Blind Butter Taste Test

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Welcome to Good Mythical More. I can't believe it's butter, because I will say that it's not. Mm. And then if I say it is, it might be. It might be. We're going to taste butter and see if they're not. But first, let's play, 'Who You Talkin' About?' We read a comment that someone made, about either one of us. Lawless Leopards of Liberty says, blank is trying to flex his calf so hard, LOL bout to pop a cramp. Flex your calf? Neither one of us have a big calf game. I haven't. And I don't think I've ever tried to flex. We've got weak calves, both of us. I don't think I've ever tried to make up for it, by flexing. Both of our dads have strong calf game. They kept all the calf in that generation. Yeah, they did. The kids at my school, which was also your school. Our school. Used to just talk about my dad's calves in a way, they were, they were coming to me and they'd be like, how does your dad get such big calves? I think our dads need to have a calf. A calf off? Even at their age. I dunno. I mean, I don't know, your dad's been pushing that go-kart, that golf cart pedal quite a bit. And he, you know, he, he climbs ladders. Yeah. I don't know if my dad's calves have really held up. I haven't measured them lately. Mhmm. You need to ask him, because my dad's coming for him. He's going to out calf him. This is the first who you talking about. I don't know. I don't have any clue. So I'm going to say Link. Cause I don't want to believe that I tried to flex my calf. Rhett is trying to flex his calf so hard, bout to pop a cramp. Okay. Let's see what he's talking about. I'm not flexing my calf. And first of all. Yes you are. You talking crap about my calf game? That, you've got a. I actually have a pretty good calf. It's not big, but it's defined. It's very pronounced. But, that's because you're flexing it. You're about to pop a cramp. You think the thing that I'm thinking about right now, where I got one foot in a bucket, and then I'm holding the card, and reading it. You think the thing I'm thinking about right now, is calf placement? And like, I mean, I think I can think about a lot of things at once, but I'm not thinking about a calf. You know what it is? It's that you rolled your pant leg up, and it was so tight, it pushed 80% of your calf down, below where it needs to be. I think that you might. You created cleavage. Take everything you said about my calves back, because I, I, I never knew I had such a defined calf until. You've got one. You've got like a choker, right below the knee. Well, maybe we can sell those calf chokers at It's just like a ring, a tight ring. You want your little calf, to look like a big calf? Get the calf choker. Hey, you want to hang us from your Christmas tree? Well, you can do that with these ornaments. We have decorative freaking ornaments. For a limited time, you get this limited edition Rhett and Link ornaments. They are heavy duty and solid. Pretty awesome high quality. Thanks for letting us hang out. Each one weighs several ounces. If you bought these, you'd be happy with them. They're not hollow. They're solid. I drilled through yours. Get yourself a, get yourself a holiday ornament. And it was solid all the way. Stevie, you want us to taste these butters? Yeah. And some of them are not butters. And you're going to have to figure out which are butters, and which are not butters. My, I recently traveled with my family, and my son Shepherd, my youngest. Saw some people that he had seen, like five years ago. And apparently he had made an impression, on a whole set of people, because he had eaten butter straight, in front of them. And so they saw him, they were like, it's the butter boy! Butter boy, all grown up. And they were like, you still like butter? And he was like, he didn't, he couldn't remember what they were talking about. They were like, yeah, you ate that butter right up. Butter boy. Also, he has that like cool thing going on now. So I'm sure he like, oh whatever Yeah, he's thirteen, he's thirteen. I don't know. I'm okay with butter. It's fine. Butters, whatever. I love butter. I know the answer to this. I love butter, but I have an opinion about that one. Do you want a 3, 2, 1? Are we 3, 2, 1, count? Sure, yeah. Okay. 3, 2, 1. Definitely not butter. - It's not butter. I don't know what it is. It's got a really oily, oily. It's Country Crock, avocado oil, plant butter. Yeah. Avocado oil. Oh, I didn't know they were doing the box thing. In my mind, it's always a tub situation. A crock. And it's like the man and the woman's hand coming. Oh, I'm talking like this. It's he, the, the actor from Modern Family. Doesn't he do some of the Country Crock commercials? Essentially. This is yellow, like butter. Okay. Oh, oh! 3, 2, 1. Butter. Not butter. It didn't taste like butter at first, but the end of it said butter to me. I'm really interested in this, because it is butter, and it's Vital Farms. The same brand that does the delicious eggs. Oh, I have this butter. I've have this butter. I'm not that interested in it. - We have this butter at the McLaughlin house. It's pretty good. It tastes like butter. Okay. So this is what butter tastes like. All right. Now I know. [Laughing] Now. Whoa, whoa, whoa. It's 85% butter. Oh, you tasted the 15%. Fat. Butterfat. 