Six Figures in your First Year ...for a Fraction of what most other agents spend.

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all right welcome welcome to espresso agent mastery session if you guys have been here before you know what we do what we do is go out and find some really cool people that are doing things really well and we bring them in they volunteer an hour of their time to share ideas with you and the good folks at espresso agent that's their number one goal is just to continue to bring you value you get these deathless data every day that helps you lift your lead-gen and helps you grow your business but there is more to life than just the data so that's what this is all about and I applaud you guys for being here and investing in yourselves and your growth so good job one question that always gets asked is can I see this replay and the answer is yes this will be posted on this Crescent agents YouTube channel if you haven't gone there go there and subscribe and then you'll get notifications when something's new and something new comes up and whole library of all of the past webinars that we've done and there's some really good stuff in there so feel free to go to the espresso agent youtube channel also a copy of this will be either emailed to you or sent through the system and chris has a special offer to a free course that she's got she's going to talk to us at the end and that link will be in that email as well you guys know if you've been on these calls before you're muted and that is not because we don't want to hear from you exact opposite of that we do want to hear from you but for your listening pleasure we have muted everybody because it gets really really chatty if not so the tool for you to use to interact and let Chris know that you are here is the chat bar at the bottom now go ahead and post your questions I'll be monitoring it I'll interrupt her with your question or for sure circle back to it if she's on a roll all right so I think with that I'm gonna introduce you chris is coming to us from michigan where here's the good news guys she is an active agent so she's not so far removed from what we're doing every day yeah so actually here what top five and oh yes yes correct that's incredible way to go so not only are you in the trenches but you're you're doing it at a high level and you're also the founder and chief trainer at the real estate Marketing Institute which is a a plus Better Business Bureau rated company it is completely like legitimate ties to a lot of different a sub partners in real estate right yeah yes exactly we kind of partner with a bunch of tech software a different resources we even partner with real estate licensing schools around the country the whole business model was really to bridge the gap between new agents and I'm boarding into this crazy wild world of real estate that we live in to help them make six figures every year love it and that is what you're gonna talk to us today about how to make six figures without spending six figures right correct yeah you don't have to spend that much money you make that much money believe it or not good so what are you before you get started what do you do in your free time if you have any which it sounds if you don't have much um well I do a couple things I like to just hang out in my house I live by the water so I love to be on the water um the other thing I like to do is hang out with my kids when I can have time when when they'll make time for may have teenage boys so mom's not so cool anymore but when I can wrangle them to play a game with me I'd love to have like the only game like that sort of thing and then decorating decorating is just one of my well I should know if it's an expensive passion but I love to decorate clients know this about me and talk about decorating all the time and like my office I actually just finished decorating this office here I'm a wallpaper lover if you can see the wallpaper here this is not a tile yeah so yeah so decorating is like one of my all-time joys and I'll sit in look at different pictures of different things and get ideas and create boards but I'll come up with future plans for the next I'll set it back because we move a lot because I love to decorate people do you know right it's a gadget purse all right let's get into the nitty-gritty and show us what you got I love it all right well I do have a quick question for everyone and you may or may not know this I'm just gonna share a couple you don't have a whole lot of sizes we're gonna do just more dialogue and conversation but I'm gonna start with a question that comes up all the time especially for new agents that I have conversations with and if you are not familiar with nerve stats a lot of people don't really know what they're getting into when it comes to real estate in their business so there is kind of just a funny little quick slide that go ahead and share yours oh yeah you got it and there it is so you know in you know if you're a member of the National Association of Realtors there's about 1.3 million Realtors that aren't registered with Nara and all that how many of them make six figures less than 5% that's that's insane that's a lot and you know for a lot of people getting into this business including myself when I got into it five years ago there was no way I can make less than these figures I you know I had a lucrative career I could there's no way I could afford the lifestyle that I had with my previous job by coming into real estate so I'm going to talk about all things that you can do in your business - especially whether you're new or whether you've been in the industry for a while and you're trying to transform it or maybe revitalize it because you would like to try and meet that six-figure bull maybe it's been a goal of yours for a long time you've just never been able to achieve it which is often times the case as well the average income that a realtor makes is 43 thousand dollars a year so you know if you were in that position where you're going I'm paying more out to fees and to try and market business and I'm not able to even get to that mark that's where that 80% fail rate comes in so we're going to talk about ways that you can avoid the feel rate without also you know having your wallet feel like it's hemorrhaging on you every time you need to go buy something so I'll go to this next slide here well let me go to it here see there we go this I'll just kind of walk through a little bit just about me so you can kind of learn a little about me in my background and I know that my arguments and some of this but I am the founder of the real estate Marketing Institute it is a Better Business Bureau