Explaining the Luigi's Mansion Iceberg!

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luigi's mansion is possibly one of my favorite games of all time growing up with the gamecube i had access to a lot of great nintendo games but the one i usually remember the most is luigi's mansion i could replay the game for days on end it's certainly a fun trip every time my spooky atmosphere sets it apart from the rest of the gamecube's library in my eyes and even apart from the sequels made later on and because of its eerie atmosphere it's bound to have quite a lot of mysteries surrounding it i've been seeing some videos i recommended on icebergs for video games and because this game means so much to me i wanted to try my hand at that i looked up luigi's major iceberg and i found two of them one from twitter one from reddit i went with a twitter one but only because of reddit one has this on it i don't wanna discuss this in detail unlike reddit apparently does without further delay let's dive into the luigi's mansion iceberg [Music] total song most games that nintendo's sound designer kazumi totaku works on have a little easter egg this easter egg being a little melody that he puts into certain songs or just in the game in general this is dub totaka's song and it plays if you wait long enough on the control screen [Music] however that's not the only instance in this game kinda there's also a file in the game titled pianist quizz03 this belongs to the ghost melody and her quiz where she plays a little song on her piano then asking you what song it is there are only two songs that she has a chance to play in game the underwater theme of mario and the athletic theme in mario 3. there was originally going to be a third song that was totaka's song their answer being totake's song the reason for this is because totake is kk slider's real name and if you went to him in animal crossing and requested a kk song it would play totaka's song this was just an easter egg in animal crossing which is why i'm assuming it got removed because people would not be able to guess it as easily as compared to the mario questions but i kind of wish it was in here i'd love to talk a song space world 2000 this simply refers to the luigi's mansion bits and pieces shown at space world a trade show nintendo hosted from 1989 to 2001 showing off the new things they had in store such as new consoles or games in the event for the year 2000 they showed off a lot of game game games in the making one of them being luigi's mansion and i gotta say it really is interesting seeing how different everything looks the mansion contest in the opening cutscene of the game there's a piece of paper luigi holds that mentions a contest to win a mansion however luigi didn't even enter the contest the lore to this is when king buu freed the bulasis a jumbo ghost composed of many smaller booths professor e gad captured they both freed all the other ghosts he's captured conjured up a mansion and sent out the message to mario and luigi that's how it all started ghosts are painted by vincent van gore some theories state that vincent van gogh the artist ghost created all the portrait ghosts in order to create himself a family that may be a reference to the real-life van gogh who lived in loneliness these theories remain unconfirmed but it's kind of sweet to think about in a way the lost galleries admittedly i couldn't find anything about this my assumption is this refers to some gallery similar to the one egad can take you except they're lost never to be found possibly featuring more ghosts or could be talking about the caught earlier galleries who knows ghost playing cards in the middle of the space world 2000 footage there was a short bit of three blue ghosts playing poker at a table this isn't anything special it's just a fun little thing the team put in you can actually catch this on the e-cad painting machine thing although if we're going to make a big deal out of this let's say they died from a gambling problem they put so much money on the line they just fell to the floor and died riding the poltergust in the earlier builds the poltergeist 3000 seem to have wheels but the later designs seem to drifted away from that however in the pal version of the game they must have kept the plans for that because you can ride on the poltergust sort of it really does look like some kind of glitch or cheat but it's funny looking so i like it hey luigi what's the hold up this one is one of my favorites if you listen closely outside of the well in area 3 you can hear mario yell this out [Applause] i personally love this clip a lot because instead of sounding scared mario just sounds genuinely annoyed this is also in the 3ds version and i think that's pretty neat the mansion is an illusion this refers to the lore i pointed out earlier king boo and his minions conjured up the mansion yada yada nothing else of this really all the mansion is just an illusion even though it's physical and can be explored it's all controlled and formed by the booze luigi's shoelaces i couldn't really find anything about this looking up luigi's shoelaces just take me to mario's shoe and also looking at luigi's model yeah those look like shoelaces to me the green toad there's going to be a green color variant for toad however this is cut out the final release not really sure why there is an action replay code for it though pal hidden mansion when you beat the game you can restart in the normal mansion or the hidden mansion all this does is make booze and the poultry go stronger unless you have the pal version that version did loads of things different compared to what we were given and it's honestly a bit unfair the mansion is mirrored more ghost spawn bosses are harder and even have differences in fighting hallways and rooms are much darker booze are more agile and harder to catch there are fewer heart pickups and there are 45 boos to catch compared to the original only having 40. i really wish we got that over here and i honestly really want to try it out ending graphics occasionally upon beating the game there would be a render of luigi based on what rank you got this one for the lowest possible rank this one for partially completing the game this one for completing the game i