Exodus Chapter 11

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Shalom and welcome to via after Israel a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Sarah Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel o RG now here's Baruch with today's lesson our God is indeed a great God oftentimes we hear about God being sovereign and he is but one of the things that we have seen emphasized in this book of Exodus is that God knows all things that he has perfect for knowledge and we need to when we look at the scripture in the same way that when we look at the Gospels and messiahs being discussed we need to ask what is being emphasized what is a scripture revealing when we come across some passage that deals with Yeshua with Jesus is that emphasizing him as the Son of God or is it emphasizing him as the son of man because he's fully God fully man but the scripture normally will emphasize speaks to point to this identity whether he's the son of man or the son of God in that passage and in the same way when we look at the scripture that we've been studying the book of Exodus there are times when it speaks about God's power that he is omnipotent but there's also those passages that speak on his own missions that he knows all things and any theology that that that does not balance with a proper understanding the fact that God is omnipotent and omniscient that he's all-powerful and all know knowing if we get them out of sync we're going to have wrong theology and is going to lead us to not understand this book and it's revelation to us properly I would argue that it's the foreknowledge of God that is being emphasized that God knows all things and this should cause us to submit to trust to obey God well with that said take out your Bible and look with me to the book of Exodus and chapter 11 we're gonna study this entire chapter tonight a short chapter but a meaningful one and it has to do with that plague that final plague of the slain of the firstborn and that concept of firstborn is important it speaks about the emotion I mean there's something unique about the firstborn and therefore to lose that firstborn is is a painful experience emotionally spiritually but there's also as we're going to see the firstborn of the behemoth the animals and the livestock they represent finances and what God is doing here in this judgment of the first board he's touching every aspect now there's another thing that we need to realize and that is we need to respond when we look at this this chapter there's going to be death now it introduces itself by the death of the firstborn but when we get to chapter 12 we're gonna learn that God allows a substitute see whenever we think about Passover normally we think about Passover the festival of redemption it's really a preparation day when the work of redemption is done it's not so much a festival but it is an observance for redemption and what God is teaching us here is that there's a connection between Passover and death now this shouldn't surprise us because when Messiah says it's Passover I'm going up to Jerusalem what's he going up there to do die so whenever we hear this concept of Passover one thing that needs to come into our mind is death there's going to be death but it's going to involve choice you could either suffer on Passover the death of your firstborn your firstborn and the firstborn of your flock and cattle or as we'll find next week you can respond to God's instruction and in doing so you don't have to experience the death of the firstborn know there's this lamb that can die as a substitute in order to purchase redemption for that household that the Angel of Death does not have to visit there it can pass over through here's the key the death of the Lamb and God and here's what's important God only provides one substitute one way through his instruction that we can escape the plague of the firstborn well as I said look with me to the book of Exodus chapter 11 and verse 1 there's something unique about this chapter because it's all instruction in fact many of the rabbinical commentators point out that it's full of prophecy that is God telling Moses and his people ahead of time how this is going to play out it is emphasizing God's foreknowledge to tell in advance what is going to be verse 1 and the Lord spoke to Oh ah HUD one more and there's different words that's used for a plague this is where Nagar which is the Hebrew word for touching so God is going to touch he's going to strike they got one more time and this is unique because the word a HUD as we've learned one often times speaks about God so this is kind of a divine play and it comes within the context of Passover and this is so important because Passover involves the touch of God look again at verse one and the Lord said to Moses one more plague and I will bring upon Pharaoh and upon Egypt and afterwards he will send you from this meaning this place so God is announcing he has said over and over and over and over I'm going to respond there's good to be a plague but Pharaoh will not listen he will not respond he will heart in his heart he will not send forth the people but now god in this chapter says no were coming to an end this is going to be emphasized in a few minutes and the end will come about with Pharaoh's submissiveness Pharaoh is going to submit and all of this delay what a destruction came about because of his unwillingness to submit and even when he does submit realize he's not good to be blessed because he doesn't do it in agreement with God he does it because he has been broken and when we are