Exodus Chapter 15 Part 2

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Shalom and welcome to via after Israel a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Sarah Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel Oh our G now here's Baruch with today's lesson our God delivers when we take out this book we see time and time again that the children of Israel they were in trouble and God moved according to his covenant Allah promises to deliver them to give them a foretaste of his ultimate salvation and we see that all of this should greet faithfulness into you and me that we have seen Dazs truthfulness his character his fidelity to his word so that we need not panic but that we can move forward in obedience well take out your Bible and look with me to the book of Exodus and chapter 15 the book of Exodus and chapter 15 now in this fifth chapter we've already seen that great deliverance at the sea of reeds that is yong-soo or the Red Sea as it's commonly referred to and now we've also seen Moshe Rabbeinu that is Moses our teacher his response his song but also we're going to look at his sister Miriam and how she likewise was moved out to praise God in not doing so alone but with women so we see this wonderful dichotomy of praise we see Moses leading and then we see his sister well with that said look with me where we left off last week Exodus chapter 15 and verse 20 we read here and Miriam ha Nevaeh what's ain't Navi a Navi a prophet but this is in the feminine so it's hot the via prophetess a female prophet and Miriam is called by that unique name now remember what we learned last week we talked about the fact that in verse 1 it says then we'll sing Moshe he's going to Lee talked about the importance of this from a future perspective but when we look here we see that Miriam this this female prophet she took and she was the sister of her own now we also know that our own and mâche were brothers so she's also the sister of Moses but here we see that it only mentions the sister of her own a her own a priest and we're going to find that this has a connotation to worship we see that Redemption always is preparation it is a prerequisite for worshiping God and this entire fifteenth chapter is dedicated to worshiping God and being drawn into a spiritual condition one that's based upon knowledge in order that we can obey God here's the principle right worship leads to right behavior and that's why we should be so concerned today of the many things masquerading as worship within so many congregation there is spiritual Confucian there is an imitation of the world being brought into the house of God and it is tragic and the results are going to be catastrophic so we need to see a change in how we worship and if you were to ask me what is the greatest problem plaguing believers today it would be a worship that is motivated by the flesh person focus rather than God focus and a lessening of an understanding of who this holy one this purchased one Yeshua is and how we should relate to him so we read here once more verse 20 and Miriam the female prophet she took and she was the sister of Aaron she took the Toth now a toph is something that you drum but it's probably more like a tambourine than anything else so she took the tambourine in her hand and as she did this notice there was a response from the other women it says and all the women went forth after her now in the same way that a her own he was the priest the high priests we see that Miriam we see this beautiful dichotomy we see a a separation a distinction between man and woman and today unfortunately people are confused about this I was sent some videos of individuals and and one I must admit that that he would have told me his name I would say I have great respect for him but as I heard his answers to several question I was quite surprised he's a apologetic individual meaning that he takes difficult things in the scripture in our faith and he defends it apologetics is defending the faith and I admire that and we need to to have people who are trained to do just that but the question that he was asked had to do with transgender and his answer is well just accept Messiah invite Messiah into your life and he'll set everything straight so now the problem with that is that it is a false teaching because if a person is confused the scripture and this man mentioned the scripture I don't think he he handled it well and he dealt with it to its implications but we all know the scripture that God made them male and female God doesn't make mistakes God does not create someone and they're a boy but in reality they're a girl and they have to move to that another one of his associates this apologetic individual he was was sharing that you know we're all in in a journey we're all moving from one place to another and maybe this is just no different well that is ridiculous this is fundamental confusion God created them male and female and therefore when one wants to change that at the root is rebellious and this is getting so much attention this issue because it is rooted in a rebellion against God God's saying I made him a male and he says no I'll be a female and don't you call me by that pronoun him or he ridiculous whenever someone is confused about gender I mean that manifests an extra spiritual problem and for someone say well you in that situation just you know God will accept you as your he does accept sinners but there's a prerequisite not oh I'll just accept him what's the prerequisite repentance and repentance begins right here it's a heart condition as a man thinks in his heart so we need to realize something it is impossible for someone who is in any sin to say well I'm just going to to be comfortable and at ease with that that's who I am and I'm gonna accept Messiah no we need to say God I'm a sinner these things are wrong these things in my life do not square up with Scripture and therefore I need to confess that at sin when we do that he's there to forgive he's there to work that change in our life now I'm not saying that that this is some different spiritual problem spiritual problems sin manifests itself in a variety of ways transgenders one of them but we need to point to it and say it's sin this is confusion it is rejection of God's order it's rebellion now we all begin there God accepts us but we have to acknowledge sin and just saying God accept me as I am in my sin with no desire to change with no