Midnight From Jerusalem 31-Mar-2018

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emit from Israel we're very glad that you have joined with us for this livestream and if you look over my right shoulder you'll see the tomb that's usually called traditionally the garden tomb many people believe that this is actually the tomb that Yeshua was placed in and that he rose from nearly 2,000 years ago now it is in a very interesting area outside the walls of Jerusalem also if you have any knowledge of tombs from that period of time it's a very large one according to the Book of Luke we learned that it was a rich man's tomb and mine by the name of Joseph of Arimathea and therefore when we look at all the things that the scriptures say concerning a garden close to the city a tomb that when you went in the person who was dead he would be laid on the right side all of these things are met with this tomb does that mean undeniably that this is the tomb no it does not but it certainly represents it well and this time is a unique time in Israel as I said this is midnight from Jerusalem and a new day begins at sundown and that is the first day of the week and that is important for many biblical reasons earlier this week fact yesterday we celebrate it on Friday the festival known as Pesach and it's very important that you realize that Passover or Pesach and the Hebrew is only one day it's called in the scripture the preparation day and it's mentioned in each of the four Gospels it was on that day preparation day or Passover day that Messiah that he was crucified and then beginning with Shabbat last night at sundown on Friday this week began the first day of unleavened bread and that first day of unleavened bread is always treated as a high Sabbath meaning that work is forbidden all the rules of Shabbat also applies to that day traditionally now in our timeframe with one exception and that is cooking with certain limitations and conditions placed upon cooking but we won't go into that this evening and then with sundown today on this Shabbat when Shabbat was over and in Israel it was over at 736 to seve knee and then we begin a new day the first day of the week and why is that important well we're going to see that in a few minutes but before we begin our time of worship looking at Scripture I want us to go before our Lord and Savior our God our Redeemer or Messiah in prayer so let's pray O Lord our God God of our fathers God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob god of our Messiah Lord we exalt your name we praise you we thank you for these festival days festivals of joy of gladness festivals that remind us of significant acts that you have done for your people in the past and also what you're going to do in the future we rejoice with you and the redemption and the salvation that we have through that blood of the Lamb Messiah Yeshua who lay down his life at exactly the time but the Lambs were being sacrificed and now we know by faith we know as even historical testimony has bared witness to that he is not dead but that he has risen so we thank you that you are a God who is mighty a God of salvation a God of deliverance so we praise you we give you thanks that because of messiahs work we have eternal Redemption we have salvation that cannot be changed alter taken away but we have eternal security in the fact that we by covenant belong to you so we exalt your name to Sivan and thank you for what you have done what you're doing and what you will do in brain about the establishment of your kingdom for this we s in the blessed name of our Messiah Yeshua Amen well we're gonna turn at this time to a scripture that is relevant to this time this day why well as I said Messiah he was sacrifice he laid down his life he was crucified on Passover the preparation day which is the 14th day of the biblical month of Eve or the month called Nisan we also know that he was put into the tomb at the end of that day immediately before the Sabbath but that Sabbath John tells us in John chapter 19 was a high Sabbath meaning a holiday Sabbath and that is the fifteenth day of that same month the first day of unleavened bread and we know that the scripture says three days and three nights that he was going to be in that tomb that parts of up nights but three days and three nights and we'll speak more about the language that is used there in a few minutes and then he rose on the first day of the week and I want you to be very very much listening to the fact that I say as a scripture points to that he rose from the dead on the first day of the week again when did that begin in Israel at 7:36 to see me Saturday night but we called Motz a Shabbat which means the Shabbat has gone and it's the first day of the week because days begin according to the Torah and I'm speaking about the book of Genesis where it says the era of a bokor Yom Ahad and evening and a morning one day the day begins and evening now if you come from a Western society you'll say the new day begins at midnight and that's true but in the eastern part of the world based upon what it says in the Torah it begins with the evening time meaning when the Sun has thoroughly set and this day is a special day it's not a festival day meaning it's not a a day where work is prohibited and a a Sabbath or a high Sabbath but it's part of the feast of unleavened bread and if you take out your Bible and look with me to the Book of Leviticus for a moment the Book of Leviticus and chapter 23 want to read a few verses and in that section from the viticulture 23 it speaks about a special day within the feast of unleavened bread and it's called in Hebrew receipt and you need to learn that word it's an easy word or a sheet