EXOTIC LAO FOOD - Bile Meat Laap, Green Banana Salad & Raw Duck Blood in Vientiane, Laos!

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good morning I hope you're having an amazing day it's mark Wiens I mean we NT n Lau it's 6 a.m. in the morning and today is gonna be an amazing day of Lau Lau Ching food in vientiane we're gonna walk around we're gonna eat at some restaurants we're gonna do some sightseeing and I'm gonna share it all with you in this video right now [Music] we are going to go eat breakfast we're on our way to go meet Joe and he's from vientiane and he invited us to go to breakfast so that's why we're out walking around vientiane at 6 a.m. in the morning and we should be coming up to the breakfast spot pretty soon joe my classic round yeah honey like a million ticket counter Joe what's the name of this place what is it let me see team a some mess up but this is a place you come Pew for breakfast oh yeah yeah you're here all the time mm-hmm but they you know this turkey is really good this is the bell ow French combination fusion ultimate mixture and Joe says the bread here is really good in that we also got a side soup with some little meatballs in it as well the key to this dish is that so they make they make all of their their meats yeah okay so that is a huge improvement because if you're walking down the street and you just order this dish felly factory-made luncheon meats but they make all those stuff in in-house so I'm very excited I'm gonna go in with some some chili well that wind again also a little bit of pepper right that's not very spicy okay but it looks good though and now down some pepper there they picked up I get and they roast it they toast it over fire so you can see those char marks it looks really good enough I get oh it's so crusty I'm gonna reach my my crusty loaf into that egg along with some of that pate okay and I got a box to go on and call that hot day so with the creamy egg yolk I think there's some garlic in there to never disappoint and the pop there's really good you can really notice the quality of the ingredients they use because they make everything and especially the quality of the bread too is superb what you can do is make little sandwiches filling it up with with yolk and meat yes all beautiful if I get cold oh no those meats are delicious it's for the soup you got to add some chili as well and they have meatballs in the soup yeah the meat boss is special oh oh yeah that's a meatball texture I've never experienced before in my life it just sort of falls apart in your mouth Wow yeah that that's that's extraordinarily tender that mean it has a lot of textures going on in it there's definitely some some skin in there maybe some ears because you've got some crunchy bits it's kind of translucent but it's jelly ish at the same time as its crunchy it's good stuff [Music] this app okay diet alright thank you so much and thanks for all the information you can really taste the quality of those sausages of those hams and the eggs with the bread the bread is also really good that is the perfect way to start your morning in we NTN we have a lot more food and walking around to do today [Music] went back to the apartment we got young and Myka I put on some pants because we are on our way next we're gonna go visit a temple which is right it's close to the river side but right in the center of we entia and then after that we'll continue eating [Music] we arrived to the entrance of wat si Saket this is one of the more well known temple complexes within rien Tien cost ten thousand entrance for foreigners and let's go inside okay what see Sukkot it was built in 1818 and if you can look at the design it was it's based on CME's Buddhist architectural style and so you walk into this main courtyard area and then you can walk all the way around the outside what stands out to me immediately is this courtyard and just the symmetry of the design as well as I really like the roofing structure the architectural roofing which is it's multi-level that's tiered and you can see the palm trees swinging in the distance but yeah just that the article architectural style is what stands out to me [Applause] [Music] you can go inside but they don't allow any photography inside but while we were at the temple there happened to be a ceremonial procession that we caught a glimpse of okay it's time to go eat and there's a stall a restaurant not too far away that Jill recommended it looks really good you just hear the sound the whishing washing of the pounding of the salads those dressings the ingredients squishing oh that's that's that's that's music [Music] these salads hounded mixtures look unbelievable she's a master this one is actually dangerous looking this one is called mock white and it's a banana green banana salad she added in literally an entire full hand full grip of fresh chilies in there she added in some of the little tomatoes she added in some of the crab paste some of the fermented fish too yep the yellow eggplant oh my goodness that that looks lethal I'm already salivating an anticipation but I know this is going to be a punishment of chilly to the mouth Oh yeah there's so much going on it's extremely refreshing I thought it was gonna be more more salty more heavy but I mean like about 55 different flavors going on in your mouth at the exact same time of an absurd amount of textures and flavors going on even a scientist may not be able to detect the flavors that are going on in that in that and then that pounded mixture that is mind-blowing flavor the thing is everything is chopped up so well and everything is pounded so well that everybody's purely mixed so you get you get all 25 ingredients in every single bite now you take it's not like you take one bite and you get something new and you take one bite you get something everything is perfectly meshed together it is stunning and one thing we were just talking about that's that's both she's extremely nice um but when we walked in here she had this extremely bewildered concern to look up on her face like we came to the wrong place but she was concerned that that we might not be able to eat sticky rice and that