Expectations of the Antichrist - Session 4 - Chuck Missler

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[Music] well welcome back to session four of our exploration of the expectations of the antichrist and of all the series that we're investigating this one is probably going to require the most prayer so let's bow our hearts father we thank you for who you are we thank you for bringing us here we pray father that through your spirit and through your word you would help prepare us for the days ahead that we might be more effective for you as we commit ourselves into your hands in the name of yeshua our coming king indeed amen well we're going to explore now a segment of emergence that many people don't realize are going on but it's coming on like gangbusters and that is the transhumanist expectations what on earth do we mean about that well it turns out that there are a series of technologies that are advancing so fast in fact they're each helping the other to advance in effect four of them that are changing our lives hourly and one of these of course is genetics and microbiology no surprise we're all aware of the fact that they're making strides especially in the information sciences to try to understand switching theory and all the things that are going on behind the scenes genetics and microbiology but there's another technology that you may not be tracking and that's the tracking of robotics and robotics has been held back by a particular problem that is finally yielded some surprising results in robotics the challenge has been strangely creating synthetic skin in other words so that a robot can tell whether it's picking up a wine glass or a bowling ball they now have found a way to make skin so sensitive it can feel the footprint of a fly and that's broken through allowing all kinds of innovations to take place in robotics there's another area that's called nanotechnologies and that's the goal there is to make machines that are the side the size of a molecule tiny tiny machines and that field is leapfrogging forward in some surprising ways but the fourth to tie this all together in a strange way is a field which for lack of another term we'll call artificial intelligence i can remember in the rand days in those days the big argument can a machine think so they got around that by saying well can it simulate cognitive behavior that got away the philosophical arguments the point being though that the artificial intelligence technology has been advancing phenomenally in some ways that will surprise you but the main point that's emerging here is that all four of these are advancing to help each other so to speak because one influences the other and so we call this emergence transhumanism we're moving into the post-human era where the human body can be extended in ways that go far beyond its original design transhumanism it has very strange aspirations of its own and priorities that will surprise you and we want to understand those and from that we want to get some grasp of the dangers quite independent of the reason we're looking at it this particular day so bear with me here machine enhancements it is now possible to make enhancements to artificial limbs that go far beyond our previous amount they no longer use pulleys and and and uh hydraulics they they can make extensions of the human uh predicament all kinds of ways they have found a way to make bionic muscle not gears and levers but literal muscles is a hundred times more powerful than the human muscle synthetic muscle if you will and so they're made and how they do it isn't important this discussion we'll just go ahead it's in your notes if you want to get double back on it they're also starting to study the direct limb to brain communication how does a limb know when to move and how and so the the the these limitations have increasingly been relieved by a variety of advanced research the nanotechnology i was on the board of nanopower for many years and that this involves the manufacture and manipulation of materials that are at the molecular level if you will the smallest things that you can imagine and uh they're measured in billionths of a meter a nanometer is a billionth of a meter and a sheet of paper is a hundred thousand nanometers think to give you some feeling of what we're dealing with here and so these have enormous effects on everything we do and they're moving on because it's possible for a molecule-sized machine in your body to find a location and administer a jug with a ten thousand to one focus so you can do much more much easier and much more safely strangely enough but the other area that is moving wildly is artificial intelligence in in many many fronts there it's blurring the distinctions between man and machine we're now blurring the distinction between man and machine you're with me so far okay you know what's interesting for many many years in the early days of the computer industry which i remember well the issue was you know what can a machine do best what can a man do best we were always asking the wrong question the real question is how can they together do it best and it turns out to generate a whole different set of answers and so they now have brain scans that are being studied to try to understand how the brain actually handles thoughts and there's research going on that especially at princeton universities neuroscience institute and they're discovering they can begin to detect the patterns of thoughts non-invasively they don't have to get in your brain to be able to map those things there are commercial retail products that aimed at this mindset has a family of things that allows it you can get a headset that will measure your brainwaves it's used for research and for games it's harmless in the sense that it's non-invasive and over 300 universities are using these things as as products in their research so those things are available higher the tv country company in in china is producing a television set in which you change channels by thinking about them spooky stuff but it's and that's in the retail market the army has mind control projects in which they are trying to develop thought helmets so that a squad leader can communicate to a squad by thought not by voice and that sounds bizarre but then they and they're not there yet don't misunderstand me but they believe that's an attainable goal and are letting contracts in that direction and so we can go on the other area in which a lot's going on is called