Exodus Chapter 10 Part 1

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[Music] Shalom and welcome to via afta Israel a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Sarah Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel o RG now here's Baruch with today's lesson the truth of God is powerful and when we humble ourselves and submit to that truth God is going to make himself known to us in action indeed God desires to move in people's life but when we rebel when we persist in our own desires well that's when things get very uncomfortable and that's certainly going to be seen tonight for Egypt for the servants of Pharaoh and for Pharaoh himself so with that said to get your Bible and look with me to the book of Exodus and chapter 10 the book of Exodus and chapter 10 now we're going to see one plague tonight and that is the plague of the locusts we're going to see how that plague brought havoc upon Egypt and the question is this is this God the same God yes he is as I say frequently he is the God of the past present and future he will not change and therefore notice what happens in this chapter we see here in verse 1 and the Lord said to Moses go to Pharaoh for I have heart his heart and the heart of his servants now when you look at the context you'll see why because they persist the language is very clear they persist in disobedience to the Lord Himself and whenever we persist in disobedience what do we know we know that it's going to have an adverse effect on us spiritually and that's going to manifest itself in our perspective how we see things we're not going to see things as we should but when we humble ourselves when we do what God's revelation teaches us then we know something God is going to go to work in her life the scripture says the good work that he began in us he is faithful to finish it and that's what God wants to be an edifying influence in our life that builds us up so that we can serve Him properly well notice what else is read in this first verse the Lord said to Moses go to Pharaoh for I have hardened his heart and the heart of a certain service on account that I might set my signs these signs of mine in his myths and we need to pay attention to that we see something God wants to give greater and greater revelation and in doing so see if Pharaoh would have agreed then the revelation would have stopped them that would have been fine because God's will would have been done but here's the thing God is going to use that he's not the cause he's going to use this in order to manifest more and more revelation and here's the reason why because more and more people are going to see the power of God the authority of God and respond so he's going to use this disobedience for the purpose of adding to those who come out of Egypt those who are in a journey to the so he says on account that I have set my signs these signs of mine in his mitts verse 2 on account that you shall speak in the ears of your son and your son son who I that I have in the word here is some Bible say what I brought what I have done but it's a word for for bringing suffering what God has done but it has an idea here of causing pain and suffering what I have done in Egypt and my signs which I set among them in order that they might know here's the key that I am the Lord so these things are being done to reveal to all of Egypt very important that we see that all of Egypt who God is that he's sovereign that he has absolute authority and here's the key what he says he will carry out every one of these plagues we see something God announces it at least to Moses and to Aaron so that they can see and we have a testimony so we can understand that God is indeed an absolute authority as the scripture says he does what he pleases and that means he does what is holy what is righteous what is good what is proper God always does that which is right and therefore if we want that which is right or as we could say that which is righteous in our life we're going to turn to him we're going to seek revelation now Pharaoh's not seeking it but he's receiving it for a purpose that he might respond to the revelation of God so notice verse 3 and Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh again interesting because two subjects a plural subject but a singular verb and this is a show it's not poor grammar but it's a show that they went in absolute unity in obedience to Pharaoh and they said to him thus said the Lord the God of the Hebrews now again I've mentioned this many times hi III m-- we're talking about those who have passed over who have come across the land of other peoples in order to cross the Jordan and occupy take possession of the land of Canaan why this is God's will and realize something that these people had they submit had they welcomed you said well how did they know how to welcome them how why would they have done this very simple read the book of Judges read what or a half said that's Rahab when she says we have heard what your God has done at the Red Sea and in other matters and the fear of the Lord has fallen upon them what that means is that they understood the priority of God but here again the on shayera ho the men of Jericho they did not want to respond and they were paralyzed by their rebellious spirit and what happened destruction and that's exactly what we're gonna see in this passage look again Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh