Excessive Texting Ruins Sexual Tension

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hi I'm coach Cory Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of this newsletter is going to be excessive texting ruins sexual tension and sexual anticipation I've got an email here from a guy who will help me just read it and we'll go through some of the things that he's doing wrong that he needs to correct so we can order he can get the things that he wants women to start doing he says hi Cory I seem to have a friendzone issue I get the mixed signals of attraction dates late-night meetings sexual innuendo conversations or straight-up sex talk which usually ends in extended moments of silence that's not a good sign that tells me that you're talking about things you're saying [ __ ] that's inappropriate I have ass and that's why I talk about that my book is like when you're starting to learn this stuff you really should stay away from those topics because most guys are just starting out they're just they get themselves into trouble they don't know when to stop and they can't tell when a woman's really into it and when they're not so he says I've asked directly are you interested in more than friendship and receive no not right now and that threw me off for a bit for last year I have been in a few on-and-off relationships in which I became only interested in the person I was in a relationship with I know from your videos that probably wasn't the best idea although I want something committed and to last and I see a lot of guys doing is they when they go from how like no success with women I today to get two or three women their lives they really deep down all guys want a woman like on a scale of one to ten they want a 10 or 12 today I mean because the type of one that I think is drop-dead gorgeous you might not be into and vice versa the type of girl you think's a absolute rock star amazing goddess I'm gonna have absolutely no interest and she might do nothing for me at all beauty is in the eye of the beholder but if what a lot of guys do is they start dating women there seven s and they get kind of comfortable because things are good and it's better than they've ever had but it's not ideally deep down what they really want they feel it in their heart but it's so easy to be with a woman that says six or a seven especially when she's blowing up your phone oh I miss you I want to see you and when in fact I'd come over and do naughty things to you and they're aggressive and you're not used to having women doing these kinds of things or saying these kinds of things to you you know K this is great and then so you kind of get in a rut you just go along with things for a while and you're not really into it you're not really into her and after a while the woman can can kind of tell because women they want to feel special they want to feel loved they want to feel amazing I've been there with you and you just constantly communicate that you're really not into them after a while they're gonna get turned off and leave unless they've got a really low self-esteem so he says he says the longest long-term relationship I've been in was three years and the reason is that all my relationships ended were on my part because I wasn't feeling it the initial attraction wore off or whatever or differences in lifestyle and those kinds of things not all in a negative note and I would say more than likely because you're still just learning this stuff is that you never really gone out with a type of girl it just [ __ ] blows you away and if you had maybe you got one or two dates and then that would end you [ __ ] it up and or I should just never return your phone calls that's what used to happen to me when I was younger and there's lots of beautiful room that date and have a great time with maybe have great sex hookup and have a lot of fun with the kind of woman that you that you want to have a long-term relationship with it's kind of woman that you hunger for the kind of woman that when you're not around her you're thinking about her and she's feeling the same way and if you're dating a six or a seven it's gonna be fun at first or fun for a few months but after a while I mean the bottom line she dumped she just simply doesn't do it for you and if you stay with her longer than you need to because a lot of people do that they stay in relationships or they stay dating women that they should have dumped or broken up with a long time ago so it's just a bad way to go because you're just never really gonna you're not gonna put your best foot forward with a girl it's a six or a seven you'll put your best foot forward with a chick that's a 10 or 12 why because you like her you really care you really want her you want her to like you and vice versa but when you have those kinds of connections women they're rare but you got to get prepared you got to have emotional strength developed by dating lots of different women and interacting with them and practicing these skills because when you start dating at 10 or 12 any insecurities or fears or doubts that you have about yourself they're going to come up and they're going to be it's gonna be a lot harder to do things right with a chick that's a 10 or 12 than it is I checked it's a six or seven simply because you like her so much more and you want it to work out but if you haven't developed any emotional strength internally when a lot of guys start doing is like they go back to the old ways that causing the being successful in the past so he says the person I'm interested in has been around for about two years she's seen her and knows a lot of things about me and vice-versa we've only communicated while we've been single and if we were dating conversations you usually were dead ended hi what's up not much and that was the end of it so recently we both become single and started talking and hanging out a lot first about our most recent breakup on what and what not happened etcetera he says I got over it pretty quick then not long after we were sending flirty text or even sometimes dirty ones total text count per week was closed listen to this 400 are you out of your mind who's got the [ __ ] time to send 400 texts back and forth between one chick that communicates the girl you got absolutely nothing else going on in your personal life and not only that it communication you got nothing going on in your life women like guys that have ambition to have goals have dreams that are going somewhere in life and if you stopped whatever you're doing in the middle of day I'm 400 texts in a week that's just absolutely insane it's like why would she even need to go out on a date with you I mean she knows everything that's going on in your life it's a scientific fact that women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear and there's nothing unclear about how you feel about a girl if you're texting or 400 times a week the phone is a communication device to set up dates that's it nothing else so when it should text you or she reaches iTunes is hey I was thinking about you wonder what you're up to see how great so awesome to hear from you what are you a free to meet up for some drinks so we can get together and catch up question mark send that letter send you a response whatever day or days that she says she's available pick whichever one that you're also available and make a definite date say I'll pick you up aid or I'll meet you at the bar at 8:00 or whatever happens