bci's the brain to computer interface how does your brain connect to a computer directly not audio or uh you know uh motiva they they how do we do that and there are partially invasive bcis that are implanted in the skull and that but rest outside the rain rather than within the gray matter they try to connect with that and learn things about it and they find they learn things that way they also have computers now that are designed to learn not just self-modifying software no much more deeper than that experimental computer chips for our next generation brain inspired computers that are capable of learning from what's going on around them cognitive computing they call it and on it goes and so the ibm people are in that they've also partnered with 3m creating layered chips that are a thousand times faster because they can layer it to get rid of the heat the problem is the cause the energy per billion thoughts and so there's it's not only question making more powerful it's a question of making it smaller and more energy efficient and so they're going through all of that so on it goes but they're looking at thousand to one improvements is the point so the power of computers is continuing to accelerate these improvements in each of these four technologies are not only moving faster the rate at which they're moving is increasing and it's staggering in terms of what's happening here the size energy and costs continue to diminish the facility of software continues to accelerate and expand and they're heading for a day that is according to ray kurzweil who's one of the followers very followed gurus in this area he uses a strange term he actually misuses a mathematical term but that's not the point he is predicting a time he calls the singularity what he means by that the day is coming when the computer capability will exceed that of a human being and he calls that the singularity he's predicting that not a few decades away a few years away we're that close he believes and he's got a record here of being really on track in his previous he's a multi-millionaire because he's been able to predict technology moves very very skillfully and he's the one that his book is the singularity is near meaning this time when the computer will outclass the human being and what it does uh is coming very closely here and he's the acknowledged guru so when computational intelligence exceeds that of the human mind staggering staggering goal now here's the staggering part of that the aspiration of these people these are not dumbbells these are people at the cutting edge of our most advanced technologies you're with me so far okay they believe the day is coming when it's possible to exchange consciousness between bodies that that which makes up your consciousness can be transferred to a machine environment that's even richer than your own what that means is immortality because your conscience can be translated into a machine and that machine is superior in many ways to the human machine you have a consciousness in a different environment and there's no reason that couldn't be transferred to a different environment as it improves it's a strangely enough it's a path to immorality immortality and that sounds bizarre to the uninformed the more informed you are on this the more attainable that looks but that raises some very very bizarre questions and so the path towards immortality can you imagine while all this is going on you need to be aware of a group called the jasons now this isn't some spooky cult exactly it's something quite different it's an independent group of scientists it's our strongest brain trust available that advises the united states government on matters of science and technology they're called the jason's first created as a way to get younger generation of scientists to replace the older generation los alamos and mit radiation lab and all those people and so it was established in 1960 and somewhere between only 30 and 40 members but they are the brain trust available to the united states and they do their classified activities primarily administered through the mitre corporation now they have highly classified priority agenda that drives a widespread global arms race what's coming out of these technologies is a race it's hidden it's highly classified but obvious the major development countries china europe russia the united states are racing to develop to be the first to develop the super soldier the human that is advanced exploiting all these techniques to be the ultimate soldier faster more powerful fill in the comic book imaginations they're all attainable and so it's widely acknowledged to be among the informed that the next era to envelope is what some people are calling the age of the hybrids the hybrids you won't be fighting a soldier you'll be fighting a hybrid of some kind that has been enhanced with the technologies that are out of the laboratory and that's from the emergence of genetics robotics nanotechnology and artificial intelligence do you begin to realize with that kind of money behind the technologies pushing them even faster and further it's a race it's a hidden race to those who are informed highly classified and so super soldiers armed with ultimate weapons network super leaders with unlimited mind controls unenforced lawlessness among a privileged few is the result will ultimately be result and consciousness exchanges offering a form of immortality and out of all this there are even people talking about a collective consciousness which will usher in the utopian collective when they if you've seen there's been a documentary released to movie theaters in the u.s called the the singularity on the on ray kurzweil and they tell about his life and how and how what his beliefs are but the final final scene is so telling they ask ray kurzweil do you believe there's a god and his answer is a simple one he says not yet they actually believe that what god will be will be the result of somehow collectively putting these things together now so these nanotechnologies their goal is molecule size machines robotics self-modifying sentient machines machines that can not only think in some way they can modify themselves that's the goal of robotics that's what they're chasing genetics of course the self-replication of manipulated entities they are talking about being able to design diseases that can single out not only just a certain class of person a specific person bizarre stuff bizarre stuff directable