acknowledgement that this is wrong that is a false gospel and I am NOT just confident I am assured of that fully totally notice how important repentance is and that begins with an acknowledgment of sin so we see this beautiful economy we see Aaron the high priest one leader and now we see Miriam his sister leading the women all the women go out after her and they had these tambourines and they're also worshiping God it says and in dance now there's this separation when we look at the return of Messiah in Zechariah chapter 12 when Israel's going to acknowledge and respond to him and what happens there's also this dichotomy between the men and the women as they lament and lamentation is a form of worship it's a form of repentance acknowledgement so this beautiful separation between male and female and when we're confused by that there are serious spiritual problems verse 21 and Miriam answered them how well it says they sung unto the Lord for and this word has to do with a godly pride it has to do with with rejoicing in him being proud of God who is the victor we just share in his victory so she responded to them Miriam they sung unto the Lord for he most bible's will say has triumph and he has but this is the the response of pride for what God has done what has he done horse and it's rider he has cast in the sea he has lifted up into the sea so Miriam is leading the women and only the women in worshiping God praising God for this victory at the Red Sea verse 22 now after the worship notice Moses is going to cause the children of Israel to move to travel to go and it's very importantly see this if you look at verse 22 Vyasa mache at Israel when I see the word via sir I know it's not he traveled see some might look and say Moses traveled with Israel doesn't say that because the verb here of iesous is in the hill you take that Hebrew course your to know the significance of that it is the causative stem so Moses he caused them to travel in other words he led them to Israel from the sea of reeds that is the Red Sea and they traveled to the wilderness of Shur and they traveled this three days in the wilderness now this is important because three has to do with manifesting something documenting something and remember when we look at the scripture earlier on in the book of Exodus they were going on this three-day journey now they have traveled more than that but it's a three-day journey into the wilderness and what were they supposed to do there have this festival unto the Lord and notice what happens pay close attention it says and they traveled three days in the wilderness but they did not find water water is life now they're in a dire situation but remember something God is moving among the people Moses is leading them but under the true leader under the authority of God himself there are still just this issue of this pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day so Moses is leading the people he's going first he's telling them follow and follow the Lord and God's not going to lead us to defeat he's going to lead us to provision and sometimes and here's the key a supernatural provision isn't this what we saw earlier in chapter 14 the previous chapter with God providing them a way through the sea and a brain destruction on Pharaoh and his armies over and over God has showed himself I'm in charge here I've got this under control you just walk with me and I'll take care of the rest verse verse 23 and they came to Marah but they were not able to drink the water from Marah now there's a play on words because Marah comes from the Hebrew word Mar which is bitter so he brings into a place called bitterness we might say and obviously they could not drink the water look at verse 23 they didn't find water at first and they came to Marah and they were not able to drink the water which they did find there because it was bitter for bitter it was this is the waters therefore they called the name Marah so what's emphasized here over and over just look in this text how many times the Hebrew word bitter is used they've been traveling and they're thirsty they come to one place no water they come to another place bruck Hashem praise the Lord there's water but when they go to drink it they can't because it's so bitter now what do you think God is doing God is always purposefully trying to grow us spiritually and what's growing spiritually well it is trusting him depending upon him having see remember our call to worship what does David say I will utterly or exceed they hope in the Lord when we have that hope he inclines himself to us but we much approach him hopefully expectantly based upon his promises that God promised to bring the people out to die in the wilderness no they keep struggling with this thought that God's going to kill them and why because they really weren't a faithful people and when we lack faith we're going to experience death so look again for they were bitter meaning the water and therefore they called the name of that place bitter verse 24 instead of saying God what are you trying to teach us God what should we learn from this experience God we're so thirsty and we know that you're a loving God of providing God how are you going to meet our needs instead of doing that what does the scripture say this is their constant motive of behavior it says here they complain who the people they complained against Moses saying what shall we drink now if they would have asked that would have been better Moses what should we drink but they didn't ask they did so in a complaining manner now is it legitimate to ask what shall we drink yes it is but when we do so complaining one of the prayers that you should make is I'm not going to complain to other individuals I'm not going to be a complainer now you can can share with people I need help this is frustrating me I don't know what I'm gonna do I I don't see God's provision will you pray with me all of those are legitimate ways of expressing need expressing a situation where you don't see the faithfulness of God but don't doubt the faithfulness of God he will manifest it so they cried out in a complaining way what shall we drink and notice verse 25 and they it's a different words they yelled so they cried out that's in verse verse 24 they complained against Moses now there vietze och they are yelling to the Lord and those what God did now this is wonderful because I mean God we see later on for example in the Book of Numbers when the