Ex Muslim Christian Testimony Video 2021 (God Loves All!)

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hello everyone my name is masood ramandi and welcome to perfected by blood a channel where we get deep into the mysteries of christ today i have something very special for you it's a video from a conference that we did earlier this year this is the first session and rose is going to share with you uh her story her journey of how she came to experience the love of god uh while she didn't even know jesus but then she found that truth in the bible in first john which totally transformed her life and uh after basically the first half of this video you're gonna hear from her some of the mysteries that are being uh hidden in uh the first episode of john about cain abel and how that how that uh relates actually today to christ and us but uh i want you to stay to the end i want you to pay attention to what she says because this will be the foundation for the rest of the sessions where we are going to get into some of the misconceptions in the body of christ concerning the nature of god what he does uh his judgments his righteousness the day of the lord and end times and so many other things based on the book of revelation that revelations that i believe is going to be enlightening for many of you so without further ado i invite you to join me and watch this first session [Music] all right welcome thank you so much for coming this is an honor to be here and we are so excited masuda and i from the first day we just felt this freedom of speaking and uh not only from pastor vin and laura but also from the crowd when i was worshiping and it's interesting in the last couple of months every morning that i wake up i wake up with the bible app audio bible and then i have i worship and in the last couple of months well i have i worship every day but in the last couple of months i worship masuda i worship with the first song that you played this morning and when i woke up this morning i said oh you know i don't have time to do my worship with that song and now we are here i must have said oh you know you're like you're laughing you know and i didn't know i know it's just amazing because when you when you get to understand the book of revelation all of a sudden you just it worship becomes different to you and today um what i want to do is i just want to share a little about our background and share about where we came from and how we became christian but before that let me tell you this an iranian ex-muslim who lives in canada and come to united states to preach about jesus christ it's a miracle it's a miracle [Music] i was born in a muslim family in uh the central part of iran and my city is very famous with a very religious city is one of the is the second or third religious most religious city in iran and so i have three brothers and i remember growing up as a girl and the only girl because that culture is very much sun culture they want boy and i remember my mom was telling me that when she was pregnant with my first brother the first child my my grandma would tell my mom that if your first child is a girl then i'm gonna kill you and my mom was always in this fear of having a girl and then i was the second one and um so my my grandma would tell my mom that okay that's it so you're not allowed to have another girl that's more than enough so growing up as a girl i always wanted to be a son not knowing that actually i am the son of god so i started really acting like like boys i wanted to compete with them and um so i went to karate i was in the martial arts for so long and um doing all the you know i was in competition i have my medals too you know those and and because i didn't know who i was i didn't know the value of being a woman the whole story of the bible is about a woman it started with a woman and ends with a woman in the book of revelation and and it's all about it's not about the woman that we talk all of us have a woman nature inside of us but the whole story is that when i was 19 year old years old then i decided to commit suicide now at the time it was my moms and dads and family's fault but now when i go back i realize it's just a lack of identity and knowing who i was so i wrote my goodbye letter and i called my friend and i said you know so i'm just gonna do this and she was crying and she please please and all the stuff i was like no i made my decision so right before i uh really do it then i heard the thought like a thought just went through my mind and this thought told me that you know you never asked god you never asked um you know the creator you never asked the one who made you why did he make you i was like yeah it's all his fault why do you need to talk to him why did i boy first of all i was born a woman then in iran in a muslim country why didn't i get born in united states well because i was going to come here one day but so um so anyways this told me you know you just um just ask and i was in this confusion hopelessness i was going to kill myself i had no plan and purpose in life and i remember i was like well i'm not going to lose anything so let me just do it and prove myself that there is no god and if there is a god i don't care so i started crying and so what i'm about to show you i found words for it when i became a christian before that i had no idea what happened to me i would find words to try to explain what happened to me and people turned me down and masood was the last one that told me please don't share these things with me because i don't understand that i don't believe in god and all the stuff so so in that moment that i was confused and i was like okay you know i said god who are you if you don't show yourself today i will go i will kill myself and then i started cursing god and then i was like oh i'm sorry i got afraid and then this confusion happening and as i was um just talking and cursing god and hatred and darkness and hopelessness all of a sudden i felt the atmosphere got changed in the room that i was in and i felt a person walked into the room now you need to understand when you come from a muslim background we were told all of our lives that god does not he doesn't visit you he doesn't come to you if someone comes and you think it's god then it's not god it's the devil so but i knew that i'm standing in the presence of my creator and these waves of love started coming and going through my body to the point that now i was crying out i wanna die not because of all this hopelessness because of the love that i was experiencing the love that i was experiencing it was so powerful that i knew my body cannot handle the amount of love i was experiencing i felt i'm leaving my body and and i knew if i want to have this love experience it cannot be in this body this body either has to change to another substance or i have to die and get free from this body so i can receive the amount of love that i was experiencing so i was on the front floor i was crying and shouting and and i knew in a in a matter of a second i knew i knew from my whole being that i cannot have him i cannot have the fullness of who he is and i have to