Making FAMOUS Graphic Designs Better!! (Before & After Design)

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can i actually make professional graphic designs  better simply by changing the typography we're   going to look at several designs that are pretty  professional and high-end and you can be the judge   if the design is better or worse and i'm also  going to review some of your designs later in   the video so here is the first design and it was  an advertising campaign for marmite now if you're   not too sure what marmite is it's a pretty obscure  kind of spread to put on toast stuff like that the   common consensus is that you either love marmite  or you hate it there's no in between when this   stuff is concerned but what about this advertising  design what would you change and where can you see   that it falls down and falls flat so when i first  saw this design the first thing that struck me was   the lack of hierarchy in the typography itself i'm  always talking about hierarchy on this channel and   how important it is to add into your graphic  designs it adds structure and alludes to the   important parts of the design and this design  has zero hierarchy in the typography section   also i think the slogan has been really  lazily added to this design it's kind of   just slapped at the bottom like this and  it just doesn't look good in my opinion   finally the layouts is something i want to work on  on my redesign and that should complement my kind   of typography choices so let's take a look and  see what i actually mashed it up for my redesign   because the design was landscape i really did not  like the top to bottom layout so that's the first   thing i addressed i put the marmite itself on  the left and then the typography on the right   i think this just looks a lot neater and it  just makes sense to me as a graphic designer   and then of course we have the hierarchy  i've added the final line in white   which is really striking it kind of just adds that  interesting factor to the design itself i decided   to forego the brown text because i just didn't  like it even though it does relate back to the   brand in some way and then finally i added up  that slogan just below the main logo type and   this is the use of proximity it's pulling  together all elements in one kind of area   that relate to each other and i put the slogan  in a thinner kind of normal regular style font   but do let me know which one of these designs  do you think works best but let's move on to   the next one so apparently heineken has great  taste all your money back and i'm not sure about   you guys heineken isn't one of my go-to's when  concerning beer or lager but anyway that aside   what do you see in this design that could be  improved and what do you think about it in general   i personally think even though this  design is a professional design   i think the typography is pretty lazy again  there's very little hierarchy and the alignment   is kind of not well thought out either i like the  fact they kind of stacked it to resemble the thin   shape of the bottle but i do think there's a lot  of room for improvement here on this typography   the designer also missed a trick by not including  the red somewhere in the typography solution   linking colors from the design to  the typography is one really really   great way to unify a design and the red would be  something to create emphasis in the typography   so here is my design on the right and as you  can see i did make use of that red to allow the   reader or the viewer to know that it's coming soon  because it's right there striking you in the face   i did play around with antonio thin and antonio  bold for the typography solution and that created   some hierarchy on the money back and also  the great taste i didn't want to change too   much in this design because i think the kind of  concept was good as it was but i just thought the   typography needed some tweaking and also the use  of that red i think really sets off the design but   again of course let me know your thoughts down  below and remember that all of these designs   were created by high-end brands and they must  have hired a pretty high-end designer as well   so next up we have a design that has a  really good cause behind it and that is   promoting the awareness of the kind of lack of  sanitation and basic needs in certain parts of   the world now right off the bat i do like  this color scheme and the minimal kind of   design concept here but i think that having the  whole of this block of text in yellow completely   doesn't work that is one two three four lines of  text in yellow and it's kind of a bit difficult   to read if that makes sense it doesn't  stand out in any kind of form of hierarchy   it would be nice to allude to the fact that  one person dies every minute and make that   stand out as the main focus for the drill or  the hook for the viewer to come into the design   now i did want to use their font because i think  it does relate back to the illustration style but   i couldn't find it and i didn't have a font that  was similar in my font book so i just use a sans   serif font like this so instead of having four  lines of text using the same color and same font   i went for three different lines and i used  hierarchy in several different ways i think it   would look better if i had access to the font they  used in the original design but as i said earlier   having that one person dies in a bold different  color and different size solution really does   work and it's really hard hitting and again i  didn't want to change too much on this design   because i think the concept was really solid as  a whole so we move on to a gucci advert poster   and looking at this design what would you guys  change and what do you think needs to be worked on   so what stood out to me first was the second and  third line of text the smaller text was positioned   centrally in the middle under gucci i really don't  think this works and when in doubt guys a line to   the left also i don't understand why the text is  in the middle of the design vertically speaking   because we have a lot going on in the top right  with the model and that kind of focus of the   design so i would like to bring things down  to the bottom left a bit more in terms of the   typography and so here's my version of the design  so i took their slogan and i put a really wide   kerning solution and just put it below like so and  then i used a different color and different font   on the awareness slogan about how the campaign  is benefiting unicef now to me this just makes   more sense as a graphic designer and that  is from various different viewpoints mainly   being hierarchy proximity and balance but yeah i  would love to hear what you guys think about this   design now in a previous before and after video i  sent you guys a design to work on and we're going   to look at three of those designs in a minute but  first i've got a new design for you to work on and   here is the original design on the left and yes  this is an actual design that i did find online   and i've gone ahead and given you a blank  canvas with just the headphones so you can   work on this design yourself and send it to me  via the email down below but yeah last week i   sent you guys this design to work on and this was  on freepik there were a lot of entries and i did   enjoy looking at your guys work and seeing how you  approach things a lot of you were using hierarchy   and a lot of you were considering the layout the  design which was great but a few of them did stand   out to me and here is one of them right now i like  the simple approach to this design and they did   include some hierarchy in the first top line of  the business i also like the color scheme of a   dark blue white and yellow i think it does  work really well together the second design   i did like where it was going and the idea i just  think there needs to be a bit more space freed up   so maybe the illustrations in the bottom right  could be resized smaller or maybe the title and   the text can be made smaller but i love the color  choices again blue black white yellow and i think   there could be some hierarchy in the main block of  text the big black bold font solution but overall   i really liked where this one was going and then  finally this design here kind of changed up the   illustration completely and they used some really  good hierarchy in the first top line headings as   you can probably hear my voice is being strained  because i've got a sore throat at the moment so   i'm gonna log off and wish you guys all the best  and until next time design your future today peace me
Channel: Satori Graphics
Views: 325,082
Rating: 4.9377966 out of 5
Keywords: famous graphic designs, before and after graphic design, before and after graphic design examples, graphic design, satori graphics, satorigraphics, amateur vs pro graphic design, amateur vs pro graphic designer, famous graphic design changes, making famous designs better
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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