Expectations of the Antichrist - Session 5 - Chuck Missler

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[Music] well good evening and welcome to the fifth of our six sessions exploring the expectations of the antichrist and this particular session we really need to solicit prayer for some very special reasons let's buy our hearts heavenly father we come before your throne seeking your wisdom help us father with compassion and insight to deal with those many that are caught up in the confusion and the deceptions that characterize our horizon here father we do pray for wisdom compassion and insight that we might be effective for you [Music] as we solicit your spirit and your word to guide us in these issues as we commit ourselves into the hands of our precious lord himself our kinsmen our redeemer himself in whose name we commit this hour and ourselves amen well we're going to deal with an extremely delicate subject one that's no unquestionably going to offend many we're going to talk about the vatican expectations and there's some very difficult material forthcoming here and as usual we'll take as our backdrop the seven epistles that were penned by none other than the lord jesus himself that constitute revelation two and 3 where we speak of ephesus smyrna pergamus thyatira sardis philadelphia and laodicea and we discover among other things that that lays out a history of the church in advance strangely enough in any other order they would not we have the apostolic church followed by the persecuted church which in what satan could not accomplish with persecution he accomplished by having the world marry the church that leads us to the third and fourth centuries invention of what we traditionally call church and that was followed by the medieval church and which is followed by the denominational church the missionary church and the apostate church we noticed that the first three are unique in that the promises to the overcomer is post-scripted outside the body of the letter in the last four the promises to the overcomer are in the body of the letter itself a distinctive different structure for some reason we also noted that the last four involve explicit references to the second coming of christ so with that structural insight it turns out the longest letter is the letter to thyatira the one that appears to characterize that period of church history which i'll just politely call the medieval church it has the peculiar promise that if it doesn't get its act together it's going to be entering the great tribulation a very strange promise because it implies that if they do get their ants they act together they won't and in fact that's exemplified by the fact that philadelphia has an explicit promise that they will be exempted from the very time not just the great tribulation but the period of the great tribulation and of course then we have two problematical ones that remain the denominational church as we call it the apostate church one of the provocative things to understand is that protestant expositional commentators have had a field day dissecting and analyzing the letter to thyatira because clearly it has overtones that point to that to the roman catholic church but if that's true then it's followed by sardis which is one of the two letters about which nothing good is said two of the letters are characterized by having nothing positive this artist jesus says you are you have a name only but you're dead staggering staggering indictment there to notice and of course laodicea we've been talking about that but let's zero in a little bit to thyatira why is thyatira the longest letter well the the principal metaphors here are queen jezebel in the letter the worship of the queen of heaven rather than the lord of the heaven interestingly enough and that's used as a metaphor and specifically references made to the peculiar incident involving nabath's vineyard ahab was upset he was king and he wanted this little vineyard now he's got all he wants but there's this little vineyard bothered and he wanted it and napoth didn't want to sell and the queen says no problem i'll handle it for you really so she arranges false accusations to be made lies in deceit cause then naboth's vineyard gets him killed and gets that available to king ahab now that's just an anecdotal illusion in the letter but it certainly is suggestive of a major portion of church history where the church intrudes by what we call the inquisition accusing theological crimes in order to gain property and lands a time of history that is too painful for us to even imagine what it was like in those days and so we also find the discussion the burden on thyatira of the blood of the saints that's going to emerge as we look at the history a little more carefully so one of the things i want to do is just pause we're not going to take the letter itself and dissect it we're simply going to take a quick snapshot of church history and then we're going to end up with mount graham as you'll see the papacy a perspective now the pope that means papa or father you know the term see initially it applied to all western bishops and about 500 a.d that's late in the scheme of things it began to be restricted to specifically the bishop of rome it became identified primarily with him but for 500 years the bishops of rome were not popes interestingly enough there is this tradition that peter was the first pope but that's fiction without any historical or biblical basis whatsoever by the way there's no evidence that peter was ever a bishop of rome incidentally his own foreboding over successors show up in his letters in first peter 5 3 neither is being lords over a god's heritage but being examples to the flock that was his concept quite distinct from the traditions that have surrounded him and by the way babylon where he speaks from was a major jewish basis that's we have two talmuds what's called the jerusalem talmud that was actually done in tiberias but the authoritative one is the babylonian talmud which was done in babylon strangely enough that was a major jewish site and so that's where it was compiled anyway by the end of the fourth century the churches and bishops came largely dominated by five primary centers and they had rome constantinople antioch jerusalem and alexandria these emerged as the primary these bishops were known as patriarchs they had equal authority each in control of their own province after the division of the