Luang Prabang Travel Guide - STREET FOOD Grilled Goat and SPECTACULAR Kuang Si Waterfalls, Laos!

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good morning I hope you're having an amazing day it's mark Wiens I'm in Wonka bong Lau today we are on our way to Guang SI waterfalls which is one of the most popular day trips to take from luang prabang it's a beautiful cascading waterfall but first we're stopping for some breakfast and then we're gonna continue on to the waterfall and then hopefully we're gonna find a delicious lunch we rented a van for the day for the for the morning part of the day we are on our way this is going to be a very fun day I'm gonna share it all with you in this video right now [Music] I tell you guys I go we're here to eat that kouchi which is the Lao version of the baguette sandwich so she takes the personal baggage she slices that he actually actually toasts it over charcoal first and then she has a mixture which looks it looks like the Luang Prabang Khao SOI mixture which is looks like minced meat and some kind of tomato chili oil and then she's puts that on the bottom then she mixes in the all the variety of ingredients there's some ham there are there's some sliced up egg there's some cucumber some cilantro some chili paste she folds that all into the bread and then additionally right in front of where she's making the sandwiches he is frying up deep-frying some dumplings which the oil is a little bit murky but those smell really good or just gonna have to try a few of them laughs Jane the sandwich is just fully loaded it's just exploding with him and meat and that I like how she uses that that meat oil tomato mixture both inside and I don't think she added any pop a so normally hot day is common in here but I think she used is that that meat tomato relish mixture and yeah it's just fully loaded I like also how she served it on a good morning plate what a what a lovely touch this is one of those sandwiches you got a really kind of squeeze down so you don't lose any ingredients when you take your first bite but yeah there's cilantro there's there's a cucumber in here this is a fully loaded wonderful looking sandwich I think you touch I like the motors that you've got that that oil tomato chili oil from that minced pork mixture the bread could be a little more crusty the bread is like kind of like more like bun bun in texture but the whole combination days fantastic and because there is a nice tub of the chili flakes chili oil on our table I think it would be delicious with a little a little extra on there all that might be a little too much for this this top bite but but I'm willing to go for it hmm oh that's Tilly oh yeah I think that might just be chilly it has a really smoky flavor to it and it's kind of crumbly I think it might be held together with maybe possibly lard mixed up for these little fried dumplings mm-hmm oh I thought it was going to be like more heavy because the wrapper looks very thick but it's actually almost kind of like bread II like fluffy on the inside you taste there's water chestnut there's some mincemeat and I think some some wood ear fungus almost has like a mashed potato texture on the inside oh yeah everything is better with that chili [Music] breakfast was great okay we gotta move on we are on our way to the waterfall let's go my god okay Samson pillow kappa man sweet nutty we're on our way to kuang SI waterfall our driver said it will take around 40 minutes to get there but the plan is it's 7:45 right now the plan is to go kind of kind of early in the morning as they open to hopefully beat the crowds I'm not sure if it will actually work so hopefully we'll get some great views before the crowds arrive [Music] [Music] that was about a 45-minute Drive but it was a beautiful Drive passing through the mountains we passed many villages I'm happy to be here it cost 20,000 Kip per person to enter and we're walking in it's already beautiful being at the trees you can hear the sound of the jungle I'm not totally sure how long the walk is the waterfall but we're on our way [Music] [Music] [Music] of cascading waterfalls that distance fountain shelf to shelf pulling on the rocks and there are a variety of different levels we're gonna hike up to the level for the first level here you cannot go swimming here but it's just gorgeous to look at the views from the bottom level are gorgeous but we're gonna hike to the next level now and they said it's about a 15 minute hike [Music] it's a good workout but now we've come to where the the water is just kind of flowing down this entire Rock this entire mountain area so this stream is on the stairs so be a little careful of slipping off come a little crab we made it to the top that took about 10 minutes but actually up here so we're at the very top of the level to the waterfalls here it's mostly forested area with just pools of water in kind of a a marshy area we're trying to find where a good swimming hole emerald pool would be to take a swim I think it might be further down the waterfall and then downstream maybe I don't know walk around and I'll fill you in we asked one of the staff here and you can swim here here's a nicer pool then Chloe's a little bit bit back there but this is right where the waterfall is beginning where it's falling off village so they have a couple of railings here so you don't get too close but you can go see off the ledge there that just drops down to the first pool and then to the next pool with the mountains in the background it's beautiful it's beautiful I think what we're gonna do is hike back down and then he also said there are some swimming spots if you go further down because I think it's a little more beautiful down there and the pools are the color of the water is gorgeous the reason the water is so beautifully turquoise in color is because the waterfall is made from limestone and as the water flows over the limestone it picks up calcium carbonate which contributes to the gorgeous color of the water and it is freezing cold that would be why there are lots and lots of people here but I haven't only one swimming I just had to take a dip but it's really really refreshing too it feels so good as I was just sitting here speaking to the camera I can feel a little fish nibbling at the dead skin on my feet those are the doctor fish that eat the dead skin so hopefully if I stay here long enough and very still I'll have a swarm of fish around my fee that would be fantastic [Music] I think the plan actually worked out pretty well because now as we're leaving it's getting really busy and buses and buses that people are showing up hiking around the waterfall for me it was totally worth it to come early at about 8:00 8:30 and we got to look around we got a hike around with without it being very busy at all there were only other a few other people here tip is to come early in the morning to avoid the crowds but you do you might have to swim when it's kind of cold but it's it's well worth this one it's so refreshing they do have some restaurants surrounding the waterfall entrance area where you can get some grilled chicken and some sticky rice and some they have some other stir-fried dishes but we're gonna try to Oh since we have the van we're gonna ask our driver if he can take us to a place I sauce I asked a couple cool-looking