broken by our disobedience the outcome of our rebellious --mess and we submit not in an agreement with God but in a reluctance against God there's going to be no blessing for us so we need to be willfully obedient to the things of God once more and the Lord spoke to Moses one more plague and I will bring upon Pharaoh and upon Egypt and afterwards he will send you forth from this this place look at the end of verse 1 K shaho as he sends culluh completely now this is a word that has to do with something in its entirety all so he is going to Pharaoh is going to send all of God's covenant people all of those that demonstrate their covenant relationship through what through keeping the Passover so God is promising Pharoah is going to send forth completely and he's going to do so in a unique way listen carefully to the Hebrew garish you garish how did you hear that garish eager ish we hear the same word twice in a different form and what it says literally is he has cast it out and he will cast out now it's an awkward expression when we translated literally but it appears this this construction appears so frequently in the Hebrew Bible it's usually translated utterly so so Pharaoh is utterly fully in its entirety he is going to cast forth now he's called to send forth that can be done through a willful Proclamation but usually the word liquorish implies something more than that either a document that that breaks a relationship like a get a divorce decree sefar Creek toot or and action a physical acting out of casting someone out so Farrell is not just going to to give the word but he is going to physically Oh obey but here again not what the right Cavanaugh not with the right intent so when he cast you out he's going to do so completely he will cast you out from this place verse two now he's speaking continuing to Moses and he says the bear nabe Oh Sneha I speak and the next word is a word of of command speak please in the ears of the people now one of the things that I've said is that this word when it says o is nay speak in the ears of the people it teaches us something it's an idiom for make the people hear this but when we have this construction it is to produce a concept a context of intimacy a personal aspect and the emphasis here is on Redemption that's what's taking place and God now is revealing to the reader through this construction the language that he's using that his redemption has a personal aspect to it and it's intimacy so Moses as instructed in the unique way speak please in the ears of the people and what should they do well notice that every man from his neighbor should ask and every woman from her neighbor but the word neighbor shacking is simply one who dwells close this is not that word it's more of a word for a a strong friendship this word can be used for a spouse someone in a a covenant 'l relationship and it speaks here about someone who is not just close physically but close emotionally someone that you know and that they know you well they know your character they understand who you are so God is instructing the children of Israel every man and every woman that they go and they ask from their Egyptian friends someone that they know someone that they have a relationship with their to ask clay kesef Bekele Zahav vessels of silver and vessels of gold now some would point out that the children of Israel have been slaves slaves don't earn a salary they get their sucess in its but they should get more so this is like payday I kind of reject that what is clearly going to be used with his vessels of gold and silver is that they're going to be used for the purpose of worship God is bringing a a truth he's revealing things to teach us biblical truth first of all he wants intimacy with us and how we have intimacy is what he's revealing here these vessels of silver and gold they're instruments of worship so we find intimacy with God through worship and that notice what else he says look if you would to verse verse three via 10 Hashem at Ken jambe name it's Ryan and the Lord will give the favor of the people now this means favor of the Hebrews of the children of Israel God is quite a cause them to be viewed favorably among the Egyptians and here's another message principle when we worship God properly when we respond by offering to God that which he demands worship worship involves sacrifice we've learned that it is going to have a response proper worship obedient worship will price God's favor upon us and is going to produce a result in the world that we're living in there's going to be an outcome of that so verse 3 and the Lord will give the favor of the people in the eyes of the Egyptians in the eyes of Egypt and every man excuse me also the man Moses he is going to be great very great in the land of Egypt in the eyes of the servants of Pharaoh and in the eyes of the people now one of the outcomes of Moses leadership and what's going to take place is that all of Egypt all of the people now the Wise Ones they are the of day Pharaoh Pharaoh servants they're called the heart to meme the Weizmann and they are going to they were closed they knew Pharaoh better than anyone else and what are they going to say Moses is the great one he's the one who's truly superior among men secondly we see something else when it says the people it's the servants of Pharaoh and also the people the people of Egypt but also the people of Israel through this instruction through this event known as the Passover we're going to see that there's going to be an acknowledgment that the man Moses is great now this is important because