empire in 395 a.d antioch jerusalem alexandria came to acknowledge the leadership of constantinople understandably it was the world capital and subsequently the struggle between constantinople and rome began and so that struggle continues now the struggle for supremacy cyrus the bishop of rome in his lust for worldly power claimed universal jurisdiction over the church but unfortunately for him in his day the empire divided into two separate empires east and west so the east is beset with controversies the west under weak emperors was breaking up under the barbarians and so these jawbone attempts continue till leo the first about 440 to 446. he obtained from emperor valentinian iii imperial recognition of his claim as primate of all bishops so he's able to assert himself here he persuaded a tel of the hun to spare the city of rome and when he did that that gained him a lot of a lot of political leverage he later introduced jesuit vandal to have mercy on the city and his reputation then was made because twice he was able to bring peace he declared himself lord of the whole church he advocated exclusive universal papacy and he made it stick he proclaimed that resistance to his authority as a sure path to hell you see how he's consolidating his power in view of the turbulence of the times and he advocated the death penalty for heresy you see that dan see that power getting dangerously uh centered well we get to the fall of rome uh simplicius was the first roman pope when the western empire came to an end about 476 a.d notice that the western end dies the eastern end lasts a thousand years longer strangely enough and so uh sony gregory the first appears uh as he's regarded he's regarded as the first real pope he appeared at a time of political anarchy throughout europe his conspicuous leadership over various kings stabilized the times interesting enough in his personal life he was a good man one of the purest and best of the popes if more had been like he would it would have been a very different estimate of the prophecy he labored unceasingly over the purification of the church he deposed neglectful or unworthy bishops he opposed the sale of offices he did a lot of good things he was a he was a a winner so to speak well then we have the charlemagne coming along and so we have a whole series of them of of the franks the germanic people occupying western germany and northern france and uh charlemagne by the way was a grandson of charles mattel who had saved europe from islam with his victory at the battle of tours in 732 he reigned 46 years at with many wars and conquests of magnitude his realm included what is now germany france switzerland austria hungary belgium and parts of spain and italy and he helped the pope and the pope helped him it was an implied partnership there he is one of the greatest influences bringing the papacy to a position of world power interestingly enough we get to the treaty of verdun after charlemagne dies the treaty of verdun divided his empire into what became the foundations of germany france and italy and i cease the struggle between the popes and the german french kings began the holy roman empire was neither holy nor roman by the way but it lasted about a thousand years until napoleon finally brought it to an end in about 1806 but then we have the isidorian decreetles and nicholas the first were the first pope to wear a crown by the way and about this time a book appeared called the isidorian decreetals which purported to be letters and decrees of the bishops and council of the second and third century they were discovered to be deliberate forgeries they are regarded as the most colossal literary fraud in history and they were designed to exalt the power of the pope stamping the papacy with the authority of antiquity antidating the pope's temporal power by five centuries so then we get to the darkest period of the papacy the great cleavage after until 1869 all the ecumenical councils had been held in or near constantinople and held in the greek language nicholas undertook to interfere in the affairs of the eastern church he excommunicated the patriarch of constantinople who in turn excommunicated him so they're busy excommunicating each other the claims of the roman church became unbearable and the east finally the east finally separated itself and so we have an era here of bribery corruption immorality and bloodshed which is the one of the darkest chapters of the church and became wider through the centuries and so it gets darker and darker as we go here then we move into an era that's known as the rule of the harlots morozia and her mother theodora and her sisters filled the papal chair with paramours and bastard sons and turned the papal den into a den of robbers and this is called in history the rule of the harlots from 904 to 963. you get down to john the 12th it was guilty of almost every crime he violated virgins and widows lived with his father's mistress made the pample palace a brothel and was killed while in the act of adultery by the woman's enraged husband so you got a history here that's pretty dark and uh discouraging benedict viii and john the 19th bought the office of the pope with open bribery by the way and so benedict 9 was made pope as a 12 year old boy through a money bargain with the powerful families that then ruled rome he committed murders and adulteries in broad daylight and robbed pilgrims on the graves of the martyrs a hideous criminal people drove him out of rome some call him the worst of all the popes benedict the ninth that's going to be a by the way a contest that has a lot of contagion contingencies there were three rival popes then in from 1005 to 1046. benedict the ninth gregory this uh the sixth and sylvester the third rome swarmed with hired assassins and the virtue of pilgrims was violated and it goes on and gets worse and worse clement ii was appointed pope by emperor henry iii of germany because quote no roman clergyman could be found who is free of pollution of simoni that is buying offices in fornication so that's pretty tough stuff the cry for reform was answered by hildebrand who led the papacy into his golden age from about 10 49 to about 1294. he controlled five successive administrations prior to his own and he became gregory the seventh um and then uh over undertook a major reform especially in simoni gregory the the seventh practically all bishops and priests purchased their offices from