Excavating the Mountainside for a HUGE FUTURE GREENHOUSE SPACE!

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sorry about the wind I'm going to try to try to Shield it if I can but I'm out here today we're going to try to get this carved out and set to the elevation we need it is what we used to call our junkyard and we're going to make this into a greenhouse pad if we can right about over here at this stake we're going to carve from there across to right here at this stake just kind of straight line that and then what little bit of dirt is there is going to come off the hill but then we're also going to bring this elevation at this P down by about 3 ft based on like GPS elevations and flying the Drone and using it as an elevation gauge few things like that we should be maybe 5 or 10 ft lower elevation than our water tanks over there it is low enough that we could gravity get water here and with using a charge pump for the pressures on the drip systems we could use that out here and be able to have pressurized water to the drip system as needed so I want to make sure that this spot is definitely lower so I'm going to bring this down probably 3 ft down here where the road comes up I don't want to get too low because I've still got to transition from the road to the pad and have access to get up to this other part of the road for Farm access so I don't want to get too crazy with the elevations but I think 3 ft should bring me down into about this point we should be about 3 ft low here I'm going to quickly measure a couple of spots and I'll probably just a shortcut this make this a quick easy fast thing I'm going to measure a couple of spots that are the appropriate height Mark those on the ground and use those as a reference point once I've got them marked I will in the excavator take from that point a flat pull so I know right there is flat right here is flat at a few spots like that just so I can use those as an easy gauge then I'm just going to go to ripping and tearing and try to get this thing hogged out and pushed out so that it can settle try to get some preparations for a greenhouse pad out here eventually I think we should be able to get out to that width pretty easily so my target over here is going to be not necessarily trying to get up to this elevation immediately it's going to more to shoot for this elevation we're going to be somewhere in the middle of that we're going to take all this this stuff out all right let's get digging this thing and see what we can do as this widens out and I start digging that Hill I'm going to have to I'm going to have to reach back there Spin and put it and I may not be may not have enough room to reach all the way out and set it so I may have to set it on the pad that I'm making and then push it off and if that's the case it's real real easy to get lost so having these reference points is going to make it easy for me to get started digging and moving dirt I'm also trying pretty hard to make sure that I don't let any rocks or Boulders go running couple of those take off running they're going to not stop for a while set that down there carefully so it doesn't take off running and I'm just adding an extra scoop or two of dirt downhill of that rock to the side of that rock now I'm just going to connect the dots on these first two and establish the first little Shelf at the right elevation because they're only about 18 ft apart those two spots now that I got that I can come in and keep my blade on that shelf start carving in to to the old roadway then I'm going to basically be sitting on a flat PAD as I sit on a flat pth now I can really dig still got few hours of daylight I still have plenty of other things to do tonight but I just needed this done so we're going to go like crazy see how quickly I can get done I'm going to give myself an hour and a half and see how good I can get it in an hour and a half if I don't shut down by then it's be too late and I'll be way behind even farther on other things so let's just see what we can do in that time right now I'm not even terribly worried about getting everything is flat and even I'm going to Blade over this after I've cut it I'm really just trying to get to a rough grade get most of the material put where it needs to be that's one thing when I get that Dozer going that I'm going to have to wrap my head around the difference in operation is I'm figuring out the art of pushing the dirt there I guess versus picking it up and placing it now I'm right even with the steak here at the cap I've got pretty good Pile in front of my blade that pushed up just to get into here but I can reach to the the next little flat checkpoint now I'm going to reach from that one straight up to me and keeping an even cut CU I make that shelf down the outside edge then take a bucket wider and a Pucket wider and work it back and work it back and that saves me a lot of time when I'm by myself which is most of the time when it comes to this kind of stuff there's our starting Mark right down there sometimes I need to come back across the back of that and just clean up a little bit almost like a clean sweep make sure that my chain is staying flat at the elevation that I want it so I'm kind of pulling a cross angle doing that just so that I'm using as many points of reference for elevation as I can plus I need it to all come downhill so I guess there's that too that one by Little Rock that one's about a 22 in rock seems big the whole thing will fit inside of the bucket without even try it done a lot of Boulder walls and I keep thinking about that every time I think anytime that ol and I have a conversation about the uphill side of a cut that we make and she's like oh you could just put some Boulders in there just put a boulder wall up there it' look great and I think yeah it would look great when the heck am I going to get that many