guess you just can't plan for this sort of thing apparently when you scan one of the graves in the graveyard luigi says something like i guess you just can't plan for this sort of thing this one is pretty obscure and even the creator of the iceberg themselves said it probably should have been lower i do agree with this just because i can't find any footage of it and i don't want to go back into the game to go and find it so i'll just take their word for it map zero map zero is a test area and nothing more it has fire toad sleepy mario luigi arm and more different rooms it's pretty neat but it's nothing too mysterious poison status there's an unused poison stay in the game where luigi holds onto his throat and shakes around losing a ton of health i'm so glad this isn't in the original that'd be hellish plus i hate him when his model looks like that the safari ghost this one is pretty interesting to me in the safari room of luigi's mansion there's no boss ghost for that room nintendo power speculated about there being a ghost of the hunter bob was deconfirmed quickly however a reddit user claimed that when they were younger there actually was a hunter ghost the user's mom even remembered what you had to do to capture it plus his friend mentioned him having a rifle but realistically none of this is true the only reason the method was remembered is because you do use a method just not to fight a boss the ghost was never even planned outside the mansion unfortunately i couldn't find anything about this because this is honestly really vague it could refer to the front of the mansion which you can't access because it doesn't exist or the parts behind the mansion that you can access not really sure what it means if anyone in the comments does please let me know reuse super mario 64 samples i feel like this one's made up but that's only because i couldn't find anything for it the closest thing is there's an unused luigi voice line presumably about shaking off the ghost dog oh nice doggy nice doggie the beginning owl parts were later used in super mario 64 ds for when luigi got burned that's all i have though luige.mdl this is simply put an unused luigi model it has some cut early animations but that's really all there is to this one how mario was captured mario was captured in the painting by king boo and his minions there is not really an explanation as to how though unless king boos somehow put him in the egad machine or maybe king boo can just turn people into paintings i don't really get it the astrology room i can only assume this is talking about the observatory for anyone who doesn't know if you look into the telescope it unlocks a bit of a path allowing you to blow up the moon explosion effects and everything this creates a bridge that leads you to mario's star that's all i could think of for this i couldn't find anything about like an unused astrology room or something of the sort so i'm just guessing that there's a lot of people who didn't know about the secret strange poltergeist prototype i am hoping this refers to the poltergeist in beta instead of something lore related because i couldn't find anything about the latter in earlier bills of the game there was a pressure meter that went up from 1 to 10 the poultry gust overheating when reached 10. this would do damage to luigi though he would recover it over time this was changed to a ghost counter and later builds until it was turned into the element meter the poltergeist was also able to fire water infinitely and had different nozzles for different elements early mario model and pikmin this one is kinda weird for the iceberg yeah there is an unused mario model in pikmin but i can't think of a relation to luigi's mansion this model looks pretty different compared to the one in game the attic never lights up while the rooms in the attic level do light up when completed the halls in the attic never seem to it's just a strange little detail it's kind of interesting removed multiplayer functionality there's none used multiplayer mode that can be activated with an action replay code it's just too wheaties walking around capturing the ghost it's obviously not perfect but it's kind of functional and it's pretty funny how the booze were trapped this one is simply theories some people think it might be some kind of special trapping material or something one interesting theory i read is that they were never trapped and it was a planned ambush this one makes the most sense considering the booze literally made the mansion full space world fmb the bits and pieces of luigi's mansion that were in the space world trailer were part of a compilation of little game teasers for what the game has to offer people try to piece together all the footage and make a fan-made full version of the fmb clips and some of them look okay but it's obvious this wasn't meant to be a full-fledged video trailer or something out of bounds coin way outside the map of luigi's mansion there's a single floating rotating coin that's impossible to get to a commenter even points out that if you can ever manage to get to it nothing happens it doesn't have any collision doesn't trigger or anything overheat feature as stated previously the poltergust originally had an overheat feature and i've already explained it so moving on [Music] beta game over screen this refers to the infamous clip that plays in the e3 trailer for the game that features the almost dead looking luigi looking at the camera with a little spooky jingle playing this was constantly theorized to be the beta game over screen but actually it never was it wasn't any build of the game it was never used as a game over screen in the demos it was simply just a little clip in the trailer depictions of portrait goes before death unfortunately i couldn't find anything for this one there are no existing depictions of portrait ghosts saved for maybe some fan art out there i haven't gone looking for that specifically though chaunzey died as an infant some may theorize the baby ghost chauncey died as an infant and that's why they are baby ghost the evidence we have is a framed picture of the nursery that looks a lot like chauncey problem is a gameboy horror tells us they were born a ghost so is the mansion lying or the gbh i don't