they spoke unto Him and they said thus said the Lord the God of the Hebrews until when ad Makai now that is a Hebrew expression even today I'd mitai until when are you refusing and it's actually in the past that you have refused to humble yourself before me and how does God want Pharaoh to Humble himself very simply Salah ami valve Dooney send my people that they will serve me send them forth now this is humility and here's the key when we look at what happens there you know what we can say humility is agreeing with God humility is participating in the will of God humility is when we say yes to him and no to what we desire and here's the key as we do that more and more God see he's either going to work in our life in an edifying way or when we rebel we're going to reap the consequences of rebellion and as I said that's gonna have an adverse effect in our lives so when we submit God's going to go to work to grow us into mature us to change who we are in order that we reflect him that we manifest his glory now here's the key that glory does not manifest itself and admit from us but here's the key it is a reflection of the glory of God in the same way that the moon reflects the light of the Sun the moon has no light of its own and neither do we and the reason why I say this is that more and more unfortunately I'm seeing this in rabbinical Judaism and Messianic Judaism it's it's been in Christianity for a long time and it doesn't belong anywhere and that is that false teaching that that we because we're created in God's image because the Bible says that were sons and daughters children of the Lord that that we have all the attributes I was listening to a fellow Israeli a believer but this gentleman is very confused theologically and he was giving a talk and he was speaking about how we can't just the same way that God spoke and it was if we're close if we're intimate if we understand this hidden revelation it's based on Gnosticism but if we are wise enough and and faithful enough we can speak in what we say God will do now the reason why I'm so familiar with this false teaching is if you look at for example the teaching of Shimon bar Yohai what does it say about him in Judaism it says that that God decreed something but Shimon bar Yohai was so great that he undid it now that is blasphemy it is heresy and I see more and more among what I call goof Amish if the body of Christ I see more and more of this false teaching that's origin is satanic it's making its way into Judaism it's making its way into the church is making its way into messianic congregations and it's all because we do not rely upon the Word of God we think and here's the problem we think if we grow spiritually than what we want God will want that's not true it is when we grow spiritually that what God orders commands we will submit to that is spiritual maturity and Pharaoh didn't understand that look at verse before he says rather if you persist if you refuse to send my people he says he Nene behold I will bring literally I am bringing tomorrow it's very important that the tense not I will but I am bringing tomorrow locusts into your border now locusts are destructive and locusts no one wanted and God says tomorrow why tomorrow very simply to show that he's in control of time nothing happens early nothing happens late if God's in it it happens perfectly when we exert our own will when we behave devoid of Revelation then we miss out on god's time people will say very foolishly doesn't that attack his sovereignty no God allows for disobedience he doesn't I call it cause it he is not pleased with it can God use it yes he can but the one who's disobedient will never be blessed by understand that principle very well so he says behold I am brain tomorrow locusts into your border verse 5 and the locust that says locusts are baya singular so we say as they but it's really it in in Hebrew because it's a singular concept so it the locusts will cover the eye of the earth now I has to do a scene so it's a Hebrew idiom basically these locusts is going to make it so that that you can't see the ground that's how thick they're going to be and the locust says and it will eat what survived the remaining of the survival of what was less to you from the hail and the locusts will eat all the trees that spring forth for you from the field so these locusts they are going to have a destructive and whatever was left and survived whatever was was spared that which remains after these place it says the locust is going to destroy so what do we have we have an announcement of a total loss coming they're gonna eat all the food all the produce of the land move on to verse 6 and they will fill your house and the house of all your servants and the houses of all Egypt all the Egyptians now there were bad plagues of locusts but but not like this this goes beyond it is going to be a plague of locusts in its totality in completion in all over the land no one no one is going to be excuse from it so we hear it's going to go into the house of all Egypt which your father's nor your father fathers have ever seen from this day until the day that that the land was until now so this is a unique plague why well in our conference in North Carolina we're going to be focusing on the uniqueness of God's wrath in the last days why is that so the people in the last days no there's no other explanation this is God God movie and an angry