kings and this brought him in conflict with king henry iv the emperor of germany devastating wars followed italy was devastated by opposing armies gregory was eventually driven from rome and died in exile he had succeeded in making the papacy independent of imperial power then we get to innocent the third interesting label some of the quotes from it all things in earth in heaven and in hell are subject to the vicar of christ he was a supreme sovereign over the church and the world but here's the point more blood was shed under his direction and that of his immediate successors than in any other period of time of church history except for the time that the papacy tried to crush the reformation in the 16th and 17th centuries innocent third most powerful of the popes claim to be the vicar of christ believe it or not if you understand what that means and all the monarchs in europe obeyed his will including the byzantine empire that's what's so staggering here he ordered two of the crusades he decreed transubstantiation as a doctrine he confirmed a regular confession he declared papal infallibility he condemned the magna carta and forbade the reading of the bible in the vernacular that's the root traditions that's this is the roots what we're talking about of what we call the vatican and he also instituted a thing called the inquisition that's what make jesus's use of the naboth vineyard anecdote in his letter so profound when you really see how that plays out in actual history the inquisition that's called the holy office it was instituted by pope innocent iii and was perfected by pope gregory ix everyone was required to required to inform against heretics that's scary any one suspect was liable to torture without knowing the name of his accuser can you imagine the proceedings were kept secret the inquisitor pronounced sentence and the victim was turned over to civil authorities to be imprisoned for life or to be burned and of course the victim's property was confiscated and divided between the church and the state they're never without incentives here are they a staggering period of history that you and i do not have the capacity to imagine the inquisition claimed vast multitudes of victims in spain italy germany and the netherlands and did its most deadly work against the alberginism now who were they the cathario in southern france northern spain and northern italy who are these people they preached against the immoralities of the priesthood they worshiped they preached against the worship of saints and images they completely rejected the clergy and their claims they opposed the claims of the church of rome they made great use of the scriptures they lived self-denying lives with great zeal for moral purity and by 1167 a majority of the population of southern france and they were very numerous in northern italy in 1208 the pope innocent iii ordered a bloody war of extermination which utterly wiped out town after town the inhabitants were murdered without discrimination until all of the alba genesis were utterly wiped out now by the way there is a book that we'll try to hold in our in our store by e.h broadbent it was published in 1931 it's a history of the groups and the albans is just one of over 50 of these groups that throughout history tried to stick to the bible and were invariably wiped out by the established church around them that kind of abuse wasn't restricted just to the vatican by the way it's astonishing to discover that throughout church history you want to really take some time and get familiar with broad brent's history there then they're the waldenses a similar but not identical group of the same region they emphasized bible reading and rejecting clerical usurpation and propagation and they were similarly wiped out except for a few survivors in the alpine valley southwest of turin who are now the leading protestant body in italy in the 30 years between 14 1540 and 1570 no fewer than 900 000 protestants were put to death by the pope's war for the extermination of the waldenses there's just one group there's dozens of these through history most of the names you probably have never heard of for 500 years the inquisition was the most diabolical thing in human history what group do you think was really behind this the vatican yes specifically but who specifically a specific group you want to be aware of we'll get into that boniface viii in his famous bull the unum sanctum said quote we declare affirm define and pronounce that is altogether necessary for salvation that every creature be subject to the roman pontiff do you see the assertion going on here he but he himself was so corrupt that dante who visited rome during his pontificate called the vatican a sewer of corruption and assigned him along with nicholas iii and clement v to the lowest parts of hell in his famous document that leads to the french control of the papacy the pepsi had been victorious in its 200-year struggle with the german empire but it met their match in philip the fair the king of france with whom the history of modern france begins after the death of pope benedict x the papal palace was removed from rome to evangelion on the south border of france and for 70 years the papacy was the mere tool of the french court from 1305 to 1377. for the next 40 years there were two sets of popes one at rome and one at everyone each claiming to be the victor of christ hurling anathemas and curses at each other this is just part of the history here and then we get into the renaissance tropes john the uh what is it 23rd called by some the most depraved criminal who ever sat on the papal throne was guilty of almost every crime as cardinal and bologna 200 maidens nuns and married women fell victim to his emers as pope he violated virgins and nuns lived in adultery with his brother's wife was guilty of sodomy and other nameless vices bought the papal office sold cardinality to the children of wealthy families and openly denied the future life quite a guy okay pious we get pius ii he was said to have been the father of many illegitimate children he spoke openly of the methods he used to seduce women and encourage young men even offering to instruct them in methods of self-indulgence and we get to paul ii filled his house with concubines right you're saying sixes the fourth uh sanctions this he's the one that sang the uh sanctioned the spanish inquisition decreed that money would deliver souls from purgatory