Exodus Chapter 23 Part 2

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[Music] shalom and welcome to via after israel a hebrew phrase which means you shall love israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr baruch shares his expository teaching from the bible dr baruch is the senior lecturer at the zara avraham institute based in israel although all courses are taught in hebrew at the institute dr baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in english to find out more about our work in israel please visit us on the web at loveisreal.org that's one word loveisreal.org now here's baruch with today's lesson we know that the scripture says to the people of god come out of babylon and babylon not only speaks about exile and the reason why i bring it up is we are an exile i think about the book of revelation often in chapters two and three and each of those congregations those seven congregations each one was outside the land of israel in exile but we need to take a lesson from daniel and daniel lived in exile but he did not live as though he was in exile he lived under the laws of god he did not submit to the ways of the world or the culture that he was thrust into but rather he lived with a testimony that he belonged to a kingdom people and my hope is that that reality not only do you know it but it serves to give you a different perspective to cause you to see things differently and in doing so you'll see opportunities to act to minister to serve to be used by god for his glory and to be an instrument of blessing well we're going to begin with a verse we concluded with it last week but i want to to have that as a foundational contextual clue in helping us understand the rest of this passage the second half of exodus 23 and if you have not turned there please take out your bibles once more and look with me to exodus chapter 23 we're going to begin in a moment with verse 19 that last phrase now most of the believers in the world they will ignore this verse entirely they do not see any relevance whatsoever but here's a principle that that i often speak of but for some reason so many people do not hear it we're dealing with one of the commandments right now and that commandment people will say should i keep it can i do it do i have to am i obligated here's what i say i tell you that you need to take all of scripture seriously and yes you should take every commandment and apply it to your life in the way that god has commanded and how do you know what that is not by listening to me or someone else and that doesn't mean that others cannot be a source of of learning but the holy spirit bring each and every commandment you find in the scripture not just the 613 in the torah but all the commandments of the word of god see we should not make a distinction oh that is a torah commandment and either exalt it or say oh it's not in the new testament so it's less significant that is not biblical study all of god's word did you hear that all of god's word comes on the same status and that is his holy and inspired word without air and all of it is profitable so that the man of god that means also the woman of god can be complete and prepared and ready for every good deed that's what we should think of now look at this scripture exodus 23 verse 19 at the end lo tiffa gedi which means do not cook and in this sense it has a connotation of boiling now there's another word for boiling but in this way it's cooking over a fire that the source of fluid becomes what cooks the animal and prepares the the food so we read here do not cook gadi what's a gadi is a young goat or sheep and then it says in the milk of its mothers now some will say there's a difference here between this word and khalaf milk but it speaks about a dairy and so understand what is being instructed first of all i want to share with you that that this verse of scripture i mentioned this last week appears two additional times so three times in total in the word of god again in the book of exodus believe exodus chapter 34 and also in the book of deuteronomy deuteronomy chapter 14 and look at the context for that our context a very significant passage now i would suggest to you that what we're going to be studying in exodus 23 is messianic in nature and you say what would be the connection between messiah yeshua and this prohibition in the torah do not cook or boil a young goat in its mother's milk well understand what this is speaking of see we need to not just rush through this verse but you have to ask if the sages of old if we have generations where the jewish community emphasize this scripture in a major way maybe we should pay a little bit of attention to it and here's what what the historians have told us now before i get into that would you not agree that it is an abomination before god to shake your fist in defiance before god we ought not do that but this verse speaks just of such an attitude in fact this scripture speaks about a spirit of the antichrist yes i'm speaking about lo te vechel gadi bachalev do not cook a young goat in its mother's milk this has an antichrist application and antichrist implication to it why is that well look at what the scripture is saying it just doesn't say in milk but it says in its mother's milk now its mother's milk was provided in order to sustain to give life to this young born goat or lamb so what god supplies for for life for sentence sustenance what was people doing people were taking a young goat knowing that this this milk was for sustenance and would use it to take the life in a torturous way from this young goat there is testimony that the goat was alive it