diseases targeting specific groups or individuals and then of course artificial intelligence exceeding the human mind this is the world that's emerging on a horizon and it's not a decade away three four five years are the common estimates by people who are knowledgeable here this is coming in spades and the whole mentality of the population is unprepared for this because they're uninformed and so that's why we're bringing this up for a number of reasons okay the composite goal self-replicating sentient machines that have superior and overwhelming combatant strengths essence the transfer of consciousness between and two exterior bodies what does that mean it sounds like science fiction doesn't it it's worse than that it has some other implications a path towards immortality now can you imagine these things in the hands of certain people that are heading for global tyranny what would have happened if these technologies would have been available to a hitler or a stalin or whomsoever that's what we're facing now see part of the thing you need to realize is that i can't see you out there i can only see the temporary residence you're in the real you call it soul spirit conscious whatever label that's vocabulary whatever you are temporarily resident in a disposable hardware environment and technology looks like it may free you from the limitations of that environment why shouldn't it be possible in fact preferable to transfer to into an advantageous environment a machine enhanced environment because it defies the imagination and what would limit you from pursuing a continuing path of subsequent upgrades provocative isn't it a path to immortality that's rake that's really what ray kurzweil talks about with the singularity when machines exceed human capabilities the transfer of total consciousness into a machine environment that boggles the mind from one and then another who knows can composite consciousness lead to a supra consciousness some people would call that god in some form that's ray kurzweil's fabulous response to does god exist he says not yet that's his mind and he's serious about it he's serious about it so obviously there's some dangers here we want to be aware of quite independent of our topic this afternoon and the trouble with these things is they ignore a region that i call the metacasm now that's a concept i've discovered is essential to get across if you're going to develop a serious world view today that there are boundaries to our reality if you take what we really know about our physical reality it's astonishing where you come out let's take this symbol of da vinci's interpretive man as a as a symbol of man's reach i'll use that in my little diagram here that's man's reach now anything and i'm going to have size increase to the right on the diagram so if i go left i'm going smaller if i go right i'm going bigger i want to explore that which is larger than us okay i'm going to collectively call that region the macrocosm and as we explore that in our thinking and awareness that plunges into into this discussion of astronomy and astrophysics and all that bigness the great discovery of 20th century science is that the universe is finite it is not infinite staggeringly important it may be expanding but it's limited it's finite so the fact that the universe is finite we could spend some times about but that fact we need to understand is reality on the large size you're with me so far okay let's go the other way let's explore smallness and it gets even stranger because that we call that the microcosm let's examine things smaller than ourselves you would think there's no limit to smallness but we discover that if i take a length like a piece of string i cut it in half and throw it and take what's left and cut it in half and you think that mentally i could do that forever it might get too small to really do it but i could imagine whatever i've got left i can cut in half and i discover that's not true it turns out that length when i get smaller than 10 to the minus 35 centimeters if i try to split it it loses a property called locality and i discover if i'm in in quantum physics i discovered the bizarre reality that whether you're talking about length mass energy or time there's a limit to smallness they call those quanta there's a quantum limit plant planck's constant against what i call planck's wall if you try to get smaller than that there's no unit of time smaller than 10 to the minus 43 seconds that's very very small but what's provocative is to discover and they now know it's true that there's no unit of time time is made up of indivisible units energy indivisible units length indivisible units they call them quanta to collectively talk about them but that plunges into the discovery of quantum physics and subatomic particles and the thing that you need to discover there is that smallness is made up of units you cannot divide we are in a digital simulation there are units you can't split one of the original physicists first discovered that committed suicide because he couldn't handle the implications of that and indeed the more you study quantum physics the more bizarre it gets and i won't try to get into all that here but what we know today if you know if you pull your facts together you'll discover that we now know that we're living in a digital simulation a virtual environment and it has limitations of largeness it's finite and has limitation of smallness in the scientific american june of 2005 there's an article about the constants of physics which are apparently changing and their their conclusion if the constants of physics are changing and they are that implies their words not mine that our reality is but a shadow of a larger reality really yes that's what the bible has been saying from the beginning and by getting that's one of the things i want to do is i really want to codify this into a meaningful book because i think that if building our world view from what we know physically cuts through all the nonsense and brings us to truth faster than dealing with the lies and the deceit that constitute our curricula in most colleges this area the macrocosmics are is a subset of a larger reality and i'm going to call that larger reality to be consistent the metacasm and it's the metacosm that's the region that we find things like angels fallen and otherwise that's the region of demons we now know that that's the region of the ufos i'll come to that before we're through because they're very