was implicated in a plot to murder lorenzo de medici and others who opposed his policies and he used the papacy to enrich himself and his relatives he made eight of his nephews cardinals while as yet some of them were mere boys in health and poppies and relatives surpassed the old roman families interesting enough innocent viii had 16 children by various married women he multiplied church offices and sold them for vast sums of money decreed the extermination of the waldenses appointed the brutal thomas of torquemada inquisitor general of spain and ordered all rulers to liver up to deliver up heretics to him innocent hey what a name and then we have alexander the sixth is the most corrupt of the renaissance popes licentious avaricious depraved he bought the papacy made many new cardinals for money had a number of illegitimate children whom he openly acknowledged and appointed a high church office while they were yet children and he murdered cardinals and others who stood in their way and then we have of course pius iii see alexander the sixth had a mistress a sister of the cardinal who became the next pope pius iii and on it goes then we run into a guy by the name of martin luther in 1483 he was born into a coral miner decides to become a lawyer a violent storm changed his whole life and he disillusioned by a visit to rome he discovered habakkuk 2 4 which became his life text and in october 31st of 1517 we always remember that date because it's halloween no we remember that date because that was the day that luther nails 95 thesis to the door at wittenberg college and of course in december it's december 10th at 1520 the bull excommunicated luther and to retract with 60 days of death and he burned it publicly and the reformation was born you know the story you need to learn the story it's thrilling so we get to the centuries of wars the diet of worms it's called 1521 charles the fifth emperor of the holy roman empire which included germany spain netherlands and australia they suffered they summoned luther to appear he says here i stand i can do none else but so help me god so there's always these wars were started by catholic kings urged by the pope and jesuits which are the primary instrument of the pope for this for the purpose of crushing protestantism thousands were killed at the hands of the caesars a pagan rome were dwarfed by the millions killed at the hands of the vatican let me get that very very clear there were thousands of christians killed at the hands of the caesars in rome they don't compare to the millions that were killed at the hands of the vatican one pope one afternoon murdered more christians than all the roman emperors put together and the century of wars began the war in the german protestants from 1566 to 609 the war in the protestants of the netherlands from 1566 to 1609 the huguenot wars in france and philip's attempts attempts against england all quite celebrated in the 30 years war as it's called and on it goes julius ii was called the warrior pope he's the richest of the cardinals with the vast income from numerous bishops and churches states he bought the papacy he attained and personally led vast armies and issued indulgences for money and then we have lee the tenth he was the pope when luther started the protestant reformation he was made an archbishop at eight a cardinal 13 was appointed 27 different church offices which meant a vast income before he was 13 years old and he appointed cardinals as young as seven he maintained the most luxurious and lucentius court in europe and this voluptuary reaffirmed he declared that every human being must be subject to the roman pontiff for salvation he issued indulgences for stipulated fees and declared the burning of heretics a divine appointment so he's quite a character adrian vi and then paul iii many illegitimate children on it goes same kind of thing the power behind the vatican is focused on a group that are called the jesuits that was rome's answer to the lutheran secession the inquisition under the leadership of the jesuits understand that it was an order founded by ignatius loyola the spaniard on the principle of absolute and unconditional obedience to the pope having its object the recovery of territory lost to protestants and muslims and the conquest of the entire heathen world was the goal of the roman catholic church through the society of jesus as they call themselves their supreme aim was the destruction of heresy that is thinking anything different from what the pope said to think got the picture think jesuits now this accomplishment was anything but justifiable deception immorality vice even murder was an authorized tool in france they were responsible for the saint bartholomew's massacre persecution of the huguenots revocation of the toleration addict and facilitating the french revolution in spain netherlands south germany bohemia austria poland and other countries they led the massacre of untold multitudes and thus saved the papacy from ruin do you have the picture okay now the saint bartholomew's massacre is catherine de medici the mother of the king an ardent romanist and a willing tool of the pope gave the order and on the night of august 24th of 1572 seventy thousand huguenots were massacred and it was great rejoicing in rome the pope and his college of cardinals went in solemn procession to the church of san marco and ordered tom to be sung in thanksgiving they struck a medal in commemoration of the massacre they sent a cardinal to paris to bear the king and queen mother the congratulations of the pope can you imagine this kind of carnage well now we find some interesting heavy that's that's a quick snapshot of the background and by the way i encourage you to do some homework and validate this history let me tell you a very interesting place to find it i remember as a teenager i was given a little tiny gift a little tiny book called halley's bible handbook it's it has i have a huge library but i can tell you it's still one of the most treasured volumes of that library it's a book that cost four or five dollars back then very inexpensive very small i meant to bring which if you find one make sure you get an early edition because it has in the back of the summer summary what i've just gone through that's where i got most of that they did a special edition of hayley's bible handbook not many years ago for billy graham but that section was removed so if you can find a halley's