accredited company so when agents come to us wanting resources services and knowledge they feel see knowing that we're a business that is recognized and accredited and were truly out here to help agents be the best that they can be I'm also a realtor like you said I have been a realtor here in Michigan for about five years but just not very long but I made huge strides in the industry from the onset and I can kind of walk you through some of the things that I've done to make me stand out my business until they have you know be given this opportunity like the next one is being a trainer at my local MLS being offered that opportunity to come and talk to new agents was brought to me by the CEO he called me one day randomly and he said Chris you're everywhere and everyone keeps saying who is this realtor she's got all these listings she came out of nowhere and I'm started following your stuff because you know what you're doing you need to teach our agents because this is what we need and so I've been training at the local on us for a couple years now as well nice yes and then I hope with marketing and the business coaching I came from a a TV background so I did have some of the skills walking in here as to how to market and create a business so I think that really helps and we'll walk through that a little bit today to you in the conversation and again I'm a five-percent agent and again and I've been interviewed on many on TV radio and in print and also by tech companies and like you guys I'm here talking about my business and supporting your business too because what people may not know actually used espresso agent in my business and it's a great tool and it's something that agents really need to embrace technology so if you haven't embraced technology it's it's amazing how easy a lot of these platforms including espresso agent really is for your business it's really easy to work so and then some fun facts I spent two hundred and thirty six dollars on ads and my very first year and we're gonna walk through that as well because there was like you spent two hundred three six dollars yes it was two hundred and thirty six dollars on ads for my business and I made six figures my first year so it's an excellent return on adspend not our ally return on adspend so that's a fun one and then I write deals from a raft and a lot of people always go what does that mean my husband will come out and he'll go so are you working today and I'll be like yeah I got my phone right here and I'll be floating in our backyard not my raft and I'll be drafting deals from you know my novel us or I'll be texting clients or I'll be doing follow-up and I think agents really don't embrace the fact that real estate really does offer you a really great work-life balance if you just set it up in the right way so and that actually gets walked more in the free series I offer later but yeah this little jakey yellow core that's hanging here I try my rafts up to it and I just have float up there and I got a lot work done from right in my backyard and I don't have to always be on the road be behind the desk what are my office in fact my office laughs at me and they say you only come in here for a paycheck I said that's the only time I need to come in here that's how I should be yeah awesome all right cool well how to get us started with some of the step you took to make that happen in your first year absolutely well the first thing that I really had to do is I had to wrap my mind around the idea that a lot of agents come in here and they just don't make the money and so I had to really sit down and say okay what kind of money do I need to make and what are the real stats in this industry so I actually before I even truly transitioned from my previous career in television to real estate I interviewed people I interviewed mortgage lenders I interviewed title reps I interviewed several brokers to kind of get an idea of how they viewed the industry and what true expectations I should have and I was really kind of surprised by the conversations what I got from a lot of workers because it was just that most agents take about five years to get up and running so you have to just you know work and grind and do what you have to do on they have to spend money to make money which we all know that we do have to spend money to make money and I understood that but it was just wrapping my head around being told that I wouldn't make even you know $42,000 my first year but that that would be the situation for the next five years and again I couldn't I could afford to do that so I stepped on I really created a business plan and a marketing plan and they gave myself a budget and then I became like the Facebook agent around here that's really where I started was doing ads on Facebook as most do but I always teased my students and I say it was when it was a Wild West days of half of Facebook because nobody was using it mm-hmm almost very different but it was where I got my start and it was the least expensive that I could utilize in that time to meet you know if I make some money and it did really well I actually um I'm the 30 not all over the 30 $236 but onto specific ads I ran one was a four day for $40 and it was for listings it was time for sellers and I got a hundred and ninety two seller reads and which was unheard of and get that many of my email even I was like oh my gosh this is unreal as my email just kept blowing up and then I ran another ad week later using the same preferred strategy and I got three hundred and forty seven buyer leads so I knew that and the power of Facebook so I started really designing notes on what worked what didn't start doing a lot of AP testing and for those of you who are new to the real estate industry or maybe you've been in it and you've been wanting to use Facebook or whether whether it just hasn't been a part of it there's more to it especially now with all the changes even just this year we've seen it in the news and then headlines about Facebook and NAR and you know the violating of you know fair housing rules which is that's a big problem in the industry and so what's forcing or what has more space to do is to remove a ton of those third-party demographics that are in there but the reality is is an agent it's still our responsibility to make sure that we are promoting our business properly so once I started you know getting a kind of better nurtured into the whole Facebook roundup things for my business that's when I started teaching other agents how to do it but I didn't just do it just blinding so I think a lot of people start in a very blind sense on Facebook they go oh I'm just gonna post an ad and I'm gonna get all these leads