was in its mother's milk and boiled to death cruel barbaric and remember this shaking one's fist in rebelliousness against god why god says here is the milk to sustain and the person says no i'm not going to use it for sustenance i'm not going to agree with god for forgiving life i'm going to use it for the exact opposite my desire is to take this goat's life with its mother's milk it's rebelliousness it was a pagan practice and we see another example of that today and that's what this whole coming about of transgender transgender is simply this god makes someone a man they say oh no i don't agree with that i'm a woman it is an act of rebelliousness that's what this is and realize there's a connection with rebelliousness and witchcraft and that same attitude that same inner condition that says god says this but i say and it's in conflict it's the exact opposite that is an antichrist spirit so this verse of scripture what judaism has done because this practice of doing just that cooking a young goat in its mother's milk and then eating it it was seen as a pagan delicacy and in order to tell the children of israel a covenant people we don't behave like that so for safety they outlawed any rabbinically outlawed any consuming of dairy and meat together that's a foundational principle in judaism didn't say that this separation of meat and dairy and all the rabbinical application is of god but give this verse consideration pray about it and understand that it's not just in this application but it has to do with anything that is rebelliousness before god well let's move on to the next verse look if you were to verse 20. now verse 20 has a word that word is a messenger you know messiah is a messenger that same word can be translated angel messiah is not an angel but he is a messenger an angel is created by god messiah was never created he is eternal yeshua is the eternal son of god there was never a time that he did not exist so the same word malak can refer to a messenger or an angel when it's applied to yeshua it is not speaking about a created being but one that has been given an assignment a malloc has an assignment as we'll see here so look with me to verse verse 20. god is speaking he says behold i am sending a angel before you to keep you or guard you on the way now remember that word on the way the word way is a very important word did you know that early believers were called the people of the way and this term way relates to messiah we know that from once again the book of john when it says i am the way the truth and the life so messiah is tied to that and later on in the book of exodus we know that moses he has a moment of confusion where god says lead the people into the land and moses says wait you have not told me revealed to me shown me this this one that you promised to sin and this one is who we're speaking about now look at how the text introduces it behold hine pay attention behold i am sending an angel before you to guard you on the way this word guarding or keeping there's another synonym that relates to it and this is the word noon sade resh can be well it's the same root for the term nazareth where messiah grew up his his home we could say his childhood home until he was 30. and we know that this also speaks about the same word relates to a shoot from a stump a twig that that bursts forth and the word can mean to keep it's interesting i was watching on television just today a show where different professors and and historians and such were speaking about yeshua giving their thoughts concerning him and they were speaking about yeshua not sorry the word not sri comes from that city nazareth but that same word means to guard or keep it's a synonym for this word leshmore and what we learn is messiah is our keeper and he kept everything that god called him to do he kept god's charge perfectly it's one of the reasons why he's called yeshua not seri so the term nutsri in hebrew means christian but literally it means one who guards keeps the instructions of god very important so this this messenger that i will send before you to keep you on the way and to bring you to hamakom the place now the term hamakom the place can refer to god so this is god's place and we know that because he says which i have prepared this is also very reminiscent of yeshua's words in in the gospel of john where he says i go away to prepare a place for you that where i am you shall be forever what a great word of encouragement one that tells us that we have a godly destiny to enter in by means of faith through that gospel message through identifying with yeshua we have a promise to be a kingdom people so he says to bring you to the place which i have prepared verse 21 we have that same word for keeping our guarding and this is a command so it's you guard you keep and the implication is yourself but here it says and guard yourself before him and listen to his voice and do not and here's this phrase now this word for your bible may say provoked it's also the word for embittering someone being bitter and usually bitter is a repulse it turns people away it can also relate to a rebellious character that we talked about earlier about that pagan pagan act of cooking a young goat excuse me in its mother's milk so god says listen to him and hear his voice and do not rebel against him for he will not lift up and this is an idiom for forgiveness he will not forgive your transgressions why kish me be careful because my name what an important word my name means my character is in him now he's not just going to forgive at this time why forgiveness in its fullest sense for a kingdom experience cannot take place