god and that's what we see here God is bringing these locusts for one purpose he does not delight in destruction but he wants the people to realize in Egypt primarily Pharaoh and his servants who are giving him bad advice up until now about ready to change that their rebelliousness is bringing a destruction and this has never happened before this is unique and why is it because the God of Israel is angry he is displeased with Pharaoh's unwillingness to Humble himself and respond to the instruction of God and notice it says and he turned and he went forth this presumably is Moses he turned and walked forth from Pharaoh verse 7 and the servants of Pharaoh they spoke unto Him and they are green with Moses remember what he says how long are you going to persist refrained from humbling yourself and sending the people forth the people of Israel and now and verse 7 we see the the servants of Pharaoh saying the same thing until when will this be to us for a mocha sh ammo cache one of the way that we can understand that is a landmine today what's happening is this the word in the ancient Hebrew has to do with a snare or a trap but here's the key this consistent this persistent disobedience is bringing them to like stepping on a landmine each step of disobedience is causing destruction there's a small explosion destructions happening so they asked Pharaoh how long are you going to continue in this way go ahead heed they say sin the people that they might serve the Lord their God and do it before you will know that Egypt is destroyed now it's simply interesting what we see here over and over its holla at me send forth my people and they use similar language it says here shelah at ha on machine now one way we can understand that is sin the men but the women and the children those stay now this isn't a bad thing why well if we go back many many chapters what was their advice their advice was kill all the male children keep the women keep the daughters but all the males let's get rid of so now they're trying to do that same thing this is their advice it's called partial obedience and realize something partial obedience before God is no obedience whatsoever so they are giving most gay are giving Ferro bad advice so they say send forth the men that they shall serve the Lord their God before you know hot Arum before you know that Egypt is destroyed verse 8 and he returned Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh that is the implication is he caused Moses and Aaron to return before Pharaoh and he said unto them go serve the Lord your God who and who are the ones going that's in a question form he says who and who are going that reason for who and who it's to specify exactly who and who he wants to know all the information about who's living now in actuality he should know this Moses has already told him everyone not only the men but the women the children all their possessions and their cattle they're their life suck everyone is going to go and Moses says look now to verse 9 please and Moses said our young people and our old people will go with their sons and their daughters and their flux and our livestock we will go why key hug hashem lah-nu for a festival of the Lord is to us now what does that mean they're going to worship when we look at this account of the Exodus I'm speaking about all the issues of the Exodus leaving Egypt what was the primary purpose over and over we're told to worship God you say oh you're sure about that well remember what God said to Moses when Moses says I don't want to go back to Egypt I don't want to be your Redeemer I don't want to take this message what did God say he says you and the Hebrews will worship me on this mountain so the whole point of the exodus is positioning the people bringing them to the point and the place where they can worship God that shouldn't surprise us why learn this principle write it down the purpose that Yeshua saved me remember he's our Passover lamb there is an inherent relationship between the Exodus and the cross the message of the gospel is good news so that we can serve God and not sin so it's all about worship worshipping Him and notice something worshipping Him and where did they get at Mount Sinai this place of worship well I'll tell you what they get there they get the whole table writ the tablets of the Covenant now there's an individual who and we can't mix words we need to understand what is right and what is wrong and I would be delinquent of my responsibility if sometimes I just don't point it out there is a teacher in Atlanta Georgia and he gave a sermon some time ago and he makes such a false and and heretical statement he says the Old Testament was not what the early believers he uses the word Church fine great word the church it's not what the church turned to it wasn't there go go to to to document go to document in order to learn about behavior before God false we see over and over how the shahim the Apostles how they showed what they were sharing based upon Old Testament truth and Old Testament truth is just biblical truth it was right back then and it's right today so when someone says early believers they didn't look to the Hebrew Bible the Tanakh the Hebrew Scriptures the Old Testament to see how they should behave false why and what we see here is this this type of leadership that is there in order to leave people away from the authority of Scripture and that's what