this phrase ha ish the man is also used in regard to Messiah in the gospel so it's to tie this this concept of Redeemer Moses being the first Redeemer and Yeshua being the final Redeemer so look at what the scripture says and Moses also the man will be great in the land of Egypt in the eyes of the serve it's a pharaoh and in the eyes of the people verse 4 and Moses said thus said the Lord now it's not says the Lord but said whenever the pass is used and it is here it is to show and this is important it is to show a prophetic context to what's being said here God's saying it now but it's as though he's already said it because it's going to happen it's assured so many times unique grammatical constructions in order to reveal important truth notice what Moses is being revealed and Moses said thus said the Lord he's revealing this to his fellow Hebrews kahut so try Lila now this is odd because it says not at midnight but approximately midnight like midnight as midnight is is approaching or has just passed why isn't it precise you would think it would say at midnight 12 o'clock sharp this is gonna happen but he doesn't and the reason why it's so significant this prefix this this particle the cuff attached to the word cuts out for middle is because in the same way and notice how wonderful and precise the Word of God is in the same way that that we don't know the day or the hour of our Redemption now we can see events and know that it's coming soon but we may know it's imminent but we won't know precisely the time and in that same way the first Redemption the people didn't know the exact time only approximately and the reason for that was to tell them you be ready this unknown should cause us to be ready at all times so thus said the Lord approximately at midnight I will go forth in the midst of Egypt God through Passover there is the presence of God a very important truth Passover relates to the presence of God among his people and part of that is a judgment that will bring about Redemption without judgment there can be no redemption ultimately verse 5 now in verse 5 the first word here is the word net dead now this is a verb but we can also understand the concept moffat death I said we shared with you before I'll say it again whenever that concept of Passover comes into our mind we should think about death Passover there's going to be death but as we talked about earlier there's a choice involved and it's so significant choice now Passover comes death the death of the firstborn how tragic God provides an alternative there's a choice you don't have to experience the death of the first board you can respond to God's instruction think of it this way with Passover there's going to be one of two things there's going to be either destruction or redemption God gives instruction to us that's what this is about that's what we're gonna see next week in Chapter 12 Passover instruction for what purpose so we don't experience destruction but through his instruction we can experience Redemption but it all depends upon the individual what are they going to do and it oftentimes falls upon the head of the household and the rest are going to suffer that important role as being the head the home it is going to affect either very well or very poorly upon that next generation the members of the household so notice what it says verse verse five all the firstborn of the land of Egypt will die and the firstborn of Pharaoh who sits upon the throne and the firstborn of the maidservant who is behind the millstone and all the firstborn of the animals this is the domesticated animals which relate to to finances they had a a fiscal value so Passover is coming and it doesn't matter who you are it is going to visit you whether your Pharaoh and you sit upon the throne or whether you're some insignificant maidservant that has the least of the jobs that you grind flour for bread and that you're hidden behind this large millstone you're you're not see but nevertheless no matter who you are there is going to be a Passover experience and it's going to bring about one of two things either destruction or redemption nothing in between and there's only and here's what we're going to learn next week there's only one way to find Redemption let me say it a different way there's only one way to escape destruction and it's true God's instruction without that rejecting that destruction death is going to be what you experience both emotional pain as you see that firstborn son die and financial punishment when you see the firstborn of your flock and your cattle all of them die all of the firstborn so it's inclusive verse six now the outcome is that there is going to be look at verse six and there will be a great cry and all the land of Egypt which like it has never been and like it will never be again so there's a uniqueness and it's speaking about God's judgment which is going to be the source of this cry and the word here it's oak Saka doula it's just not a crying it's a yelling and it may be better thought of in the ancient language as a great scream one that expresses strong emotional grief sorrow pain that's what's going to happen but we can avoid that through following the Lord's instruction so those who have this great screaming because of Passover it's because they have rejected God's instruction he's not guilty they've made their decision and it's only because they have rejected what God knows and what God has announced that's why they're suffering it's not God's fault it's their fault for not responding to the revelation of God look at verse 7 and to all the