um and i i thought there is this thing between us and i couldn't grab him and have the fullness of who he is and all of a sudden in that moment i realized that was my sin and so i started repenting of my sin and immediately i start saying lord god i just come to my life i make you my god i make you my savior years later i found those words in the bible i started quoting the scriptures which at the time i didn't know what i'm doing but now i was i was what i was saying i didn't understand what i'm saying i think i got baptized with the holy set that i don't know i don't know but what happened was i started praying things that i couldn't understand and i remember when i was coming back to myself i was like what um what am i saying and i remember the last sentence that i said i said i'm dedicating my life to me make yourself known to me and my life is yours everything every moment of my life is yours so that you and i can be one together and we experience the perfection in life the purpose that you made for me so um the verse in romans chapter 8 um was actually i was quoting that i was quoting and later on it was the verse that we became christian so i didn't know there is a book like fiber i didn't know there was a book called bible but that was the verse in romans chapter 18 sorry romans chapter 8 that it says moreover whom he predestined these he also called whom he called these he also justified and whom he justified these also he glorified so when i came when that experience was finished i had no idea that his name was jesus i thought i experienced the god of islam so here's what a lot of doctrines will be shaken because we think god will show up into our lives when we become a christian we think he starts loving us when we turn to him we think that we become sons of god or the children of god when we say oh jesus coming to my life it was a moment that you realize that you have always been the son of god it's a moment that you see yourself as the way that he sees you but he has always been your father just you don't see yourself as son you don't you didn't call him the father first he called himself the father first so you didn't call he you didn't call yourself the son of god first he called you my son first so now that happened to me when i when i was i'm 19 so in the next 10 years of my life i became so religious i was waking up early morning doing all the rituals about islam then i got to know masood so masood is also from a religious family and so i remember that day when i was praying one of the things i was praying i said lord you know who do i need to marry to so you bring that person to me and um and i'm not going to look for anyone so you just make that happen and when i met my suit for the first time it was interesting it was five years later that experience and in the last in that five years i wanted to have that experience again but i couldn't i wanted to have what happened to me that time again but i couldn't and one time i was doing all these prayers and ritual in islam but one time one day when i was at sleeping at night i remember that i spoke to him with my own language i can talk to him right now so and i said oh my love my love i called him love i had no name for him i went to the quran i read it allah didn't fit into his character the experience of love that i had it didn't fit in the character of allah that i had in islam so i called him love and i would call him love i said god you are love and the moment i talked i started talking to him that presence would come on me and i would experience not into the same thickness that i had experienced but um in a different level so when i met masood for the first time so um i really like to tell you that i was still hurt even though i had that experience and i didn't want to commit suicide but i was still hurt because i didn't know the truth this spirit and truth makes you free the truth is what makes you free and i was in that uh still hurt and everything and i remember i was in a chat room with my i wanted to come to canada and i started chatting with this guy in english and i realized that he's iranian and he's a studying master degree in chemical engineering in one of the universities in my city and i was like oh man this guy is genius i better go and make some fun of him so i called my friend and i said you know what i was living out in dubai at the time so in summer time i would come to iran and i said well i'm really bored i'm gonna call this genius guy probably has those three classes and studying 25 hours a day because because he was because he was in one of the top universities in iran some second or third university every year there are one million people go to this um entry exam for universities and at the time it was about one million people and they needed around is it a one million at the time i don't know so they needed that around maybe something a hundred thousand people only get there and he's my when i had that exam or not my number was 70 000 so i couldn't get anywhere but his number was 250 out of 1 million people so so that means he's really smart guys so now i don't like to see smart guys so i'm gonna go make fun of them so at the time so at the time i told my friend and my friend said can i come with you so we can make fun of him together i was like no i'm gonna go and loan myself so that was my intention to meet my student the first time and uh it's interesting because the moment i saw him the voice the audible voice spoke to me and it was from inside of inside out every single cell in my body was talking to me and said he is the one you prayed for he is the one you asked for he is the one that god wants you to marry and of course i fought with that voice for sometimes i was like well later on i said god if he's the one so make it happen so long story short we got married and it wasn't easy because my family didn't want us to marry but we got married and we came to canada massoud found a scholarship in his for his phd in one of the universities in toronto and we came to canada but the reason we came to canada it wasn't for school it wasn't for education it was to find peace we thought that you know maybe the country we need to change our country to find peace so we came to canada and we had peace but for six months and after six months i'm thinking i have everything that i want in my life like all my life i was growing up with all those things and i always thought i'm gonna have a worse marriage and worse life and all of a sudden i had everything that i wanted to have i have the best marriage and i have everything but what is it that i'm lacking something so when we were coming to canada in the in the plane i remember i prayed and this is not a prayer that the muslim would do muslims don't talk to god with their own language you will need to speak in arabic to god i think god doesn't understand i don't know but i never got it but but you need to speak you don't you can't speak with your own language so i remember when we came into canada i said god lord my love um we're going to this country and i know you brought us to this country but i don't know you who are you