Windows Server 2016 - Full Backups, Active Directory System State Backups And Restore

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hello and thank you for coming to this video in this video we should show you basically how to backup windows server a full backup also just a system state which gives you Active Directory restore our ability and also how to restore them so it's a backup and restore a full version and also just for Active Directory because that requires a slightly different way to restore and we should show you the full steps you get to server manager open that up that's straightforward go to features which is after roles okay so you just go next and then features make sure you select Windows Server backup which is over here and it's a straightforward thing all it does is just install and it'll finish in a few seconds okay not finished so now all we need to do is just open it up and when this opens up it's loaded then you just click on local backup as you can see we haven't set up any backup schedules now the concept behind this is you can do a full backup every time and you can set it every half an hour etc based on a time schedule either maybe just once a day if you're not that busy or if you're doing a lot of changes on your computer and you need backups for security for your own peace of mind okay you can change that now when you do a backup no matter which version you choose ok the steps are straightforward full server or custom ok I would suggest full and the reason why is ok for us this is just a demo machine so it's only using up 16.2 for gigs ok you might have a 1 terabyte when you do full server with incremental backup settings what happens is the first time yes let's assume it's a 1 terabyte hard disk backing up okay or hard disks and that will back up and then once that is done you then basically only do changes whatever changes are being made only those are being backed up so is a lot of time and space is being safe so I would go with the full and using the full you can restore your DNS your Active Directory other system settings etc as well okay if you are using a virtual machine okay like for example VMware you will find that the custom setting which most people will choose to do a system state ok which restores Active Directory that just on our machine comes out roughly a 10 gig ok so there's not much of a difference ok between just a system state and a full server backup on our empty system literally ok so that's those points I would go with full server and then you click Next and then you can choose x for example they've given you a 9:00 p.m. at night okay when assuming nobody's around it's nice and quiet if you're making lots of changes during the day you could have lots and lots of different settings you could add like a 10:00 a.m. then maybe like a 12 lunch time and then 2 or even more it's entirely up to you what's the things you want to do the next thing you need to consider is if you are doing it to a hard disk this dedicated drive ok is basically set up only for backups because it will actually format that drive and take control of it so that's the first thing you need to think of you can obviously backup to a folder within a drive etc but that as I say over here can be a little bit slower or 200% slower okay so we're backing up to a drive and we'll just go forward and show you how that works and as you can see once you click next you basically gets all available disks we're using for this demo purposes a virtual system so you're getting a virtual drive ok and then there we go it will tell you do what I remove this volume from the backups and the point of this is basically you don't want to be backing up your backup Drive that's like duplication of the duplication which now so yes you click OK and this is basically telling you it will be reformatted so make sure this dry doesn't have any data on it that you need ok if you do make sure everything's transferred out and then click yes ok and a full backup gives you your system state recovery the full whack ok so it will format the disk create the schedule and that's all done and now we could just leave this and basically the next time it comes up ok for example 2 p.m. or whatever the next time it'll automatically do a full backup and then afterwards it will go into incremental and how do we do incremental basically click on this ok if you want to call I go half and half you can do like for example your C Drive as a full backup efi only incremental other drives incremental etc ok we'll just click faster backup performance that's nicer than happy that gives us an incremental version and we'll just create a backup once for now just to show you how it goes ok and what should be happening so use the scheduled backup options you cannot use different options because you set up a schedule if you haven't then you can use different options I'll just show you what those different options would look like ok you go to custom and then click Next and then choose what you want to do you just want system state if you do bare-metal you pretty get the full thing then you can start with moving things etc yeah okay just go back let's go previous and next and then back up now it'll take some time what does happen and we'll just say whilst this thing is going through it if you are on a virtual system like VMware you will have to uninstall the writer okay and that's the last thing in well actually we'll show you might as well because this will be quite useful for many people ok let's go to control panel and on a Saleh program if you are in the VMware tools if you have this installed you will have problems recovering just system state unless you actually want to change it you will have problems if you do not do the setting because you will never be allowed to do it there's a partial recovery it will actually stop you coming up with an error at the end oh to modify it okay we're just showing you what we got rid of we've got a rid of virtual printing with us because we weren't using it but this one over here this VM CI you need to make sure that his entire feature will be unavailable otherwise you will not be able to do Active Directory system state we store on it so you'll have to do a full recovery every time you do need to do a recovery ok so just make sure let's just cancel that yeah and finish we will just quickly go back here as you can see it does take time because we're using virtual machines and it's for demo purposes only so we shall return to you once this is completely finished 100% ok and when that finishes you just click close and you have that now we'll show you if we were to do another backup once the difference that was about 14 gig okay just same steps again just create backup okay and this time round all it was was 140 megabytes okay which is a big difference compared to 14 gig okay so all it does is it will take a little bit of time to check what's being changed on the computer and then it does a full kind of like incremental backup of what the changes were hey let's now talk through your Recovery Options let's assume you've got lots and lots of backups one day things go wrong maybe Active Directory gets messed up or your DNS or maybe the entire system okay so from within Windows ok if you tried recovering okay you