we might not be able to eat the spicy dishes the spicy Tommen's that she prepares but now she's just all smiles back there as we are loving it okay time out for some some grilled pounded beef it has a really dry dry smoky flavor like beef jerky but thick next salad and this one is with strips not actually not not strips they're like they're like shavings of green papaya she added in not fresh chilies in this one but just straight up an entire again an entire handful of dried chilies which she pounded up there first there's garlic in here there's little tomatoes there's purple eggplant [Music] oh that's another winner how'd you keep on chewie the warmness of those dried chilies is starting to starting to kick in I'm starting to spice up and that Bala you you you have to recognize how smooth and such a good quality yeah enough fermented fish sauce is in there even though it's fermented Rotty and fish for some reasons it's not really that fishy but that flavor that saltiness is the flavors are are above and beyond hmm I got a big piece of lao lao olive been that by natchok chalky bitter sourness to remember mmm it's so good one more salad and she gave us this one Joel let's go in there's there's an interior make it but you can see there's a lot of those chives in there there's the slices of green papaya there's all the whole limes you've got green onions movie garlic in there and all sorts of things so much things going on in here [Music] that one is more sweet but in kind of a fruity kind of a sweetness the more you keep eating the salads the more the chilli creeps up on you and you start sweating their olives all of us on you're just dripping in sweat and your face might be a little red mm-hmm it's just these are masterful absolutely masterful [Music] i supply supply okay I don't know if you could take a single spoonful of anything in the world this might be the most flavor in one single spoonful that you can imagine okay I'm not even thinking straight after that much spice I'm just I'm slightly flying right now talk about flavor overload dude I'm just drifting on we're stumbling down sad puckering yeah I hope you ignore we're going next you didn't even know your mouth could experience so many flavors and textures in a single bite at once at a time until you taste that it will just blow your tongue out of your mouth [Music] we're walking towards one of the most well-known monuments in Vientiane so we're gonna stop there and that will be close to the next restaurant [Music] we've stopped for some fruit nourishment and yeah I've been a big fan of the yellow watermelon and so it's my god so juicy so sweet so refreshing we made it to POTUS ayah and this is a war memorial especially dedicated to the struggle to gain independence but it's it's really one of the main landmarks one of the main monuments of the NTN and it's quite a sight when you're here the architecture is fantastic I like the the maintenance of landscape it's a huge roundabout as well and there are lots and lots of government international buildings and headquarters around this area as well this place is called pockemon and again thank you to Jill for this recommendation oh cool they have like a little convenience shop at the front and they're cooking at the front but you walk back here into the yard and it opens up they they have a whole suiting section back here it's really shady and lush and they are known here especially for laughs okay I think you know back up Wow this is this is a palace right here he mixes in some minced meat and then she also has a mix of organs I think there's some tripe and some skin in there she adds it to the I love it I love the pot mixing method this is another feast for the senses it is just it's beautiful the colors the amount of herbs in there cooking she mixes up the meat with all of those herbs there's cilantro in there there's mint there are there's just crazy copious amounts of chilies in there and she just for good measure she sprinkled on an entire handful of chilies on top there's two different labs it's almost the same thing but one of them is more sour one of them she added lime juice one of them she didn't add lime juice but she added both the there were there are two different types of bile that she added one of them was was kind of yellowish in color one of them was kind of green in color the green could be coming from grass again just chock-full of herbs and chilies it Oh oh wow the herbs in there that MIT it's not as strong that it's a very mellow mint paired with those green onions you've got the meat you've got a lot of textures of that meet both the mixed meat and that stomach is chewy and those chilies are so vibrant it's it's remarkable Oh that just overwhelms you hmm yeah those chilies are there a little dynamite chilies and with sticky rice that is a marriage in my mouth we also had to try some other grilled pork which you can see at the front of the restaurant slowly smoking away and they serve you a number of different sauces one of them is a nice murky sauce that looks dangerously flavorful okay that's what I was expecting from the murkiness of that sauce yes that is just loaded with bile that is awesome and this is an herb the buds of the said ow which also you can oh yeah oh yeah that is chuckle first you get chalky then you get this jolt of bitterness in your mouth we got a bowl of soup and this is this includes all those different organs and there's definitely some tripe in here there might be some intestines there's some some bits of rumen oh I gotta have a piece of rumen on my first bite oh yes that does taste like grass and it definitely has a grassy texture to it I wouldn't say that rumen is my favorite organ of the cow but that broth that broth is exceptional it's got that perfect balance of salty and bitter this is the next plate of lob and so this one what must be the more bitter one with more bile added to it and without the lime juice and again it's the same mixture of ingredients just with some extra secret seasonings look at the combination of those ingredients [Music] this one's loaded with bile you're right you get a burst of bitterness then you hit herb then you