Exodus Chapter 15 Part 1

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Shalom and welcome to via after Israel a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Sarah Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel o RG now here's Baruch with today's lesson we've spoken of that many times in this book of Exodus God has moved mightily according to his covenant 'el purposes - to extend to his people those covenant Allah promises and now we know that Israel the Passover has occurred the children have come out and God has brought them through this sea in order that he might lead them to that place that he has prepared I'm speaking about Mount Sinai but nevertheless we know that that enemy Pharaoh and the Egyptians they have not submitted they have sent Israel forth as God said ultimately they would do but they have done so not out of faithfulness not out of a conviction but out of discomfort because they had no choice their rebellious their disobedience their lack of faith was bringing destruction upon their nation and their people so ultimately they agree but they agreed outwardly there was no change in wordly so they really didn't express faith they did what they had to do but they were acting not in some mrs. mas' to God but in their own selfish self-preservation and we see that when they felt that they could capture or destroy Israel depending upon the various interpretations they under pharaoh's leadership they got their armies prepared they had their chariots mounted they had their horsemen sent forth and they pursued Israel in rebellious nests and we know what happened God moved in a supernatural way a way that that no one could have anticipated but nevertheless God brought the children of Israel through that Red Sea and he brought destruction upon Pharaoh and his armies and its people God make no mistake about it he triumphed gloriously and what we're gonna see now is the people's response led by Moses so take out your Bible and look with me to the book of Exodus and chapter 15 the book of Exodus chapter 15 now let me share with you that when we look at this song of Moses what's calm referred to as Shearer Shyam the song of the sea normally most people look at this thinking it only has implications to what took place approximately three thousand and five hundred years ago that is a false understanding that is not what the Word of God reveals and we'll see that undeniably immediately when we look at this text because the the language is very interesting so as I said take out your Bible it's important that you see the Word of God not just hear it but see it as well and what we read look at verse 1 Exodus 15 and verse 1 it says as that means then it is a word of response this took place because of what happened previously this great victory this manifestation of God's faithfulness and we're going to study it I'm going to look at the Hebrew but I'm going to translate it into English but what I want us to understand just in this first first verse I want to read the Hebrew word says Oz and the next word Yeshe r mo che which means then we'll sang Moses now most English Bibles in fact I don't know any that does not translate it this way then Moses son doesn't say that it does not say oz char ma che but it says eyes Yeshe r mo shan and if you check it out with various helps and we have many online for example Bible study company you can go and if you parse that is if you look at the grammatical description the grammatical definition of that word you will find that it is in the future so we should translate it then will same mache and the fact that it's in the future tells us something that it has future implications now what is this song of it is a song of deliverance and more specifically it speaks of redemption will see that that two times the word for redemption appears within this passage and we know the exodus from Egypt it is also a type of redemption is a pattern for the redemption that ultimately Messiah he purchased for us and the outcome of that redemption is going to be the events that give rise to the establishment of the kingdom of God so this scripture this song of the sea' it has future implications for the outcome of redemption and again what is that the establishment of the kingdom in other words what we can expect is God - once again deliver his people over the enemies that are rebelling against God's will that are disobedient to his plants and they want to say no to God and the way that they think that they're going to be victorious and not having to submit to God's plan as if they destroy Israel and that's why I'm of the opinion that Pharaoh wanted in his anger to destroy Israel he was committed to that as in the last days sore air HaMashiach that is the Antichrist is going to be committed to the destruction ultimately he is going to want to see Israel destroyed so the scripture says then will saying Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord now we know biblically that that Moses according to the last prophecy and I'm speaking about the book of of Malachy or Malachi it tells us that we should expect Elijah but also that Moses the law of Moses is spoken of in the last days and here it's other indication that perhaps Moses not just Elijah alone but Moses is that second witness I know that many people like to believe it's an oak or Enoch in English but I am NOT of that mindset from what we see based upon the book of Revelation in chapter 11 no those two witnesses they have the power to turn water to blood and to stop up the heavens that it will not rain and that is what Moses and Elijah does now we don't know