bible handbook with an earlier day early print edition make sure it has that in the back it's a very very effective summary of what i've just given you but now we are all aware of the fact that tom horne and chris putnam published a book in the in february of 2012 that had a summary of the various prophecies having to do with popes and they predicted in that book that the then sitting pope would abdicate year later in february 2013 the pope for the first time in 600 years advocates and needless to say tom horn and chris putnam were headline news in a number of the the media because it would have been picked it was predicted a year in advance now the reason this is so relevant in the so-called prophecy of the popes there is a widespread belief among those that really watch this stuff that this pope will be the last pope he's somehow destined to be the last pope with the abdication of pope benedict the 16th pope francis which is the name he adopted now petrus romanus is a title that fits any pope by the way so don't get confused he didn't adopt that particular name it applies to any pope by history here it's it's trying to ascribe the peter uh tradition to that his formal name was jorge mario bergoglio but here's the thing that everybody misses he's the new he's the new pope he's taken the place he is the first pope in history that's a jesuit the jesuits i forgot to document all that i think the jesuits were so notorious that they were disbanded by the vatican for so many years and then reinstated they have a history as they're almost known as the praetorian guard of the pope they're the they are the uh problem solvers they are the the the ones that are behind the scenes that are are the the devil's workmen so for the first time in history we have a pope that's a jesuit that's kind of interesting there's a guy that's a very close friend of a friend of mine by the name of maliki martin he's very very well known he's a former jesuit he was personally an advisor to three of the popes he was a very outspoken critic of the ostensible satan worship within the vatican it's widely known among those that watch the vatican carefully that is their their sins are not limited to this bribery and these other usual things behind the scenes there are increasing reports of very deep satan worship and maliki martin was one of those that talked about that he wrote a book that became a bestseller by simon schuster in new york called the jesuits the society of jesus and the betrayal of the roman catholic church maliki martin was among those not the only one there were several but he's one of those that documented the society of jesus the formal name of the jesuits and how behind the scenes there is satan worship going on that would be that became a best seller you can track it down and get a copy of it here's a quote from the opening of that book from maliki martin a state of war exists between the papacy and the religious order of the jesuits the society of jesus to give the order its official name that war signals the most lethal change to take place within the ranks of the professional roman clergy over the last thousand years maliki martin talking here a guy who spent his life watching these things from the inside by the way in fact he can decode continues as at all important events in the roman catholic church it involves the interest the lives and the destinies of ordinary men and women in their millions and one thing one of the problems we have we're obviously not caught up in that network but they're wonderful people that are and our challenge as bible believing christians is how to deal with that with love and insight it takes a lot of prayerful attention through a close mutual friend who knew maliki very well it is my understanding that maliki martin was murdered some of the popes were too by the way without given an autopsy the jesuits are now the ones by the way that make up a technical team that are known as the vatican observatory research group the vorg and so we're going to shift our attention now from this quick snapshot of history and we're going to shift to the southeastern corner of the state of arizona there's a place called mount graham that has emerged to be the primary center for those that are interested in astronomy many of us grew up in the days that palomar telescope the the hail telescope in palomar california was the the biggest and the best and all that sort of stuff that's way out of date and we want to talk here about the surprising expectations of the vatican in this project there is a thing called the mount graham international observatory it's a division of the steward observatory the research arm of the department of astronomy of the university of arizona a highly reputed worldwide recognized organization it's located in the southeast arizona's penilino martins near mount graham scientific researchers from around the world make use of mgi facilities there are three main facilities all located up on mount graham and they're shared by scientists from all over the world got the picture here okay now there are three main facilities up there the big one is known as the large binocular telescope the lbt it's operated by a corporation set up for that purpose another facility up there is the heinrich hertz sub millimeter telescope it's what you and i might call more of a radio telescope it's tuned in the sub millimeter range and it's operated by the arizona radio observatory but there's a third facility up there that is a non-trivial facility it's the vatican advanced technology telescope the vat and it's operated by the vatican observatory research group the vorg which are jesuits incidentally let's talk about this big one the so-called large binocular telescope it's over twice the size of the famed hail telescope at mount palomar its optical performance is incredible it's got trail ratios of 69 in the infrared h-band and about 95 in the m-band and this trail ratio is a ratio of peak image intensity from a point source compared to the maximum attainable intensity it's a measure of how good is the seeing and the temperature and the altitudes in mount graham are outstanding for this very purpose obviously that's why they're there and the trail ratio is used to assess the quality of astronomical seeing in the presence of atmospheric turbulence and to assess the performance of any optical system and so it's the most advanced optical telescope it uses two 27 foot wide