where sheet means the first now if you come from a Christian background you may know an old hymn called brain in the sheaves and the Hebrew word for a sheave is Omer it's gathering up the harvests and putting them in stacks and mounds and we're talking about the wheat and barley harvest now that brain in the sheaves well it is in Israel it is a seven week or a forty-nine day process and the next day the fiftieth day is a festival we called youma bickering or shovelled or you may know it as the day of pentecost pentacle meaning because it's 50 days the 50th day after the first day that were to speak about in a moment so we count these 50 days or seven weeks now it's significant because in Leviticus 23 where we're going to be reading from there are dates dates upon the biblical calendar for holidays for example Passover is the 14th day of the first month of veve or also known as Nisan and then the first day of unleavened bread is on the fifteenth day of Nisan and the last day of the feast of unleavened bread is is called chivvy shall Pesach the seventh of Pesach and it's on the 21st day of the month and when we look at all the various holidays that are mentioned in this 23rd chapter of Leviticus there are dates given except for two special days and that is receipt the day that we have just entered into and shovelled or Pentecost which is the fiftieth day we're not given a date but we're given a day of the week and we're to see what that is and why it's so important for us and what's the meaning so again look with me Leviticus chapter 23 and I'm gonna begin in verse 9 I'm gonna read just a few verses in Hebrew and then I'm gonna translate them by the bear I don't know Elmo Shea lame or which means and the Lord spoke to Moses saying verse 10 the bear el-banna Israel and say to the children of Israel they are Martin alayhim ki Tov o el ha arts I share an e note and lehem and you shall say to them when you come into the land which I am giving to you now this is important because it clearly says that God gave this land to the children of Israel and what's unique here is this is one of the few times that the Hebrew verb is in the Hebrew present tense and we've talked about how that is significant so this ongoing giving it says that he's giving and it is something that's going to have eternal implications he goes on and says in that same tenth verse Luke's artem at kathira and you shall harvest your harvests waha victim at Omer Rasheed Kurt's ahem l ha Cohen so you shall bring the first of your harvests that you should bring it to the priests and notice what the priest does verse 11 waha v10 l Omer excuse me they hand Neath at ha o Mert lift me hashem that is that he should wave and this waving according to Jewish tradition is a sign of victory a sign of deliverance a sign of salvation so Vahey Neath at how Omer lift may Hashem usually show wave the Omer that sheaf before the Lord learson hem for your delight or for your acceptability now this is an important phrase meaning that God is going to base dump on that do something for you now this is the day if you look sometime to first Corinthians 15 you are going to see that the Apostle Paul in first Corinthians 15 when he speaks of Messiah he does not call him by that term Easter which is a pagan term no he uses Messiah as the first fruit the receipt in Hebrew and why is that important well because he's the first fruit and the prayer remember it says here in verse 11 that you shall bring it to the priests and he's the first fruit and you would make a prayer and the prayers this that the rest of the harvests would be like the first fruit meaning simply that we whose the rest of the harvests that we would be like him that's a victory he's going to deliver us from this life of sin that we might be holy righteous and acceptable as Messiah demonstrated that he was when he walked upon this world for 33 years we're gonna be like him and when he rose from the dead he rose victorious he received a new body and therefore we're gonna share in that new body as well that's our Blessed hope so we read here in verse 11 Vahey Neath at ha Homer lifts nation' that that priest is going to weigh that sheaf before the Lord for your delight or your acceptance learson hem and one is he do that me maja rock ha shabbat he does it on the day after the Sabbath now many times people have said the traditional view of Judaism which I disagree with is that Shabbat is the fifteenth day of Nisan the high Sabbath and if that's the case then we begin counting the Omer every year not just this year but every year we do so on the 16th day of that month Nisan or Aviv but that's not what it says and there's support for that now remember it says if we're supposed to count not only days but I didn't read it but it says later on also weeks where does that say that well look at that same 23rd chapter in verse 16 it says that we're supposed to count odd me Mahara ha Shabbat ha Shaheed to spay rule , chignon so it says here you're supposed to count until the day after the seventh Shabbat now what's important here is this if the term Shabbat and this passage met a high Sabbath a holiday well we don't have seven in that period of time but we do have seven normal Shabbat s-- and that's how we know that this holiday known as firstfruits or receipt in Hebrew has to be on a Sunday on the first day of the week so what's the proper formula well we wait until we have Passover and we wait until after that first day of Passover and the first Sabbath after that now this year they converge the first day of unleavened bread is also on that Sabbath when they come together it's the next day this year it is the sixteenth but the reason why we don't have any