it doesn't say specifically who they are but this is indicator because it says then Moses and the children of Israel will sing and this is to tell us in the same way that God was victorious he defeated the enemies he delivered Israel in the crossing of the Red Sea so too will God be victorious and deliver Israel for that final redemption in the last days once more then Moses will sing and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord they will speak saying I will sing into the Lord and notice it's indeed a response for God Oh God now I say that because that same Hebrew word in a different romantical construction but they work together the same word is repeated it's repeated it appears two times but in a different form and this is usually this construction means that he has has exceedingly or that he has has verily so done something or utterly as sometimes how the Word of God translates this what is he utterly done well he has acted in a magnificent in a wonderful in a glorious manner now that's all that we can derive from this word but context leads many and I'm not saying that this is incorrect but we're speaking about God behaving in a magnificent way that caused victory that he was triumphant and that's why most Bible says that he has has triumphed gloriously or magnificently so this song is a praise to God we'll see that in a moment they are singing because of this glorious victory that God has done and what does they say about this victory well horse and it's rider he has thrown he has tossed into the sea verse 2 based upon what God has done notice Moses and the children of Israel they are praising God now you can mark this down there are two reasons generally speaking why we praise God first is for who is he is God he doesn't have to do anything to be worthy of our praise or adoration our worship He is God his identity is enough to praise Him but in addition to that we ought to also praise him for what he has done this is what the scripture is telling us God is worthy of praise for who he is and what he has done that he has caused his people to be victorious over their enemy therefore it says verse 2 speaking of the Lord that he is my my might and my song or we could say AHS strength he is my strength and my song who is yeah this is one of the examples where we're speaking about Adonai Hashem the Lord Almighty but the word that appears there is the first letter and the last letter of that sacred name of God you'd have ave and it's speaking simply about yeah the Lord so if we read this properly my strength and my song is yeah and he has become for me for salvation this is important because it gives us a clear indication of what they're praising him for for salvation he has become for salvation he is the source and he is the objective of salvation this this verse has great theological information that the victory that we want is him his not just defeating the enemies but the victory is being with him he has become our salvation he is this one literally is my god I will praise him the god of my father I will exalt him verse 3 now this is not going to be politically correct because war and God fighting and such people today so many they don't want to hear that they don't believe that's appropriate but notice the Word of God and the scripture says that the Lord he is the same today for and tomorrow yesterday today and forever so who is this god this is his identity Hashem he is ish mil , what does that mean he is a man of war and the Lord is his name I underline highlight that see I find comfort from that that God is a man of war and the reason why I do is we're going to see elsewhere in the scripture in the book of Exodus that he is willing to go to war in behalf of his people in order that his coven ental purposes might be fulfilled so God fights the battle in order that we might receive his promises that what we want not necessarily what we pray for it's what we should pray for it's what we should want but oftentimes we don't want the things of God we want what we want the problem is God is going to give us what is good his will is the best so the Lord he is a man of war Hashem is his name verse 4 the chariots of Pharaoh and his army he has cast into the sea and myth harshaali Schaaf myth hark means the choice the chosen once that which is the very best and then we had that word and we talked about it earlier comes from the Hebrew word shalash means three it's speaking about Pharaoh's choice chariots his very best now most of the time it talks about the captains of his chariots but the word for captain here is a word for three and it speaks simply about that these chariots were so mighty they were large that instead of just one person it required three people in order to to cause them to to go forth in order to drive steer and utilize them so they were a massive chariot and it says here look at it carefully and the the chosen chariots and the ones who who were captain upon it they sunk they drowned in the sea yong-su and the sea of reeds which is commonly referred to as the Red Sea verse five and the depths they covered them and they went down to the bottom like a stone what is the imagery here well we all know what happens if you cast a rock into a lake into the sea it sinks quickly and goes all the way unto the bottom that's exactly what Pharoah his choice chariots those leaders captains all of his his armies and his officers they all sunk into the bottom of that sea like a rock verse six the right hand of the Lord it is made glorious meaning through that act we saw the splendor the wonderful nature of God's hand and hand here his right