very strange we know they're real because they're physical they show up in multiple radar simultaneously they leave evidence behind like radiation and burnt ground so they're real in one sense and yet and yet they make right angle speeds at speeds that are just absurd they they can materialize and dematilize it where are they when we don't see them those are issues that have been well researched by serious people and the thing you'll discover that region of interest is the most highly classified area of military intelligence you have it shocked me i spent 30 years in the strategic arena and it shocked me to discover that there are the mystery about ufos and roswell isn't what happened to roswell the mystery about roswell why is it after 60 years still classified what on earth is going on scientific american june of 2005 our universe is but a shadow of a larger that's not a speculation that's a conclusion by people in the know strangely enough transhumanism see the trouble with transhumanism that we've been profiling here it ignores the reality of a metacosm because there is something larger than our physical we're a subset of the whole thing there is a supernatural warfare going on in the metacosm and you and i are both the puppets and the prize we're the puppets in that world in many ways and we apparently are also the prize for mysteries that mystify us all when we open the channel into our software call it soul spirit whatever it yields an access permission that is not reversible i remember very vividly when a movie came out called the exorcist by william blatty and i was i was on walter martin's board in those days and walter set out to discredit william blatty only to discover that william blatt he had done his homework that that novel was based on primarily two real case studies there wasn't a gal it was a guy in new jersey but that's not important his it was based on actual case study research walter didn't like the way the novel ended but the point is he was shocked to discover that william blatt he had done his homework and if you remember the bizarre events there they all started by young girl playing with the ouija board indulging what is called technically an entry those entries are tame compared to the entries that are available with video games with the role-playing games the ways that the spirit world can get you to invite them in like birth control it's not retroactive see the thing that the transhumanism ignores is that we have an accountability to the master designer himself and this is dealt with us for us it gives us a clue there in genesis 11. we'll look god has limited boundaries there are god-appointed limits to human arrogance and we'll explore one to get the flavor of this in genesis 11. in genesis chapter 11 it says the whole earth was of one language and of one speech and it came to pass as they journeyed from the east that they found a plane in the land of shinar and they dwelt there and they said one to another go to let us make brick and burn them thoroughly and they had brick for stone and slime they had for mortar and he said go too let us build us a city and a tower whose top may reach into heaven and let us make a name lest we be scattered upon the face of the whole earth don't look at this naively like a sunday school coloring book they're not building a tower they think they can climb up to heaven in a figurative sense they're doing it in actually in a literal sense they're doing in a figurative sense what they're building in effect is a combination temple a strong astral astrological entity to reach beyond themselves that's what they're trying to do okay and the lord came down to see the city and the tower which the children of men builded and i live and i wonder who this is and the lord said i wonder who he's talking to the lord said behold the people is one and they have one language and this they begin to do and notice the conclusion and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do don't let that phrase slip by the concept that god is drawing a line in the sand he won't let them be unrestrained to do anything they imagine to do the question is who's he talking to and those of you that have done your homework know you the answer is in psalm 2. the second psalm is a trilog between the father the son and the holy spirit on this very issue by the way and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do go to verse 7. go to let us go down notice the us that's the that's in the hebrew and the plural that's in the plural by the way go to let us go down and there confound their language that they may not understand one another's speech so the lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of the earth and they left off to build the city i want to remind you that in hebrew a plurality is not two it's three so you can chew on that a little bit therefore it is called is the name of it called babel that's the tower to god el is god the bab is the tardigrade because the lord did there confound the language of all the earth and from thence did the lord scatter them abroad upon the face this is another example where the holy spirit uses puns babel the tower to god becomes babel they didn't understand each other you see there's a pun there that's not incidental you'll discover in hebrew that's designed people say well hebrew lends itself to wordplay absolutely it was designed to let's not be surprised that we discover in your bible there are a number of different rhetorical devices do you know how many different kind over 200 different kinds and they've been catalogued for you what they are and where they're used you'll find it in appendix to cosmic codes is one place they're around okay let's get back to the broader topic the advent of the hybrids that's what we're facing here and of course that term really has its origin a biblical origin in genesis chapter six and i'm stunned with how many times i get a phone call from people who've graduated from seminary with a master's or a doctorate who are angry not at me but they're angry because they've discovered that when they were in seminary they were never taught of the existence of the angel view of genesis 6. you would think there are several different views there's one called the sethite view that's commonly taught and the error is it's wrong at least in 12 specific ways the error is they don't teach the alternatives it's not they say here's one view there's another they don't do that they should they