people complained he got angry and a plague was sent to them but here notice we see a very important word Vai your Ray who Hashem it's now your Bible probably say and he showed them a tree that is the Lord but I would hear again the reason that it's so important that we are able to deal to some degree with the biblical language is so that we can look at this word and realize well it's not the norm award Lee wrote meaning to see but it's another word and this word has to do well it's the same word that we get instruction from it's the same word that we get the term Torah from did you know that the word Torah we say law but it's really better more accurately translated as instruction and what the scripture says here they complained they yelled out to the Lord and he instructed them now them is the people and the people are singular so it says and he the Lord instructed him the people and what did he do he instructed them concerning X a tree and what's unique about that tree well keep reading in verse 25 and he threw it he cast it into the waters and the waters they became sweet now what I want you to see is what the Scriptures telling us and that's this that through a tree everything was changed that which was bitter became sweet why because a tree was was placed into the situation now I hope you can see this because water is synonymous with life and we naturally when we come up to a situation and we behave naturally in it it is going to have a bitterness to it man and woman Hume a humans when we are left to our self and respond we are going to produce bitterness that's just the outcome and that's why so many relationships just just deteriorate over time and because we behave as we do we sow bitterness into a situation but there's a tree that when you cast it into the situation it changes the bitter instantaneously to sweet and when I think a tree I think of the tree of life it's claimed and what I'm referring to is in another word the cross this shows the power of the Cross that tree to bring change absolute change into a situation so he instructed them that is the Lord instructed them of a tree and he cast it into the waters and the waters became sweet there and then it says he set for him that is for the children of Israel for them a statute a a judgment and what was that there he tested him meaning God tested the the people of Israel now it is not a test to sin it is not temptation but it's a test God realizes God is going to put us through various spiritual tests not tempting us to sin God would never ever ever ever do that God is not an instrument of sin cos official oh god forbid he's an instrument of righteousness but God grows up of people and we grow in knowledge by taking tests these tests show us what we don't know and what we do know tests reveal it it affirms that which is right and it punishes it marks out that which is wrong for what purpose to bring about a righteous change a growth a maturity so God tests his people around for example when we studied the previous book the book of Genesis we see that God tested Abraham several times and Abraham grew in his faith that's what it's supposed to be so we see that there's a statute a judgment there what was that look for God's provision see here's the problem they were there at Marah there was abundant water and they began to complain and they said we can't treat that in its current condition but God had provided all along there that place was a tree the people overlooked and didn't pay attention to it didn't say why is that tree there now remember something we're in the mid bar by and large there was not trees in the desert it's a barren Aird place an empty place and there's that tree one tree it would appear that's right there but say how can that be I mean normally a tree planted by the the waters is a fruitful tree but this this waters these waters are bitter they don't give life they take life now notice something the water was supposed to have a positive effect on the tree that's how we look at things but in actuality it was the tree when it was cast into the water not the water coming into the tree but the tree cast into the waters that brought about a sweet change a change where those waters that were ministers of death that's what the water would do they couldn't drink it they wanted to but it was too bitter it would bring death but now it brought life and it's so significant when we look here in verse 25 we find this word of I am tako from the word mamta that which is sweet verse 26 and he said now this is the test that he's giving there's a question that's a test and verse 26 and he said EEMA aim is a word if and it is asking a question this is a test that he's giving not only to them back then but also to you and me and will we pass this test well our life is going to answer that question he says look at that the word if you will certainly hear the voice of the Lord your God if will you listen will you hear and the implication of this word is to hear for the purpose of obeying it's the word Shema remember Shema always demands a response not just any response a particular response so if we will listen listen respond to the voice of the Lord your God and the right the word is vey high Yashar the word Yashar right or straight uprightness straight and this has the definite article the word though so that which is upright that which is straight if that which is right in the eyes meaning in his eyes Bey enough in his eyes you will do it says and if you will incline your ear to His commandments now it's the word it's just a different word for the word listening I've shared with you before there are three primary words for for listening the wordless Schmoe to hear but what is being said comes with a desired response you hear and then you respond a particular specific way the word lacks shieff let's shave means to hear something but there's no demand on the response and then there's a word lay Heisey it comes in word oohs in ear and this the sages tell us imply listening but it's putting something into one's ear and that means you have to draw close and the purposes intimacy so what God is saying here is if you'll listen with a desire to respond appropriately if that which is upright straight proper in his eyes you will do and if you will listen with the purpose let's say of drawing near to God by means of his Commandments and you will keep all his statutes notice what he says it's a promise it's a test if