and I'm gonna make my six figures and that is it there's nothing further from the truth than that I mean you just it doesn't work that way um buyers and sellers don't convert that fast I wish that they did cuz man I mean I wouldn't I mean I'm a little killed it my first year you know I still did but on the numbers don't really work that way and you know we all are on social media and many platforms and we know that it takes a lot more to nurture a lead to get them to convert so it's about relationship building you know it's about having the conversation and being consistent with the conversation in short yeah let me just ask you a question in some detail you don't just show it to us but what was the message that worked so well was it that you asked the right question was it the right image what what are you finding that's really important um back then they did not offer any sort of video it was all imagery white kitchens always worked really good they converted really good and it is it's about it's about reading the question to the seller so your your feet you're talking about their pain point you're asking a question what they're paying for mm-hmm then you're inserting and very short discrete way how you're creating value for them and then you're creating a sense of urgency or scarcity to get them to actually convert or do the call to action from three components the three components that are vital okay the question that that touches on the pain point mm-hmm how about how you can help yes not alway without too much about you right yeah and then the scarcity or immediate call to action yeah exactly three components that are very useful for someone who's scrolling through their newsfeed nowadays video is extremely powerful and it's powerful for a couple of reasons and I actually want to show this slide here that I that I created because I think it kind of watched through that just a little bit just to explain it okay oh this is for the let me go to this one so I like I always call it the death of the face-to-face because we've really lost the ability to work with customers on a face-to-face level so I the first thing is that social media does spoil the cell so if you're a good seller and you're really good face-to-face with people social media has kind of killed that now people are actually going into social media platforms to search businesses before they even conduct business with them so if you miss that interaction I had a student one time she said you know I really like shaking someone's hand I like looking in their eye I like them to see that they can trust me and a lot of people get that when they see me face to face she said I had a hard time getting people to let me eat them come over and do that when I said yes the depth of the face the face does exist in social media is the reason for us mm-hmm and the crazy thing is you have to somehow angry yourself in that chains because it increases year by year by 45.1% the more and more people are using social media to do their business on and do their research and that's all they're conducting business and the crazy stat is only 1% actually thrive in social media in the real estate industry as a very small percentage because we're kind of finally taking that turn into the social media realm like the last year people are funding on all I need I need to get on Facebook I need to start having a business page and you start communicating to my customers and the best way to do that and now because of the Facebook algorithm is obviously online branding a video video is a natural organic push that Facebook uses to send out to customers or if you're even importing customers of yours and whether you use a special agent or you have a serum of your own database it's one of the best ways to stay on top of your clients by creating branded videos that are targeted to those customers and then the crazier thing is that you know the social groups put that one sorry the social reach is expanding but or the social reaches down so what happens is everything is changing in terms of the social platform where everyone's starting to post up with them they're not getting any engagement but the demand for it is higher which means the expense of using social media to reach those customers is actually costing everybody more and that's people there's more users on it and then there's also people who are saying we're being sold to too much than the social so one of the biggest things you can do for your business is to stop selling it sounding it and start providing value and content that motivates and inspires people you know things that make people laugh people that people can connect with things that are more sharable than who else to buy a house who needs to sell people are just tired of being sold and they're tired of seeing heavy advertising on the social platforms that they're actually they're hiding once what Facebook is is lowering the amount of time that we're seeing ads and even Instagram and you know YouTube I mean all of the platforms like I probably have so many more on Facebook centric today just because it seems to be the space that most agents are trying to push their business on to so that's just one of one of my little charts that you know I share in my class because I think it's important for people to understand that and some people like it some people are not comfortable face-to-face they don't interact very well and actually find that sometimes those people do a little bit better online because they're little introverted I may be a little more tech savvy and a little more you know into the analytics of things where people who are social like me I like you know when I'm with my clients I touched their arm I shake their hand it's like when we're done they we hug device and you know like this family experience but you have to be able to get there first and so that's sometimes where that disconnect comes in with people's business so if you are using facebook in two different formats basically you can be using it from an ad spend standpoint and you're using that formula you talked about where you're being very specific with who you're trying to target versus using it as a form of connection and attraction to your business instead of selling right thank you talk a little bit about the differences there and what you've done from a strategy standpoint from the connection perfect and that's actually one of the best things that we can talk about here today and it's about defining your business model you know or sure what's your positioning what's your niche who are you where's your value coming from I live on the water I know everything about living on the water and that is