mirrors that give it the same light gathering ability as if it had a 39 foot wide angle singular telescope and it's just incredible each one is twice the size of the hail telescope it's an awesome piece of facility and uh so i've gone through they give you just to give you a general feeling for the thing then we have the sub submillimeter telescope the smt see the air is so dry around there and so forth it's especially good for extremely short wavelength radio and far far infrared observations and that's what this one is primarily aimed at and so it's located again in mount graham and it has a 10 meter wide parabolic dish inside a building to protect it from bad weather and its construction was finished back in 1993. and these are just some pictures to give you a flavor of what's in there and then you have the 12 meter telescope the aro and it's a kit peak also in the general region there the vatican observatory in italy is one of the oldest astronomical research institutions in the world it may surprise you it has headquarters near the papal sumner residence in italy outside rome its dependent research center the vatican observatory research group is hosted by the stuart observatory in arizona so their headquarters is in italy but the real facilities are where they should be obviously in arizona if you look at a map of arizona it's roughly in the south east corner of the state and there's a picture of the vatican research group operations situation there now the vat is a gregorian telescope observing in optical and infrared and it's operated by the vatican observatory one of the oldest astronomical research institutions in the world in partnership with the university of arizona the mirror is unusually fast it's f1 which means its focal distance is equal to its diameter and so it's a very very advanced uh the most advanced kind of mirror you can build it's a growing design so it's used as a concave secondary at a point of its at focus it's seeing is better than one arc second even without adaptive optics that can be achieved on a regular basis very unusual design very novel it has been one of the most exact services ever made with a ground-based telescope and obviously the skies above mount graham are unique so these are some pictures of the vatican thing and it happens by the way to clarify something there's also another device a pectorscopic device that's primarily used in the big telescope it was whimsically named lucifer by the germans that built it it's got nothing to do with the vatican it's got nothing to do with the telescope there's a lot of people who are talking when they should be listening who are causing confusion there's been erroneous assumptions that it has some connection with the jesuits of your nothing to do with that it's a device used in a very special way in other applications but anyway let's summarize here we've talked about ufos see what we discover at mount graham is the staff there which are highly trained astronomers are openly preparing to receive an alien visitor now the fact that they're doing that is one thing the fact that they're openly admitting it is another it's startling it's staggering for many on many levels now to summarize what we talked about ufos one thing about ufos they have an unresolved paradoxical behavior they they are physical they show up at multiple radars simultaneously they leave radiation behind burnt ground they are real and yet they seem to have the ability to materialize and de-materialize at will they're trans-dimensional what are they the people who study them are the more they study them the more bewildering they are but here's the other fact that is staggering the ufos are shrouded in a secrecy level that is higher than our most sensitive warheads and i can say that having spent 30 years in the strategic arena i was chairman and ceo of four different publicly traded defense contractors operating in the most sensitive areas you can imagine and i was stunned to discover by unusual accident that the ufos enjoy a higher level of security than our most sensitive warhead now the mystery is why everybody asks me when i travel what really happened at roswell back in 1947. the answer is nobody knows lots of interesting legends the key fact though is whatever happened is still classified to this day two presidents and four congressmen made a career of trying to crack it and couldn't the secrecy surrounding that is bizarre why are ufos enjoying that kind of protection and why is the vatican of all people i thought the vatican was the most exclusive club in the country i would have thought its management would be the most conservative entity you could conceive of why would it openly admit to be preparing to receive an alien visitor that takes a while to absorb that's not a rumor it's been confirmed by a visit there tom and chris went there and visited they're open about it we have copies of documents that were distributed they've since been pulled but we have copies of them and see the ufo they can be tangible they can be modern multiple radars they leave tangible evidence behind burnt ground reactivity they participate in formation flying evidence knowledgeable there were 432 cases studied by the air force highly classified that demonstrated that they are piloted by knowledgeable pilots information 432 examples i happen to involve that however they violate physical laws they go faster than sound without sonic booms they make right angle turns at extreme speeds and they materialize and disappear suddenly without any trace at all what on earth is going on you you experience one of these you think you've had a hallucination no it's on the record they show up on the radar i can remember vividly when i was entering the naval academy was june of 1952 and there were ufos that shut down washington national airport in those days and also andrews air force base in washington they were shut down for the better part of a week and i have copies i meant to include the slides i forgot to do just where these ufos they would muster the air force mustered interceptors they chased them couldn't catch them they'd disappear they'd land they'd come back they harassed those two major airports the washington national it was that was the primary airport back in those days there and andrews air force base and that went on for the better part of a week i remember the newspapers every day the jets are trying to try and they'd they'd muster the