere to go with the pawns on E6 and A6 this bishop is just uh well uh it's hard you know I I I don't want to insult a chess piece or anything but that that is one bad Bishop so here Pawn to C6 and now Pawn to A5 he advances the pawn maybe even freeze up the A6 Square for the bishop um you know in some uh uh you know after times uh and he's hoping for Pawn to C7 but if Pawn to C7 uh then you can actually play Knight to not Knight to D7 you can actually play Knight to E8 you will put pressure uh on the pawn and now you will have to defend it so there's no need to rush it Bishop to E5 first puts pressure on the Knight puts pressure on The Rook here uh Rook to C2 and now Bishop to D3 kicking away The Rook from the C file uh Rook to A2 and now again Bishop to C4 going after the Rook um again uh just to give you an example if Pawn to C7 now Knight to D7 could come with an attack on the rook and the bishop and okay you can bring the Rook back because it's defended by the bishop but still it's unnecessary and the Vel wants to keep things simple Bishop to C4 uh Rook to A4 attacks the bishop and now finally Bishop to B5 and this is all the preparation that was needed in order to advance the pawn to C7 as now the bishop will be covering the D7 square and also Rook to B4 is impossible due to Bishop D6 uh with with the skewer on both of the Rooks so after Bishop B5 Rook to A2 was play play and now Pawn to C7 and there is zero uh well zero that t could actually do to defend against Rook to d8 he tried King to H7 but vasel just played Rook to d8 and he was in this position on move 33 that Ari anari resigned the game as there is nothing more to be done here uh absolute positional Master Class by by vasle vuk the The Legend just exploiting that Bishop to D7 move and you can see how it's a really really bad Bishop there's no way to develop it you really want to do it but as soon as he played that Bishop to D7 A4 and it was all vassel uh you know from that point on and uh okay you there's nothing if you try something like Rook to J because if you capture of course white gets a queen into the game then comes Rook B8 attacks the bishop you cannot defend it if you move it then you just trade here and then promote the pawn to a queen uh nothing if you bring the king back to defend the Rook again Rook B8 there there's nothing you can do here there's really nothing even with the bishop controlling these squares uh even the Knight cannot come to help so it's it's completely hopeless yeah brilliant brilliant game by Vel that's why I've shown it I I really loved that uh whole you know light Square Bishop useless business and the vassel breaking through with that paon to A4 move uh hope you guys enjoyed it as well and like I said if you're new to chess if you haven't seen ivanchuk's Immortal game against Gary Kasparov uh first game first link in the description below it will definitely blow your mind as it it definitely blew kasparov's mind uh so yeah once again hope you enjoyed it I would like to thank David gasparian Jeffrey mener Kevin Hawkins Daniel Heist and Matthew Whitten for your contribution to my channel thank you a lot I really appreciate it as usual you can check to my previous videos here thank you for watching and I will see you soon continuing to check up on your wonderful suggestions and whatever else happens in the Chess World uh so thank you all I will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 87,203
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess,, play magnus, magnus carlsen, best chess videos, learn chess, best way to learn chess
Id: sS555nGgHPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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