Exodus Chapter 24

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[Music] Shalom and welcome to via after Israel a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Sarah Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel o RG now here's Beru with today's lesson we are called to be an individual that demonstrates our faith meaning what God instructs us we do we don't debate it we might want to understand it better so that we can serve Him more correctly bring greater honor and testimony before him but what God teaches us what God reveals to us we want to do it's not simply an obligation although it's that but it's our nature we understand that our salvation experience has changed us into one who delights in the will of God and if we delight in the will of God then we are going to be committed to that will we are going to be praying for that will to be revealed to us and that we are going to seek God's provision his empowerment in order to accomplish that which is pleasing to him and we're going to see tonight as we begin this 24th chapter of the book of Exodus we are going to see how God began a unique revelation to Moses to the elders of Israel to the priests of Israel and ultimately to the people of Israel that might be his servants in this world for what purpose will worker to see as we conclude tonight's study for the purpose of change truth frames change and we need to look at this scripture and pay close attention to the context for which this revelation came to Moses and to others and how God uniquely inspired these events so that we would have this revelation the context for this revelation and that we would be under Stander's of how to implement that in our life so let's begin Exodus 24 and verse 1 the ELMO shay amar which means to Moses he said now notice how God's revelation goes in a specific order it begins with one man Moses so to Moses he said that is God go up to the Lord you and Aaron Nadab and Abihu now Aaron obviously is the brother of Moses he would become the first priest the first high priests and we deal with his sons nay death and Abihu and these two sons were a recipient of great great revelation they saw things and this experience should have produced faithfulness in their life so these individuals notice what it says Moses Aaron Nadab and Abihu these four individuals and also the seventy elders of Israel now when we look at this from a perspective of the sages I'm speaking about the Jewish sages they emphasize for men named here initially and for is a number of of the global significance the world so even though God here is speaking uniquely to this this family we might say initially Moses Aaron and the two nephews of Moses the sons of Aaron this for has global significance and then we see elders and notice seventy elders why seventy elders well if we rely upon those sages they will tell us that seventy is a number that speaks to the nation's that seventy nations came from the loins of Noah Noah and therefore once again we see that what's going on here has global implications not just for Israel but Israel receiving this for the purpose of the world now in no ways that's this lesson the distinction between Israel and the nation's but it simply speaks about an order and a purpose this distinction has purpose but this distinction does not mean that there is a a difference in difference in expectations from God meaning in the end remember what we talked about initially from the book of Proverbs this this ethics this morality this ethics and morality although they were uniquely given to Israel first God's purpose was never never that they would remain only with the children of Israel but that they would go throughout the world so look again these seventy elders of Israel and what did they do they wish to have eaten and you shall bow down this is an expression of worship as well you shall bow down Mayr hook from a distance now that expression here may revoke his significance from a distance it speaks as even though this was an unbelievable experience that we're going to come in contact with that these men and we're to see it in an undeniably way they were brought into the presence they the Scriptures gonna tell us twice that they saw God but they were not slain but even though they had this wonderful this majestic this unbelievable worship experience at Mount Sinai it was still from a distant meaning that there is a better worship experience and personally I believe that's what Yeshua was speaking to when he says there's coming a time and now is when God demands that we worship Him in spirit and truth so once more we see these seventy elders they are bowing down it says you shall bow down oh you shall worship me from a distance verse two and Moses alone shall approach to the Lord and they they shall not approach and the people shall not go up with him so notice again there's a distinction Moses alone goes up not everyone but the revelation here is for everyone so God makes a distinction between Moses between these others that are listed between these elders and the people but in the end what Moses receives it is for all the people and ultimately it is truth for Humanity when emphasized that this is happening to the children of Israel but what they are being trusted with is for Humanity so once more he receives that instructions Moses alone he will approach to the Lord that you Dave Ave and they will not approach and the people will not go up with him verse three and Moses came and he spoke to the people all the words of the Lord and all the judgments