he's doing and let me also say that the same false teacher this man who's confused not too long ago he made a big deal about inviting a woman in order to deliver the preaching on Sunday morning in his congregation he says everyone is invited me it's fine that men sit under a woman's teaching read with the scripture says the scripture says I do not permit a woman to exercise authority this is within the congregational structure and to teach over a man plain and simple now that may not be popular today that's okay God has his order and we'll release soon an article I wrote it some time ago about this subject and the reason why I'm showing that is because here recently over and over we've received that question and we need to be very direct and say that is it okay for a woman to preach in a mixed crowd where there's men there the answer is no it is disobedience and when we have denomination in fact right now it is an issue within the largest Protestant denomination in the United States and that denomination is turning further and further and further away from authority of Scripture and when that happens well it is just a very short turn until heresy heresy in a very blatant manner is his practice among the followers the members of that denomination so we need to be very clear so the purpose of redemption is worship and that involves submitting to the instructions of God for godly worship and let me say and I realize that I'm running out of time but let me say this what's going on today in many places of worship in the United States in Europe in Africa South America Asia Australia and here in Israel among some of the Messianic believers it is a disgrace and abomination I was teaching recently from the book of Mark chapter 7 about a passage of Scripture and there it says when people are challenged by Messiah when he says that famous passage not everyone says to me Lord Lord is going to enter into the kingdom of God and what did people say yet it's not just by saying Lord Lord but it's about recognizing who you are that you are the Savior and that you died upon that cross that you poured out your blood in order that we could experience eternal Redemption and all who call upon your name confessing their sins trusting in you and and believing in your resurrection these individuals will be saved let me tell you they will be saved in a moment and nothing can change that that is the Grace and the power and the faithfulness of God and the reason why I'm saying that is because these people they didn't respond this way in the scripture did they they say Oh Lord we we prophesied in your name we cast out demons in your names and we did many wonders in your name now what's the problem the problem is instead of trusting in the sufficiency of the Cross what did they do they pointed to their deeds that is a false way of justification the scriptures clear says it over and over no one is justified by works were justified by the grace of God through what Messiah did in our behalf these individuals notice what it says we cast out demons in your name we did miracles in your name prophesy in your name what did Masai say he says I never knew you that means never ever ever did I know you I never had a covenant relationship with you and there are people who are going around now claiming that they are apostles that that they have seen the risen Savior and that seen the fact that Messiah appeared to them I want to say he did not why do I know that well these individuals they commissioned someone and welcomed that person into their leadership as an apostle they prophesied over him and you know what he was in the midst of having an affair and shortly thereafter he divorced his wife and got married again with another woman what do we know why didn't they know that when we look at the scripture and someone comes to a true prophet they know they did they're false and so much of these signs and wonders that is accompany them are just like these individuals in Matthew chapter 7 oh we cast out demons Messiah says no you didn't I never knew you what you did had nothing to do with my name my character my power my purposes he says depart from me evil doers oh they did everything in Messiah's name but they were evil doers very important that we learn that principle well let's get back to our texts he says here we're going to have a festival into the Lord verse 10 and he said to them this is Pharaoh he he ken has Shem a mission now Pharaoh's not agreeing to this and what he says basically is let there be fuss that the Lord be with you meaning if you think that's gonna happen you better have God with you because I'm going to come against you if you try to leave with all of that when I will send you forth he says and your young ones he said make it do I'll send forth you the men and the young ones but that's it and then he says Raul this means watch out Pharaoh says you know don't you push me this you be be cautious of what you're doing for evil is before your face he's saying if you continue to go in the direction that you want to go in which is God's direction it's going to be evil for you meaning you're going to suffer pharaoh's wrath that's what he says verse eleven lohan the Hoonah had the Vereen they do at hashem he says no fuss go please your men and serve the Lord for it is what you're seeking this is what you've asked for just the men that's a lie so Pharaoh's lying he's misrepresenting