show yourself to us and i pray that when we come to this country you come to our way and make people in our paths that they know you so that we come to get to know you to know who you are we landed in canada and then we landed seven p.m in canada and eight a.m the next day a christian we were introduced to this christian friend who became our close friend and before we know we were surrounded with christians and they started finding place for us and food and filling of our house and all this stuff and talking about jesus but i didn't want to hear about jesus because i know god i experienced him and this christian woman was she was so amazing and i remember one time i told her you know i experienced god and i told her my experience the most valuable thing that i had from god and for years i told people and no one understood me i would tell people god is love and they would like what are you talking about from 99 names of allah none of them is love allah has 99 names and you're saying god is love you're out of your mind actually my mom took me to doctor and i was on depression medication because of experience that i was telling to people and i realized i need to tell them that um no okay i didn't have it and so i i thought i can share with her and when i shared with her as a christian unfortunately she turned back to me and she said that was the devil so now because i'm not blaming her but she's growing up you know god's gonna show up when you when you show up god's gonna show up in your life when you turn to god and it was really it was it hurt me so much that uh we told her we don't want to hear about jesus if you want to be our friends and talk about jesus we don't want to talk to you and we were really rude since after that every time we would see a christian just debating with them and be rude and this jesus you're talking it's nobody and all the stuff a friend of us gave us the bible and said why don't you read the bible and you know i was like okay so masuda i started reading the bible from genesis and [Applause] when i read myself read the bible the first 50 pages he threw the bible away and he said this is the most ridiculous book i have ever heard in my life don't waste your life to read it i was like oh you know what i'm just gonna continue reading uh next page next dragon when i got to psalms like oh yeah that's nice nice nah nah i go to matthew and i got all the way to matthew and i stopped my said well do you think i should read i was like nah there's nothing in there what is this book we basically threw the bible away um and we are like you know this is nothing in this book oh quran is better [Music] one year later [Music] i was driving home and and i remember i looked back in my life and i i i saw i have everything but this lack is inside of me i saw i don't have peace and um i'm uh i'm driving home and it's like this uh it was september october uh 2011 and it was you know in toronto it's very beautiful the fall season um you know like yellow and red leaves and so beautiful i'm driving outside it's so beautiful but inside it's ugly and i remember i went forward and and i looked up to heaven and i said and i had no idea what i'm saying so i said who are you why are you sitting up there and you have left us alone in this life why don't you become a human being like us so you can experience our pain so that when i come to you you know that i have a pain [Applause] i had no idea actually he came yes [Music] but at the time it wasn't funny i was really serious because in that moment i realized that if god is god and he is love he he can't stay in distant he had to share with you your pain he had to experience your life he can't he can't be apart from you and and i remember you know what many years ago i had this encounter with you i think people are right it was just out of my mind i can't really believe there is a god so by the time i got home so now imagine massoud is working on his phd in jesus right like for his final graduation and massoud from when he was six years old now sharing his testimony when he was six years old because of the family that he came from he said you know what i want to grow up i want to be an engineer and i want to make my own life for myself so this is many years later and everything that he had planned had already come to pass and now from the year of six-year-old he was actually living alone with grant with they sent they well and told him as he said to his grandma and then he moved to the different city because the city he comes from it's a village they only give you education till grade five so he had to go to a bigger city and bigger city to in order to obtain education that he wanted to have so he's sitting home and when we if you share it you want me to share yeah he's sitting home probably he should share this but there but he's working on his edu his um book but you can share later uh too but he's all of a sudden he he hears a thought in his mind at the same time that i am driving and talking to god he's he's hears of he hears this voice in in his mind and he says do you know who you are and for a minute he gets up off the chair and then he goes and he lays down he's like thinking all his life and he brings all those logics as engineers bring you know everything needs to be logical equal to this and he goes through all these things and he makes a conclusion there is no god by the time i come home and we were talking together and i said okay my suit um maybe just sitting we are broke no joy no peace we didn't know peace as a person we didn't know joy is in something it's not in lack of it's not in the lack of problems it's in some person so we're sitting home and i said masood uh you know i don't know why god allows all those sickness and everything and he stopped me there and he said i don't believe there is a god and in that moment i was confronted because i had experienced god and i couldn't prove to him there is no god and then there is a god and he couldn't prove to me there is no god and we ended up having hours of conversation together and we realized that finally we must said you know what maybe we should do this maybe we should for the first time in our life maybe we should look for the truth not for god let's look for the truth and we are like okay so this is what i did if you are up there show yourself to us this is the only one time opportunity if i'm gonna look for you for the truth of who you are and if i come to a conclusion and later on i die and go to hell and they told me that's the wrong god it's your fault right isn't it logical i was like i'm gonna have this search period of time and you better show yourself so we called our christian friend and um so now imagine he he took us to alpha course you want to come to alpha course now no they give food oh yeah i'll be coming so for two and a half years this poor guy is just like trying to talk about jesus and we're like you're tired of this jesus now we call him and and masada we said well we've been to mosque always let's go to the christian church so i'll call our friend and say hey mo do you go to church this week and he goes yeah why he was