my niche I can talk to you in two seconds about FEMA and about flood insurance and about how to apply for a loan and you know what to look for in a seawall and what you know what boys can be upgraded you know when you have problems with your voice who do you call on when your seawall you know all of those things I can I can just snap all the information out and I've got contacts and resources and so I talked about water items all the time I don't know a ton of interviews just about getting out of flood insurance which is extremely expensive in some cases so it's about defining your business model and where you can really provide the best service to somebody based on your knowledge and that can be a myriad of things I talked to agents across the country who have passions that are very unique that you go how do you intertwine that there's an agent in Nashville who as a Beatles fan and everything in his business is Beatles related he loves to order people who are beetle nuts like he is and equals parties and does a lot of unique things like that so it's about creating that unique strategy that you can truly feel comfortable speaking about because that's we're gonna be the most valuable and it could be any way it can be single moms it can be military families it can be seniors it can be Millennials I mean there's so many different areas that you can define your a niche based on the things that you feel the most comfortable with because when you're more comfortable you're more believable people feel more trustworthy with you and you're it the process is much more natural yeah more authentically absolutely which is what will then attract it's going to repel some people but it will attract some people as well and well you know I think one of the actually glad you really brought that up I've seen a lot of agents when they get in this business they're told just try and work it with as many customers as you can get as many leads and per heard as many as you can and that's one of the things I set out right away after I have a couple experiences where I said you know what I don't need to work with everybody I need to work with the customers that are the right fit for for me and my personality how I do business so there's a lot of questions that you need to ask yourself so that you know what kind of customer you want to work with because a lot of people just spread themselves so thin and then they're working with clients who are horrible to work with and we all have been there where we had just a horrible client and it's okay to say to that client you know what I don't think we're a good fit I can refer you to another agent that I think would work really well with you or it's okay to just end the relationship because it does happen in this business it's a-you know when you're working in this service industry there's all kinds of people you run into and someone that you think that you get because you got a good lead might not necessarily be the best fit you know you could be working with this plant for a month or two or six and it's and you drive it you see the phone ring and it's then you just go oh my gosh mm-hmm oh it's really just about prioritizing your business knowing your business model and being confident that maybe this client isn't the right one but there's others out there that are in this so you get rid of the ones that aren't the faster be the friends the ones that are perfect for you you're right you're right when you're showing up is not yourself you're going to attract those that aren't a fit with you right that's like yeah that's right I heard the greatest story I've got on that is a and I'll make it real short this is the kid that was just getting into the business and he was putting on this suit this time whatever and he was just not having any luck but he you know he was shown up and he wanted to and yeah the coach said what would you wear if you weren't in real estate like in the office right now he said oh dude I huh I'm a t-shirt and hat guy he said start wearing your freakin t-shirt and half yeah this is like magic overnight who he began to attract because he just became himself and wasn't trying to be something he wasn't absolutely and I think you know when agents start in the industry or even the agents that have been here for a while you know I can't agents points my my classes and they say you've done this this and and I paddle you and what do you think is the best and I was like well those are items that I wanted to do cuz they fit work my business model was that what you want to do are you comfortable with it because I agree we have agents around here who are buttoned up in three-piece suits and then maybe just like me on nighttime side attend them summer I have flip-flops I'm you know I've got your pre pants on what people expect it you know if I'm showing noses and you know with my broker sometimes we'll take agent or not even spoke we'll take the buyers out on the boat because it's better to see the house from the river or the the late side or on the canal and they can see it from a different perspective we're providing just a different experience mm-hm and everything in life is about experience and how it makes you feel it's much more memorable so I agree on a person okay what what's the biggest mistake you see agents doing on Facebook or not doing on Facebook um they lack consistency that's enough yeah then they lack concise down yeah the alack alack consistency and a lot of times they are intimidated to put themselves out there fear is you know one of those factors that you know is the killer of all all things if you're not willing to just move out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there and I'm not saying you have to do live videos of your face on there every day it's not for everybody but I tell clients you know there's nothing wrong with one life you don't even have to show your face you can show that the house walked through the house and they never have to see your face but you're just creating a more virtual experience for a potential customer just it's just being more authentic be true to who you are conversate in a way that obviously you know doesn't violate our code of ethics or anything like that but just in an authentic way that people can really see who you are as a person cuz they'll connect with you and it's funny how much actually you'll convert buyers and sellers oh yeah what mix do you I'm sure you're not this calculated but if you were to calculate what kind of mix you're doing personal to business on your page and are you doing it on your personal page versus your business page so that's a great point so it is it is a violation of NAR and facebook