jets and chase them and not catch them and they disappear that wasn't somebody's report that was happening over our nation's capital for the better part of a week i happen to remember it because i happened to be there that month because i happened to be the month that i was entering the naval academy as a pleb so i was in the region for that reason and of course the overshadowing dilemma here is why do they enjoy a higher military classification than our most sensitive warheads and here's where i could probably spend a few moments explaining something about compartmentalization if you have a contract that has content that you're set you want to be censored you can designate that content as some level top secret or whatever but if you're really anxious to hide what you're doing you can compartment it what they mean by that is you can make the existence of the contract classified information they call that a compartment and program what it means is your competitors don't know they exist they're a wonderful con they're not very profitable because they're negotiated contracts but they're wonderful pieces of work because your competitors don't know you've got the contract that's very commonly done typically in the intelligence community but i discovered after being in all that for 30 years there is a third level there's one where you contract the content fine there's a where you have the existence of the contract classified the second there's a third level that's where the existence of the customer is classified and i ran into one of those and boy did we learn some interesting lessons so the good news is the department of defense has learned to keep a secret when they want to and they do why should the events at roswell new mexico in 1947 still remain classified after 66 years you can't find out the answer and this whole issue of majestic 12. harry truman sets up 12 people six civilians six military to be a committee to figure out what to do about ufos that year the document that empaneled that committee some documents that have to do with the disposition of alien bodies surface they're around for a few weeks when the community suddenly realizes those are folk hoaxes the memo that authorized magic 12 was a hoax these manuals that were floating around someone went to an elaborate nonsense to create a hoax so there's two kinds of people around those that never heard of magic 12 and those that know it was a hoax back 20 years ago whatever they don't understand the use of disinformation that's the clever way to hide something surface some information about it and let it get discredited so it's a hoax and everybody knows it's a hoax and most people have majestic 12 that was a hoax no a guy by the name of stanton freeman decided to make a career of tracking down the dossiers of those 12 americans and he spent 20 years going to private libraries and collecting discount whatever you could find out with those 12 people and he published a book called majestic 12 of what he discovered and it's really astonishing to realize no they were impaneled in some very interesting ways i won't spend the time on that here other than to say that to kind of cut it through it doesn't mean i'm right but i believe majestic 12 was real it's obviously changed its name its composition has changed over the years but i think there is a highly secret group where you call it the collins elite maybe it's part of the jasons who knows so the question is these are astonishing things for us to try to absorb why is the vatican anticipating an alien visitor there are discussions within the vatican as to whether or not he can be baptized is he sinful or is it endless you know there are issues there are theological issues that they're wrestling with and the question that this surface is how would an extraterrestrial confirmation impact the global perspectives theologically what would happen on the planet earth if a real alien of some kind shows up what does that do to your conceptions about god about jesus about the bible would it shake those is that going to cause an awful lot of people to rethink things very very you know it may surprise you to know or realize that there have been some prominent americans namely douglas macarthur in one of his speeches john f kennedy in another his speeches ronald reagan in one of his speeches made conjectures that what it will take to bring peace on the earth is a threat from outer space so we might forget our differences and rally around that kind of a threat they use it rhetorically as a as an idiom but it's amazing when you go through the records how frequently that has come up is a concept how would an inter interterrestrial extraterrestrial confirmation impact the global perspective of people would a cosmic incident galvanize a global government see the one conclusion that you come out of by wading through some of these things that we've been talking about is that there is a delusion coming and i think it's a waste of our time to try to second-guess it because it is a delusion it's the most skillful crafted delusion in the history of mankind it is the seed of the serpent's grand opportunity i personally have the suspicion that the reason the harpazo is not scheduled clearly is to catch satan by surprise almost every other event when you study the events of the end times you can sort of lay out in relative to one another it's amazing how much that can be pretty much except there's one event that is clearly unscheduled it could happen tonight it could happen 20 years from now we don't know the harpazzo but we do know that when that harpazzo hits that's a starting gun and satan knows he's got a very limited window he knows he has but a short time the scripture tells us and jesus warns us that there's going to be a a delusion that if it were possible it would deceive the very elect this is not a trivial little doctrinal issue something very very fundamental is going to hit the airwaves here paul talks about it also in another way in ii thessalonians 2 that it is not just a general deception no it's a specific lie that it's going to descend upon those who failed to acknowledge the truth everybody thinks there's going to be some kind of big revival before the end there may be i tend to see the opposite an attempted a revival will fall flat and because they did not have a love of the truth it's god who's going to send or permit this delusion it's a specific delusion and it's going to