eating something i said well can we come he goes what what you want to come where so so we went to church it was it was it was we went to church and it's he took us to the balcony no to the crowd there was a balcony up there nobody was there and when you see him he will show himself to you and when we went up there there was this banner hanging on the wall and not knowing that masuda and we read that together and i came to myself i realized my student is crying and in the banner on the wall said joy comes by knowing god and we knew wow we are in this path of knowing him and the moment we made that decision we were excited about that something good we are excited we didn't know why are we excited so we ended up going to this church and we were reading the bible one night i woke up and i saw my sisters crying he was reading the bible because i would go early to work so i would go to bed early and speak asleep there and but i woke up and he was in the bed and he had the lamp stand on and and he's reading and he's crying so i thought was like i've never seen him cry before oh muslim men don't cry it's they're so proud and have a pride to cry cries for girls so i saw him crying and i was like ooh i turned back so i pretended i didn't see you i didn't want to break his pride you know it was my mentality so anyways when later on i realized that he's reading matthew chapter 5 and matthew chapter 6 that all of a sudden jesus is talking about the father here and he's and he started experiencing this um love that god is not the stand actually he's a father and imagine as a muslim all my life 17 times a day i confess that god does not have a son and he's not a father and all of a sudden we're confronted with this jesus who is the son of god so how can you handle that so in our journey it was a long journey for us so one day i came home and we read the bible and i came home one day after a few months of that decision and many things many things happen i remember after one month um we were coming back from the church and my soul said have you noticed everything has changed only in one month that we have started reading the bible we have peace and everything and we could see those changes are happening in our life and so a few months later we got to end of january 2012 and um i got i got home around five o'clock and i just fast forward and masturt said well where are you in your readings and i said well i finished the book of john and i am in middle of book of acts and he said yeah i read the book of acts and should we read romans together maybe we should do that and we are like okay yeah so we sat down from five o'clock to 12 at midnight and we read together we would read a paragraph and he would say what he thinks and i would say what i think and we would just study the bible together we didn't know we were just studying the bible so from five to twelve in midnight i cannot explain to you the most it was the most powerful time that we had we have had up to that moment in our lives and and we read from romans chapter one and all the way to romans chapter eight three we were on the floor crying and i remember i said why are we crying myself i don't know i don't know like my soul oh i can't i can't so we were heat hut we are crying and we read it so it got to the point in the beginning we would read like one paragraph and talk and now we got to romans chapter seven and we are reading verse by verse and we are just it's so hot and he like excited talking about it and and not knowing the answer is the next verse and the next verse it gets to romans chapter seven it says what it says look at me i want to do good but i can't and i don't want to do the bad but i can't and masala yep [Applause] this is telling us the problem that we have that's it see i closed the book i said say even this book acknowledges that we cannot be good and we cannot stop doing the bad this is who we are and all of a sudden we are like okay wrapping up and closing the session like the session we had together and all of a sudden uh i look at the next verse toward the end of chapter seven and i said oh pray who can deliver me who can deliver us from what a wretched man that i am a praise god to jesus christ and we are like jesus christ he can deliver us from this situation the whole world is talking about the problems that we have but nobody brings the solution and here's the solution jesus christ so we got to chapter eight we are like okay so let's continue reading so three so now we are excited and um the moment we had that in that five hours of reading we three times we felt someone walked into the room we both turned toward one direction we couldn't see anyone but someone was standing there and then we fall on the ground cry and we don't know why are we crying and all of a sudden we have downloads of revelation and now oh jesus man praise god so we got to romans chapter eight and i remember massive was sitting we were reading almost we got to romans chapter eight and oh thank you i'm just sharing the stories this one session and the next three days is going to be teaching so yeah so we got to romans chapter 8 the same verse that i read earlier that i was praying at the time when i was going to come at suicide i remember masturt was reading and he just dropped the bible and he started weeping loud and i'm crying and he's like oh jesus is truly the son of god and i'm like how did you get to that conclusion he's like i don't know and i said masood you remember peter jesus told peter flesh and blood did not reveal this to you but my father in heaven i said yes i said i think father leaving that to you i must have said you know what is interesting we can all be the sons of god he knew us before the foundation of the world and he called us to be just like jesus i can be the son of god so um we were weeping and crying and i didn't go to work the next day i called in sick and i said i can't go to work i have to finish this book we woke up eight o'clock in the morning and we kept reading till 9 00 pm none stop nonstop we couldn't get like it's just like so much in there but we couldn't finish it of course and um then uh all of a sudden i said well you know what i have to finish this book and i have some christian's friend told me don't read the book of revelation there must be something there they don't want us to know i'm just gonna read the whole thing [Applause] so so in the next one week masood was praying for me so that i also come to that uh you know moment that you know what it wasn't hitting for me what does it mean the blood of jesus what does it mean so we got to the book of hebrews oh yeah oh yeah so masood would say well sisi rus ruslos that's your answer that's your answer and i was like what you are now christian are you trying to make me a christian he's like no no no no i mean like here has your answer so before this incident let me tell you this before this incident before that night we would go to cell groups prayer groups bible study groups and we would go to the prayer group and they would say okay so now we were in the prayer group with a pastor a couple of elder leaders and we and they said