hand is speaking about authority so God's Authority or it can be speaking about power God's power his authority his rule it's glorious and all of this was manifested through his judgment it was a testimony from God to Israel concerning his nature so the right hand of the Lord has made glorious and with the power of his right hand the Lord did what he broke the enemy and this is a a great word what it meant is he brought them to subjection it is related to for example making someone lie down and it's usually in this context and this construction of the verb speaks about smashing breaking destroying something so the Lord he destroyed the enemy verse 7 and in the abundance and the next word is gay and gay Owen usually that speaks of of intelligence so God in the abundance of his intelligence now why is that put in I realized that many Bibles translate that that word got owned differently but it's literally the word for having great intelligence a gone is a genius so in the abundance of the geniusness of God and why I want to translate it this way is simply this is because we need to know that our God knows everything he has perfect intelligence and therefore that perfect intelligence it gives him the knowledge he always has it it's it's inherent to him he doesn't ever acquire intelligence it's intrinsically his but because he has perfect intelligence he knows always what to do what that enemy is going to respond and how they can be easily defeated and likewise we've learned that God can just speak things into being so there's no context here there's no doubt the victory belongs to him so we read look again at verse seven in the abundance of growth it means in the abundance of his intelligence he has word for for destroying something if you look at the remains of some city or archaeologists and you go and you see the ruins Harris this is what we're talking about so God in the abundance of his intelligence it says he he lays to ruins those who rise up against you it says that he will send forth his anger literally you sent forth its a praise to him so we read you sent forth your anger and it consumed them meaning the Egyptians as strong so God's anger it's a hot anger and it devoured it consumed the enemy like fire consumes hay or straw not much of a contest I guarantee you if there's a context between straw and fire bet on the fire you're to win every time and it's going to be a very short contest same thing here it was no struggle for God this victory it happened rather quickly when God said for those waters to close upon the Egyptians it was the end of them verse 8 move rock epoca off is knows when when that word is in the plural is usually speaks of nostrils and the image here is quite clear it's a word for breath or wind or spirit so with the the blast of his nostrils now ice like cartoons and sometimes when someone is very angry you see the the air comes forth from their nostrils fire sometimes does is show their their anger this is the imagery here it says basically with a blast of your nostrils the waters basically were caused to heap up meaning that all came together at one place and they stood like a liquid wall and then we had the next word and this is a word for a liquid becoming a solid now in ancient Hebrew it's the same word for for something being frozen that liquid becoming frozen and the image here is simple liquid when it becomes hard oftentimes when you freeze something that's what happens so these waters had change they congealed in a moment because God caused it so they became liquid walls they congealed what did the depths of the sea congealed in the heart of the sea and the enemy said now they saw it and here's a very important principle see we need to see things from God's perspective we need to understand what God's up to what changes he are bringing about so that we can respond properly but we need his perspective the problem is this the Egyptians and this is such a useful biblical truth you'll want to learn it and that is if you are in God's will doing his will and wanting to continue to obey Him this is the foundation for receiving the mind of Messiah that is having God's perspective but when we are of the mindset that I want to do my will I don't care what God says I'm gonna rebel against it I'm gonna accomplish my desires my purposes and I'm gonna ignore the Word of God the will of God the revelation of God what's gonna happen you are going to see things very incorrectly and you're not going to see the danger your demise that's going to unfold in a moment and that's exactly what happened to to the the Egyptians look carefully verse 9 the enemy said they looked at this situation and they saw it as an opportunity but this perfectly intelligent God this Mahdi perfectly mightily able God he created this he was setting the stage for their destruction and they looked at it and they said this is what we're gonna do it's personal first-person he says I will pursue I will overcome meaning I will overtake them and ultimately he says I will divide the spoil now most think that this is Pharaoh speaking that ferrell looks at this situation he says I'm gonna pursue them I'm going to overtake them and I'm gonna be the one that that divides the spoil but when you keep reading he says and my soul will be full this is a term of satisfaction in other words Pharaoh he looked at this situation and he thought it was just a matter of an easy battle and that he was going to satisfy himself that he was going to be content with what he accomplished and once more nothing could be further from the truth so if you're not desiring to obey God you won't