EXPERT VS AMATEUR: 4 Before & After Design Examples

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Yep. Been there, done that. A good design is worth more than people realize.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Thubanstar 📅︎︎ Jul 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
so i'm going to show you four different designs  and there are going to be some things inherently   wrong with those designs and if you've been  listening to my content throughout the days weeks   and months you might be aware of what is actually  wrong with each design and you can test yourself   as we go through the video so here we have a nice  business card layout and i'm gonna tell you there   are two main things wrong with this design so dive  deep into that knowledge that you've been learning   on the internet and anywhere else about graphic  design think about the principles think about   just the basics of a design layout what do  you think is wrong with this business card   so firstly we're gonna address a very  useful and a very important design   principle that i keep talking about  in this channel and that's hierarchy   notice how each line of text here is exactly the  same i mean in terms of the weight in terms of   the font in terms of the size it's all the same if  we move on to the next version as you can see here   i have my name in the most bold and large format  possible and then we go down a bit lower to the   title and then the rest of the information is  the smallest and the thinnest this is hierarchy   and it does wonders on a design such as a business  card as it gives interest and intrigue but it also   displays information in importance but there  is one more thing wrong with this design can   you work out what is actually wrong here what's  going on that doesn't look correct so to speak if we move on to the next stage as you can  see here i've given you some guides around   the edges and i've actually changed now i'm  the format of the layout in the middle as you   can see before and after now my text and this  motif here are completely aligned in the center   before it was kind of off to one side and  especially with business cards this is really   crucial because you don't want your content too  close to the edges best to keep things you know   into the middle like so okay so design number two  is a poster and we have a fresh looking cactus   here for you guys so on this design there are  three main things that need addressing or changing   well actually there's two really important things  and there's one kind of less important thing   so what do you think is going on here and  what would you change if you were the designer right off the bat this the color here of this  title it clashes too much with the background and   it's almost unreadable if i zoom out a tiny bit  kind of it almost dissolves into the background   so the first change that i made was to bring this  to a white which is kind of in line with the rest   of the tones of the poster it's kind of neutral  tones you could also even grab the title here and make it a tiny bit lighter  than the background color   like so but again of course it's up to you so  we've got the title address and sorted out here   what do you think can be changed on this poster  what else is really annoying you to look at   there are two more things but i  think one of them is more obvious if you said the layout of this content here and  maybe here are not suitable or not aligned then   congratulations that is the correct answer so here  i've aligned everything down this left edge here   and then i've put this to the  bottom right which is a kind of   contrasting line here so you read come down bang  like that so this obviously looks a lot neater   and it's a lot easier going on the ice so  there's one more slight adjustment that   probably should be made but it's not  crucial what do you think that is so the focal point is obviously this cactus here  and i personally think it's slightly too large you   know there's not enough negative space and it's  kind of cramped so let's have a look at the final   design so i've made it a bit smaller just  got more room to breathe around the edges   and against the title and as you can see this was  the first design and this is the finished design so we have here a pretty fresh looking appetizing  landing page i'm gonna tell you there are two   main problems with this overall design if you  were the art director of a company and a designer   gave you this proposal as a design what would you  say and what would you change so for those of you   who have been tuning into my typography videos  you're gonna know that i always say limit your   fonts down to two fonts or maybe three at  a stretch how many fonts are going on here   so we have look we have these two here this is all different and there's at  least four fonts going on in this design   so we have addressed that and the fonts are  a lot more streamlined and there's a lot more   symmetry going on in terms of the font use  too many fonts confuse the design it just   induces a kind of distasteful response  in the viewer but yeah there's one more   thing in this design that i think should  be changed can you work out what that is well here we have a finished design and i've made  some balance by setting up these two different   locations of text and call to actions as you  can see if you run a line down the center   the content is now balanced on each side i  also like this line of food running through   the middle like this it's a really nice design  it's visually pleasing and i would guess that   you guys agree too so for those logo designers  who are watching today's video let's have a look   at the final example today so again there are  two main issues with this design what do you   think is wrong with this square solutions logo  design okay so firstly we're going to address   this here the logo type so i've given you  a clue for this one what do you think is   wrong with this logo type this one is kind  of a personal preference kind of matter   but i do think you'd agree with me after you  see the next revision so here we have the use   of contrast in the logo type we have a thick  sans serif and then we have a thin sans serif and so utilizing contrast in the logo type is just  an easy way to make a visually appealing design   but there's one more issue with this logo and  it's a pretty serious one as well can you work   out what it is i'll give you another clue it's  more to do with the actual logo symbol here so the next issue is that these lines  are too close together and too thin   so when the logo scaled down it's not going to  look that good or even recognizable for that   matter so if you were designing this logo i would  suggest you need to redesign it to look more like   this and as you can see i've laid both examples  here as a scaled down version and it's quite easy   to see how this design gets lost on say a business  card so i'm sure you're going to agree that this   design looks 10 times better than the original  one so yeah let me know if you like this style of   video and i've been talking for quite a long time  my voice is getting a bit hoarse but these are the   kind of things that you want to think about when  you're designing something and it's just a case of   reverting back to those graphic design principles  that i keep telling you guys about contrast   hierarchy line alignment and so on but yeah if  you want to learn something else about graphic   design do click a video on screen and until  next time guys design your future today peace you
Channel: Satori Graphics
Views: 400,094
Rating: 4.9422493 out of 5
Keywords: how to improve graphic designs, how to improve graphic design, how to improve graphic design skills, graphic design, design, improve graphic designs, improve your graphic designs, expert graphic designs, expert graphic design examples, satori graphics, satorigraphics
Id: bu_UC-9kwiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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