okay let's pray and we would fall on the ground and we cry loud no god make yourself real make this faster who are you and we cry and the christians like and now we are muslims and crying out and the next week the pastor went and said i need to confess we have forgotten our first love i've had two muslims coming crying god for god that i haven't had that for years okay we need to confess father and they were weeping and crying because because they saw it's not about going to church and doing things it's about knowing him and who you are so anyways one week live went on and i got to the to the to first john and when i got to that verse it hit me because for 10 years i went around and telling everybody that god is love and they told me you know what you're out of your mind i was like yeah probably you know it's not something that mind can comprehend so i got to this verse and all of a sudden i i saw the verse i saw the sentence that i would use to for god god is love i was like yes this book is explaining the god i experienced when i was 19. so we finished we got to the book of revelation and we are leading oh that's interesting dragon 7 oh yeah ahead ah scroll city and we read it we didn't understand a bit of it but i wanted to know if there's something there that christians don't want us to know so [Laughter] yeah don't read the book of revelation it's very scary i gotta go read it so i um so the it was february 2nd 2012 at 9 38 at night see i know the time that's the most important thing happened to our life so so we got to this master said okay we read we read the bible um so what should we do so in my mind i'm going through all these things and i said i was preparing myself to say masturbate i think um i think you know we read the quran and the bible i think we need to go and study some other religions in depth to make sure our search is complete so that became but my heart of course was touched with this and so i was about to say that and what came out it shook me to the core i did not want to say it when i wanted when i said it but when i said it i was convinced and because god listens to your heart not the mind that tries to hold you back so i said i said masood i think we believed in our heart we need just to confess with our mouth that jesus christ is lord [Applause] and of course my sweet god up yes and we gave our life to jesus that moment we sat down we prayed we gave our life to jesus and we knew that was just the beginning wow that was just the beginning of our walk with the reality of fugatis so here's the thing as a muslim when i became a christian i had the religion no thank you i don't want another religion i was looking for something real yeah i'm still looking for something real when we come and read this bible with amazing things that we are reading it's just the beginning it needs to become the reality in our lives as a muslim when i i came to jesus not because he said nice things because he is real yes he's just the most real person i have ever seen in my life we started reading the bible again massoud had this wrote at the end finished 9 38 or i don't know what time exactly um that day date for the first time he wrote at the end of his book for the first time the next day we gotta we send a message to our christian friends they didn't believe us they came to test us to make sure that we are christians oh boy so anyways we uh we went around listening to 100 preachers at the time one would say you need to rebuke the devil another says you know you don't need to rebuke the devil you just need to do this and once this unit i feel like going from here to here and there and it went on for a few months and all of a sudden we realized okay that's not working because because i'm confused you need to undo everything you learned someone else says you don't need to undo everything you learned so my sudan and i became from a muslim background and we all do garbage we've we carried for years and all of a sudden we realized you know what what if we leave our garbages and ca and the bags we are carrying good or bad everything that we know about god what if we leave it behind never visit it and trust god that he will reveal new things to us and you know what do you know this is we are still doing that yes okay we when god came okay i'm i'm going i'm going to teaching mood now so but i try to come back to some stories when um when god gives you this in some point you need to leave it if you grab hold to this one this becomes your god right if even what god gives you today it shouldn't become your god you need to decide to leave it behind this is called [Music] death every the word of god is a seed and in order for a seed to grow it needs to fall onto the ground and dies every word of god that gives you it shouldn't become god to you [Music] okay all right so when you hear from god and god speaks to you and all of a sudden you go oh man you jump up and down and we forget we shouldn't forget that this is him that is important i don't follow my suit because he gave me some good promises i live with him and i love him not because he gave me some promises but because i love her sometimes the promises of god becomes more important than god himself so if you want to grow you need to live what you already know even it's the truth you know for years and years people i noticed i started going to churches and i noticed people are 20 years later this verse says this and i'm thinking to myself okay wait a minute we are saying that this book is alive and that means every time i read this verse every single time it has to have something new for me otherwise this verse is dead to me today otherwise it's been 20 years and every time i read it right now with our group they say rose and massoud say two years later rosa and massoud or so i so said it has to come into a place of oh okay now i get it i have that revelation so when we started masuda what we did we went back to the bible we bought the bible in english for the first time i said i think we need to read in english i'm like what i've never read any book in english and then what i would do i so i had into end of my bible i had this paper and i would go the revelation or what does revelation mean so i will go to dictionary i write it down here for myself this is what revelation me and out of 10 words that is in english i didn't know nine sometimes nine and a half and i would write them and translate that in farsi and by the time i get to the next word i was like okay what was revelation oh okay okay so we started studying the bible in english didn't know how to uh didn't speak english at all and he started reading it in english and we were so excited we go to church and they're like how was your week and you're like oh man you know in john chapter 3 says this jesus is praying and we are talking about the revelation we receive and one day one of them said you know you guys need to bring some balance into your life you can't read the bible all the time i'm like what are you talking about this book changed my life i mean it has become my hope i didn't have any direction in my life now i know who i am i'm not there