the notices words but the next phrase is judgments why is that because God's revelation and there's no disagreement about this God's words are revelation and they should produce righteous judgments they teach us how to behave what we should do now again and again I have to say we're not saved by our deeds we are not kept saved by our performance it's a free gift the moment that we by faith received the grace of God his Gospel message we are eternally saved but that salvation experience is if it's genuine it is going to produce a change and we are going to grow and mature whereby we express the righteous judgments that are found in his word this is what the Scriptures saying Moses went and he told the people all the words of the Lord and all of the judgments and all the people look at the end of this verse and all the people answered Col F had cold voice F had one one voice now here there was great unity now we're going to see something later on in this book of of X's when we look at a similar account that account with the the the golden test we're going to see anything but obedience and in many ways what we're seeing here is what God desired we are seeing a vision and understand the Word of God is supernatural I want to say that again the Word of God is super natural it can express many things to us from many different points of view and here we're seeing what should be what God intended and the results of when people followed the instructions of God so here notice what it says and all the people answered one voice and they said all these things all the words which the Lord has spoken we will do now remember that all the words that the Lord has spoken we will do wonderful but are they at that spiritual level to actually carry out what they say that's not the issue here we see how God wanted the people to respond verse verse four and Moses he wrote all the words of the Lord and he rose up early in the morning and he built an altar under the mountain now notice two things here and this should not escape us altar is related to sacrifice that means worship there is an inherent relationship between sacrifice and worship as we saw last week where the scripture says do not appear before the Lord empty-handed we want to give and God is faithful he will provide so we can give to him even if we're that poor widow we can have those two mites and give it is a blessing to give unto the Lord I promise you this two things those who are stingy those who are not generous in giving those people will regret it and those who give unto God for the things of God for the people of God they will never regret doing so you know what they'll never be harmed by doing something now does that mean and I want to teach this carefully does that mean if I give unto the Lord it is a a promise that things will go well with me not at all in fact I've heard many testimonies and I tell this because I want you to understand how the enemy works when we here's what happens when we act and faithfulness we inwardly expect there to be a blessing back to us and there will be but not usually how we expect or what perhaps was our motivation for giving our faith is going to be challenged if you say this I'm going to give how am I going to give I am going to visit people in nursing homes what a wonderful thing to do so I would a give let's just say Sunday afternoon I'm going to give of my time to visit people in nursing homes and encourage them pray with them talk to them share fellowship with them encourage them all these things and you do that you say you know if I do that then God will tell you something more often than I've heard testimony after testimony that what people think when they have a motivation I'll do this to get that what they thought they were going to get they don't end that situation even turns worse why because we need to give without expectation God sees it God will reward it God will move he will respond but not according to our preconceived ideas I'm giving this so I can that's not true giving so what does the scripture say we studied this in our study the book of Matthew when you give with your right hand don't let the left in know what you're doing don't have expectations so we read here very carefully Moses verse four wrote all these words of the Lord and he got up early in the morning he built an altar underneath the mountain and twelve pillars now this is a memorial amon world that is set up oftentimes english translations pillars but they're just monuments we really don't know much about it's the same word for in modern hebrew for a a tombstone here's a different word as well for tombstone but this is one of them and for the 12 tribes of Israel now I would look at this and I would say that number 12 is repeated twice these twelve monuments for the 12 tribes of Israel so Israel's playing a important role a role of significance and this is kinkiness Kingdom truth that's why the number twelve is mentioned and notice look at verse verse five and he sent the young men of the children of Israel and they they offered up burnt offerings they sacrificed sacrifices peace offerings to the Lord and then we had the word Bulls now when a bull is offered up this shows the the utmost and this time remember Mount Sinai this is so significant that people are still there and that people are being generous they're offering up the very very best now this once more the sages say shows a sacrificial and a faithfulness and those two things usually go together the more faithful I am the more sacrificial I will be in my