until the cross and after the resurrection so in this dispensation we see something that's just simply a big theological word for for time period this messenger was not given at that time for forgiveness when he comes in bodily form when messiah emmanuel comes into this world and of course we know he did 2000 years ago he's coming to be a forgiver but here it says at that time in the wilderness he says for he will not forgive your transgressions for my name is in his mess rather you shall certainly or utterly it's the word for hear repeat it twice so we translate it you shall certainly or utterly hear his voice and you shall do all which i shall say is that interesting you shall see you shall hear his voice and do all what i say and this puts kind of a unity between this messenger and and the lord god almighty so once more rather you shall certainly hear his voice and do all which i will speak and notice if we do the benefit he says and i will be an enemy to your enemies and i will be an opponent to your opponents so it's speaking about if we submit to this one that god himself is going to go to war he's going to become an enemy to our enemies and to everyone who opposes our opponents he will be an opponent and he's going to show us in the next few verses how he's going to do that but what's important is not so much how he's going to do that but if we're going to listen to his voice if we're going to be guided to that place where god wants us to be read on in verse 23 for my messenger he will go before you and he will bring you to the amorite the hittite the parasite the canaanite and the kivite and the jesus site and what will he do what says here and i will destroy him meaning each one now we would expect it to say i will destroy them but god is saying i will destroy each and every one the context is this god knows all of our enemies what's an enemy it's one that i don't like that doesn't do what i want no that's the worldly thought an enemy is one that hinders me from doing the will of god understand the connection between the will of god and prosperity see false teachers say this if you do god's will you will be prosperous what i say is this prosperity is doing god's will those who do god's will are going to be rich in kingdom rewards that's our goal that's the mindset and that's what this this messenger does he does exactly what god speaks to the extent you cannot discern his voice the angel's voice from the voice of god they are one verse 24. there's always this prohibition against idolatry that constant problem why selfishness when i behave selfish it leads me to behave in a an idolatrous manner just that simple when i am putting myself first or when i believed the lie about my destiny my dreams and i confuse that with the will of god now god does he have a destiny for you yes it's through obedience to his word that's your destiny that's what you should dream about now god can give insight how personally that is going to be manifested in your life but that's the general character i obey god's will that's what being a mature child of god is all about he tells us verse 24 do not bow down to their gods and do not serve them and you shall not do as they do as their works so what he's saying here is that there should be a distinction between us and specifically our behavior how we worship what we do these things are inherently behave related how i worship is going to impact what i do just that simple and that's why it's so grievance them to see worship being polluted today resembling rock concerts rather than a holiness and here's the thing if if someone believes and hear this carefully if someone believes that we need to resemble the world in order to bring people and it's always for the young people that is false that is of the enemy that is thinking as one who delights in in a calf boiled in its mother's milk no we need to realize what should attract people is the holiness of god what should attract people is an opportunity to be led to worship him as god demands to be worshipped and if people don't want to respond to that that's okay because in my opinion much of what is being called worship today is a stench in god's nostrils it is not pleasing it is not in light of his word what he says worship is so he says look at verse 24 so important do not bow down to their gods and do not serve them that word serve to mean worship and do not do as their works for he says here i will certainly or literally we could transit you will certainly destroy them this is the key destruction that's what such behavior idolatry selfishness following my own self-given destiny that's what it brings and that's why we need to stay away from individuals that that do not rely upon the scripture but but use the scripture to give what i would call life coach principles to be a person of of of positive speaking or thinking to always be about encouragement god's not always about encouragement sometimes god is about condemnation we need to know that such behavior will bring upon condemnation upon us we need to hear that i need to hear that sometimes so we need to look at all god's word and not say well i think today people need to understand this may be a biblical principle they need to understand that life is not about getting more and more or being better or richer than someone else being more successful but that's not going to ultimately satisfy that's true but we need to derive that from scripture and not use the scripture to justify that thought because here's the key the power is not in my words never the power is in the word of god and that's why i constantly read the verse and reread it and read it