children of Israel and this implies when the children of Israel goes forth I mean this is going to be a large disturbance six hundred thousand men in addition to that their spouses their children their livestock their flocks their possessions I mean it is going to cause quite a disturbance no it's not why do I say that notice what God knows he prophesizes he says and to all the children of Israel meaning when they go forth not a dog will do something with his tongue now somebody will say not a single dog will bark others will say growl snarl move its tongue there's going to be no response from the dog now this word that's used here means to kind of carve something out and what's being said here is that that God has mandated he's in control and he knows that when this happens a dog's not going to respond and knows how precise I love the language of the scripture because he says here a dog's not going to respond with his lips barking or what not with his tongue excuse me not against a man and not against a a beasts now this is quite extraordinary and the reason why I say it is this give you example truthfully yesterday I was walking here in Ashdod and I like dogs and I see this this elderly man he has this large uh say a great-looking dog and I walk up and I'm expecting the dog to acknowledge me and and I'll stop and put out my hand and the dog will come up and I'll play and I'll talk to this this elderly gentleman for a while and then I'll carry on that's what I do well this time I noticed that the dog as I was getting closer he wasn't acknowledging me he was looking I mean his eyes were so focused why not upon another human being but upon another dog now we've all seen this and experienced it I mean dogs can make a distinction between a human being and an animal and when there's another animal whether it's a rabbit a squirrel or another dog or a cat when they see that other animal I mean they are what they are focus this dog he was having a piercing look at this other dog and and he was trembling so much and then he exploded into barking and that old man called him down but the dog just kept barking why he couldn't help himself well this is to show God's providence God is saying that what all of these millions of people and it is a few people get up and leave it's not going to cause a dog to bark or respond and even these animals going forth also the dog is not going to acknowledge he's not gonna respond this is something super natural and therefore look at the end of verse seven llama antidote on account of this you will know how the Lord makes a distinction between is Egypt and between Israel now hear this God makes a distinction but that distinction is not all I hate the Egyptians and I have predestined them for Destruction and I love the Israelites and I predestined them for redemption no God is giving revelation to all people but the difference is the children of Israel they have a covenant or relationship and the children of Israel are going to be delivered their good experience redemption through the blood of the Lamb and guess what we're gonna learn in a couple more weeks when we come towards the end of Exodus 12 that Passover account there's going to be Egyptians and others that join with Israel and receive that same Redemption that same experience God is not saying here oh it is because I've chosen Israel and rejected the Egyptians no all of these plagues are happening God was able to bring out the children of Israel immediately but he didn't and he did not because he was manifesting his greatness now Pharaoh could have announced it and there would have been no destruction Pharaoh could have mandated this is the real God the God of Israel the God of the Hebrews and we are going to submit to him God gave numerous examples manifestations evidence that God is God and Pharaoh's not but Pharaoh rejected rejected rejected rejected rejected rejected rejected rejected wasn't because he couldn't he wouldn't he knew but he would not humble himself and agree with God so let me ask you that's a simple question will you humble yourself and agree with God not just in regard to the gospel that's important that's the beginning that's life-changing eternally but also submitting to God for every aspect of your life saying yes to his instruction so God's going to make a distinction between his covenant people and those who reject an invitation who say no to the revelation of God verse 8 in many ways I think verse 8 is the most difficult of the verses to get right not because the words are difficult but just understanding them properly verse 8 and all these your servants they will go down unto me and they will worship me saying go forth you and all the people who are at your feet that means who are following you so what God is revealing is this all these your servants now who's that that's the Egyptians we've just seen that Moses is going to be great in the eyes of the Egyptians to the point that they are going to say to Moses you and your people go forth they're not going to submit any longer to Pharaoh they're gonna submit to God at least in a green with the people who going forth notice again all these your servants speaking of the Egyptians they will go down unto me it's a word of humility they're going to be made low before me and they will worship me saying go forth you speaking to Moses they're gonna say you Moses go forth and all the people who were at your feet and afterwards I will go forth from before Pharaoh how with great anger or wrath don't miss this understand Passover will also and gods going forth Passover