to me make definite plans and if a woman's not willing to make definite plans that nail something down specific meaning you've got a place to meet or you're gonna pick her up at a specific day and time then just withdraw the offer just hey just give me calling when your schedules a little more open let's definitely get together and then walk away and do nothing but if the girl really likes you and you've done everything right when you go to make a definite date she'll do it with you it's just 400 texts that's just crazy you're you talking chicks right out of dating you liking you and sleeping with you when you're doing that [ __ ] and that's what guys that don't know what they're doing that's what they do they talked women incessantly and they answer every text every call because they're afraid if they don't or they don't stop it to don't have a conversation that they're gonna lose her somehow he says though I'm still flirt and I don't receive it back the same and that's when I asked about the interesting after that I stopped flirting text and in-person and got many more texts asking to hang out see I have a few times but others I say I'm busy or I leave the text and I'll later ask if she wants to hang out after about two months of that we have had talks about relationships and dating and she has mentioned she likes to move fast I am or any other days why are you talking about dating relationships it's like you're not in a relationship it doesn't sound like you're really even dating her doing much with this particular girl he says I'm more I'm enjoy the moment don't rush things kind of person but I'm no prude but I like to know for certain what's going on because of her saying she was in interest I didn't think it was said or directed towards me and see that's what guys do you're deluding yourself you're bullshitting yourself you're completely ignoring the facts and she's very clear up front I only think of you as a friend but yet you're going okay it doesn't apply to me and then you just keep [ __ ] chasing or blowing up her phone and that's why she won you'd only be a friend because you act like a male girlfriend you act like a butler you act like a manservant around her you don't act like a lover would act a lover is a man women love men who are direct and get the point and don't [ __ ] beat around the bush and you're you just that's just you're out of your mind texting that much he says at first it was me initiating conversation and then it was mostly her being the first a message in the day and my question is when she messaged you why did you set up dates with her and get off the phone after a bit she puts facebook status invites for dates and I replied to a few and asked if she was talking to me she answered who else then about two weeks later you mean like are you in touch with me do you really like me that communicates that you don't know what's going on you don't know how to read women very well it communicates weakness that you're acting like a woman women act that way when women are unsure of themselves they stay thing they talk about how they were unsure they're insecure or they hope that you like them but when you act that way as a man it's it's a total [ __ ] turnoff for a woman she asked if I was busy I said now I'm free and we hung out and she mentioned dating and having sex with another guy I said alright and and then she replied she didn't want to talk about it so I just said let's go for coffee and we sat for coffee shop and she started talking about bad dates and how they never lasted whatever and I replied not as long as me then and she smiled big she didn't answer but she left a bit and when she kept up the humor the rest of the evening it ended up with an amorous hug we didn't why are you not going for the kiss dude that's what's why you're in friendzone because you're you're acting like cuz you're too afraid to go to make your move on this girl it's like when you're out and you're having a good time together grab her and [ __ ] kiss her if you won't kiss you back then don't waste any more [ __ ] time with her it's been about a month since no contact I lost my phone we haven't texted or call each other since but on Facebook she does the status invites for dates and whatever and I haven't replied to them because I figured she could ask me directly like now you basically are acting like the woman you're waiting for the woman to your movie it's like you're waiting for her it's like she's assumed the role of the man and now you're acting like the woman waiting for her to call you and ask you out I'm not really sure where to go is because I mean she's inviting you to go out on a date you know I don't like the way she's asking me it's like come on dude he says because the I'm dating and [ __ ] the other guys is usually a closed door in the friendship situation I've gone out and received numbers and emails and planned dates with other women's since but I'm wondering should I bother pursuing the girl that used to be my most frequent contact by pursuing her through emails on Facebook absolutely not well girl's blown you off you don't just start pursuing her that's just gonna make her blow you off more you said or should I just move on and pick up the other women I have a tantrum you need to move on and talk to other women stop [ __ ] with this girl I have this other chick reaches out to you plan a definite date go on a date pick her up or go meet her someplace for drinks and at the end of the date or if you guys are playing pool together and she's touching you and she's playing with her hair you got to look for all these things it sounds like you just have no idea what to look for or when a tellement chick is really into you and that's a big part of your problem so I would encourage you to read my book download my book you go to my website underneath the email signup box is the link to the Amazon Kindle download pages click that link it will take you right to the Amazon page and you don't have to have a Kindle device to read the Kindle version of my book all you have to do is download one of Amazon's free Kindle e-reader apps they have them for iPhones they have them for Android smartphones they've got it for tablets they got for PC and they got for Mac's so whatever computer or electronic device you have they've got a free app for it that'll turn into a Kindle once you download the app it's a matter of seconds to download my book and you will be reading at no time if you have a question you want to ask me or there's a topic you want me to cover in a future video newsletter go to my website click the contact me tab on the left hand side of your screen send me one to two paragraphs max do you tell your questions your situation your challenges you just got to give me 7 days to get back to you with a response because I get a lot of email from the internet and I also get a lot of my paying phone coaching customers but be patient I will get back to you and if you want to talk to me right away the quickest way to get my help is the book of paid phone coaching session and you can do that by going to my website click the products tab and just follow the instructions and I will talk to you you
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 19,567
Rating: 4.9575596 out of 5
Keywords: Excessive, Texting, Ruins, Sexual, Tension
Id: A1ldtgSQy60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 21 2012
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