dates here is because it fluctuates depending upon when the first day of unleavened bread falls what day of the week it falls upon well what we're going to do with the rest of our time is that we're going to focus as I shared with you on the resurrection of Messiah a proper understanding of it and we need to realize that there's four accounts of this resurrection and four different eye witnesses four different testimonies of this event and therefore we get different perspectives of that same historical event not differences that are in conflict but differences which give us greater revelation for understanding what Messiah did so with that said look with me now to the Book of Luke this year we're going to focus in on Luke's Gospel and chapter 24 and we're going to see what looked reveals concerning the resurrection of Messiah and I want to do this in a very literal way and in doing so I need to do something I need to make a change in the book that I want to use and I'm gonna ask my wife if she would go and find the Greek New Testament I've been reading from the Hebrew and I believe if you look over there you're going to find some very significant things about the about the Greek message now there what you're going to find is the language is very precise in fact and the Greek tonight at our study Center I taught and I used the Hebrew texts and because they were looking at the Hebrew texts they could not see some of the things that we're going to see in the Greek texts because the Greek has different characteristics and grammar that can manifest things that the Hebrew cannot in vice-versa the Hebrew has characteristics that the Greek cannot and both of them are used by God for the purpose of giving greater revelation so I'm going to look now to the Book of Luke the Book of Luke in chapter 24 and notice how this scripture begins Luke chapter 24 verse 1 and on the first of Sabbath now if your Bible says the first day of the week now is that true it is true we're speaking about the first day of the week but when you look at the Greek text instead of using the word for week they use the word Sabbath now that is a very traditional Jewish way of expressing the days of the week in regard to that term Shabbat now the term Shabbat has several different meanings you know we hear it sometimes we think the Sabbath day is always the seventh day of the week well that's true but this term Sabbath can also be used and context bears this out that it can also be used for the Hebrew word today shavoo which means week and why is this important well when we look at how Luke wrote this he did it in a legal way for example if you ever look at a Hebrew marriage document called the ketubah when it's written it's written in the same language it's a legal term and it historical fact that's why it's said in this way so Luke and I believe Luke he was Jewish many people don't think he was and the only reason why they don't think he was is because his gospel had a global global perspective well Jewish people can have a global perspective as well so on the first day of the week and then there uses two words here to speak about a specific time now when we look at all the Gospels we see something we see that different groups of women came at different times according to Matthew Mark Luke and John for example in John's Gospel Mary Magdalene she came before everyone else she came when it was still dark on that early Sunday morning but all the other Gospels they use a term that speaks about light light far away light moving closer and light being seen in a full sense when these different groups come and even in Luke's Gospel we're going to see that alludes to groups of women coming and therefore because they came at different time they're going to see things differently when you come to the same location at different times things can change and people can have different perspectives on where they're standing all of this heightens God's revelation of the resurrection so it says here and in Hebrew we use a term alone Hashanah Shahar shahar being dawn and it's when the Dawn's just beginning now this is also significant because this time has a connection with prayer and those who pray at this time are more diligent it shows a greater sense of commitment so the fact that these women get to this location at the tomb at that time it is a way of telling the reader because of how early it was that they came how they came prayerfully they came in a sense of of wanting to demonstrate their commitment their diligence to God so it was on the first day of the week it was early in the morning when they came to the tomb and those what it says they brought spices this is the Greek word aroma table where we get the word aroma from same word just different enunciation so they brought spices which they had prepared now even though they came with diligence even though they came with commitment there's a problem and that is they did not come in faith messiah has said over and over and we're going to see in a few minutes that there's angels that are going to kind of scold these women for not remembering what Yeshua said he said I'm going and he told this to his disciples to those who followed him not just the twelve but others and these women would have heard this that's what the angels are saying that he was going to go up to Jerusalem for Passover he remember last week we also had a special message about Passover and when Passover comes in your mind usually I think Redemption but we should also think about death and Messiah said I'm going up to Jerusalem to die and he said I'm going to be given over before his death he's going to be given over to the leaders of Israel and also to the leaders of the