Boulders they're all over the place see here's one and I go where's the other 340 of that size that's going to take do I you get building Boulder walls and get put them together start seeing what that size looks like on the ground in the bucket and then finally in the wall and you realize just how small some of these big rocks everybody sees is they're not Boulder wall necessarily they're just big old rocks there's a big difference surprising we moved a whole bunch of Boulders and rocks and stuff when we were doing the front flower bed last year that's on H channel on the mount Maple's side ranch as I'm lining up the rocks for the flower bed at some point there I just get out of the machine and I'm just moving them by hand sometimes it's just easier get out there and moving starting to get just about white and I push along push the dirt forward is I'm pushing along and I kind of just work it off the edge a little bit it builds up too much I back up push the pile sideways and then I can push forward and keep going that that becomes harder to do because the dirt's way of he that I'm trying to push and I got to pull it all down here into a pile in front of me and then try to work back and forth going off the hill with it and it just becomes easier to refine the pad so that I can start pushing directly to the off to the downhill side directly pushing it off all right so I can tell I can see where my line is here and my points of reference we're still definitely still about six or seven inches high on that uphill side but we're a little low on the downhill side in a couple spots all that is going to even out just fine as we keep cutting just kind of designning by Eye Design on the Fly we might get this roughed in here in our little time window that we had I have no idea where my batteries died on this camera or not so I don't know what it all showed but that's where we got now I'm on a roll I want to just keep going but I got to stop for the night it's just how it goes it's a lot bigger a lot wider this is looking great got a lot of material right in here these two little pockets that need to come out get moved off of here and then right in here we're going to start making a trans transition for this road here and one thing about this road is I got a lot of room on this uphill side to actually move the the road uphill quite a ways and you can see it kind of steps sideways and back over there and I am going to straighten this out because ultimately this is going to be the main access point to continue on out on the proper property so I'm going to take all of that material out of here too that sticks out right here around this point that's all going to come out and work its way along this edge here to make sure that that shoulder is nice and sloped and good and then I've got to make this transition here slope out meet to this to the maples there so there's a little bit of material that's going to come out of here the rest is going to be shaping and then this elevator up here um right out here you can see I got this where the boulder is I've got like my laser and stuff so back just a little ways into that maybe another 15 ft I'm going to start from there and transition down to this elevation so that that will kind of ramp up going up to that upper one be even onto the lower one and then come all the way around here there's still plenty of material to push off that side especially when I start taking off of here and taking that out so it's a good cut for I don't know just over an hour about an hour and 15 pretty good cut so far tomorrow we'll do more all right we are back at it try to see if we can get finished with the rough cut here in the next hour or so got a lot of things on the agenda today like all always I guess but if I can finish this rough cut we can move on to things that still need to be finished up otherwise everybody else is getting ready for the morning going through there things that need doing for a minute I figured I'd take advantage of being alone to try to get this wrapped up so right now I'm out where the roads are going to transition together kind of Right Where I stopped yesterday the first tier is the one that was originally cut to match to this grade to this P I knew we were going to burn through a lot of material trying to build this out which was one of the reasons why I wanted to do lower the elevation a little bit a lot of changes to the farm this year on excavation thing is that we've been spending a lot of time and money on that shop and getting things prepared which has been a very very much a necessity and this year we need to do a lot of things and mostly we need to do a lot of things that don't necessarily have a lot of direct materials cost materials expenses need to go to finishing up the shop and the space is there so that's where our budget's going most of this kind of stuff is time and fuel budget that's about it really we're not ready to build the greenhouse out here yet but we get the excavation work and the the pad built and space made and created then we can go to putting some of the infrastructure in that would be necessary for it the water supply the irrigation in or out some of those kind of Bas level things this build in a life is not cheap building a Farm building any of this and I have talked about it many times that this is probably the most expensive way to try to figure out a way to farm a few animals for your own meat and a few things side Hill of the mountain is not the best location to do that and we didn't seek out this property with the intentions of turning it into a farm we sought out this property with the intentions of having weekend getaway that we own we can come to and spend time we've done that over years really enjoyed it and now because we own the property wanted to move up here to slow down our pace of life a little bit I say that even though