see things properly and if you don't see things properly you're going to be in a way that's going to lead to your demise your destruction and that's exactly what happens to Ferrell he says I will will will pull out my sword and my hand will inherit them or take possession of them that's what he anticipated happening but what didn't he think about verse 10 we're praising God it says in your wind that's word Rewa spirit wind with your spirit you blew so this is and many of the accommodators point this out God when you speak when I'm speaking breath is coming forth so when it says with your breath with your spirit with your wind however you want to say it may be a reference to God just speaking this into reality because the Word of God brings victory into our life that's what the Scriptures tell me so so you blew your spirit and the sea covered them just that simple God spoke you blew your spirit and the sea was caused to cover them and they sunk they sunk like lead into the mighty waters wasn't difficult didn't take a long time God wasn't wiping perspiration from his forehead all he did was speak it into being a spoke victory for his people based upon his covenant obligations those are promises and the outcome of his promises are blessings but those who reject his covenant they are going to experience the curse and as we know death so they sunk as lead pay or ferret has led in the mighty waters verse 11 we have this wonderful price fact there's a song that many of you who are listening and watching you know it's called mica Moka who is like you Oh Lord and it's taking from from this verse of scripture where we read mica moja baleen I don't know mica mohan a darby kodesh no rot ee low dose a fail a which means who is like you among the gods o lord who is like you marvellous in holiness and awesome in praises doing wonder and that's what God does God does wonderful wonderful things wondrous acts but they all are based upon his covenant 'el purposes and if you are not someone that's interested in the purposes of God if you are not someone that has a covenant relationship with them through specifically the New Covenant the one that the blood of Messiah ratified a covenant of redemption that was completed with the work on the cross if you have not accepted Yeshua that is Jesus of Nazareth into your life and the Covenant that he came to establish then you have no right to expect victory know what you should expect is everlasting judgment but when we embrace the Word of God when we have faith in the truth of Scripture when we say yes to the grace of God through faith and we say yes to the gospel then God this unique God bill one is like him he is going to work Marvis Li wonderfully in our life and we're going to experience the uniqueness of him on a daily basis verse verse 12 your right hand you stretched forth and through that the land swallowed them up verse 13 now the song is going to change instead of speaking about what God did to the Egyptians the emphasis now through the end of the section that we're gonna study this evening is going to be for the most part not exclusively but for the most part it's going to focus in on God's activity - to make victorious his covenant people and notice what it says verse verse 13 Nikita Bahasa here Nikita says you have led now what's important is this the same work here for leading is the root for giving rest rest is related to comfort that which satisfies that which pleases that which we want to experience rest biblically is a much more involved world word than than in English when God says I'm giving you rest he's giving us a perfect provision of what we need that we need in a holistic in a complete manner so the scripture says that he is going to lead us but he's also going to lead us to become a recipient of his rests what the scripture look verse 13 Nikita veja sneha Hesed is in english the word for grace so you lead us with your grace now this is important because I've said all too often what you hear frequently is that grace saves it does that's one of the purposes one of the outcomes of receiving grace for by grace you have been saved through grace you find forgiveness of your sins through grace you find Redemption salvation all of that's true I don't want to lessen that whatsoever but I want us to understand that grace goes beyond that there are multi purposes for grace and grace there's something else we find that through grace notice what it says you have led us with your grace grace leads us into taking hold of that arrest that provision from God likewise I've talked about many times that grace also grace also causes the will of God to be fulfilled so when I receive grace yes that grace saves me that grace leads me in order to become a recipient of God's provision and also a a doer of his will that's what the gates of God does that's what Messiah wants to accomplish in your life not just save you yes he does that but he also wants to lead you that you find his provision a provision that empowers you to complete to do to achieve his will verse 13 you lead with your grace this people you have redeemed now this is the first time I told you there was two places in the scripture that we're looking at two seating where where redemption is spoken of and ultimately we're speaking about the redemption that leads to a kingdom experience all of this foreshadows a future victory remember Hashim O'Shea then Moses will sing it looks to a future redemption and redemption is not just a payment for the sins that part but there's also the other word for redemption gala which is the outcome of that payment that that redeems so