yet but i know who i am so i can be in the past to get me there so if i don't know where i'm going how can i get there i was at work and my ship my shipping coordinator called me and um so this is a couple of years ago and i was talking to him and he said okay rose hold on a second hey dude so he's talking to the driver through the truck where are you going and he goes i don't know it's like if you don't know where you're going how can you get there and the lord spoke to me right then and and said revelation is a light to your path the word of god shows you where to go yes the book of revelation is the light to your past too because it's the revelation of jesus christ we are going to spend a lot of time in the book of revelation but i want to wrap up the story so we can get to the meat you know and so so we started reading massoud after two months massoud is excited he doesn't care if he's speaking english incorrectly wrong words he doesn't care he goes around talking to everyone and within two months he was speaking fluently that's a miracle guys you know how can you learn a language from a bible and hopefully as pastor wins another king james we didn't read the king james we read the new king james we like everything new that's why we read the new king james it's a new day new heaven new earth new covenant everything about god is new [Laughter] so masala we went around and finally after two years you know we went around on the street praying for people people started getting healed i remember the first day uh i like it didn't happen immediately and we would go every day and pray for people for healing because we're like okay jesus said let's go so it took it took some times but until one day masuda and i we were uh together with this christian friend that we had met the first time and uh so we i went and i got to this boy the young boy and he had the cast on and i said hey do you have any you have a problem with your knees and he goes yeah i said well can i pray for you and he goes um so he looks a young beautiful lady asking for prayer you know so he goes oh okay you know so it was a young boy and then the friend it was a he left and he didn't really care about prayer and he went and stood there and like watching phone you know and so i sat on my knees and i put my hand and now imagine we are in a flea market i don't know you guys have a flea market we are in the flea market so we had indians and we had uh muslims and everyone so they all came around like what is she doing you know so i prayed for her and she's like no nothing i said well can you please let me know let me pray for you again and he goes yeah okay so i prayed for him he said well that's weird it got hot there and i'm like okay um can you walk he's like listen before i couldn't walk but i can try i said okay so he gave me those crutches and i'm getting her getting the crutches and he's like oh oh okay so he took this thing out oh okay so now the friend's like i don't want to know anything so i'm like he told me no actually i was like i didn't believe it when he said yeah he got here i didn't that was the first time i said are you sure he said yes i am sure i said listen don't be nice because i'm a nice girl here and beautiful said don't be nice if please tell me if you're he's like no i'm good so i got i was so excited i got masood masood i ran from asuna i was telling masood in our language what happened so i said this is what happened there is this woman here iranian and i didn't know and she turned to us and she said in farsi language she said really you're like oh yes and then i said well you have a back pain and she goes how did you know i said well it doesn't matter let me pray for you she goes okay so i said in jesus name be he should go what did you do [Applause] so now we had that happened and it was interesting because um we got off out of the flea market and we prayed for a woman with the crushes again so she she gave the crutch to husbands i don't need those you know african-american with a strong personality uh you know and she's like i don't need those i can walk now so she she walked and it was amazing so we would go outside and pray for 25 50 100 people a day and see healings happen like this and um i remember we got home one day after many months and uh and master looked at me and said rose it must be something bigger than healing yes we're like okay so we we get back to the book of romans and we started reading the book of romans we got to romans chapter 8 again and i remember i wrote in my journal a few years later i found it so when the spirit of life that raised jesus from the dead the dead body of jesus it starts coming to my body and it starts giving life to my body that means my body starts receiving life so death is the absence of life so that means christians shouldn't die yeah i was like that sounds blessed for me no so masturbatively continued reading so we started studying the bible um many hours as we could so i'm not saying this to um to say how we know because we don't know everything but i want to encourage you and just to be encouragement to you um that you know there's so much hidden in this book that we are here to discover this book master and i have read the bible up to 17 18 hours a day and we don't just read it we study the bible we go deep into it because there is so much more because the moment you come a couple of years ago three years ago we were going around speaking in some places and everybody wow wow wow and i remember i told my sweet message you know what there must be more and even today a couple of days ago we were talking together he says there must be more there must be more so we don't want to get stuck into what we already know and every time everything that god gives you it's exciting but you need to leave it behind so that you can grab new things so i'm not talking about materialism oh i've had a friend coming i don't want to lose my house and so i'm not talking about your house and car and i'm not talking about your possession i'm talking about what is inside of you and the revelation and the understanding of who god is the more masuda and i will read the bible the more we realize that christianity is about knowing god and in knowing him all of a sudden you find yourself in him so and when you find yourself in him you realize that jesus christ didn't come to make you a good person jesus christ came to raise you from the dead and bring you into the glory of god he came to give you life and immortality in your soul and spirit and in your body jesus came to show you who you really are are by by looking at him you see yourself and when you see him you will you know yourself the way he knows you is this is this is what this book is talking about john chapter 17 says that um jesus is praying to the father and he says like that um this is eternal life to know you the only true god and jesus christ whom you sent so now we are like okay that that doesn't mean for eternity you're gonna know him which you may but what it says is in knowing him you have eternal life when you know him the life of the gospel of god in the face of jesus christ is