can choose the days let's assume you had previous days you choose that day and then what time etc we've only done it for this demo these two backups okay and choose whatever time that you believe is a correct time to go back to and from within Windows Server okay all the options you have are you can backup shall we say files and folders certain files and folders okay certain volumes applications system state you cannot zoom state is where you're actually trying to get back Active Directory for example okay I'll just give you an example of what goes wrong let's assume that click Next it tells you now you need to use a restore mode option so if you did at some point need to recover more than that like for example Active Directory or your entire server we shall have to boot up and I would suggest booting up using the Windows Server DVD USB version of it whatever you have okay or a network boot up and go into repair so we shall talk you through a full restore using the boot up man so we'll just close all these things down and restart into the Windows DVD so we boot up over here like normal is the normal install screen go ahead instead of clicking install we click repair a computer and then it is troubleshoot system image recovery and then it's windows server and it will find all our backups okay you can select a certain date for example if you have multiple multiple dates we'll show you what it looks like we only have this one date but the good news is you go forward and we'll give you the specific times within that date as well if you had previous days would give you the full thing so you look at for example the latest one was that let's just click Next and then you can format repartition with this and it will do that and do a complete wipe and then restore a free computer that's up to you if you think of some virus something affecting your computer then click finish once you click finish it basically goes on it takes whatever time to restore it and once it's done it restarts the computer and then boots back into what should be a normal version of your windows and that's fine so we're back into Windows Server and let's assume we just want to do a system state restore which includes Active Directory and we're gonna do it using this method ok so we're back into Windows Server and for us to do an Active Directory restored into that restore mode what we need to do is come over here type MS config ok you get up your system configuration you can find this in computer management in Windows administration over there okay boot safe boot an active directory repair if your server is a secondary shall we say Active Directory domain you will not get this option if you're not being able to click in the safe boot you know what the issue is okay so that's that and then click OK and then restart ok the key thing is here when you're doing an active Dec directory restore you're not logging in under the domain for example as you can see you'll get this error what you need to do is the computer's name ok in this case we just call this guy back up the back slash and then a user that has the permissions to basically do an Active Directory restore by the domain controller administrator etc and the password that you use is the password that you used to basically set up Active Directory you might remember when it went through it asks you for a restore password you might think you're using the administrator so it should be a different password if you have different passwords for both but it actually works ok so you need to use that password you're not using your administrator password ok and as you can see literally it will start up it'll have Safe Mode written all over it and it will start up server manager if it doesn't obviously just click on server manager you will get a lot of read errors ok that's because it's booting up into this special safe mode and a lot of services do not get activated or switched on started so what you do over here still Windows Server backup so you can happily do it you can use PowerShell if you want to that's perfectly fine we're good the GUI way graphical user interface yep and then recover and next choose whichever backup you want with Active Directory there is some key points that you need to remember ok the furthest back that can Active Directory restore with all this caching accessories about seven days I think this another issue to think about is if you are doing multiple multiple changes during each day and even though we've done it every couple of hours you do it even every 30 minutes for example if anything has changed from that last backup point you will lose it so hopefully ok you will have other kinda like systems also in place to mitigate the loss if you're doing it every 30 minutes hopefully you have some system in place to collide mitigate what happened within the last 30 minutes ok so now you can do a system state go forward if this is the primary domain controller ok you would want to make it as an authoritative restore if you have other Active Directory servers within the shall we say forest and they have maybe a more up-to-date version of Active Directory so this will bring you to shall we say the last 30 minutes back and other Active Directory servers can then feed into this and basically you will then get a complete up-to-date version so if you don't click authoritative restore your allowing other servers to kinda like help this build it back up if you don't have other servers then you are clicking authoritative restore ok so that's that there you go that's their message recover system state might cover just remember this okay do you want to continue in this case will click yep so basically what it does it should go all the way if you are having issues where it stops at this point literally the last two not initializing okay and you get an error message coming up it's basic cause of your virtual machine settings it just recovers Active Directory it'll then restart the computer if you have ticked the box if you have until just give you a little prompt over you're saying restart what you do need to do before the restart and this is important you do need to go to Windows administrative tools and once you do click on system configuration and you need to unpick safe boot otherwise you just keep booting up into safe mode as this is still going on what you would need to ensure when you click ok exit without restart otherwise it'll restart in the middle of this process and literally your system will be in a pretty unstable state Oh as mentioned all it happens is it's quite boring ok go through all of this it recovers all the stuff and then restarts and hopefully you're back to normal so hopefully this video has helped thank you for watching
Channel: Windows Ninja
Views: 44,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows server 2016, windows server 2012 R2, setup server backups, setup server backup schedule, windows server full backups, windows server partial backup, windows server active directory backup, active directory restore, repair active directory, setup windows server 2016 backup feature, tutorial, help, vmware active directory restore error solution
Id: hsw6_GgT0c0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2017
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