two three four times before we move on because i'm more concerned with you hearing this scripture and implanting it in your inner being rather than you hear anything that i have to say so you shall not worship their gods you shall not bow down to them or serve them you shall not do as they do their deeds for you shall destroy them and he says here you shall break break there and the word here can mean a pillar or it can be a memorial a place for remembering these pagan gods these pagan practices and some translate it as idols you shall break now that's pretty pretty radical but notice it's in the future it's for the land of israel that the land of israel was supposed to be distinctly different from the rest of the nations and we're going to see where the boundaries of the land of israel is when it is walking in truth verse 25 and you shall serve or worship you shall serve the lord your god and he will bless your your bread and your waters and he will remove the disease from your midst now i hear a lot about healing oftentimes i bet that i get in a week 10 emails asking that question do you believe god still heals today yes i said it again i believe that god supernaturally heals and this is a great verse that proves it but notice what he says it's when we understand now if someone said to you is it an important verse that god would bless you and give you sustenance he would give you bread that means sustenance and water that can mean to quench your desires satisfaction and then notice hill he says remove literally remove disease from your midst that's great but realize the context it's an order people say why isn't there most more healing today and that's because there's too much pagan practices in the church and in judaism just that simple we're not doing what it says here we have either misunderstood it and substituting something else or we just don't deal with these things and we don't see because we're not led by the spirit to see the application of them in our society today and that's why we're not seeing to the degree that we should god removing disease from he says here your mix which would be armits verse 26 and there shall not be meaning there will not be one who is bereaved meaning lost a child now when i'm recording this it is israel's memorial day and this word that's that's appears here is all over the news and papers and such because today is the day when when families who have lost loved ones primarily soldiers who have died in service believe police officers who have died in service people who have died in terrorist attacks parents who have lost children and this grief this bereavement is the normal word in english is a word here and god's making a promise he's talking about there will be my order god's order is a child does not precede their parents in death now we're living in a sinful world and that happens all the time but if we were not living in the sinful world this would be the norm and that is that there would not be anyone who would be bereaved among you nor barren in your land and the number of days i would fulfill meaning people would not die premature now this verse has so much theological implications attached to it we see here just look at the last part and i want for the sake of time to not draw this out but notice what it says and the number of your days i will fulfill the implication here is this if these things aren't being done they won't be fulfilled and that's why this teaching oh i am going to live to the full ripe age of 120 that god has promised me god doesn't want anyone to die young or early or before that time well that may be true that god does not want but because we're not in a kingdom environment but we're in this world we see these things violated all the time why because of sin why because of idolatry because of rebelliousness because we do not listen to the one that god has sent that messenger with his word so these things it's god's will but they're not a reality in this world because of their conditional need to remember god's will is often conditional if you do this then verse 27 and he speaks about a word of enmity and this word enmity is also enmity that brings fear as well he says i will send before you and hamuti now some bibles translate this with the word confusion but it's where we get the english word hum something you drive in your car you go it's something's not writing my card it's making a humming sound well you're confused by that and it usually shows a problem this word is used for god creating a noise that scares people that causes them to flee they hear that and they run and god is saying all these wonderful blessings when we listen to the one that god has sent to guard us on that way this journey into this place of provision unto this place of health this place of no no early death no children being lost a wonderful scripture and remember it's introduced with what do not boil a young goat in its mother's milk so he says verse 27 an enmity or this word can be fear i will sin before you and i will hum this terrible frightful noise of all the people what what you come among them and i will set all your enemies unto you earth or is the back of the neck meaning you're not going to see them coming towards you for battle their face but you're going to see them fleeing out of fear because of what god's doing it's a wonderful promise that god will defeat our enemies verse 28 and i will send the wasp before you this is a plague of wasps many wasps and they may be little but people will run away from them i will send wasps before you and cast out the chevit the canaanite and the hittite from before you now this is earlier