lifestyle in my worship in my offering to God and my giving for the things of of the kingdom so we read here and they offered up offerings these are burnt offerings they they sacrifice sacrifices peace offerings unto the Lord and then we have at the end of the verse now your English may say differently but the last word is a word bulls and this was the preferred the most most abundant of the sacrifices that could be offered verse 6 now we're going to see and this should not surprise us there's going to be an emphasis of blood always always always when we look at the scripture and we see worship both in the Old Covenant in the New Covenant there is an emphasis on blood and we read and in verse 6 and Moses took half the blood and he put it in basins and half the blood now it's not the word to sprinkle I realized most English translations do this and if you look for example at Leviticus 16 verse 14 there's a word for sprinkle that word here is layha Zoet in Leviticus 16 14 for sprinkle this is not the word layha Zota to sprinkle it's a word lizz rope which means to throw very very different and the throwing would be a more lavish a more abundant a greater then sprinkling would be more precise so half the blood you shall throw it says upon the altar verse seven now we see these sacrifices being made these bulls being offered up and the blood of these bulls being taken half as it said were put into basins and half of it was was thrown upon the altar look at verse 7 we're going to see an emphasis upon the Word of God and the connection between worship and the word if you don't follow the word you're not worshipping and as I've said in the last couple weeks much of what is being being provided professed to be worship in places are not worship because it's not based upon the word there is that inherent relationship between worship and the word and that's what verse 7 is teaching and he took the book of the Covenant and he read in the ears of the people and they said pay attention this they said all which the Lord has spoken now say vanish ma want you to hear that they says here they now say vanish ma and we will do and we will hear now I frequently have mentioned this verse and other teachings math excuse me the book of Exodus chapter 24 and verse 7 where it says we will do and we will hear there's a important biblical principle I bet many of you know that already from listening in the past and that is it's as we do as we obey the Word of God we will hear now say we will do vanish MA from that word Shama we will hear doing the Word of God causes us to be a recipient of Revelation we will hear hear his personal instruction his guidance for a life verse eight and Moses took the blood once more by his rope aha this is important he took that blood and he threw it just like he threw it earlier upon the altar now he threw it upon the people why was that well a couple reasons one blood is related to redemption secondly that blood and remember one time the children of Israel said before Messiah they said let his blood be upon us they did not understand the prophetic truth in that statement but here we have Moses throwing the blood upon the people it is an image of redemption blood purifies blood sanctifies blood blood is a preparation for service and furthermore he said Behold the blood of the Covenant which the Lord cut with you and with all these words notice the relationship between the Covenant this agreement and all the words why does it emphasize all the words because God forgets none of them every word related to that covenant God remembers now as I look at the events of Exodus 24 I see this chapter as having great significance it is also a transitional chapter from the judgments that we've been studying all of those things to regulate righteousness and justice and society and now we're moving into instructions concerning worship this 24th chapter is heavily related to worship but we're going to get greater instruction about the instruments of worship the the leaders of worship and other truths concerning worshiping God as he demands to be worship in the weeks to come as we move further into the book of Exodus but this is about worship it is about the Word of God in its relationship to worship so we read and Moses took the blood he threw it upon the people and he said behold the blood of the Covenant which the Lord has cut now we can say may but you cut a covenant that's how you make it with you and all these words verse nine and Moses went up and Aaron and nay death and a be who these four men they went up uniquely and also these seventy elders of Israel so notice never says and these 75 people now why do I say this well notice what the scripture says we have Moses Aaron Nadab and Abihu that's four plus the seventy elders that is who 74 why do I say 75 God and what we find is that number 75 is such an important number it is a redemptive number I've taught on this before the genealogy of Luke for example we see those who went down in exile but it was Messiah that was going to bring them out of exile that spiritual exile we see that there is an additional 75 days in the Book of Daniel in order for the establishment of that Kingdom a kingdom of the redeemed so 75 is important and we see a reference to that between Moses Aaron Nadab Abihu the 70 elders and God himself why do I emphasize God himself notice verse 10 and this is such an important verse we read and they these 74 these 74 saw the God of Israel and under his feet as a work and this next word is a word live not and then the word