to post any business stuff on your personal page you have to start it from your business page you can share it all day long that's your personal page what anything that is for a commercial game has to start on your business page so I always start everything on my business page and it's a mix of everything like you know I I took my son out for ice cream the day before school and I took a picture of him eating his ice cream and I engage with my local businesses too so I tagged you know the local ice cream parlor that we were at and said last day before you know school starts and getting our last you know ice cream in and people share that stuff they like it they just start commenting like oh I was just there yesterday and just because you continent or the business owner will like you know you'll see they're kind of like peek their head out the corner like so just said they're here who's here you know and then they come out and they're like oh my gosh thank you for posting up a you know tagging your business on your page like we appreciate it and um then you create it's just a different conversation that's how you can kind of get that personal interaction too so it's a good mix of both I do business you know if I have a pending listing a new listing I'll throw it up there a closed deal I do a lot I do post about decorating because that's kind of like my love of fashion a lot of my clients know that and then I'm Esther on some personal stuff because I think people still want to know that you're just a normal human being you know that most of the orthodontist or that you know those restaurant that's popular by our house so I try to mix it all in there because that's where the connection happened you know it does people can relate to you in some way oh I have kids too she's a mom she's you know struggling in this way or loving this or is passionate about decorating so am i I'm gonna use her to sell my house it's so true yeah you get that a lot worse I'll get just random Facebook messages like hey I love you did in your you know your new office um due to consultation I'm decorating I'm like no I don't really it's not you know it's not something I do for a profession but if you want some help you know it was like she was like I'm just trying to figure out a great paint do you have suggestions you know just just kind of helpful things kind of that goes outside of the perimeter of what I do spurt my income but it's still it's a great dialogue I have that's customers well you're coming from contribution there which is valuable right absolutely so Donovan has a question any are violation to post real estate related posts from our personal page yes that's clarifying what you said correct but we hear from the business page on to our personal page yes so for instance if you are posting one of your new listings on your personal page basically in short Facebook's Terms of Use says you cannot post items of commercial gain on your personal page they have to start from the business page and then they can be transferred you can share from your business page back on to your personal page and still share it but they want it to start from the business page first can you if I'm just out showing houses and it's raining and I take a picture and you know hey I'm like the mailman I show houses and rain sleet snow with it where I'm not actually selling something but I'm demonstrating what I'm doing that's okay correct well clarify so it's like if you came to my listing and you were taking videos or no I was still in my car waiting for the buyer and I just took a picture that it was raining outside and I was waiting to show a house I was sort of just documenting kind of more documentary style that what I was doing for the day but not talking about the house not showing the house just or just posting a picture of my I don't know umbrella showing houses in the rain today yeah you can put I mean it sort of stuff you can post on your personal page because you're not doing it for any commercial gain you're not you're not selling in the rain right you're good you're just working but there's something to be said about sharing that information on your business page - because again that attracts people - to your business just by seeing that you are out regardless of what the weather is and you're out there performing you're smiling and you're having a good time and they connect with that so I always start even that conversation right from the business page but yeah absolutely that kind of stuff you can all day oh we're just I'm clarified because I think um a lot of people are doing it wrong I don't know how much they're watching this but I would hate to be the person that it's the first yeah you know slap on the wrist in my market absolutely super and I'll kind of go through the basics on the rule so the first rule again is making sure that you start any sort of commercial being process if you pull soliciting posted on your business page first the other thing that you cannot do is like I'm in my through my MLS when I am searching for a listing we now have social icons at the top and so now you can share the listing on your page well the reality is it could be you know Monica it could be your listing hmm I'm posting it but I'm logged into my database so when that shares whose faces on it mine my broker's information and we have to get proper a broker designation when we're posting so I would have to either one share something from your page about that listing that you posted another thing that because some agents still don't have their Facebook page up or they just don't they don't use their business that way but maybe you want to share the best the next best thing to do is to tag the brokerage firm in the agent within the copy or the text you are sharing it so that at least there's proper designation being given and I know that there's you know a lot of confusion on that but really the only thing that you really get ya in big trouble is the listing part of it you can push out any other stuff you want that's you know you can share links from HGTV if you want you can share links from other stores is that our informative it's just that just that listing piece and I think a lot of agents get confused then they go oh why I can't share anything on my personal page or I can only market and advertise you know or I can't market and advertise my listings anymore because it's a violation if I'm not opening it up to everybody but when you're talking about building your niche and you know being an ice cream store and if you want to you know boost those or put them in your ad manager you can do that all day long and you can turn to your niches and so if it's a