start flowing into your beings and you start experiencing this life even right now and this is what i'm going for this is what masuda and i are we are striving day and night is studying the bible going back and forth going deep because we want to know how can we live this thing yes that's right that's why we have this conference here and we're so excited because there's one thing to to know where you're starting there is one thing to know where you are going but there's another thing to get to go to the path that takes you there jesus says i am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the father except through me what is he saying he says first you come and realize that i am the way and through that you realize that okay i'm the truth and then you start having life and then you realize that i'm the father it starts with the way ends with the father the moment she's a way and then you have the truth then you start having life and all of a sudden you see the father and the moment you see the father you see you see yourself because you are from his dna you just look like him and then as you go through that path the metamorphosis starts happening you leave this shell behind and every thought that you have and every intention of your heart that you already think this is who god is you start leaving that aside and you come to a place that you don't judge yourself anymore you don't say this is who i am i'm not a morning person i'm this on that you come to a place that you realize that there is no judgment that you know against yourself because he is the righteous judge and now he can judge me and he judged me righteously and he what he says i am that is who i am and everything else is a lie all right so let's go to first john now i'm getting started so i'm not going to go too deep here um just want to have this session a little inspiration a little waking up you know um oh jesus what a god in the last eight years ma sudan i maybe we have talked almost every month could you even imagine when you were a muslim that that is the truth uh we have a friend he's studying in ravi zechariah's college and i was talking to his wife and she was saying one of the one of the famous islamic theologians so he was in a meeting with you know they have their debates basically uh their ministries that so one of those islamic uh famous islamic theologian uh answers the question to this a student who asked the question i don't know what was the question but this is what he says the bible and the gospel is too good to be true i think someone asked him why don't you believe and he said it's too good to be true what if it's too good and it's so true what if what if our journey of knowing god it brings us in a place of understanding his love and the moment you know his love you can trust and the moment you know let me tell you this paul writes to timothy and systemity my son the scriptures are written for admonishing and it's also to make you wise for salvation so we can't afford to take a look at the bible and say okay let me see what this book is saying what that what do i need to do and open up the book and see what to do this book is written to give you a wisdom because no one can tell you what to do because you are in the individual created in the image of god and you're in a place that okay you the he needs to guide you and lead you to show you the way to tell you where to go and what to do so the the scriptures gives you wisdom to live the way we're supposed to live but we can't afford to take a look at the scripture and see what it mean what it says this book let me go and do it rather than that we have we need to read the scriptures and understand and receive a wisdom and first corinthians chapter 2 tell us that the wisdom of god is in the crucifixion of jesus christ that's the wisdom that brings all the other wisdom to foolishness and this is how we know that he loves us that he gave his life for us so the wisdom of god is the love of god manifested on the cross so that means every time you read the scriptures then you need to find the love of god in there sometimes maybe we don't understand that the book of revelation is so scary and we get fearful but perfect love casts out fear amen so when you come to the book of revelation you need to receive the most loving god in those verses not the god that goes and kills and you don't see the love in there so now we come okay let's come to uh first john chapter 3. what time is it eleven ten okay do i have to twelve or should i finish earlier yeah i'm good okay all right first john chapter three verse one behold what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called children of god right what manner of love love is in this come is the moment you call yourself the son of god the child of god it's when that means you have experienced the love of the father right therefore the world does not know us because it did not know him all right do you see what manner of love we know him what manner of love we know him do you see in knowing him you receive the love and in receiving the love you get free from fear and once you're free from fear your and as in hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 says that he became flesh and blood to that by his death to destroy the one who had the power of death and delivered those who through the fear of death they were in bondage all of their lifetime so that means fear brings death love sets you from fear that's why you're free from death in knowing him you have life love and in knowing love you have life you're looking for eternal life it's in love it's in knowing him if you want to live this life you need to abide in his love if you want to abide in his love you need to come to know him intimately you have you raise your hand okay oh perfect i thought you had a question so so now um because the world doesn't know him so the world doesn't know there are the child of god because they haven't experienced his love because they don't know him but interestingly um let's go to verse verse 10 [Music] and says in this the children of god and the children of the devil are manifested whoever does not practice righteousness is not of god nor is he who does not love his brother all right so do you see if you love if you are born of god you practice righteousness and you love your brother so i'm not going to go deep here i want to show you something here amazing verse 11. for this is the message that you heard from the beginning that we should love one another but which beginning we are going to see which beginning which beginning is it the beginning i became a christian is it the beginning you became a christian is the beginning that jesus came it's the beginning that it's the beginning that god said that there'll be light which beginning he's talking about so it says for this uh verse 12 not as cain who was of the wicked one and murdered his brother and why did he murder him because his works were evil and his brother's righteous so all of a sudden he brings the story of the cain and abel what happened in the story of cain so eve comes and eve becomes pregnant and he calls his firstborn