get another burst of bitterness then you hit me then you get another burst of bitterness and it just keeps on giving that bile is what shines their bio masters they realize the full potential bitter flavor of the bile and the herbs and the meat mixed together I mean I'll admit I mean you have to enjoy bitter flavors you have to enjoy strong harsh flavors to really appreciate this but if you do this is this is as good as it gets oh that is a lob to remember we are stumbling out of this restaurant not only from the fullness level but from those flavors and we're on our way back to the Riverside my mouth is just overjoyed right now it's still on fire my taste buds are on fire and my my saliva actually is permanently bitter at the moment oh that was so ridiculously good thank you by the way thank you Joe two out of two STONER recommendations thank you thank you Joe [Music] let me just fill you in what's going on we went back to the apartment we took a little rest this afternoon and then we went just down the street there's a really nice coffee shop like a neighborhood coffee shop that we went to have a coffee yet and we met a couple people that watch our videos and we were telling them that we're on our way to go eat some FinFET which is grilled ocean style duck for dinner but she said she knows a place that is really good and so we're all gonna go together tonight we're gonna go eat some roasted grilled duck and despite having so much food amazing food already today I could not be more thrilled in life to go eat some grilled duck right now you know I went to Korea I told James about I went to myung dome and I found that exact mondieu place like the giant dome oh that place is good except Tilly hey am I in your videos right now you are that's the best thank you thank you so much what's the name of the place we're eating at and oh yeah real No okay immediately as you step in here you can see all that a room of the roasting that the roasting the duck septic up at the front and I think they just serve all things duct here ducks are just on the rotisserie smoking and pissing away you can really smell that they've been marinated in a lot of garlic the garlic in that smoke is I'm bathing in it the so we're all sitting down for dinner now ie the the menu they actually have an extensive list of all sorts of different dishes but really the reason you want to come here is to eat duck the first dish that we've got is roasted grilled duck but with the fermented fish paste on it that's a genius idea and you can just see that flavor just caked up on the skin there it looks crispy Oh okay we gotta try this now immediately yeah [Music] wow that is crazy flavor that duck is succulent but that that that fermented fish paste that gives it like that salty ultra umami it's not fishy at all but but yeah it has that deep saltiness that's okay okay well I'm just like inputting - and it's it's raw duck blood there are peanuts in it there are crispy shallots there's Lao mint there's cilantro in there did I miss anything - Chi there's chilies in there and so all that that is just a beautiful soup what you do is you first squeeze on lime and then what do you do you have to grab it chilly okay you grab a chili and then dunk it is some shrimp paste this is gonna be your second bite first bite is gonna be a spoonful of this quickly by this okay yeah oh I forgot to tell you there's some there's some bluebird some chunks of liver inside [Music] chaser one following a Joey that is like unbelievably good and indifferent and that's just like cool and refreshing that is outstanding you get the crunch of the peanuts you get the the refreshing aspect of the mint you get those crispy shallots in there and the blood the blood is honestly it's not irony at all it tastes like it tastes like milk it really is cool and refreshing that is awesome and then you get that that jolt of that chili Wow wow that's that's a new experience in your mouth here I get a drip and now I need a chili that is Wow wow what a dish the herbs stand out the chili bumps in your mouth that refreshing blood that's that's insanely good next up is la pit which is well we had a lot of love already today but this is with duck Oh oh yeah it's so good and I like the addition of the crispy shallots that really bumps up the flavor a notch and again that that that Lao mint it's just it's it's it's not as strong as a regular mint it's more mellow but it blends it meshes into the meat so well well that is just another stunning lob there have been so many plates of stunning lob so far today just made it back to the apartment after that phenomenal dinner that was everything we ate was duck and that was a complete Lao Lao Chien duck experience it was so good and some dishes and flavors that I thought that was a first for me I thoroughly enjoyed it and it was so so much fun to hang out with me and with Billy and with James a big thank you to them for taking us there and that was completely unplanned it just it just happened and yeah that was absolutely a great way to end the day I also want to say a huge thank you to Joe for recommending us to eat at those other restaurants earlier today yeah the food has been outstanding and has it's literally just blown me away by the amount of herbs and by the balance of flavors I will leave all of the information about all the places we ate in the description box below so you can check it out thank you very much for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe now and also click that little bell icon so that you get notified of future videos that I publish thanks again for watching good night from vientiane in lao i'll see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 1,412,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lao food, Lao cuisine, Laotian food, Laotian dishes, Vientiane food, Vientiane street food, Lao street food, duck blood salad, Laos salad, Lao laab, larb, Laos larb, bile, best lao food, best lao dishes, lao restaurants, lao street food, street food Laos, lao food in laos, laos food in laos
Id: thD7Ig01Jcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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