don't and many people have graduated from somebody are shocked and upset because they discover that they were never even aware of the classic view the biblical view of genesis 6 and also numbers 13 and also revelation 9. those are all tied together and relax i'm not going to try to review all of that here this morning but we do want to take a look at genesis chapter 6 the first two verses and i want to call your attention to something the all the experts miss those two verses are one sentence and it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them that the bania elohim the sons of god saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose what you know is those two uh verses in one sentence the sons of god that's a technical term in the hebrew it refers to a direct creation of god adam was a direct creation of god his descendants were not they were sons of adam okay you do the whole y-code thing and all that i won't get into that here but the binay high elohim the sons of god is a term used exclusively in the old testament of direct creation of god which usually means an angel because they were direct creation they don't procreate they neither die nor procreate and the daughters of men that's not the daughters of seth as daughters of men in general there have been contrived twistings of this in the fifth century a.d that have become standard fare in the seminaries and they stop and the truth isn't taught anymore when you get to verse four of chapter six there were nephilim in the earth and the word nephilim is a the word is the key word there nephilim there was nephilim in the earth in those days and also after that not just then but another time later when the sons of god came in unto the daughters of men and they bear children to them the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown the haggy barim and so in genesis 15 it happens a second time and that confuses a lot of people and also after that meaning it wasn't limited the the one the occasion in genesis 6 is taken care of by the flood of noah but when you get to genesis 15 it happens again in the land of canaan and that's why joshua is instructed to wipe out every man woman child of four tribes to get the deal with the gene pool problem there the nephilim the word actually in the hebrew comes from the verb nafal which means the fallen ones to be cast down and fall and so forth the hag ibrahim are the mighty ones in the septuagint the greek it's translated gigantes yes they were giants but that's not what the word means they were giants but no the word gigantes means earth born from jigas for earth and so there's some very important exegetical backgrounds you want to have by getting into that now when you get to verse 9 of genesis 6 it says these are the generations of noah and generations usually means it's family tree he says noah was a just man and perfect in his generations and noah walked with god now the word perfect there is the word tamim in the hebrew meaning free of physical defects what it's saying here is that noah had a genealogy that was unblemished by this this chicanery that's going on by the fallen angels to me means without blemish sound helpful without spot unimpaired now can angels have sex many people get confused by matthew 22 30 or mark 12 25 because jesus says for in the resurrection speaking of angels in the resurrection they neither marry nor given in marriage but ours the angels of god in heaven all he's saying is the angels in heaven don't procreate he doesn't say they can't he isn't imposing some kind of physical limit on the kind of mischief that fallen angels can fall into so many people get confused by that and there's a lot behind that we can go spend more time on it there's a technical term that shows up called okatarian and it's a term referring to the body as a dwelling place for the spirit and we see it only twice in the bible it's only twice the bible it's that from which the angels had disrobed in jude six the fallen angels destroyed from that in order to indulge in the mischief they were involved in but it also is a term used to the heavenly body that you and i aspire to be closed with in second corinthians 5 2. so i submit to you that that's used as a technical term in the scripture but we're going to move on well it's just june 6 7 the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation their criterion he hath reserved an everlasting change under darkness under the judgment of the great day even as sodom and gomorrah and the citizens about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth on his example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire it's interesting that jude even makes a parallel between the sins of sodom and gomorrah and the sins of the fallen angels do you see you get that you pick up on that okay the habitation that's this term okatarian again the positive thing in second corinthians 5 2 for we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of god a house not made with hands he turn on the heavens for in this we've grown earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven we're not interested in any singularity of ray kurzweil our master designer has that way he's way ahead of him oh again okatarian okay but it may surprise many that i understand there are also nephilim that were after noah's flood and it said so that would be after that before and the raphaem the emem the horim and the zamzumin are four tribes in genesis 14 and 15 that joshua was instructed to wipe out every man woman and child and he didn't quite complete the job arba anak and his seven sons known as the anakim are encountered in canaan in numbers 13. okay in deuteronomy 3 we encounter og the king of bashan and he shows up in joshua 12. he is the king of the giants he's huge and then there's goliath who has four when david goes through the brook he picks up five stones in his pocket remember it only took one take goliath what were the other four for he had four brothers think about that that's great we talked earlier about the famous uh visions both of nebuchadnezzar and daniel 2 and the one that daniel himself had in daniel 7 speaking of these empires babylon persia greece and then the iron mixed with clay and what we didn't get into particularly there but when you look at this imagery in when when daniel interprets uh chapter two he explains what that myrie clay is supposed to be talking about it's obviously a metaphor but of what and daniel says and whereas