Romans why as we spoke about last week to be crucified and the manner of his death being hung on a tree has great significant that he took the curse in our behalf according to the Torah because it says in Deuteronomy 21 cursed is a man who's hung on the tree he became a curse he who knew no sin became a curse for us that as Paul says in the book of Galatians and ordered that the blessings of God might come upon us so everything he does as a tourist significance so these women came bringing these spices that they had prepared and notice it says and there were others with them and that phrase points out that they did not come alone but other groups of women came along with them perhaps at the same time others Pryor and others after from what the Gospels revealed but the emphasis here upon women why why as we've learned when women are the focus of a biblical passage it gives a context to the reader and that context is redemption here we're seeing in the resurrection we're seeing God's approval of messiahs work of redemption why is that well here again we'll mention that in a few minutes so look now to verse 3 and they entered in and the implication is they entered into this tomb but they did not find the body of the Lord Yeshua now I believe there's great significance why it says they did not find the body of the Lord Yeshua and here in this this verse the word Lord is emphasized it's emphatic you know why didn't they find the body of the Lord Yeshua because they were expecting him to be dead and because he's Lord he transcends all things it shows that he is greater than death that he defied death in the sense that he rose from the dead that he is victorious over death so the fact that he is Lord is very significant but once again the problem is this they came seeking a corpse they came to thinking that he was dead even though that he told them repeatedly not just that he was going up to Jerusalem for Passover and not just that he would be betrayed into the elders and the chief priests not that would he be crucified meeting by the Romans but he would die but rise again on the third day what day is it it's the third day in fact three full days have been completed now let's pause for a moment and we're going to do something that I have frequently done when teaching different places there are some other messages that I've given in years past concerning how we can know for sure the days of the week that Yeshua was crucified that he was put in the tomb why he stayed there three days and three nights and what day he rose up and at what time he rose up all of that can be known from the scripture if we pay close attention to all the clues now the first thing I want us to focus in on is the fact the description says that these women whatever group were talking about they came with a common purpose and that purpose was to anoint his body for burial now he was already buried earlier but apparently if you go to the previous chapter chapter 23 it is emphasized there that the women saw the place that he was buried and also the manner in which he was buried and apparently they determined that they wanted to give him a more proper or a more caring burial than Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea had done and they were under the pressure of the clock because they were hurrying to get him buried before the Sabbath entered into effect and what Sabbath well that year it was the high Sabbath John tells us the holiday Sabbath of the fifteenth day of Nisan now I want you to go to the last verse of chapter 23 because there we read that the women it says they returned and they prepared this this appointment and the spices and what did they do well we find that on the Sabbath day they rested according to the commandment is that significant because they saw where he was buried they went back to the city and they prepared spices in order that they might anoint his body but according to the tradition the commandment it says they rested on the Sabbath now there's two possible ways to interpret this one is and some have tried to make this the accurate interpretation and I'm going to say to you it's an impossibility it's an impossibility based upon other scripture that we'll look at in a moment but just based upon that verse we could come to two conclusions one is this that before the Sabbath entered in they hurried back and they prepared spices but the Sabbath came and they had to what wait until after the Sabbath now people will say this he was crucified on a Friday let's take this year for example Passover was on a Friday so that's right like most of Christendom believes that he was crucified on a Friday then this verse could be used to say that he was crucified from 9 to 3 the men were hurrying to put him into the tomb the women solvus but nevertheless they get back in time before the Sabbath they prepared those spices but they couldn't get back to the tomb so they had to wait until the Sabbath was over based upon Luke 23 although to me it's pressing it because if the men were hurrying how to put him into the tomb before the Sabbath it doesn't really give time to go back and buy them plus we know something according to the mission things were not done on the 14th NAB Nissan as common work things were closed you could not shop you could not buy after 12 o'clock according to what the Mishna says in the Maseca called pissah hain and chapter 5 and the Mishnah number 4 so because of that that has a conflict from an historical testimony but let's put that all out maybe they had the time maybe it happened maybe they found where they could could purchase the the de spices to make the anointment for his burial but there's a problem why is that well if you looked