Blaming the Delinquents - Yandere Simulator

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[Music] what do you need [Music] doing carrying something like that around have fun explaining this to the guidance counselor it should be obvious why you're here you were spotted carrying something very dangerous around school what were you thinking I feel nervous the delinquents at school I feel like I need to carry a weapon so I can defend myself if they try to attack me I'm sorry to hear that I know they can be intimidating but that's really no excuse to carry around a weapon at school I feel as though it's my fault for creating an environment where you feel unsafe unless you're carrying a weapon I'll take responsibility this time but don't do it again you're free to leave [Music] I saw that you disgusting pervert how could you do such a thing I'm taking you to the counselor immediately I'm disappointed to see you back in my office you've been caught aiming your phone at a student's unmentionables start talking I'm intentionally trying to give myself a bad reputation if the delinquents think I'm a dangerous freak they might see away from me but that's such twisted logic it makes me sad to hear that you feel driven to such extremes it makes me feel sick to think that such behavior might have been the result of decisions that I've made promise me that you won't do this again you're free to leave are you lost do you have a reason to be here are you lost do you have a reason to be here I'm very sorry but you can't be here I have to ask you to leave you clearly don't have any business here you need to go someplace else now you're causing a disruption you're going to be in big trouble if you don't get out this type of conduct will not be tolerated you're going to the guidance counselor's office right away I'm not surprised to see you again you've become a troublesome student you went somewhere you didn't belong and wouldn't leave when you were asked to what's the story whenever I see the delinquents I want to run and hide somewhere safe even if it means going someplace where I'm not supposed to be is that really how you feel I suppose I can't really blame you for feeling that way how unfortunate I understand how you feel but you can't let it become a problem for the faculty I'll take responsibility for this incident but don't let it happen again in the future you're free to leave do you ever do you have a reason to be here what that Dao did you think you could get away with stealing we'll see what the counselor has to say about this I'm not surprised to see you again you've become a troublesome student I've been informed that you attempted to steal something that didn't belong to you can you explain this [Music] if I can give myself a reputation as a delinquent the other delinquents might see me as one of their own and then they won't give me any trouble that's my plan is that really the cause of all this well I suppose I understand where you're coming from I almost feel partially responsible I can see now what the true source of this problem is I'll take responsibility for it this time but you mustn't do this again in the future understood you're free to leave [Music] in the world happened to you even fighting with other students the counselor will deal with this I'm not surprised to see you again you've become a troublesome student would you care to explain why you're covered in blood the delinquents did this to me no that can't be I'll have to take responsibility for this I haven't told them to stop carrying weapons because I thought they were only doing it for show and weren't actually going to use them as I've said I'll take responsibility for this incident and I'll forbid the delinquents from carrying weapons on school grounds in the future you're free to leave quit that kind of behavior is completely unacceptable I believe that a trip to the guidance counselor is an order I'm not surprised to see you again you've become a troublesome student I'm told that you've been exhibiting some disturbing behavior what's wrong I'm afraid of the delinquents I'm trying to get a reputation as a dangerous person so that they'll leave me alone is that really the reason for what you did today I'm sorry to hear that you feel you have to do this in order to keep yourself safe at school I hate to admit this but in light of everything that's happened clearly the right course of action is to expel the delinquents I'm sorry that my stubborn desire to rehabilitate them has caused you so much grief they won't be troubling you anymore you're free to go [Music] doing carrying something like that around have fun explaining this to the guidance counselor I'm not surprised to see you again after our last conversation I thought I made it clear not to walk around with anything that could be used as a weapon I feel school I feel like I need to carry a weapon so I can defend myself if they try to attack me nice try did you forget that the delinquents have all been expelled now I wonder if you were just using them as a convenient excuse for your actions it looks like we're not going to get anywhere since you clearly aren't interested in having a productive conversation I'm sending you home for the rest of the day you are hereby dismissed doing carrying something like that around have fun explaining this to the guidance counselor I'm disappointed to see you back in my office after our last conversation I thought I made it clear not to walk around with anything that could be used as a weapon at school I feel like I need to carry a weapon so I can defend myself if they try to attack me do you believe that mentioning the delinquents will magically get you out of trouble if you think you can emotionally manipulate me you are sorely mistaken if you think you can get through life acting the way you've behaved today you are sorely mistaken I'm sending you home for the rest of the day you are hereby dismissed [Music] [Music] that kind of behavior is completely unacceptable I believe that a trip to the guidance counselor is an order I'm not surprised to see you again you've become a troublesome student I'm told that you've been exhibiting some disturbing behavior what's wrong I am afraid of the delinquents I'm trying to get a reputation as a dangerous person so that they'll leave me alone what you how dare you try to blame the delinquents for this you know as well as I do they're all dead because you insist on treating this situation like a joke this is a waste of time for the both of us I'm suspending you from school for two days hopefully that will be enough time to straighten yourself out
Channel: Ayano Aishi_Yan-chan
Views: 897,266
Rating: 4.9288034 out of 5
Keywords: Yandere Simulator, YandereDev, Genka Kunahito, Yandere Simulator Delinquents
Id: Ys_Im8jv4Ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2018
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