this is the word for redemption it says you have redeemed this people and you have and most will say lead again but it's a different word there's a different word from the word for to lead and the word to manage new net that's to lead but noon hey lawmen now how well that speaks of managing something administrating something so God leads us but he's also it's meh a lot nay a lotta that you have managed or you have administered meaning administered us with your power and where is this leadership and this management of God's people going to lead us it says here el navei cachaca to your holy oasis now this is a habitation of perfection and notice it's called your holy remember holy is a word of purpose and it reveals God's purpose that is to bring us to a a provision whereby we experience that provision in that place so it's moving us where we need to be he leads us he manages us all the distance all the journey so that we can't have that provision in order that we know God in a personal way verse 14 now we're going to speak about not just the the Egyptians but the world it says here some ooh a meme that means the people's these other nations around this area it says that they heard the people's heard and they were and their work here interesting because I believe most Bibles might say that they were fearful or they shook but but it's often the word for for angry they didn't like most of the world and this is important most of the world is not going to like the change that Redemption brings because they belong to the world and not the kingdom they want worldly changed they don't want kingdom change so the people's they heard and they were were agitated and it says kill a has your fate polish it now the inhabitants of pollution this is the same word where we get Philistines the same word where we get Palestinians their root and it speaks about those and polish it in the scripture is a a word that speaks to a contemptible people one that God finds no pleasure in and why is that because they are opposed to the things of God so when we read here what God is going to do he's bringing this change they are agitated by that and it says this word pill well it can mean to convulse to jerk and usually the source of that is pain now some translators they use the word grief but it's a pain that is Grievous they are are painful and grieving about this change that's what it says who pollution and the Philistines or on plush it are always opposed to the things of God who else is mentioned here look at verse 15 then the champions of a dome a dome is the evil people that write unrighteous nation that came from ISA ISA wasn't interested in the things of God he wasn't interested in the call that God allowed him to have when he was born he sold that it wasn't important to him and it says then the champions of Edom they were afraid and the Mahdi once this is a word for goats and sometimes goat speaks about a a mightiness and this is a a word that is related to and it's very important that we see this it is a word that related to strength and it says the mighty ones the strong ones of Mothe it says this time rod shaking seized them and all the inhabitants of Canaan that's the land of Canaan they melted away why well this is more from an emotional standpoint inwardly they were emotionally grieved they were in in pain inwardly over what God had done and now we're gonna deal with the the manifestation of a physical defeat look at verse 16 he uses two words which speaks about great fear and terror so fear and terror fell upon them with the great your great arm now most and this is factual most see that this great arm your great arm of the Lord is speaking about Messiah they see this as a future manifestation of the work of Messiah to bring victory when he comes the second time so with your great arm what did you do you made them to be still or quiet like a rock rocks don't move and it says you made them to be still like a rock until what until your people passed so it speaks about how as the children of Israel when God parted the sea when the water stood like like a wall of a liquid wall what happened the children of Israel went forth and the Egyptians they were forced to stand silently and still East and with with stillness until all the people pass Oh Lord until this people pass that you purchase and this is the second word like note it means to buy but it's also a word that's related to Redemption so God redeemed them and says he purchased them and how did he do that well if you ask any of the commentators from a vehicle standpoint they will say they were purchased they were redeemed by the blood of the land that pass over and that's why Messiah sure Jesus Christ why he died on Passover the event of the cross took place on Passover on what the Gospel writers call the preparation day which is a term from Judaism that relates to Passover verse 17 and you brought them and you planted them meaning God took this people that he delivered had he had redeemed them he had entered into a covenant relationship and he brought them and planted them in the mountain of your inheritance and you established them for your habitation and Oh Lord you did or made a sanctuary of the Lord your hands established it now when we look at the second part of verse 17 what we see here is language language that relates to worship he brings him into a sanctuary of the Lord all these things relate to the purpose of redemption realize something you had been redeemed so these you can worship God without redemption you cannot worship the Living God make no mistake about it those who have not experienced Redemption