85% butterfat. Oh, no, yeah. What is that? 15% butterling? I don't know how butter works. I just overheard Emily talking about the percentage of butter. It has to be over 80% to be considered butter. Is that according to the board of butter? Well, what is the other 15%? The butter board. I mean like 2% milk, fat, milk fat or 2% milk, is not just 2% milk. I mean, it's a hundred percent milk. It's 2% milk fat. Yeah. Ingredients, pasteurized cream. Yeah. Milk. So there's no other ingredients. Yeah. So it is straight. All right. Okay. You know your butter, Rhett. You got me on that one. Now this one right here. I gave birth to a butter boy. This, right here. I don't want to embarrass him. Now, this is, this is, this is gold. Oh, that is so solid. I like to just stick my finger right in that. Do it. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. I tried something. Hmm. I tried something. That not butter. 3, 2, 1. Yeah. That is Blue Bonnet, margarine. I kinda like it. I'm not going to hate on margarine too much. And there are. I kinda like it. Margarine like went through a huge, like you remember the, the margarine years, like the eighties. And then they were like, oh, margarine is bad for you, because of, I don't know, trans fats, or something like that. Soybean oil. But, then. But, then. - Palm oil, salt. But, now they're for some diets, they're telling you to use margarine, instead of regular butter. So they made margarine healthy again? I don't know. Emily's like, yup. She's nodding her head. She's like, yes. It's less than half the calories of butter. It's definitely less calories. 14 grams. It got 40 calories of Blue Bonnet, to 100 calories of margarine or butter, margarine and butter, have this. Hold on. Did you say this was margarine? Yeah. Yeah. No, it's not. Blue Bonnet is not margarine, because on the back it says, Blue Bonnet has 40 calories, margarine has a hundred, and butter has a hundred. So. Well, margarine is a brand. Is a brand name, right? No. It's soybean oil. No. Blue Bonnet, is not margarine, is what we're saying. Blue Bonnet margarine, is what my thing says. Yeah, but it's not. But, it doesn't have. I don't think anything. It's not margarine. Nothing has trans fats in it anymore because, right? That's like, they got rid of those, because those were when they, when you heated those they get really bad for you. Okay. So, yeah. All we're clearing up is that Blue Bonnet, is its own thing, according to their packaging. Because they compare it to margarine and butter. Soybean oil. Okay, fine. Yes. On their website, it's yeah. Spread is what it, what it goes by. Vegetable oil spread. 31% Hey, it does spread great. They really got that down. 31% vegetable oil spread. How much traffic, you think receives? A lot today. Yeah. Go check it out. Not sponsored. Blue blonnet. Okay. Let's try this. This looks shiny. It's the right color. That'd be butter. Yeah. It's like a little, not super consistent, which is a good sign. I've started watching the Amazing Race, because we ran out of Survivor in our home. And last night in the episode I watched, they made, they churned butter. It was riveting. So I, it's fresh on the brain. You could either choose to like, get bunny rabbits to jump over. Ooh, that's salty. That is so good. It's so good. But fakey. It's so good. But I got to say, I don't think it's butter. And you know what I think it is. I think it's, I Can't Believe It's Not Butter. It's better than, it's salty. It's butter with salt. I'm saying, it's salted butter. It's not butter, but it's Smart Balance, buttery spread, made with extra virgin olive oil. Oh, this is, this is a headline. We went through a phase. Love Smart Balance olive oil. We went through a phase where Jesse got this. Jesse would buy that. And it's so good. 64% vegetable oil, buttery spread. That's by far the best one. And you know, you can get the Smart Balance in the spray? Like better than the butters that you've had? No it's not better than the butter, but. To me it is. It's saltier. It's really good. It's more spoonable. If you spray it, each spray is not enough calories to count as a calorie, so you can spray it, and it's zero calories. It supports healthy cholesterol levels, if you're already in the normal range. Well, there's some, that's me. I am not in the normal range, But this is made with olive oil? I am slightly above the normal range, and I'm working on that. And this is not helping. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Link. I mean this entire exercise. This is helping. Guys, you see what you're doing to me? I have elevated cholesterol. Listen. These 320 milligrams of omega threes, are going to lower your LDLs, which is really the bad cholesterol. It by, by removing other types of butter. Taking it out. No, just not using it. Not intaking it. You take this butter, and it removes the other butters from inside your. All the butter buildup, the butter boy has. Now look at this, Rhett. This is, this is a deep churn. Yeah. That you know what. I watched Amazing Race, and this is what they were doing. I bet ya, Nicole, churned that by hand. You ever walked by the mythical kitchen, and you just cracked the door and you see. [Grunting] [Laughing] That's exactly what I look like. Yup. Yup. That's how they looked on Amazing Race. [Laughing] I looked over at Christie. She looked over at me. Nicole, you did a really good job on this. You churned it. That is. You worked up a sweat. This is the best butter we've tasted. Freshly churned, 100% real. - By Nicole, herself. It's butter! Tillamook. Oh, good brand. Tillamook. Good cheese, too. And that's unsalted. And it's only 81% butterfat. Trevor's favorite ice cream is Tillamook. Mhm. Mhm. It's very creamy. [Laughing] Off topic, but right. It's very creamy. It's very creamy. I want them to know. Okay. We'll be getting him some for his birthday. Thank you. Is that a, is that a hint? What about this? This is something. I'm all buttered out. I'm telling you. It's tough to just eat butter. I mean, I'm no Shepherd. Oh, that really gives, it's got some give to it. Oh. I like. No. I hate it. No. I liked it, and then I did hate it. Tastes like something you'd seal a leak with. It's like, eh. Tastes like a robot caulk. Yeah. Like, please caulk me. Please, caulk me. It's something you'd put on the hips of a robot. Please caulk me. To have it make less noise. Please, caulk my crotch. And it's like, well, if we have to, That's definitely not butter. And stay away from that. But you can put it on all your robots. It is. I Can't Believe It's Not Butter though. Ah, yeah. Which is, is this the one that has the good, the not good commercials, but, is it Country Crock, that has the? Country Crock has the two people talking and they're like, oh. Oh, Fabio. Soybean oil, palm, and palm kernel oil. That's not good. Palm oil is bad. You want to go with olive oil, not palm. I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, is committed to sustainable palm oil. So they want to sustain palm oil. So it's controversial. Hmm. My stomach's starting to cramp a little bit. Now I'm only tasting it. You know what'll help? What? A little butter. A little more butter. Yeah, let's eat some more butter. Let's get that HDL up. I mean, you can look at that and tell it's butter. Maybe not though. Mhmm. Hmm. What? Oh, you know what? Hold on. We recorded a. Yes. This is weird. We were, we, we did a special round of the main episode, for Mythical Society, and something crazy happened. Uh, Nicole tried to kill us. [Laughing] And if you're a society member, just heads up. Make sure you go over there, and watch that bonus round, where we tried chicken noodle soup, prepared three different ways. But be careful. She tried to kill us. Because it may become evidence in a court case. And you will not be able to be a juror, if you have already seen us die on camera. Well, we didn't die on camera, but. We may die later. May we die later. I'm sure they will show that in court, and Nicole will be sitting there. She'd be like. [Laughing] I have fed you guys so many things, and the chicken soup is the one that's going to kill you? [Laughing] Okay, well. I rest my case. Well, it's not a chicken soup. Well, I mean, you got to watch it. And don't watch any footage of Nicole churning butter, if you want to be on that jury either, because you'll probably develop an opinion about her, that will impact your decision. [Laughing] Ah, this is butter. It's butter. It's Land O' Lakes. Land O' Lakes, man. That's some good butter. Basically what we've learned here, Land O' lakes. Butter is way better, than all the ways they try to make other butter. But, if you're going to try to make something that's not butter, you should use. What was the one we liked so much? Smart Balance. No. That was Trevor. Smart Balance, buttery spread, made with extra virgin olive oil. It's got olive oil in it. This is our king. Yass. Make your holiday season more mythical, with the Rhett and Link Holiday Ornaments, available now at
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 694,119
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: CkGqSLYdGwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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