what Moses came and said clearly all of Israel has to go Farrell wants Moses to compromise let me tell you that happens so frequently that I'm put in position where they say compromise this agree with this you know we'll we'll give you this and this and this if you do this is exactly how Satan tempted you sure in the the mid bar in the wilderness in the desert of Judea we cannot compromise the truth people say well if you don't compromise a little bit the denomination will be broken up the congregation will be split the organization will fall to pieces that's okay God does not need any congregation any denomination any organization he doesn't need that we need to obey Him and therefore if an organization survives with topper eyes of the truth it's better than that organization just dies and goes away so we need to be people didn't realize when it comes to the truth of Scripture it is serious we do not have the Liberty to compromise the authority of the biblical text and remember the scripture says his way not going to be our way his thoughts not gonna be our thoughts so we have to agree with him verse 12 and the Lord said to Moses stretch forth your hand upon or over the land of Egypt and our Bay this locust they will come up upon the land of Egypt and they it's literally in the singular as we said locust is singular but I'll translate it in the plural for for English rendering and they will eat all the grass of the land and all which remained from the hail that plague and Moses stretched forth his staff upon the land or over the land of Egypt and the Lord basically drove or led the word Nihad the word no Hague is is Drive like you drive a car but here God is is driving an Eastern wind Eastern wind East think judgment in the scripture and the Lord Grove an Eastern wind into the land all day all that day and all night and morning it was an a Eastern wind lifted up the locusts verse 14 and the locusts went up upon all of the land of Egypt and they rested in all the borders of Egypt a very heavy and this is important it's a show to emphasize this has never happened before in this way vete olefin ah've very heavy before him and had not been thus locust such as this no after it nor will be thus so this is unique plague and Pharaoh should have seen this and realize this is not anyone else but a sovereign and authoritative God and praise him that I have time to submit and repent but the de ferrol want to do this no he did not now he's going to give a false manifestation of repentance but he doesn't want to repent and we'll see that look to verse 15 and the implication is the locusts covered the eye of all the land and there is darkness basically the earth became dark or the land became dark and the locust ate all the grass of the land and all the fruit of the tree which remained from they held the plague of hell and did not leave any vegetation in tree or in the grass of the field or in all of the land of Egypt so a total annihilation now here again that's what Moses had promised Pharaoh none of this is new to him Moses told him this is the revelation of God this is what's going to happen if you refuse to humble yourself if you continue in this rebellious nassif or me Pharaoh says no I guess I'm willing to compromise a little bit but not doing what God instructs no problem God knew that and what happens the locusts came but now look at verse 16 vihear Paro and pharaoh he hurried to call for Moses and for Aaron and notice what he said he said catotti lash em hello heckum Vail ahem I have sinned - the Lord your God and to you now this is good stuff Pharaoh understands now the concept of sin it is when we do not respond in obedience to the revelation of God and we need to stop and ask ourselves what about me I may be a believer but am I truly submitting to the revelation of God what God shares with me and the primary way that God shares is through his word now he may and we know this the Holy Spirit is our teacher but he teaches us that which is righteous that which is he's called the Spirit of Truth and we see that he is a spirit of order and that's why I go back to these so called manifest ik manifestations of the Spirit of God and I look and I don't believe you have to be a very mature believer to understand this is not of God and when these people are calling down so called angels well they're fallen angels and they call down and they act and you know what they say they sad heard one say I don't care what but I need this I don't care who I have to step over who have to push aside I need this that's not the Spirit of God that's not how a believer acts God does not need my rudeness in order that I might receive something from him and God doesn't want me to push someone else away so that I can receive I mean if you just listen to what takes place and witness it with your eyes you see how Godley this is and it's all based upon one thing exalting man and sometimes exalting women into positions of authority rather than submission what does the scripture say the one who wants to be great let him become a servant of all well I don't see that humility in these so-called new last days apostles I see pride and I see a rebellious to the Word of God just like Pharaoh at least Pharaoh for a moment knows what he says he says I have sinned against the Lord your God and you verse 17 now lift up please my sin now here again these are rich theological themes lift up that's