at another piece of scripture and I would invite you to turn there turn now to the book of Mark and the last chapter chapter 16 the book of Mark and chapter 16 what does it say here well if you look at verse 1 it says and it came about when the Sabbath was passed that they went and bought the spices that is Miriam Magdalene and marrying the mother of Yaakov and Shula meat they went and they purchased it when after the Sabbath now here's the problem in Luke's Gospel they prepared it before the Sabbath but they rested on the Sabbath here it says that they went and they purchased them after the Sabbath now this has caused people who do not understand the Bible properly who lack a Jewish perspective or if you're someone like Toby a singer that denies Jewish tradition in regard to the New Testament because the only way to understand this the only way to understand this is Mark's Gospel when they say the Sabbath has passed it's over when they went in bought spices they're talking about the hiset the 15th day of Nisan so if that's the case they went and they bought the spices after the high Sabbath on the 16th day of Nisan how do we know it's the 16th day because the 15th day according to Leviticus chapter 23 the first day of unleavened bread the fifteenth day of Nisan is a Sabbath a holiday Sabbath and because it says that they rested on the Sabbath that means they had to buy it in in the other gospel Luke's Gospel because they rested on the Sabbath Lukas speaking about the normal seventh day Sabbath and therefore they would have had to bought spices and prepare them on Friday because the next day was the seventh day Sabbath so that means that that Friday was the 16th the the Shabbat was the 17th and the first day of the week is the 18th now if we put this all together it comes out rather nicely but before I do that I want to give you another verse of scripture you'll all recall when Yeshua was speaking and he was s by Jewish leadership you know give us a sign proven and what did he say he said no sign is going to be given to you except the sign of Jonah Jonah Hanavi Jonah the Prophet as Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights not parts it says three days and three nights so will the Son of Man be in the belly of the earth three nights and three days now why is that important how can we make this all fit well if and it's not really an if in my mind it's sense Yeshua was crucified on Passover that is the 14th day of Nisan and we know from biblical account that he was put in the tomb shortly before the beginning of that high Sabbath the fifteenth day of Nisan now that was a Wednesday and we're gonna prove that it is he was put there at Wednesday at sundown basically it would have been Gant that clock for three days and three nights so sundown Thursday would have been completed one one night and one day sundown Friday would complete two full days two nights and two days and sundown on Shabbat meaning when Shabbat is over remember what I said this year in Israel at 7:36 precisely according to the time and tel aviv it is when Shabbat is over Jerusalem it's about two minutes later so let's just say 7:40 tonight shabbat over with shabbat being over that concluded three full days three nights and three days exactly what the scripture says because now we're at the first day of the week so Messiah arose and what I want to say is this when these women came to the tomb whether it was Miriam Magdalene early when it was still dark what did she find an empty tomb that that earthquake was for the opening up of the tomb not for the resurrection he had already resurrected from the dead and we're gonna see an important truth about that so look again back to verse 3 of Luke 24 we read here and they entered in but did not find the body of the Lord Yeshua verse 4 and it came about that they were and there's what it says here they were at an utter loss now and some Bible says they were confused they were bewildered but if you pay close attention that word it means to just be totally at loss on what had happened and why is that important well it shows something see they came the last thing that they thought about was what a resurrection even though that he had taught that over and over so the fact that they were not thinking about the resurrection means now according to Jewish tradition I think this can be supported in the Bible there is a connection between resurrection in the kingdom of God if you were to ask a Orthodox rabbi what is the resurrection he would say Tata Mateen he marv our Millah llamas a new Olam haba which means the resurrection of the Dead it is a passage wage it is a transitional event from this age to the age that come meaning the kingdom of God so the resurrection whenever there's a reference to resurrection we should think about the kingdom of God in in our minds they weren't doing that they weren't thinking about the resurrection and therefore they weren't Kingdom minded well keep reading it says here that it came about that they were confused bewildered at utter loss concerning this but it says behold two men standing before them and notice it says in shining garments now even though it says that there were two men oftentimes for example if you're following along in our weekly study of the book of Genesis we are in Genesis 18 just completed it and what we can say about that is that three men came and we learned later on that those three men that came to Abraham they were three angels that's what the scripture is going to tell us so sometimes although the word men or man is used there it's really an angel and that's why we're going to see in a few months when we complete our study our other weekly study of the book of Hebrews