be global and since it's satan's finest hour it's going to be a dozer that's what's coming and i think it's silly for us to try to second-guess it there's no clearly as you look at the possibilities they go far beyond our imagination i think the world the day after the harpazzo the world is going to be so different it's impossible to imagine it the the turmoil globally is going to be enormous it's going to be satan's finest hour it is his grand opportunity and he knows he's got a short window trying to second-guess that is a silly waste of time what is important is for us to prepare ourselves in our own spiritual hygiene to do our homework not to try to second guess these things but simply gather what we can from the word of god not chuck missler's conjectures not fill in the blank no no for the word of god to dig in deep and and and position ourselves on the sidelines not trying to second-guess it but to prepare ourselves for what he is doing because he has a calling for every one of us in this room and the challenge you've got and discover what that is and i don't have a magic formula for that god will take care of that but he has a calling for each of us and uh so it's a is the global deception being ready for the final climax i believe so i think we're on the threshold of it does that mean it's going to happen next week or next month or next year i don't know there are some things that have to happen that's going to take some substantial time [Music] the city of babylon's got to re-emerge on the banks of the euphrates that won't happen in 30 days but it has got to happen to receive its judgment so there is some intervals yet to happen that's the good news that means we've got some time to catch our breath we got some time to do our homework now i've left a lot of open issues here is he is he really the last pope a lot of people have studied this think he is and certainly the vatican has been badgered by scandals the pedophile thing is just astonishingly pervasive in that world and the accusations of satan worship in the deepest bowels of the vatican continue from people who busy themselves with those things and the whole field of astrobiology commitments that's so bizarre that's a science with no evidence whatsoever we can talk a little bit more about that tomorrow if you like and the whole tradition of the vatican where the pope is supposed to be the vicar of christ the one standing in his place bizarre stuff we're dealing with here you see in your notes you have a reading list obviously petrus romanus is the book that tom horne and chris putnam published in 2012. and it'll tell you more about the prophecy the pope said you probably really want to know it's a very very thorough study but a book that you must have for your library if you get your hands on one is a book that was written by dave hunt called the woman rides the beast and dave there is a classic book by alexander hislop called the two babylons and it's a classic that is in most christian series christians library it's a bit argumentative clearly dave hunt's book vastly eclipses it and does a better job it really documents the background of what he it's well documented all the way through dave however is so focused on the vatican aspect he is blind to the literal babylon aspect and he and i have a different had a different point of view on that i happen to believe i think he's correct but i think both views are correct and i explained that through zechariah 5 and you've heard me on that but a woman rides the beast if you're a catholic or have any interest in you need to take a look at that if you can get your hands on a halley's bible handbook preferably an edition prior to 1965 i would if it's the billy graham edition i'd pass it because it's been explicated but there's also a book that we're going to try to carry here called the pilgrim church by eh broadbent it was published originally in 1931 fell out of print and it was dave hunt's energies it caused to get back in print interestingly enough it's a book that i believe is an essential book in every serious christians library and you can i'm sure you can get it through you know amazon.com or whatever and then there's a book that is one of the best most thorough things resources i can imagine it's called exo vaticana and i won't try to explain how tom horn gets these titles but the point is that's the title of the book by tom horn chris putnam and it includes some of the most in-depth scholarship i've ever seen on any on several subjects it does an incredible job at capturing and explaining the whole ufo area in ways that are very impressive and i've read a lot in that area he also deals with astrobiology in some very very interesting ways it's an out it's one of the most outstanding books on my library you can't borrow my copy sorry we'll try to get some here exo vaticana by tom horn so with that let's have a closing word of prayer heavenly father we thank you for having us together and we thank you father for your agenda for this evening we pray father that you would illuminate just what it is that you'd have us in response to these things so many many diligent and loving people are sincerely entrapped in a belief system that is such a disaster that is so contrary to your word father we know not how to deal with that we pray that you would give us wisdom and discernment and compassion as we encounter these situations but above all father we pray that you would help us prepare ourselves for the coming turmoil that you'd help us prepare ourselves for the deceits and the delusions and the deliberate confusions that will be perpetrated upon your people father we pray that through your holy spirit and through your word you would help us to get equipped and prepared for the days ahead that we might be more pleasing in your sight that we might might be more effective as your ambassadors as we without any reservations whatsoever commit ourselves into your hands in the name of yeshua our coming king indeed help us father never to take our eyes off the person of our king indeed amen [Music] you
Channel: Koinonia House
Views: 61,476
Rating: 4.9087281 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, christ, chuck, missler, koinonia, house, khouse, institute
Id: 7s4svxlmG7s
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Length: 62min 21sec (3741 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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