restaurants along the way or almost all the way back to town but yeah we're hungry now it's time for lunch [Music] [Music] we all fell asleep in the car that was about a 30 minute drive we're almost back to the center of Luang Prabang but we found a restaurant that specializes in grilled goat here and our driver said actually the grilled goat is more common are usually only open in the evening starting in the evening so it's just lunchtime now we got lucky that they're open but that's why they're not busy and I'm sure in the evening this would be packed of people hanging out and eating goat anything what happens they're grilling the goat up front there it looks really nicely marinated you can see chili seeds you can see herbs on the goat and then back here she's cooking the number of soups that we got we also got some boiled flash boiled goat with organs which she's chopping up [Music] nopal a couple of the dishes have just arrived and yeah she grilled the big goat and then there's some interesting sauces as well as one bowl of seasoning which is called machlin which is a it's related to citron pepper it's a great spice used in this region and yeah we gotta try to go first the grilled goat and it's she topped it with some fried chilies and some fried lime leaves it's a little bit chewy but hmm hmm slightly gamy it's very smoky you can taste that marinade the chilies maybe the lemongrass on there that's flavorful meat oh all the mähklinen is awesome it's really citrusy tasting so far it gives you like a very very slight zing to your tongue it's like a citrus pepper oh that kind of went up my nose a little bit okay and I'm gonna get some of these herbs going on whoa my god well that's like a sweet and sour flavor to it you know what that reminds me of that reminds me of fish mint herb in China the herb that tastes like fish yes it does have a fishy taste to it we also got a plate of lua this is goat that she just flash boiled but she boiled it along with onions they're chilies there's some galangal in there and this is a big mix of goat you can see down below this pile there's some meat in there there's some tripe she cut up some kind of lung or liver and some other odd parts and then I think you can dip it in a bread all this is served with the wasabi sauce well that was hobby oh well I mean is tender too yes that's delicious that's goat stomach I'm gonna offer this one I'm gonna dip into that peanut sauce I'm not sure what the peanut sauce is actually meant for but should be good on tripe Wow look that's a very peanutty peanut sauce but that tribe there's just like straight like elastic I don't know but I don't even know that's chewable I think I took a bite before you another still you're still chewing that's a little on the chewy side but the meat was really tender mm-hmm you got I like chew with a rhythm but I am tasting the a meaty go deenis coming out of that with every chew I'm not making much progress though well that's that is definitely good for sure the flavor is good though laughs yeah that's my combo there the grilled goat with that marinade with that dry rub dipped into the McLin that's a that's a combination the final dish that we ordered is a goat bile soup and even though it might sound a little strange this is the dish that I'm most looking forward to trying because I'm a huge fan of the bitter cow biosuit but I've never had goat bile soup yeah well let's find out how it is some random jiggly bits and also full of full of chilies full of lemongrass full of kaffir lime leaves and some vegetables well that's that looks delicious and that brown murky slightly green grassy broth is hell is what gives away the bile oh yeah they just have to go to the market in that broth because they've used so much vile you can actually see I don't know if it's coming from the bile that might be the green bile but there are actually like grass particles yeah soot okay oh man that's yeah this is this does look like an extreme soup cheers Cheers oh that's delicious oh okay yes it is it is not for the faint of heart I mean it is a little bit of an extreme soup that's for sure mm-hmm the bitterness though is is perfectly mellowed out it's not like a really sharp it's almost like a it's like a more mellow bitterness so the bitterness slightly grows on you but as opposed to that like impossible to chew tripe from the other dish I got an intestine in that buy that was completely soft endowment of tender you can taste the galangal in there you can taste the herbs and then it does it does have like a roaming pasture bitter quality to it oh it's that's good that's doner I have no idea what that organ is it looks a little like a goat mushroom okay you got the other half oh maybe liver whoa well that has like a sweet a sweet taste to it and kind of crumbly hmm and you taste more and more good eNOS with every chew I need to follow that with some vile vile liquid Oh what a what do unique what a what a fascinating soup in your mouth [Music] yeah you with every single bite and sip of that soup you taste the land you literally taste the land kind of has a green grassy digestive kind of that just did kind of flavor to it this is definitely a unique meal and also I just want to quickly show you but they don't only have extreme food here to Union Mike I got some YUM with chicken and it looks really good I'm just gonna taste the broth mmm yeah that is pretty good a little bit sour kind of tomatoey and then has a dr chili flavor to it they might have added a whole chicken in there yeah rumen rumen has never been my favorite or again kind of like gummy in a strange grassy kind of way the flavors were great I'm happy to have experienced the Lao style of a whole goat meal from the soup okay the soup was actually one of the best dishes that was fresh that was delicious the grilled meat was also good some of the dishes could have been a little fresher but that's probably our fault because we came in at an off peak time we should have really come to a goat restaurant in the evening but we have other plans this evening so that's why I wanted to come for lunch and it was on the way back to the city so that's why we happened to be here but I'm very happy to have had this meal that suit that soup was on the next level that and that is a that is a memory that I will not forget that's for sure I will leave the information from this video in the description box below that you can check out remember to subscribe if you're not already subscribed and click the little bell icon and that way you get notified of the future videos that I post thanks again for watching good bye from Luang Prabang I will see you on the next video and got to take one more finger full of that McQuinn yeah that's a good stuff that's like citrusy slightly zingy pepper earthiness oh I love it
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 975,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lao food, Laos, Laos food, Laotian food, Luang prabang travel guide, Luang prabang food guide, Laos travel guide, travel videos, travel guide, Mark Wiens, food guide, Kuang Xi waterfalls, kuang si falls, kuang si waterfalls, things to do in Luang Prabang, what to do in Luang Prabang
Id: ViWHw7dOPGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 22 2018
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