Expel Kokona - Yandere Simulator

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what do you need pleasure doing business with you [Music] what can I help you with this is thank you for bringing this to my attention this kind of conduct will definitely harm the school's reputation I'll have to have a word with her later today [Music] your after-school activities are completely unacceptable you should not be conducting yourself in such a manner this kind of behavior could cause a scandal you could run the school's reputation into the ground it's not what you think I was just what do you need [Music] pleasure doing business with you [Music] can I help you is that true I'd hate to think we have a thief here at school don't worry I'll get to the bottom of this [Music] may I take a look inside your bag this doesn't belong to you does it what are you doing with someone else's property no did this I would never steal from anyone what do you need plus you're doing business with you what do you need pleasure doing business with you what can I help you with that's a clear violation of school rules not to mention completely illegal if what you're saying is true she will face serious consequences I'll confront her about this [Music] [Music] I need to take a look in your bag cigarettes you have absolutely no excuse to be carrying something like this around huh I don't smoke I don't know why something like this was in my bag [Music] what do you need pleasure doing business with you [Music] here's my phone did I drop it somewhere hope it wasn't stolen [Music] oh my phone how did he get [Music] what can I help you with that's a very serious accusation I hope you're not lying to me hopefully it's just a misunderstanding I'll investigate the matter [Music] may I see your phone for a moment what is this would you care to explain why something like this is on your phone [Music] what do you need pleasure doing business with you are you lost do you have a reason to be here [Music] [Music] but that Dow did you think you could get away with stealing we'll see what the counselor has to say about this it should be obvious why you're here I've been informed that you attempted to steal something that didn't belong to you can you explain this I understand what I've done wrong and I sincerely regret my actions I'll make sure to never act in such a manner ever again it's refreshing to speak to a student with a respectful attitude for a change I'm grateful for your cooperation I trust that this won't become an issue again in the future you're free to leave [Music] [Music] this one's free don't get used to it [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] what can I help you with that's a bold claim are you certain I'll investigate the matter if she is cheating I'll catch her in the act [Music] what's this inside of your desk an answer sheet you're cheating unacceptable come with me obviously we need to have a long talk about the kind of behavior that will not be tolerated at this school dude calm down I said it's good don't talk to me that's it I've given you enough second chances you have repeatedly broken school rules and ignored every warning that I have given you you have left me with no choice but to permanently expel you no please you [Music]
Channel: Ayano Aishi_Yan-chan
Views: 2,270,445
Rating: 4.8792191 out of 5
Keywords: Yandere Simulator, YandereDev, Kokona Haruka
Id: VqT463YO76U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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