Forbes magazine article link to top ten things to consider when staging your house or something that's fine on your personal page although you're saying you're missing an opportunity to put it on your business page and share it to your personal page absolutely because now that's it's a separate you know you're you're touching both if you share it on your business beach person you share it your personal page then you're fucking-a you know I see boom audiences mm-hmm mm-hmm interesting okay cool Ryan can you post a Facebook live video from another agents listing after a buyer showing to help find a buyer for that listing oh so if you were in the house showing somebody else's listing can you take a video of it I know that's probably state-by-state but I think that's it that's a no no I think well right because technically you don't have a contract to promote right with that person's property so if anything I always sell my agents let's see for instance I'm so Ryan the questions from you if it were my listing and you were going to my listing I mean you said hey Chris I'm gonna shuttle buyer or I'm gonna do an agent preview I'd really like to do a walk-through and this is where the great area is because we don't have any anything in writing from a national level or even a state level that has a social media guidebook clause or something yeah right couple things that we are required to follow with Nara Facebook and its really just want the listings and the commercial you know postings so it's it's kind of left up for the broker to really decide are you gonna let someone else go into one of your listings and then ultimately access the seller because some some of our contracts actually say no virtual tours and some might say that you're providing a virtual tour and we don't allow that and so you're posting my property on your life Facebook page you don't have a contract with you I don't want virtual tours being done so it really comes down to you gotta talk to the broker you got talking to listing agent and ultimately the seller could be able to make that decision perfect okay well I have another question but I don't know if I don't want to pull you off of your ear so for everybody on the call whether they're brand new in the business or they've been around and they're having success and they just want to get refocused on social media and create some sort of daily practice or system what what do you have something you follow or what do you recommend I do and I have a system that I've been using for a long time I do a couple things so I'm gonna see if I can show you on my phone here this a lot of agents don't even know that this exists but if you look down here this is the facebook business page manager app Wow so most people don't have that so download that so you can streamline your business a little bit because we get into our Facebook personal app and it's like it's like a CNN ticker you know like there's so much information in there yeah yeah it's like information overload and you go - I know somebody sent me a message on my business page and I can't find it anymore so get the app start start there okay mom yeah the thing I tell the agents to do is pick a day of the week that is like your admin day and sit for an hour and just pulp and Word document find all the links that you want to create nada like I said you can go to Pinterest you can I mean if you are more of an analytics person or maybe your MLS has awesome tools that are free for you to use or you know whatever it is content it you can share and in the hour I'm go to the scheduler and just pre-scheduled all of your all of your posts and then that way on Monday your whole week is done and Facebook has it set up really nice if let's say for instance you are doing this on a Monday and you got a new listing and you already know that you're gonna be doing the open house on Sunday you could post that event and schedule that post to go out let's say on Thursday but then Thursday shows up and you've already sold the house well you can go in and you just delete that scheduled post the other great thing that it does and I encourage people to do this anytime you do an open house and you post it online always make sure that you remove it and a lot of people go to my page and they'll go we don't have this or you don't have that and I said yeah there's a reason for it I've had people call me and say hey I'm here at your open house oh that was last Sunday yeah they're not even looking at the print they're saying you know they're staying Sunday over house and they think it's you know that's Sunday so Facebook allows you to add you know there's a checkbox in there that just says remove this by 4:00 p.m. if your house is done at 4:00 p.m. that they just have Facebook take it off your page completely at 4 p.m. because social media I think people forget it's a viral platform they just continue to move in search and resurface and and we've seen you know all kinds of things that maybe we even you know saw a year ago funny jokes or means your videos it's still kind of resurface ourself you resurface - so um I just they take an hour of your week and plan out all of your posts for the week and then engage because you know you don't have to sit on the computer all day that's on sonoda dollar generating activity but you can easily just check your ball your notifications can show up on your screen and you just go right to the business page app and you can you know communicate messages and anyone who's like and then when you see that pop up then you'll just share it to your personal page if you choose to do that at that time because you see that it comes up live well yeah if I won't like yes so when I post something and if I want to share it to my personal page absolutely then you can go from the app you can share it over right got it okay okay so you create you've set out for the week a schedule and that's one of the advantages of the business page obviously that you can do the scheduler because that doesn't exist on your personal page correct yeah you can't advertise or promote anything on your personal page either that's right okay and so what are your fillers in between that you know that that you'll set out for the week what opportunities are you looking for in your day to utilize in a purposeful fashion well let's see I guess it depends because I try to try new technologies all the time and different methods that cuz I'm really a tech junky so I looked at the new software and platforms that are out there especially because I talk with a lot of agents and everyone has a different business model so I kind of switch things up every six months I try to switch in to a different platform