we're going to see that in chapter 13 that sometimes people entertain angels not realizing that they're angels because they come in the image in the likeness of a man and that's exactly what we see here so there was two men standing with them and they were dressed in shiny garments and notice what happens and there came about a fear of them and they fell what happens is that they fell upon their face to the ground and they spoke who's they well the women fell to the ground their faces to the ground now this is an a posture of prayer or submissiveness so they do that when they see these two and apparently they didn't think they were men because of what they did they recognized that they were angels and when it says and they spoke to them what we know here is this the one who was being spoken to it's in the plural the ones it's in the feminine so the angels these two angels are speaking to them and we know it's the women because it's feminine and what do they say to the women why are you seeking the living and here's the key it says with the dead now why is that important why did I want to emphasize see if you look at that it will say in most English Bibles why are you seeking the living among the dead but it doesn't say among it could have but that would be a different word it is a word with and why is that important well I've already alluded to that and that is because the word with is a redemptive word when we speak about with in most contexts of the scripture it is speaking about togetherness unity and this is the outcome of redemption Messiah came that we might be with him that we might have a relationship with God I have shared with you how the name Immanuel God with us is the redemptive name of Messiah so here it's speaking about the fact that there is no connection between those who have been redeemed those who are alive with the dead the dead is those who have not been redeemed so he says why are you seeking the Redeemer among the dead he's the one that gives life he's not connected to death in other words so verse 6 he is here but and notice this last word that I'm gonna read but it says he has been raised or has been raised would be the best way to put it now I emphasize this because so many Bibles would just say he has risen but it's in the passive the passive voice and why is that significant now we know biblically that Messiah he says I had the authority to lay down my life and I have the authority or power to take it up again and he did even though he has that power that doesn't mean he utilized it no what we find so often in the scripture is that it says that he was raised from the dead it's in the passive meaning he didn't do it himself but another one raised him from the dead and who was that well we know in the scripture it is God the Father and why is that important well at our conference last year I talked about the resurrection I mentioned how the fact that God the Father raised God the son from the dead showed his acceptance of Messiah's work it was God the father's heavenly approval his acceptance his his statement testimony that would Messiah did was pleasing and acceptable to him so it's underscored here when the angels are speaking he says he is not here but he has been raised meaning raised from the dead remember as he has spoken to you now he's calling these women to remember what we've already spoken us how Messiah had said time after time after time how he has said these things that it was necessary notice what it says how he spoke to you while he was still in the Galilee saying that is necessary and that weren't necessary it is a very significant Greek word it means something that is absolutely necessary it's something that has happen that God has predetermined that will be and what was that well it was necessary that the Son of Man be delivered over into the hands of sinful men who's that well it's the Jewish leadership not the Jewish people collectively but the leadership and also the Roman leadership not the Roman people collectively but I could say this that the Jewish leadership and the Roman leadership really weren't any different than all the Jewish people and all the Roman people and all the Gentiles why well when it says sinful people that's speaking about you and me as well in this context Messiah was delivered over to these leaders but they were no more or less sinful than we are that if we were in that situation we probably would have made that same decision just like if we were in that same situation of Adam and hava in the Garden of Garden of Eden we would have made that same decision so once more they were he was delivered over into the hands of sinful men and to be crucified but here's something beautiful but on the third day now people want to make a major statement and the fact that well one place in the scripture it says after three days and three nights in other word it says and on the third day well here's something that we need to understand about language in the scripture now it is after three days and three nights meaning at the conclusion of the Shabbat according to our timeframe he rose from the dead so why would it say on the third day well the reason being is this the third day that number three speaks about victory you look at the scripture let me give an example Avraham came to mount Moria in order to sacrifice yet skok his son a key that gets The Binding of Isaac took place on when the third day and so many places in the scripture victory good things faithful things took place on the third day so this term the third day is speaking more to what the outcome was because he resurrected then a time issue we know that he rose from the dead on the first day of the week having been