also must display the wrath of God how did it do so 2,000 years ago with the cross the more we study Passover we will see the same truth and that which is being manifested on Passover 2,000 years ago when Messiah laid down his life upon that tree we'll see so many things that happened in the first Passover 3,500 years ago being repeated one is that the wrath of God must be manifested his judgment and it is upon the cross upon the Passover lamb Messiah Yeshua verse nine and the lord said to moses pharaoh he will not listen unto you on account of the abundance of the wonders in the land of egypt now i would highlight that circle it write it down because this is a significant hermeneutical eight this is summarizing why pharaoh did not respond why his heart was hardened look again at verse nine and the Lord said to Moses revelation Lois ma alaikum para Pharoah will not listen unto you and the you is plural you and Aaron why Lamar on account of it's because of remote the multiplying the abundance of most a bay moat at multi my wondrous acts in the land of Egypt therefore we to realize something feral didn't respond why because all of these wonders he rejected them he did not submit to them he did not take God's revelation and apply it to his life and because of that he rebelled and what was the the outcome when we don't listen to God's revelation it is going to harden the heart I've said this for the last nine weeks this is an important verse verse 9 study it pray over it it's key to understanding why Pharoah had that heart that's strong that dull that heavy heart that was non-responsive to God because he rejected God's revelation verse 10 and will be done and Moses and Aaron did all this signs these signs now this is a summary when we get to verse verse 9 it's summarizing all these plagues that led up to Passover this final one and it reminds us all these wonders were done these signs that were done by Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh and notice if we didn't get it the first time he says before Pharaoh and the Lord strengthened the heart of Pharaoh how by reaching in and manipulating Pharaoh's heart no no no read the order of Scripture Pharaoh didn't respond because he rejected revelation and when we reject revelation it strengthens our heart in rebellious that's what it's saying verse 10 again and Moses and Aaron did all the wonders these wonders before Pharaoh every time we have Pharaoh's heart getting strong or hard or dull it's always because of the wonders that God has done before him don't you think that's significant shouldn't that be part of of the understanding of why Pharaohs heart was in the condition it was brought into that hard rebellious condition because of the lack of response to the revelation of God once more Moses and Aaron did all the signs these signs before Pharaoh and the Lord strengthen the heart of Pharaoh and he did not send forth the children of Israel from his land and the question that this is really posing to the people that's you and me both the people back then is who are we going to be like if we are going to respond like Pharaoh did in that spirit of Pharaoh we're gonna find that a heart will be in an adverse condition growing stronger growing harder growing duller to the things of God but if we respond in obedience to God's revelation his truth his instruction to us we can say yes to God and be an instrument of God's workmanship and God's changed in our life now it comes down to this this is the last point I want to make and that is you have a choice and it all stems from one question do you want godly changed Pharaoh didn't Pharaoh knew God is God got Pharaoh knew that he was sinful and God's righteous he knew that he was leading his people to be wicked people the scripture says that it's done in interpretation Pharaoh says a few weeks ago God you are the righteous one and I'm evil and my people are wicked that's what Pharaoh says I'm a sinner but he didn't want a righteous change in his life and he rejected God's revelation in that same way you have to put yourself in Pharaoh's position God has given you revelation through his word God has given revelation through creation the order of this world and you can either say yes to it and experience a godly change into your life that you'll be eternal add that you did or you can reject that and suffer the wrath of God the judgment of God and experience God's eternal judgment pretty extreme one way or the other nothing in between it's a time of decision a my hope in my prayer is this as we go on and understand Passover more that we will be motivated to do just that to submit to acknowledge God's revelation in our life and desire the changes that he wants to make within us I'll tell you when you do that you'll never regret doing so and the outcome is going to be a joy a peace a contentment that really you're longing for that's what you're looking for but all too often we seek that we try to experience that in all the wrong ways accept the truth of God respond to his revelation desire the things that God has for you and you'll be eternally joyful while close with that until next week Shalom from Israel well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Baruch these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
Channel: LoveIsrael.org
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Keywords: Book of Exodus
Id: z4QeEhy0yHI
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Length: 42min 5sec (2525 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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