he's speaking to nebuchadnezzar whereas thou sauced iron mixed with miry clay they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men but they shall not cleave one to another even as iron is not mixed with clay what on earth is daniel saying to nebuchadnezzar they he switches to a personal pronoun they whoever they are to show what they shall mingle themselves with the what seed of men wait a minute both grammatically and biologically we got a problem here because the they must be something other than the seed of men in order to mingle with them so whatever they are they're not the seed of men do you realize what that verse is saying somehow in some way that making that's an illusion is something we don't quite grasp what is it are they nephilim could be are they clones could be are they aliens of some kind could be they whoever they are and they're apparently large enough plurality to constitute a significant segment of the population the iron mixed with clay it's not a couple it's a lot they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men really something's going to get introduced here that won't cleave won't work what is he talking about there's a clue here that's gigantic are these hybrids is the question are they nephilim could be or are they aliens of some other kind could be it's an illusion that won't go away now this leads us of course jesus said as the days of noah were so shall the days of the coming of the son of man be to understand what jesus meant we have to understand what the days of noah were like and when we study the days of noah we discover there are all these weird things going on with the fallen angels so that introduces us to the whole subject of ufos strangely because the ufos have been seen and are increasing so much so they're not even reported anymore in the paper now by the way this is an area of research that's one of the toughest areas to research that i know of having done a lot of work in it and i can tell you the latest book by tom horne exo vanna canna is the most thorough scholastic in-depth review of this area among other things that i've ever seen in print so if you're interested in getting up to speed quickly getting a copy of this book is one of the fastest way because the real problem is see real evidence survives the screening of false data when you go through this area and you get rid of the false data and the hoaxes and the nonsense there's a lot of that when you brush that all away what's left is real evidence that you cannot deny knowledgeably not knowledgeable people and tangible evidence that's the scary part you suddenly realize that despite all the noise and foolishness there's something in there that's real there are physical evidences they leave behind and yet the problem is they violate physical laws they're physical in the sense they show up in simultaneous multiple radar simultaneously they leave radiation behind and burnt ground they're real and yet they make right angle turns at thousands of miles per hour something you could not physically do they go faster than the speed of sound without sonic booms they violate physical laws that's the mystery we do know now that they are not intergalactic that's those ideas have finally been dismissed by anybody that's redone the homework they appear to be interdimensional you're looking at trans-dimensional behavior somehow where you where see we've been all trained with euclidean geometry three three spatial lengths with high three dimensions einstein has graduated us into a four dimensional space time great and there's more than that there's looks like the current estimate so there's 10 different dimensions out there something else we know about the ufos now today they have an agenda of deceit that's a huge huge milestone in the research and the the the the two guys that are best known who've devoted their lives to researching this area uh have concluded that they're demonic in origin and jacques valet is the frenchman born in 39 author venture capitalist currently residing in san francisco and jay alan heineck is the american these two guys are well known within the field and uh in mainstream science valet was notable for co-developing the first computerized mapping of mars and for his work with sr international in helping create the arpanet from which we got the internet he is a non-trivial scientific contributor and he is also an important figure in the study of ufos and so on and so forth j.a heineck is well-known he's the american and he's passed away now but he was a professor but he he was the scientific advisor on ufo studies for the u.s air force under three consecutive names under project sign in 49 the project grudge in 52 and the project blue book he was one of the principal contributors to all of those he devoted his life after that to independently studying this area and he's the one that's really considered the father of try the concept of scientific analysis of reports and especially trace evidence that apparently is purposely left back by the ufos so these are informed perspectives they're not intergalactic but they're transdimensional fair enough neither one of these guys by the way had any theological orientation and yet both of them came to the conclusion that the ufos are deliberately deceptive and they're not beneficial although they posed to be jacqueline and jalen both concluded that they appear to be demonic and those their words and tom horn and chris putnam published a book called exo vatican and i recommended very very highly uh and not because i did the introduction they did solicit me to do that and i was glad to do it because i'm quite impressed with the quality of their work but they also acknowledge that some of that we had some more origin in it so the point is but they believe that all of the thing that we're watching is a prelude to a forthcoming cosmic delusion by the prince of the power of the air that's the net bottom line for you going into this the days of noah the mystery of roswell is why is it still classified to this day and we spent a lot of time on this the whole idea that in the in the press releases with the air force they were subsequently embarrassed because one of the memos one of the guys was holding was readable years later by advanced digital technology and they were holding memos that talk about the victims of the wreck of what land see something landed in roswell that was sealed and sent off to wright pat air base and we now know that