11 Strange Things You Will Experience When Your Third Eye Is Opening

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[Music] eleven strange things you will experience when your third eye is opening the third eye gives us an interconnectedness between our spiritual and physical self it is known as the seventh chakra located in the middle of the forehead closely associated with the pineal gland it governs intuition sleep telepathy awareness and much more it is a spiritual sign that represents vase to concur odds and challenges by tapping into our inner wisdom and fully developed the links around you aside from the physical connecting body soul and spirit interconnecting and giving you much more the universe has to offer the third eye opens naturally and gradually usually by constant meditation here are 10 signs experienced when the third eye is opening anyways guys if you think this information is interesting to you don't forget to like and share this video guys 1 increased pressure in your temples gradually you begin to feel and increasing pressure which is subtle at first but increases to energetic pulsation as the third eye develops this pulsation will seem like a light touch on the forehead and this indicates that the pineal gland is expanding and growing to an increased awareness gradually you start having this sense of awareness of things around you when you pay attention your intuition sharpens without reason you start having warning signals on things that are about to happen and ways you can salvage this situation your thoughts are not always right though but it is a guiding light to the correct path 3 headaches the feeling of pressure is accompanied by aches you need not worry about this because it's normal headaches may signify that your Kundalini is in the final stage of opening the third eye and that your pineal gland is developing the Kundalini energy lies dormant in most people but once it begins to spark up it results in headaches and sure it activates all the chakras and gives rise to a fully enlightened state for new perceptions your life begins to hold new meaning and value as the third eye opens opening of the third eye begins the process of reawakening you you begin to genuinely differentiate truth from false you wake up to new realities around you you see people for who they are with your third eye opening you experience a change in beliefs mindset values vision and passion these changes are beneficial as they make you become a better version of yourself you become more tolerant understanding selfless and loving you begin to drop some things that you felt as priorities and adopt new ones you now know the light and the darkness around you five practice conscious eating for you now you know food is not just food you know that it plays a crucial role in your health and well-being so you are now fully careful about what you eat you notice that some food no longer hold interest in you again you begin to consciously determine the food you eat it forces you to remove junk from your diet and enjoy natural and healthy meals that will build up your energy level your body accepts food which is of value to you and rejects those that are not with your body signal you're going to make the right choice of what to eat 6 increased sensitivity to light and sound with your third eye opening your senses begin to be more aware of light and sound around you you start seeing some lights brighter than others you see vivid colors and light which may be overwhelming sometimes you also become increasingly aware of some sounds and strange sights with increased meditations your sensitivity to light and sound sharpens the sensitivity gives you messages of the world around you and you become increasingly aware of this you also find that you connect with the different tones of light and sound seeing things that others do not understand 7 you begin to see clear and vivid dreams you'll notice that you start having amazing dreams most of which you remember these dreams give you an enhanced reality of the world through your thoughts you realize that there's more to the world than you usually know you see yourself in a different light you experience another sense of the real world the dream world exposes you to unlimited possibilities beyond your imagination eight you see the real truth in things you begin to understand things you were not clear with and you start seeing them from beyond you know the truth behind every smile you see beyond people's act you suddenly begin knowing who loves you and who does not who is fake and who is real you can understand the exact reason for different circumstances and the lessons you learn from them everything you experience in life starts passing silent messages to you 9 you start thinking more deeply about the future a vital sign you experience when your 3rd eye opens is that you take the future more seriously you want to know what it has to offer as you begin experiencing increased state of reawakening and awareness around you you start asking deep and relevant questions about the world around you you begin to connect the past present and future you want to know the path your life was meant to chart you want to know the life you were meant to live you want to know about the world beyond the universe the planets and your role in the big picture 10 you begin to see unity in things the third eye opening allows you to find a link between the physical and the spiritual you find out that everything was for a purpose and you seek to find the meaning of each element in nature especially your purpose in the world story of life itself 11 you notice a lot of synchronicities and mirror numbers the third eye opens you move to a higher state of consciousness you start noticing all the synchronicities around you that has happened all along you also understand that there are no coincidences these synchronicities will show to you important accident which are sometimes unlikely useful and ironic this means the development of your intuition and inner essence these synchronicities are relevant for bringing new people and happenings to your lives at the right time you will also notice the mirror numbers as your third eye opens these numbers you will notice everywhere phone numbers billboards and sign boards etc you will seem to recognize the same names you have seen and notice that they follow you everywhere these numbers are sending you messages from your inner essence or spiritual guides if you get to understand these numbers and their meanings you can reach out to your guides well those are eleven strange things you will experience when your third eye is open so what's your opinion about this I hope you enjoy watching this cool video and if you have something on your mind don't hesitate to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below don't forget to subscribe to our Channel and click the bell to join our notification squad thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: SlightlyBetter
Views: 1,943,633
Rating: 4.9123616 out of 5
Keywords: slightlybetter, slightly better, third eye opening, sixth sense, spirituality, third eye, 3rd eye, how to tell if your third eye is opening, opening third eye, third eye opening side effects, how to open the third eye fast, how to open your third eye, born with third eye open, spiritual awakening, pineal gland activator, psychic abilities, awaken third eye, third eye awakening, third eye chakra
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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