Explaining the Tenseigan

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the comments on this video will be determining whether or not I do a 10-second video after the would release video the 10-second video so the tents a gun is afflicted by the same problem the ketsu ryu gun is and that is that anybody who stopped following Naruto after the manga and it doesn't know what it is rented the 10sec gun is quite a bit more well known than the katsu Ryu GaN is but you'd be surprised how many people I've come across who have absolutely no clue what this is now for those of you in that camp who have never heard of the Tensei gun before well congratulations you found the video for you but do prepare to be a bit underwhelmed because like the ketsu ryu gun the 10sec gun doesn't have a whole lot of information floating around about it so the tenseigan which literally means reincarnation i made its debut in the last Naruto the movie and well it hasn't appeared in like anything else related to Naruto since then and I really mean that no games no movies not even any filler and so if you need a reason as to why the tenseigan has barely any information out there about it well there you go it only had one movie to establish what it was and what it could do anyway that's enough about that let me get to actually explaining it so the gist of the tenseigan is that it's like an evolution of the Byakugan just like the Rinnegan is like an evolution of the Sharingan i guess the purpose of it was to give the Hyuga clan just as much historic significance as the Uchiha clan had but it doesn't really accomplish that because the only people who can acquire a tense a gun in the first place are also suki clan members on top of that the Byakugan has no middle stage like the mangekyo sharingan and it's this middle stage that made the Uchiha clan so powerful in the first place so while I'm assuming this was an attempt to even up the playing field it doesn't really accomplish that and instead serves to make the old Satsuki clan even more opie than it already was the only known method for awakening the tenseigan is for a note Satsuki clan member to implanted Hyuga members Byakugan so I don't really see how any members of the Hyuga clan are supposed to require it it's not really fair but whatever not well that might sound like a ludicrously easy procedure to get something as powerful as the tenseigan is it's a little bit more complicated than that toneri specifically targeted he not his younger sister Hanabi because supposedly her Byakugan was pure or something like that so there are some unspecified fied restrictions that clearly make acquiring the tenseigan a bit easier said than done and this is made pretty evident by the fact that only two characters in the entire series have ever awakened it younger brother of the sage of six paths hammer otsutsuki and the main villain of the last Naruto the movie Tenorio tsuki also the tenseigan doesn't seem to be permanent either as after Naruto beat him toneri's eyes reverted from the tenseigan back to regular Byakugan now obviously this had to happen since toneri took hanabi's eyes and we couldn't just have Hanabi waltzing around with the tenseigan but it's still really weird it's never fully explained why the eyes revert so I can only imagine that it happened because toneri lost a battle and if so that's a really crappy restriction like Majan if the Rinnegan had something like that that would be super lame now thankfully this really stupid condition is offset pretty nicely by how powerful the tenseigan is as I mentioned in my Byakugan video it gives its wielders access to the same control over attractive and repulsive forces that the deva path of the Rinnegan has as well as the tenseigan chakra mode which comes with its own truth-seeking orbs as evidenced by toneri's battle with naruto on the moon the tenseigan chakra mode is about on par with Naruto's sage mode enhanced QB chakra mode which as many of you already know is no joke at all it also gives its owners the ability to fly and by combining the chakra given to him by the tenseigan chakra mode with the truth-seeking orbs it gave him access to so nari was able to access some pretty fearsome techniques most notably the ability to create a beam capable of cutting strangely enough though the tenseigan does not give a person access to any ocular abilities which makes me question why it's even an eye power in the first place like quiet is having the tense Aegon have the same effects on somebody as being a jinchuriki of the ten tails I don't quite understand but uh yeah that about does it for the tents Aegon actually like I said there's not a whole lot to cover with it so yeah I'm pretty sure I'm done here so of course that's always thank you guys for watching the video all the way to the end if you're new here make sure to subscribe so you see when I upload new videos you should have a new video in your sub box every Wednesday and Sunday from me and of course if you have any aspects of the Naruto lore that you want me to cover in a future video leave a comment about it below and if I like it enough I'll make sure to get to it in a future video talk to you guys later everybody hope you have a fantastic day and I'll see you in my next video so I cog a out bye [Music]
Channel: Swagkage
Views: 2,418,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, naruto shippuden, naruto explained, kekkei genkai, naruto shippuden explained, tenseigan explained, explaining the tenseigan, tenseigan naruto, byakugan naruto, chakra natures, chakra natures explained, naruto anime, swagkage, edo tensei, reanimation jutsu, reanimation, sage mode explained, rinnegan, rinnegan explained, eight gates explained, fire release, water release, earth release, lightning release, wind release, sharingan, ketsuryugan
Id: Pd2tWwsCIW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2017
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