we had six nations now we have three three is the purpose of revealing something god wants us to realize if we do these things then this is going to be manifested when he talked about six nations this is rooted in his grace his kindness to us verse 29 but he says i will not cast them out before you in one year lest the land becomes desolate but it says and and the the animals of the field will multiply unto you so all the people live like that the animals will come back and that'll be a problem for safety so he says i'm not going to do it in one year but look at verse 30 little by little i will cast them out from before you until which you are fruitful and you inherit the land verse 31. now notice that this has a kingdom implication to it because if you look at the borders of israel today they're not kingdom borders far from it god's will is that israel would expand and israel will expand doesn't matter what the european union thinks it doesn't matter what the league arab league thinks doesn't matter what the united nations say god has said differently he is going to expand the land and these are the borders look at verse 31 i will set your borders from the yamsuf that is the sea of reeds or we say the red sea until the sea of the philistines prishtin this is the mediterranean sea and the wilderness unto then going from that the wilderness going forth unto the river and judaism says and most biblical scholars agree with this that whenever the word nahar river is mentioned we're talking about nahar parat meaning the euphrates river so it's speaking that the border should not be the jordan river but the border should be the euphrates river and he says for i will give into your hands the ones who dwell in the land and i will cast them out from before you first 32 now the implication here is while they are still there he says do not cut a covenant with them or their gods don't make any agreement with them now their only chances to come forth and submit you say why would they do that because god has put the fear of the lord upon them read the book of joshua listen to rachael rahab she says we've all heard what happened at the crossing of the red sea we all heard what you've done to these two great kings how you destroyed them and the people are paralyzed with fear but not rahab she submitted she participated in the will of god and she entered into the genealogy for messiah what a blessing so god says here do not cut a covenant with them or their guts verse 33 and they shall not dwell in your land why lest they cause you to sin against me that you serve their gods for it will be to you for snare meaning this if in israel there is aloud those who do not worship and submit to the god of israel and his word those will be a snare for you and they will bring about sinfulness in your life now this scripture great scripture my advice is to read from verse 20 to the conclusion verse 33 of of this chapter and notice how it closed for it will be to you if you violate these things it will be to you for mokesh now a mokesh in modern hebrew and it's interesting now close with this it's interesting to see the biblical word and how it has been applied to modern society that word mokesh is the modern hebrew word for a land mine and just think about that why was mokesh for a landmine very simple because the landman you can't see you're going you're walking into danger a danger that is destructive but you don't know it until it's too late and what god is saying is this when we have that rebellious attitude i'll do what i want i'll misappropriate the things of god according to my thoughts what i think is best i'll violate i will not listen to god's messenger i'll go it alone my way will realize when you rebel against god when you have an improper worship when you do the deeds of the world rather than the deeds of disciples of yeshua that is followers of messiah jesus what's the outcome the outcome is that you're walking and you may feel good you may feel secure you may think that you're walking in your destiny that your dreams are are just just in reach they're coming into a reality and then the land mine goes off and satan laughs let me tell you what's being destroyed today for a lot of believers not their salvation but their testimony and it's our testimony that is a a senor that is a a pipe it gives us access when we have a god-pleasing testimony it gives us access to the power of god greater insight greater provision from him greater giftedness greater character of god so that we can do more and more and more here's a key for him so let me close with this and ask you a question and that is are you prospering that is are you doing god's will if you are you're going to have a strength you're going to have an assurance you're going to have a contentment you're going to have a joy and you're going to have a mighty anointing on your life when these promises you're going to begin to experience in a more and more abundant way well once more i'm out of time i'll close with that until next week when again it's midnight from jerusalem until then shalom and may god greatly bless you well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love israel.org again to find out more about us please visit our website love israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by baruch these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the lord bless you in our messiah yeshua that is jesus as you walk with him shalom from israel
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Length: 44min 7sec (2647 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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