exactly what the scripture says elsewhere these are Hebraic terms and Pharaoh he's using them why he has grown in his knowledge a biblical truth but the problem is he's not submitting to it all he's doing now is melding things saying the right thing but his heart hasn't changed he says lift up please my sin aah-ha-ha meaning only this time the implication is I've learned my let you will never have to do this again Moses in there only this time intercede to the Lord your God meaning entreat him speak to him in my behalf intercede for me to the Lord your God that he will remove from me rock at himavan is a only this death now what's referring to very simply he knows something if there's not a change if God doesn't bring restoration all of Egypt is going to die Pharaoh understands this is death learn what the Scriptures saying rebelliousness going my way is a direction of death so he realizes God is bringing death because of Pharaoh's rebellious nests so he says I've sinned I need my sin dealt with lifted from me and take away from me this death now notice he understands something more if you look at the text in verse 8 he talks up her 17 he talks about sin and then he speaks about later on death he understands that he gets it sin brings about death verse 18 vited say maintain Pharaoh that would be Moses Moses went forth from Pharaoh and he entreated the Lord so he prayed he interceded for pharaoh's behalf that was Pharaoh ass that God might do so Pharaoh he interceded to - Moses pray for me entreat the Lord and Moses went out from Pharaoh and he did just that verse 8 verse 19 what did God do via phone look yeah cuz Zac my ode and the Lord basically the wind was coming from the east now God turned the wind to the direction of the sea which would be West and notice something here it says here that he caused he turned a very strong wind that lifted up the locusts and it deposited them in the sea let's see yum soup in the Red Sea and there do not remain one locust I would circle the word one because oftentimes when that word one appears it's to make a reference to God that God is the one who's done that only he the one true God would be able to cause that all three locusts to disappear from that place and all the borders of Egypt imagine that they were full they came in a moment and just like that God brought them away why he wants Pharaoh to submit now he doesn't hate feral he hates Pharaoh's rebellious and notice what it says God did all of that based upon the intercession of of Moses in behalf of Pharaoh and notice the outcome and this goes right along where we begin vibe has fm at lave Peru and the Lord hardened the heart or strengthened the heart of Pharaoh and he did not send forth the children of Israel now what hardness heart God did but how did he do it he took away the punishment and when Pharaoh saw an opportunity to persist in his will the punishments over what did he do he forgot about God and he went right back to his will what is that that is a sign of someone who is a false believer someone who does not he says oh I have sinned against the Lord well he said it because he was suffering he said it out of fear of that sure destruction and death that was coming on Egypt he didn't say it out of faith now did God know that yes he did and when God says I will harden I will strengthen I will make heavy the heart of Pharaoh it is because God knows the condition of Pharaoh that he is rebellious and what we see throughout this this whole book is when we rebel against the revelation of God it has that adverse effect upon us spiritually it will harden a heart what does that mean it will solidify our thoughts and where they were in rebellious in persistence of our Will Ferrel he is a sad representation of the human race but learn something he is the norm this is how most people behave and we're going to talk about God what is going to do in the last days and how his wrath is going to be manifested and the reason why and what his wrath brings about may surprise you and what heaven says in regard to it may surprise you I can tell you that it is not where much of Judaism and Christianity is now we tend to want to remove the concept of a wrathful God but when we do that we we destroy the biblical God that image that the scripture gives of that biblical God and we have a false representation of the true Living God it's said that people are turning away compromising from the truth of God and all it's doing is this it's preparing things for that apostasy and what heaven says in regard to it may surprise you I can tell you that it is not where much of Judaism and Christianity is now we tend to want to remove the concept of a wrathful God but when we do that we we destroy the biblical God that image that the scripture gives of that biblical God and we have a false representation of the true Living God it's said that people are turning away compromising from the truth of God and all it's doing is this it's preparing things for that apostasy that is coming well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Baruch these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
Channel: LoveIsrael.org
Views: 2,094
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: Book of Exodus
Id: pWrp45GFK_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 23sec (2963 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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