pass appear now some will say that this word is paved and that's fine but it's really if you check Rossi's commentators or commentator commentary you will find that Rashi unites this with the word live in now which is brick and bricks were used for many purposes but to pave a street to make a road and this road of bricks was of sapphire and it was the very essence K Exim as a very essence of the heavens for purity some will say clarity it's not the word clarity its word purity I want to assure you that that before I teach I go through and look and make a study of every word here and I frequently go and compare it to numerous English translation to see the difference and why perhaps there's differences so we want to be very precise go back to verse 10 the thing that needs to be emphasized is that these seventy four men saw the One God they saw God in this situation first lesson and the nobles of the children of Israel he did not stretch forth his hand these Nobles would refer to the seventy-four they saw God and the scripture if you see God you'll be killed men can't see God but why is this exception because what we're finding here is the emphasis on Redemption remember over and over leading up to this the blood the blood the blood blood Redemption it was we would say in Hebrew basically Tashia hadam by the merit of the blood this event is happening first verse 11 and the nobles of the children of Israel he did not stretch forth his hand and Vai yaha zu now in verse 10 we have the word by year by year o by year Oh is they saw but here we have the word for to have a vision now be careful do not think that having a vision is less clear less precise less exact than seeing things naturally the word Lee wrote as it says here valor ooh that is to see naturally they with their eyes saw God but but later on it says look carefully at the text second part of verse 11 and they saw but it's a different word in Hebrew it's word for they saw and the word vision it's very hard to translate that because the word vision in English doesn't have a verbal counterpart we had a vision but it's not less it's reality they saw the God and they ate and they drink what was that fellowship Eden and drinking is also worship realize that that's why one of the reasons why we wash our hands ceremony according to Jewish law before eating is because eating is not just for feeding the flesh but eating is for worship there's a connection between worship that's why so frequently after Messiah healed someone he says give them something to eat because after eating really before and after what did we do we exalt God we worship Him verse 12 and the Lord said to Moses go up unto me towards the mountain and and be there and I will give to you these stone tablets and the Torah and the commandment which I have written lay hora or Tom - most Bible say to teach them that's fine but it's word for instructing so we see God says come up here and I'm going to give you these stone tablets the Torah hatorah Muhammad spa and the commandment which I have written to instruct them verse 13 and Moses got up and joshua yahushua his servant now up until this time he had not been mentioned but now he is so moses look again at verse 13 he got up and yahushua his serpent and Moses went up to the mountain of God that is Mount Sinai and the elders said and to the elders he said Moses is still speaking shrew lah-nu bizet which means basically set here for us meaning wait here for us is the implication until we will return unto you and behold Aaron and Hur is with you so we see two additional people in this segment yeah sure we always mention and also court these two Aaron and Hur are there and there's what it says me by out the vireem by you gosh Aliyah if there's someone who owned something meaning this if you have a matter if someone is a possessor of a matter and in this case that word here implies you have something that's unclear there's a conflict there's something that needs to be settled and Moses is not there he says you can go to Aaron and her then unto them approach verse 15 and Moses went up to the mountain and those would happen and the cloud not a cloud but D cloud covered the mountain not any mountain but that mountain and the glory of the Lord dwell upon Mount Cena now we know not Sinai is the mountain of God and the cloud covered it for how long six days now imagine this we have Moses going up to Mount Sinai as he does so that mountain is engulfed with the cloud the cloud most scholars would see this both Christian scholars and Jewish scholars they would see this as the Shekinah - Shem the glorious dwelling presence of God came upon that mountain and covered it and there Moses was there with this presence of God for six days why the number six this is all an outcome of this addition the grace of God now they ate and they drink previously that's what we saw earlier in in the scripture when we looked at the end of verse 11 they were eating and drinking what was happening was a great intimacy which is related and all the scholars agree with this with worship so when we reach that pinnacle of worshiping in the very presence of God we don't need anything God's presence alone sustains so he was there it says and the cloud covered it meaning the mountains six days and he called to Moses when they Amish be on the seventh day now III don't see how anyone can look at this scripture and say this is not a really important Scripture nothing significant happens here this is when God makes a unique covenant with those that came out of Egypt those