and try new things I'm not much of a cold caller but what's interesting like for instance with this wrestle agent because it is data there's still a way to interact with them I still can send them viral videos I send them listing videos things that interact with them in a very different way so it just depends on what the day holds but I really also try to stick to what my personal appointments and agenda is to and I think agents forget that you know if you've got a dentist appointment on Tuesday at 3:00 like keep your dentist appointment Tuesday at 3:00 absolutely and in general through your day as you're doing those things I guess I'm trying to get a a lot of agents struggle with I don't know what to post I don't know what to post what opportunities are you looking for to post on on Facebook that might be out of the norm of the traditional like a new listing hey open house absolutely ideas yeah I have I actually have a sheet it's like a 30 day idea sheep her Facebook especially for newbies cuz that's the one thing they struggle with his ideas when you're not really quite sure what you're trying to or your niche that you're trying to settle into some chances keeping it very broad scale for me my focus on the things that I love which is the decorating piece I talk about I work at very specific communities also and they're all based on the water so I look for events that are running in our town I'll try and do special things for like hometown heroes like kids that are doing great in school I'll do little special things for them I run contests for my clients so I just try to stick to the things that are still a part of my positioning mm-hmm so far out there where it doesn't really fit because then sometimes people will go oh that's I don't know I should post a bet on mm-hmm people start to see like they kind of know what your niche is and they could go outside of it sometimes I get a little confused then we'll wait a minute so did she switch her like if she'd know something else I don't get it right right sticking to content that really fits your positioning okay that makes sense all right so if you were to be talking one-on-one with each and every person on this call right now and I know you have something that they can take advantage of and dive in a little bit more we should probably get to that here a minute perfect consistency is the number one thing yeah else do you see that agents are really missing out on absolutely I'm actually got a slap in it so I'm gonna share that real quick that we run through that oh this is a funny one so I wish call everybody please remember like don't be Jerry Maguire and have valued their services priceless please don't beg people for business right you know I mean it all works out for Jerrod in the end but still the trouble he went through the whole time just trying to make himself seem or feel like he was worth something so just remember you I hope you have value and you know don't down don't downplay your service I love it alright so these are the steps basically the six figures and I know it looks like a lot but it's really not so first of all remember this has been a hobby you know people who have hobbies don't make six figures they're doing it for fun they don't care if they make money a lot of times they're not pushing a sale this is a business and the next big thing is the business planning if you don't create a business plan for yourself on a yearly basis you really don't know where you have come from and where you need to go so if you're just walking into this blind you're going to spend too much money you're gonna get burnt out and then you're not really gonna know where your next deal is coming from because you haven't really set a strategic plan because again consistency is where this you know where this really works out the marketing budget you got to open up the wallet you do have to you know have some money to spend because the reality is you do have to spend money to make money but it doesn't have to be a lot you saw my very first year I only spent two hundred and thirty six dollars on ads so it just comes down to creating that fine-tuned business plan and then making sure that you stick to that plan and the budget if something's not working you have to kind of reframe yourself I'm Nexus design a forecasting sheet that you can monitor and this is actually one of my favorite things that I ever did in my business I'm an it's an excel sheet it has two tabs and it basically I put you know every customer or a potential customers name on it and I put their dollar range that they're looking at it I might say like let's say you know $250,000 and I put in there what month that they are potentially going to be buying or selling and then I have the Commission and then it starts tailing at the bottom and when you start seeing that number you know you know gross sales 1 1 million and then you know this when you can actually see what your potential income is going to be and amazing how much more you start working to focus on that sheet start doing the calls you start doing the follow up and that was a great way to track your performance and it gets you excited because you see that number moving and then on the next page it just tells you each month like how that breaks down for you what's your income for the month so if you know like you need five thousand or ten thousand dollars a month to pay your bills you can see if you're forecasting that and if you're not then what are you doing to correct that mm-hmm my favorite sheets that I have made for my business and again you have to learn how to market to your audience when we get into this business we are the CEO and you're in the admin and then we are everything in between mm-hmm and you there the misconception they should come here and you're discussed start selling houses and it's just it's not the case I wish it was but it's just not so you have to really learn how to put that marketing hat on and there are several tools out there are resources and technologies that you can use like espresso agent that helps you to get the traction that you need so you know you have to learn how to market to that audience and sometimes it just takes time to fine-tune it so just remember like we patient with yourself because it's a work in progress always hmm and then again goes down to being consistent and then set yourself apart and the reality is setting yourself apart is really not that hard you know what you're great at you know what your talents are and your skill sets our focus on those things focus on the things that are your favorite and those people who connect with that they I'm telling you they will find you mm-hmm just have