know i'm kind of leaning towards him being born a ghost all portrait ghosts were once alive not joking i looked up luigi's mansion portrait ghost alive in the search bar and the luigi's mansion wiki site said a portrait ghost is a ghost that was once alive that's literally all i have to say about this one sue p died in her sleep this one actually surprised me quite a bit in the guest room of the mansion there's a ghost by the name of sue p a seven-year-old who died in her sleep that's not some theory that's genuinely what happened her biography states what was meant to be a short nap seems to have turned to an eternal rest for the sweet soupy good lord october 30th 2000 build this means nothing all these icebergs and video game mystery things have at least one creepy build kind of thing and this one shows october 30th there's nothing about on the internet anywhere not even any family videos on it basher a badger was an unused ghost in luigi's mansion's development despite his name he doesn't actually do any physical harm he just gives luigi a big scare making him fall back and lose some health the health even comes back slowly it was a pretty cool idea though but it likely would have been annoying to deal with chef ghost an unused portrait ghost belonging to the kitchen it has the appearance of a chef and holds on to an unused item still in the game's files called tomato.scp this would have been pretty neat i wish they kept this one behind the mario painting this is about what could be inside the painting that mario is trapped inside i'm assuming there's not really much behind there considering mario's constantly standing and not really moving away from the spot he's always in not really sure though that discussion is all speculation and assumptions luigi's hung shadow in the telephone room in the top area of the mansion while at the phone in the middle when the lightning flashes there's a strange shadow that resembles luigi hanging from the ceiling not really this is simply a lighting error i don't know why this is solo on the iceberg it's pretty well known and not really that mysterious true ending i had a hard time researching this part without getting luigi's mansion spoilers so the best thing i could find with this topic was a ranking system in the first game the highest you can get is an a rank which is ideal but what could be considered the canon rank is a d rank this is because of the beginning of luigi's mansion dark moon the house luigi owns is very similar to the d rank house s rank in the luigi's mansion remake for 3ds you can go further beyond a rank and go to s-rank giving you this overkill of a mansion that's all there is to this one egad's ladder normally you can't go around egad's laboratory but with an action replay code you can walk around and go up this mysterious ladder there's nothing actually up there but a black void so maybe they did intend for something to be up there also if you fall off the ladder you land right on egypt's head ouch the daisy poster i couldn't find a single thing about this it's just something made up for the sake of the iceberg [Music] i'm just going to say this real quick the abyss section is unfortunately a little underwhelming as most of the obscure mysteries in this part are simply made up things or just speculation so sorry about that egad's true intentions this one relates to the multiple theories of professor egad having a sinister side to him even as far as to call him evil i personally don't really want to watch all the theory videos on her right now because this specific theory doesn't really interest me that much like come on leave the old olimar alone death of bowser i couldn't really find anything solid about this i could only find something on the mario wiki about people theorizing bowser in his death or a simple defeat from the beginning in the earlier builds of the game the main menu had two options called skip intro and from the beginning there's nothing very special about this one 24-hour time limit i'm 99 sure this is simply legend or speculation but according to some people an early build of the game gave a 24-hour time limit and if you didn't finish the game in time the cutscene of the depressed luigi would show up people thought this was true because of the clock in the bottom right of some builds but this was simply for the public space world demos that gave players limited time so no one could hog the demo bad ending once again this is all rumor and speculation relating to the 24-hour time limit and the ending graphics from earlier mansion's true origins the true origin of the mansion is it was conjured up by booze as stated previously couldn't find anything else b mario it's an unused model for mario they speculated that this was going to be used for a multiplayer mode that was in the works but scrapped before the game's release this model has similar proportions to luigi likely to keep animations similar enough not to be completely remade from mario i think [Music] e-l-h at the very bottom of this iceberg we have e-l-h this freaky looking model was going to be a boss but didn't get far enough in the development to even receive textures it has some animations with it as well as some particle effects i honestly would have loved this to be in the game but i can definitely see why it wasn't added any young child who saw this in game would have remembered this for years then go on to make top 10 scariest gaming moments ever videos with this being second place right next to the mario 64 piano and that's all there is to the iceberg i'm actually really glad i made this video because i've learned quite a lot about this game more than i originally knew i've always loved this game to death and i'll probably keep on going back to it every now and then thinking of all the mysteries and secrets i've discovered and i hope a lot of you feel the same that's really all i have to say though thanks for sticking around it means a lot [Music] [Music] you
Channel: m00ter
Views: 111,725
Rating: 4.8344355 out of 5
Keywords: luigi's mansion, iceberg, luigi's mansion iceberg, gaming, gaming mysteries, m00ter, luigi's, mansion
Id: lY2RWgojsTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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