you do this then and what's the day he says Koha Mahalo every disease arrogant the Bible is full of promises and when you come across a promise y'all don't write that down you ought to have a little notebook write down that promise look at it frequently memorize it the scripture comes from because God loves when we hold on to his promises that's what faithfulness nough sweat grows us and mature us so he says if you do these things what is right in his eyes you do you listen to his word his commandments his instructions his statutes he says then all three or I should say every disease which I have set in Egypt I will not put upon you any of those diseases those and it could be understood as plates none of these diseases that were in Egypt are going to be part of your experience why in the verse 26 key anni Hashem Rebekah for I and the Lord your doctor now Rolf a modern Hebrew is doctor physician but it comes from the root which means a healer so we can translate it as many of the scriptures do I and the Lord your healer that's what God does in the fullest sense and I want to shout that out God wants to heal bring healing restoration wholeness in every aspect of her being but what do we know here well that is an outcome of obedience to the commandments now does this mean we need to be real careful about this does that mean that every that I have some sickness disease problem some health issue in my life it's because of disobedience did not say that but one should explore that possibility now realize something we are living in a world that has been affected by sin stained with sin and part of the consequence of that is disease and sickness and demonic influence and all those bad things the scripture says time and chance happens to all of us so if I live long enough I'm going to probably encounter sickness in this world why there's sickness here so God does not say that he's going to necessarily cause us to avoid anything he uses the word I am your healer that has to do with with taking away now there's two two things going on he can keep us from the disease or he can heal us if we shouldn't counter it both of these things are being taught if you read the scripture he first says every disease I won't put upon you buddy says I am the Lord your healer so healing is part of the experience verse 27 last verse and they came that is Israel two people they came to Aileen and there we find something there were 12 whales of water now this is important because we find that number 12 whenever we find 12 what should come into our mind Israel and what we have read this all has instructive purposes to it we read this and if you just read this as a history lesson you're missing so much we need to read this and take the truth and apply it to our life God does something now he's in charge he knows all things he leads the people specifically to Maura and not Aileen if he led them to a li what was there 12 wells of water a per vision but they didn't go there first and it wasn't a confusion it wasn't an accident it wasn't a wrong turn all of this was God's providence he wanted to teach them how to find that which is sweet and sweet God can bring out of that which is bitter see we don't find just sweet waters we see a change that's the lesson that he was teaching them but now they common it shows he could have brought them here at the beginning but he didn't they came to Aileen and there were 12 a note mine Springs would be a better way because a well is something that you cue out this is more Springs of water just natural spring sources of water and notice that they were just weren't these twelve Springs but what else and seventy palm trees now 70 obviously comes from the number seven it speaks about sanctification sanctification for who well twelve Springs of water twelve the children of Israel God wants to do something God wants to sanctify his people he wants to take his people those twelve tribes as seen with those twelve Springs and he has seventy palm trees seventy the number is sanctification holiness we're supposed to relate to that we're supposed to manifest that we're supposed to document that which is of holiness so there were these twelve Springs water and 70 palm trees and what did they do notice what God did he had them camped there by the waters here good God could have propped them to this water this place to begin with but they would have never learned the lesson that God always has a solution did you hear that God always has a solution and it's usually standing right there in front of us not one of those children of Israel not Moses not any of them when they saw that that that tree there now it just wasn't some little little twig of a tree that's my mush a real tree in the wilderness next to bitter water that's not normal that's not the natural and God is not the god of the natural he created all these things he made nature but God his very name youhave Ave means that he transcends the natural and that's what he wants to minister into your life and my life so when we see things we should do what we should have an expectation of God's provision what is God going to use it's already there what is he going to utilize for us or we utilize it as a provision from him in order to overcome in order to find the fulfillment of his promises see they looked and said we're gonna die because of this bitter water and God says no you're not just just chop that tree down cast it into the water and you're gonna have plenty of sweet water to drink over coming through God's provision that's a lesson that you and I need to know well we'll close with that biblical truth until next week may God bless you may you grow in your studies may you mature more and more that we might walk upright with the Lord being an instrument for his purpose being a vessel for his glory and being a person that is of praise to him meaning we worship Him we thank him we praise Him each and every day until next week Shalom from Israel well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel not bow RG there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Beru these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
Channel: LoveIsrael.org
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Keywords: Book of Exodus
Id: Kq659qFsYx8
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Length: 41min 12sec (2472 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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