your business set up and ready so many agents they come to me and they say I've been doing this for a year and I finally got my listing appointment but I don't have a list of presentations you have one and look what you've been doing all year while you're waiting for these customers you should have your business templates and accessories so then you do get the call you are ready and you're you don't feel like you're scrambling to try and figure it out mm-hmm so those are really the six figures steps to six figures but like I said it seems like it will happen when you really look down at it's really not well it's all about treating the business like a business like this whole thing is about showing up differently than you would show up if you had an hobby I mean I love that you start out with that you're right and a lot of people don't think like that do you follow Gary Vee Gary Vaynerchuk mm-hmm I think yeah Gary Vaynerchuk vay and ye are CH UK but he's Gary Vee is what he goes by but he speaks he's an entrepreneur well he's amazing I couldn't even describe him but I think you would love a lot of his principles mainly it's come from contribution the best marketing strategy is to be kind yeah hustle treat your business like a business some of these core like basics that you're touching on that seems simple but are missed by every agent that's struggling these little components that are overlooked yeah like a forecast or a pipeline report I mean of course we all should have one and if you guys don't have one that should be what you do tomorrow yeah right yeah absolutely setting up that foundation and again the hobby thing is the biggest thing so many people come into it we have a ton of agents mean across the country there's so many that get their license year over year I mean I think there's like 55,000 new agents every year across the country an 80% of them are not in the business after a year or two but that's a lot of agents coming in here so you know something is missing and a lot of them do come in thinking all just do this for fun it's still excuse not to pay just I mean to have a license from if you haven't done anything yeah there's you know we have you know things that we have natural expenses to be in this industry so yeah absolutely okay so how can people get more of you awesome well I'm really excited that I was able to do this today so far I just want to say thank you for having me on here and you know asking all these awesome questions when I want to thank everyone that came to the webinar today so just as a special treat for everyone who is in attendance I'm offering a free three-part master your market series it's something I offer to students on occasion actually only maybe once or twice a year so I am happy to roll it out to everyone who is here today and if you have the link right I'm gonna post the link right now I got it here is yes and we're going to mail it out as a follow up to this as well perfect yes so you don't get it's around an email but it's it's a free course if you register for today or tomorrow or any time over the weekend it's not gonna actually launch until Monday so that's when it actually that's when the class actually starts is on Monday it's on demand so don't feel like you got to go what time is it it's on demand as we know every agent schedule is very different so you can watch it at your leisure on you know the days when it comes out you'll get an email in the morning when the new video is out so you can have access to it but it's just a nice precursor to what we talked about today there's a couple additional bonuses in there and downloads and and then you can kind of say you can be more in there too because I'm in there every day and I and there's um threads in there we can Congress they you have questions about your business or things that you're struggling with on that's the whole point is to encourage you to keep moving forward and then to ask questions when you're stuck I love it thank you for all these great tidbits and you know I see it a lot with agents that are just missing an opportunity in facebook because of shyness or assuming people don't want to see isn't it cool that people love what we do yes aren't selling insurance like people love what we do they love real estate they want to know more they want to know what you're doing that you're not bothering them by showing up as a realtor no no and in fact like I said you've got most people I think percentage now is like 62% of people start their search of a business on Facebook now it used to be Google Yelp had a little stretch there and it was you know people reviews and things like that so you have to have some sort of presence on there I mean even if you just start by being a part of your brokers page hopefully your broker has you know their page but it's just you've got to have your presence somewhere especially if you don't have a website or anything like that you've got to stand out in a digital space because that's where that's where the consumers are do you know do you have a number of friends that's a good core starting spot to have you know to be casting a big enough net in other words just 300 friends not enough is a thousand friends a good number what are you you care no to me it's all about the quality of the customer to me it's never quantity it's always quality because there is people who have pages that have 10 or 15 thousand followers on it but you'll never see any activity on it and then you'll see people who have 200 and there's people constantly commenting and sharing so to me it's all about the quality of the person who you have as a follower and it's about the quality of your content awesome love it Chris thank you for your time Thank You Monica thank you everyone else for showing up today I hope you had all your questions answered hopefully we didn't miss any miss Jenny no I said we were hitting them along the way so Donovan says thanks a lot and appreciate you all being here go get on your Facebook page and post something yes you should say hi like tag check into is free so agent or the real estate Marketing Institute say hi to us play our pages follow us yeah there you go all right Chris thanks a lot really appreciate you you're welcome thanks everyone all right guys see you next time
Channel: Espresso Agent
Views: 815
Rating: 4.5555553 out of 5
Keywords: how to make six figures, real estate training, real estate training for new agents, real estate training videos, how to make money in real estate
Id: p5EcpHN2d3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 32sec (3392 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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