in that tomb for three nights and three days verse verse eight and they remembered after those angels told them and they remembered his words and what did they do they turned away from the tomb and they proclaimed all these things to the eleven so these women they went back and they were the first heralds of the resurrection now now this is important because I mean if you were writing an account for a religious text you would not have women being the testifiers according to Jewish law women couldn't testify in a formal way but but God in His Providence God chose these women because women in the scripture remember what we said they give the Bible a context and that biblical passage where women take the forefront is redemption they were Herod's of redemption now this is not to placate society norms it's a show that God is not a respecter of people and he is not bound to cultural norms no God's truth over is over it transcends cultural norms so these women went back and they proclaimed all these things to the eleven and to all the others other disciples who were there and who were they were they were Mary Magdalene and also Awana or Johanna and Mary and it just says of Yaakov which means the mother of yakov and the remaining ones that were with them meaning that there were still others who came and did that with them other women that we don't know their names and it says that they said these things to the disciples no now that's what we would expect and they did say it we know to the eleven these are the eleven remaining disciples because Judas has gone out Judas has committed suicide so there's only 11 disciples left but why does it say not disciples but here apostles it's because the women what they proclaimed this was the message that was given to the disciples that they were supposed to go out it was this message that they were sent forth with and that's why the term apostle meaning sent forth it was to tell us and teach us that these leaven were now apostles being sent forth with that message that the women gave to them verse 11 now in verse 11 it says and it appeared before them this message it appeared before them as and the word here maybe your Bible says idle words literally it's it's more to do with words of emptiness they heard that and this is what the scripture is communicating to us that these disciples these ones who and they were going to turn the world upside down in a few short years but at this time when they heard about the resurrection they thought it was empty words words that had no significance and what is this to tell us well it's a tell us how far removed they were from the truth of Messiah how they did not have a kingdom mindset they were thinking of kingdom matters and therefore they could not perceive the significance of his erection so once again look at verse 11 it says and it seemed to them or appear to them that it was empty words their words were empty and they did not believe that they didn't believe it now here's the problem he had said over and over that he was gonna rise from the dead I mean we cannot underestimate the significance of the Resurrection in Messiah's teaching he laid that down as the foundational event yes he had to be crucified but that was the means that provided the opportunity for the resurrection the resurrection it's everything it's message is life it's message is victory it's message is of a kingdom being established the death being defeated all of these things are found in a proper understanding of the resurrection so when they heard Messiah had rose from the dead literally that God the Father had raised him from the dead it seemed as foolishness idleness empty words to them and therefore they did not believe now this tells me something if you don't believe in the resurrection are you saved no you are not and the issue of salvation isn't relevant at this time it wasn't until Messiah appeared to them after the resurrection and he breathed on them his spirit only then were they really truly born again that's why when we look at Judas who fell away Judas didn't lose his salvation none of the disciples had salvation in that true sense at this time why because they did not believe them meaning these women well look at verse 12 verse 12 is going to be our last verse to seek me it says but Peter now Peter is going to show a different quality Peter is going to show a different character than most of disciples because he heard this this one who had denied him not once not twice but three times three days earlier and and he had been thinking about that as the time went on and now it says but Peter he stood up and he did something he ran now once more I need to share with you that when it says in the scripture that someone runs that has significance it puts an emphasis on that passage just like we saw last week in the study of Genesis 18 that it was after Avraham circumcision at the heat of the day being 99 years old that he ran to meet those three angels that were passing by he didn't know that they were angels he didn't know that this was a manifestation of God before him but he ran and now Peters doing the same thing running shows significance in the scripture so verse 12th and Peter he rose up and he ran to the tomb and he stooped down and he saw and notice what he saw the the garments now because of this word here I believe it's speaking about these garments in which he was buried Yeshua was buried with them and he saw them alone now I believe it's having to do with that that that tallied that prayer Shawn he saw them laying by themselves separated from the rest of the death clothes the burial garments and that meant something to him why well as we talked about and our study of John and you