we're busy and we're working up here nonstop time still slows down up here compared get done working up here for the day and it might be like last night by the time I I called the quits here digging and then we went and tended to the farm animal by the time we did all that stuff and got back to the house it was I don't know was 8:30 9:00 and then I stayed up editing a video for a little while and still felt like we had four or five hours of time in the evening after stopping but hopefully we'll do all this work and we'll be able to enjoy for a lot of years we do it right somebody else will be able to enjoy it after us for a lifetime too once I get most of this hogged out I'm going to go up on top there of this top tier and I will work that from the other direction so that I can scrape through and move most of the material and then I can use the blade and kind of bul those out ramp if you will we need to be able to get in there easily with tractor Ranger whatever we need to I don't want an Abrupt change in Direction and I don't want a very steep changing elevation either I want it to be gradual enough that it's no big deal all right so now I'm cutting in by the steak and I'm making instead of making a more vertical cut in I'm making more of a sloped cut through the top soil layer and I'm shooting for about that 35° slope or so through the top soil back to my cut line that I marked out and I'm seeing how far at that angle how far that gets me till I see the top soil go away and the thin clay layer show up we ripped through that a whole bunch got fire of spils pile at the base of the cut so switch back to the bucket line up my blade we're just going to hog into all this as we loosened Out start throwing it over the side [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] all right we are going to call that done sorry about the wind it's just really windy today it's what it is but man that turned out great we have so much room up here now there'll be some more refinement but I'm going to call that a rough cut and complete I haven't measured this yet to see how it ended up but we're probably somewhere in the neighborhood 35 or 40 from the uphill side here to the downhill side at the widest point here let me Pace it off yeah I'm pacing out about 45 ft at this widest spot and about 55 or 60 to the open width that we talked about keeping accessible we can put our Greenhouse space right here in this space that leaves us a lot of room for a greenhouse and a and a prep room and stuff like that you can still pull up to here just fine you can be able to drive around this side and access everything and we could put a nice little Greenhouse here I say little but we're talking what could easily fit there is somewhere in the neighborhood to 20 by 30 20 by 35 maybe 20x 40 ol and I are headed up to the greenhouse pad so she can take a look at it she's been busy chasing all kinds of other things today and yesterday yesterday she worked so she hasn't seen it yet we talk about these things and we try to like put down some paint and show her what it looks like where it's going to be how it's going to look and every time we go out and look at it after I do the work she's always like shocked and astonished at the size and the scope of what I've done like like it came out of nowhere and yeah the the crazy part is like we discuss it all the time like we talk about uh the the the scope of it the measurements we go out there and measure it it looked like this it look like that but until it's like actually built I have no clue she doesn't get it until she SE sees it oh look at that bu Mark get me out of this thing let me see that see it's completely astonished go how big can I have my Greenhouse well big enough to get around so like is that why you got the claw out is because of it yeah this is all Sandstone here I was five six feet of sandstone in there now was it hard to like dig and stuff or was it like still okay it's fine it's same as it always is holy crap this is huge that is no joke yeah we well we can even have a little bit you could go from the you could go from the Stak up to here and have plenty of room to drive past and around and yeah I mean it could be big oh my gosh probably like 15 or 20 by 30 or 40 I haven't measured it yet but I think it looks like 40 by 100 it's not that but no I mean you need a room here so I mean you could probably come to here and you could have some Greenhouse space all the way to the front of the ranger you sure can and to the steak so I mean that's enough space to do that and still have room around to be able to drive past so neat oh this is so neat holy crap that is the fact that you got you were able to gain and that drive wasn't bad you dropped it down 3T you said or 2 3T from the original and look eye level on the orchard part all eye level you don't have to go too far yeah it's all easy access and it's not wow nothing super deep to get to well I think she approves I love so we're in good shape now we can start designing and planning what's going to fit you it's the we have to let this settle now cuz we can't really touch it for a year Well we don't have we don't have the funding to build anything yet no but now we've got the space prepared and we can do the water line and we can then work towards it now we know what we can planted the waterline all the things yeah now we know what space is and we know what we can work with so and it's exact it's actually way more than I expected just like always and it really is it's like holy crap this is going to be awesome now I got to start looking at designs and start planning it yep yep I agree y pretty cool yep
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Id: thJpPcdDgMQ
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Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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