there were apparently victims of that wreck the legends are there were four bodies one was still alive but in whatever it is we don't look about why is it classified to this day that's the big mystery mj12 i believe mj-12 is real and exists the fact that its documentation surfaced and is subsequently discredited it's just a clever way to hide it there are two kinds of people today those that never heard of mj12 and those that know it was just a hoax back 20 years ago no no the third possibility that it was surfaced as a hoax in order to make it disappear and it's worked but behind all of this is the spooky part of the abductions when you start studying ufos carefully you discover that something else that's going on that's really really disturbing and that is the plurality of people who have had no prior psychiatric history have no desire for this to be published who clearly are subject to some trauma and their stories are too bizarre to accept and yet too consistent to ignore where they apparently are abducted subjected to medical procedures of data gathering and then discarded strange stuff strange stuff travis walton affair was made into a movie uh betty when i remember when we we came out with a book some time ago and i was radio interviewed i got a call from a producer in hollywood who said chuck i heard you on the radio and i agree with what you said until you said that a christian cannot be abducted you've got to recheck the uh affidavit of betty and andreessen i was so startled by the call i was amazed but i did i double checked and betty andreessen 20 years as in a spirit-filled fellowship some creatures apparently showed up by her bedside and they invited her and she accepted their invitation that's not a that's not an abduction you say i'm making a technicality maybe so but uh anyway dr john mack head of harvard's uh psychiatric activity had a conference at mit that he co-chaired and they smoked out all kinds of professionals and the question was what are what's going on mac's challenge to the conference is that what these people these people he dealt with over seven uh i think 176 cases personally this is what these people are saying if if what these people are saying you're having them isn't happening what is the stories are too bizarre to even repeat and yet they're so consistent you can't ignore them and that was his challenge to the conference and he wrote a book on abductions it's available you can check it out he since he's passed away unfortunately well in all these things of course i've used the seven epistles of christ as my backbone that's the profile we have from the lord himself seven letters that lay out strangely enough the history of the church in advance and we have the first three that are post-scripted we have the last four that explicitly relate to the second coming and of course thyatira we've talked about we're going to talk more about that in the next session and that will really surprise you when we get into that and of course philadelphia has promised an exit from all of that and we have the problematic aspect of sardis laodicea where are we with respect to transhumanism clearly we are in the apostate church we are at the end of the chain so we don't i'm not setting dates don't misunderstand me but we are at in the final curtain of we're in act seven of a seven act play and what we're facing is what some people call the satanic trio we have satan of course who's behind it all we have the beast as he's called in revelation and the false prophet and remember the last two are a duet revelation 13 remember i beheld another beast coming out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spake like a dragon so from that we conclude he probably was jewish because he certainly was accepted by israel you can study those on your own and the exit all the power of the first piece for harm caused the earth and them that dwell therein um to uh worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed and so on and the power to give life into the image of the beast that that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the beast should be killed you now we start reading these verses from the point of view of transhumanism and we begin to wonder gee is that image somehow empowered directly to cause the death of those that don't work our our technology horizon has been extended here a little bit he had the power to give life to the image what does that really mean we don't know because as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed wow and and then he causes both small and great rich and poor bound and free to receive the mark on the right hand or in the foreheads that no man buy or sell save that he have a mark and so forth and don't forget whose number is his number not ours that's the issue here and i have a little reading list exo vaticana if you really want to get up to speed in the most scholarly treatment i've ever seen of a very difficult subject i take my head off to these two guys we published a book some years ago as you know alien encounters as i mentioned douglas hamp has done an excellent book called corrupting the image which deals with the genetics of the nephilim and so forth does a terrific job excellent excellent piece of work tom horn's earlier book pandemonium engine deals with all of this see the issue is the metacosm because that's the real reality not the physical universe that we experience as a simulation our perceived reality is just a virtual one we need to understand that and you and i are in the midst of a warfare we're both the pawns and the prizes and our eternal destinies are in jeopardy here let's understand that and the question here we're spending a weekend together to probe at some of these topics the question is what's your action plan we're not here to sell a particular view i think you understand that we're here to understand the what seems that what the horizon looks like but out of this should be more than g some g wiz notes for the for the bookshelf what should come out of this weekend before you leave tomorrow is a personal action plan what does that mean i'm going to suggest that you and i have no capacity to second-guess the answers to the questions that we posed we pose the questions because there can we think they're constructive can we really formulate the answer not a chance because what's coming is the most skillfully planned delusion satan has ever hatched what we can do is deal with our personal spiritual