can go to that previous video from John chapter 20 and part one and and hear more about the significance of that so so he saw that that these garments were were set aside they weren't mixed together he understood the significance of part of these garments speaking about death and the other part speaking about what speaking about a faithful life of obedience because that garment is what's put the tits at the fringe fringes on that speak to the commandments of God and so he saw that and notice what happens it says any went away okay literally says with himself now this is unique construction he went away with himself doesn't say by himself but with himself meaning he was pondering that and I think this can be supported because it says that he was amazed and and and the word here for amaze meaning he saw great wonder it's not the word for being confused it is speaking about something that is amazing that causes you to ponder it as something of great significance and that's how Peter saw what he had perceived when he ran to the term and the last thing I want you to see is the last two words it says here that he was amazed by your Bible probably says what has taken place now it's important or what had come about is another way it's the Greek word and its root form genome I and get on my speaks of something happening being taking place what not it's not so much that word is so significant but the construction of that word because it's in the perfect and the perfect tense speaks about an event that's in the past in the present and in the future meaning this it's something that happened in the past but it has relevance not just then but also right now in the presence and not just right now in the presence but that same relevance that we're experiencing is going to go on into the future into an undetermined amount of time in the future maybe eternally and that's certainly the case here with the resurrection what the Scriptures telling us is this resurrection of Messiah then had taken place it was important then it's important now even in our time and is going to be eternally important on into the future forever and ever why because it's that resurrection that provides the basis for the establishment of the kingdom of God and that kingdom is a kingdom of no end so when we think of the resurrection we need to think of kingdom implications that it's only when we believe in the resurrection Messiah that's why Paul says I'm going to conclude with this last statement Paul speaks in Romans chapter 10 that it's just not enough to believe that Messiah is is a savior that he died for us that's not enough we also must believe that God has raised him from the dead if you don't believe that Messiah rose from the dead your faith is insufficient to save so my hope and our primary purpose is to teach people biblical truth focusing in on foundationally the resurrection so that we can have an expectation of the kingdom and because we expect the kingdom and we understand the power of that kingdom a resurrected power therefore we're going to see our life empowered remember what Messiah says he tells the people shortly before he has sentence back up into heaven 40 days after appearing to many individuals giving proof testimony he says this he says now go into all the earth proclaiming this truth and teaching them to obey all things that I've commanded isn't that interesting to obey all things that Messiah has commanded see a resurrected faith is going to manifest itself through obedience were saved by grace not of works but having been saved that faith is going to produce obedience to the commandments of Messiah that we might live in a way that manifests his power in our life and you should be excited about that and you should be humbled by that that God chose you and chose me to be his servants to proclaim that message and to live according to Kingdom truth now in this age in this body where we can use this time and use the resources and resources that we have to glorify Him well my hope is this that in some way our teaching tonight might impact you and also that it may lay the foundation for a blessed time of the feast of unleavened bread that you might have a greater appreciation why Messiah was crucified on Passover and why he rose from the dead on that day called rasheed signifying remember the waving of the priests of that that sheave that Omer why that speaks to victory deliverance salvation that you might see how God put all these things into place in order that we might know the truth being moved by the truth be transformed by the truth and be speakers of the truth unapologetically with boldness well until next week when we continue on back in our study of Ecclesiastes in chapter 11 I said for a blessed time of the feast of unleavened bread that you might have a greater appreciation why Messiah was crucified on Passover and why he rose from the dead on that day called rasheed signifying remember the aving of the priests of that that she that Omer why that speaks to victory deliverance salvation that you might see how God put all these things into place in order that we might know the truth being moved by the truth be transformed by the truth and be speakers of the truth unapologetically with boldness well until next week when we continue on back in our study of Ecclesiastes in chapter 11 I say Shalom from Israel and thank you for being part of our special resurrection service
Channel: LoveIsrael.org
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Id: saACQMQu79o
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Length: 62min 55sec (3775 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 31 2018
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