who were part of that redeemed community through the blood of the Lamb of course the first Passover lamb there they were at Mount Sinai 50 days after the Passover fifty this is a number of freedom and God gives them freedom by bringing them into a covenant elationship with them and that cubben relationship is based upon blood blood that was placed upon them and the altar this blood of redemption that led to notice how the scripture is unfolding led to worship and now Moses on the seventh day now don't you think that is saying that that seventh day is important to God now now they were intimate this worship was personal between Moses and got these first six days signifying that that the Shabbat is not uniquely a day of worship it's a unique day but every day is a day of worship but on the seventh day notice what happened on the seventh day from the midst of the cloud what took place we see that there was going to be revelation look at verse 17 Umar a kavod Hashem and an appearance and in the parents of the glory of the Lord as a devouring fire on the top of the mountain before the eyes of the children of Israel they saw this they saw in the midst of this the glory of God going forth as a devouring fire now this is what Moses salt we're on Mount Sinai when he saw that burning bush same location did you know that mat Horeb and Mount Sinai same place and I shared with you what motivated Moses to to leave Midian and go back to Egypt where he felt he was risking his life God told him otherwise was because God says you and the people are gonna worship me on this mountain God is a keeper of his word that's what's going on at this time a worship and that people are seeing these things happening before their eyes verse 18 our last verse and Moses came into the midst of the cloud and those what happens and he went up to the mountain and notice and it came about Moses was in that mountain for 40 days and 40 nights I imagine it now he received the instruction but in a unique way on the seventh day he was there but notice what the scripture says in a unique way Moses came into the midst of that cloud now it covered the whole mountain but he went further why was that well what's being emphasized here and again the sages of Israel to confirm this he was there but because of these first six days that he waited he waited on the Lord and on that seventh day a day which the Lord sanctified we see that back in the book of Genesis Moses was called into a greater experience and that's why we read and Moses came into the midst of the cloud and he went up to the mountain further up and Moses it came about that Moses was in that mountain for how long our beam yom they are being Lila 40 days and 40 nights and we know something we know that the number 40 when we see that in the scripture always always always we see a change taking place that's what we need to realize the number 40 brings change and what do we conclude here we conclude redemption brings change what type of change a change in worship and this whole thing six days but on the seventh day what is that that's God's program for creation six days he made this happens in the earth but on the seventh day he rested and what did he do he had fellowship with Moses he had fellowship in Genesis with his creation with with Adam vltava so we see how God over and over emphasizes that seventh day a day that's related to the outcome of redemption that day which is related to the outcome of the grace of God that day which which is set apart for God to move and here's the key now close with this for God to bring change into your life here's something that you need to know and that is as so many times people will communicate with me I want God to do something I want God to act in my life and what they're saying is this I want change well notice when you and this is a promise from God's Word and I believe this with all of my being when you honor the set people say do you keep the Sabbath I was listening to a a broadcasts in Israel in Hebrew they were interviewing a messin leader in Israel and the one who was conducting the interviewer asked this messianic leader what about Shabbat it Shabbat important to you do you keep Shabbat and and his answer was Shabbat has great significance I acknowledge I mark Shabbat but the interviewer said wait I ask you do you keep Shabbat he gets it right he says we don't have a temple today the Shabbat requires sacrifices see even the rabbi's teach that the Shabbat today is a rabbinical observance from their standpoint well for us it is a spiritual observance based in the leadership of the Holy Spirit and the truth of God but when we acknowledge that that we sanctified that day as God has done over and over it is word communicating that it is going to bring a change a godly change into your life I promise you that understand God's paradise understand the significance of what the scripture reveals that we might have a dynamic a marvelous a wonderful a God pleasing worship experience with him and it's that type of worship that will indeed bring change into our life again I'll close with that until next week Shalom from history well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Baruch these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
Channel: LoveIsrael.org
Views: 1,697
Rating: 4.9402986 out of 5
Keywords: Book of Exodus, LoveIsrael.org
Id: KBDwt525rSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 22sec (2602 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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