hygiene to prepare for the coming turmoil and so we want to understand the armor of god that is our resource now there are vulnerability factors i've extracted this from a book on on the ufo things it's interesting there are things that will increase your vulnerability to the troubles that are coming one of those is some form of idolatry in the family background within your previous four generations have you examined those have you discounted them have you denied them have you rejected that unknown background in your personal genealogy most of us don't know our background okay no problem you can claim your background for christ you can have the forces of darkness purged and they're obviously examples of this demonic religions hindu buddhist native american voodoo scientology new age groups those are all deadly deadly poisons also parlor games ouija boards dungeons dragons role-playing and the video games that are going on astonishing implications and don't overlook or dismiss more subtle forms of idolatry as rebellion arrogance immorality impurity greed gluttony you name it sins of the mind where the person does not retain control over his thoughts is a area of hygiene drug use is an obvious example transcendental meditation occultism is another hypnosis uncontrolled anger these are all vulnerability factors attitudinal issues excessive guilt or sorrow there's answers for all of these biblically pride and arrogance of course lack of sexual self-control lack of mental peace disobedience secular values insulin if these don't convict you you're not paying attention we all have these problems and they're the resources are in our laps the word of god breaking marriage vows casting off early faith being idle wow a busybody title or malicious talk these are all in the script you can go through this checklist on your own in private pray it through volitional participation with demons or the spirit world in a non-biblical context wow that clearly is hazardous with an underscore so what can you do about these things explicit renunciation of any or all of the above before the throne of god in your private time tonight tomorrow take that before the throne of god and go through your list there's a 24-hour hotline available anytime and it's accessible from the privacy of your own will through prayer take advantage of it ask to receive the benefits of the completed action of jesus christ on your behalf undertake a specific commitment to the serious study of the bible as the inherent word of god doesn't that sound like a cliche no no no it should be a commitment that you should not let this day close without make a diligent effort to put on the whole armor of god spend time with god in prayer every day we all talk about it few of us really do it deliberate regularly enough identify and participate in a fellowship of christian believers in which the teaching of the entire bible receives the primary priority how absent that is from so many lives flee any cult groups that do not restrict their allegiance and authority to the word of god or in some other way deny the deity of christ don't let that linger in your life if it's there now if you get an encounter reject any invitations deny any requests and flee any involvement if any of you see a ufo don't chase it don't chase it take command and plead the blood of jesus christ they may try to bluff you you think i'm being overdramatic no understand your ground and your authority take command and plead the blood of christ on your behalf they have to flee and they will one of the things that will just shock you is to discover how terrified they are of the authority of christ if you rely on him you're in a position of absolute authority don't allow yourself to be bluffed i'll give you some anecdotal examples but it's not to the point and what you then want to do is seek prayer and counsel for someone you know who clearly has an adequate biblical background don't guess about that qualify your sources build a network you can trust and for heaven's sakes don't allow yourself to be hypnotized that's widely used the medical profession it's dangerous people that practice have no grasp of what they're doing it is a warfare you are a target the enemy's primary weapon is deception and deceit and with that i think we'll have a closing prayer i've appended to your notes a little study on the armor of god it's self-explanatory you can go through that if you like it's in ephesians 6 it's an exposition of ephesians chapter 6. it's one of the most powerful passages in the bible and so i included in the notes but i also realized that it's old news to most of you and furthermore even more beneficial you can do that on your own step by step with the notes in front of you with the bible in front of you so with that let's bow our hearts heavenly father we come before your throne excited as we realize that you're here and that you've anticipated all of this that you've given us not a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind and as we survey the horizon and we realize the challenges that surround us we take joy in the reality that you're way ahead of them all we thank you father you have provided us with your word the sword of your word and the power of your spirit we just thank you father for the resourcefulness that you've provided us we thank you father we do pray that you would give us no peace until we rest in you help us to expunge our past and our present with anything that offends with anything that compromises what you would like to accomplish in our lives we're thankful father for those around us that have been used to change the world we pray father that you would use us too in a way that only you can that only you know we ask you father that in this experience this weekend you would help each of us to discover specifically the calling you have for each of us that we each might be more responsive they each might be more effective as your ambassadors as we go forward in this adventure we call our walk of faith we thank you father we thank you for all these things in the name of yeshua our coming king indeed amen [Music] you
Channel: Koinonia House
Views: 68,911
Rating: 4.9017544 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, christ, chuck, missler, koinonia, house, khouse, institute
Id: 1qAtxA6C8P8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 20sec (3800 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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