and specifically the redemption that the New Covenant gives it's only through Redemption that you can enter into a new covenant and it's through this new covenant redemption that you can worship God as he demands to be worship in spirit and in truth so this is why we go from God's faithfulness to redeem the people to purchase them to them being brought into his sanctuary whereby they worship Him and it's the sanctuary speaking about a kingdom reference because it's the sanctuary of the Lord that your hands have have prepared his establish his hands it's not speaking about something that has happened in this world not speaking about the first temple or the second but it's a kingdom reference look at verse 18 here again verse 18 is another indicator another indicator that this has future implications having to do with the final Redemption the establishment of the kingdom why this great scripture it says Hashem in local olam fed which means the Lord he will rule or he will be king for ever and ever so it speaks about this temple that God's could establish this sanctuary of the Lord whereby we will worship Him and that he will rule forever and ever verse 19 now first is going to be our final verse and verse 19 once again it's a summary statement of the victory that God has done for his people and if you and this is good news if you are in that covenant 'el relationship with him you could expect victory and if you're not you can expect God's judgment his actions that bring about your destruction and your defeat look at verse 19 for the horse of Pharaoh came with his chariot and with his horsemen where did they come they went into the sea now this is just a review of what we know we've already studied happen the children of Israel they passed through the sea on dry land and the Egyptians led by Pharaoh they saw this and they thought this is going to be their opportunity to pursue them and to overtake them to devour their spoil to take to have a profitable experience but what does the scripture say verse 19 for the horse of Pharaoh and his chariot came they went with his horsemen where into the sea and the Lord via shed and the Lord caused to return upon them the waters of the sea God brought about he caused the waters of the sea to come back upon them but and here's what I like but the children of Israel they went through on dry land in the midst of the sea now what we see here is simply God made a distinction that's what God wants to do and that's what he will do he makes a distinction between those who have a covenant elationship those who respond to him in faith those who desire to obey God works mightily what did we see we see that the Lord triumphs gloriously his triumph the people of Israel shared it they were the recipients of his victory what did he receive he received praise and honor and glory and worship for the good things that he's done with his people and what did he do he acted in fidelity to his word what he said he was going to do so we can experience this is not just a lesson about what God has done remember Oz here share Moe Shea it is about what God is going to do in the future that is going to produce victory for his covenant people and bring about a kingdom worship a worship of the King of Kings the Lord of lords remember what it says Hashem in local alum fed the Lord will reign forever and ever and it's this terminology that we see repeated and described when Messiah returns and my question is simply this to you are you ready for his coming are you looking to that with a sure expectation which causes you to prepare yourself now's the time to be ready now's the time to understand what's going to happen and how we need to respond to these things so that we can be a faithful witness that we can bear forth a appropriate testimony that we are as people that we belong to him that we are his purchased possession through Redemption and that his blood made a difference in our life not just that we were forgiven but through his blood we have entered into an eternal relationship with him let me just share with you I mean think of those special relationships I can tell you that because I'm in a covenant relationship with my wife rifki that that relationship changes me changes her we because we have entered into the marriage covenant we think differently and not only do we think differently but we behave differently and we because of our marriage we also have different goals everything has changed and in that same way when we become the bride of Messiah when we enter into that covenant 'el which is a marriage we're the bride of Messiah there's going to be that great wedding banquet in the kingdom of God read revelation 19 so the question is are we anxiously waiting those things do our lives our behavior our speech reflect that we truly believe those things well with that I'll close I wish you a great week this upcoming week that the Lord that he might bless you and keep you that the Lord that he might make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you that the Lord that he will lift up his countenance upon you that he should give to you peace Shalom from Israel well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel not bow RG there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Baruch these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
Channel: LoveIsrael.org
Views: 2,326
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Book of Exodus
Id: rYYlLtHnrow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 13sec (3193 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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