chain chain means i got him from god kingsbury i acquired of him cain is was like okay i forced myself to receive from god and then he becomes and his brother abel comes to the picture and they both bring the sacrifice chambering the sacrifice from the ground and abel brings the sacrifice of the sheep the flock and god accepts the sacrifice of the abel and king gets upset the first question is okay why did you bring sacrifice who told you to bring sacrifice so cain brings the sacrifice so cain is the first one that brings the sacrifice but here's the thing it says okay why do you think cain brought the sacrifice because he wanted to be accepted by god but he brought the sacrifice from the ground which ground the ground that the lord god had cursed by adam and god told adam if you break if by the sweat of your face you reap the ground and you you your dust and you're going back to dust so what did cain said he said okay i'm gonna do this so god can be pleased by me so i'm gonna do this so god can be pleased by me not knowing that is cursed you can never produce out of the sweat of your face actually you need to have the ground which has the sweat of the face of jesus the blood that dropped on the ground when he was going to go to get crucified so now jesus is on the way going to get crucified and his bl his sweat becomes blood falls into the ground the ground that got cursed many years ago and now so that you can actually receive the abundance of life from the ground not because you put your sweat in but because he put your sweat down so now he came kane says okay he murders his brother because his works were fica wicket that means okay he brought he did something to bring to god and accept it and what it can do cain brought a sacrifice but what did cain um why did cain bring a sacrifice sorry abel abel brought the sacrifice right after cain brought the sacrifice you know what because abel didn't bring a sacrifice for himself he knew he was accepted he knew he was righteous he brought a sacrifice to god interceding for his brother chain [Music] he is this the type of jesus jesus brought the sacrifice not for himself to be accepted he brought a sacrifice for the brethren the cain to to that we come to an understanding to receive the love and acceptance of the father not through the cursed works that we are doing but through the love of the father and understand that we are accepted yes yes that's right and right after that cain comes and he goes he's kills his brother and guess what happened he goes he goes and reads this if you go and read into genesis chapter four cain goes that because what i have done i am cursed i am cannot i cannot be in your presence god didn't say that he separated himself from god so in one of the sessions i'm going to talk to you about the blood of jesus and conscience we will go to the story most probably but here what i want to link this to here that cain brought cain that when sin entered the consciousness of man man thought god is an enemy but he came to reconcile the world to himself not to reconcile himself to the world if you think that god is your enemy it's your sin conscience that is telling you and judging you and condemning you as risen above god and makes itself god in the temple of god right this is when you become god the man of sin so so now the the works the works of cain were wicked so abel brought a sacrifice to so that cain can receive the love of the father so cain can see this so ken can see oh god accepted the sacrifice of abel oh so he can't accept me but he didn't see that [Music] he said well how come god accepted you and not me you know what i'm gonna kill you get rid of you that's the solution that man brings to the world if we can just kill someone then we can we can get free but the solution that jesus brings to the world is if i can just show you love you can set get free if i can give you life you are free [Music] so now look at that verse 13 do not marvel my brethren if the world hates you okay all of a sudden he brings a story of chain and then abel and he says cain okay everyone look at me cain hated his brother abel so don't say don't be surprised when the world hates you cain able world you yeah and says you know what the whole story is about two brother from the beginning this is the love that we have taught you know from the beginning which beginning the beginning in genesis chapter four when two brothers shows up and the story of love starts between the two brothers if you are the child of god you can love your brother because you know he is also your brother with the same father so now who is what is the world now we um do we have verses that says do not love the world and what is in it we have another verse verse that says god so loved the world god so loved cain that he sent abel but don't love cain and his own ways yes yes the story of the story of the bible is the story of two brothers one hated another and one loved another so now here says okay guys um look at verse three verse one in chapter three what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called children of god so chain was the children child of god as abel was a child of god but he did not know him that's why he didn't love him he didn't receive the love so now therefore the world does not know us because it did not know him so i'm getting a little deep here and probably this message was for the last session but i'm gonna but you guys are doing great so i'm gonna go a little deep here are you ready okay so verse 14 we know that we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren hold on jesus said if you believe me and my word you shall never taste death okay but he says all right we know that we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren i want to give a little meaning to this all right now we want to see it he he who does not love his brother abides in death okay whoever hates his brother is a murderer and you know that no murder has eternal life abiding in him all right so keep all those verses i'm going to come back to it verse 16 by this we know love because he laid down his soul the word life their soul he laid down his soul for us and we also ought to lay down our lives for our brethren he says okay if you're talking about love here and he says guys this is love that he laid down his life he was the able that interceded for his brother he was the able that who knew you who he was before god and every prayer that he did every offering he brought and everything he did not because he wanted to be accepted but because he wanted his brother to see that he's accepted by looking at him it says oh you want to love your brother do the same know who you are yes the moment you know who you are you are loving your brother because someone will come and look at you and says this is who god is this is what love is your life become a testimony a prophecy for someone else your life become a light for someone else if you want to love your brother you do something that jesus did he knew who he was yes now we go around trying to love one another and we don't even know what love is yes if i want to love you i need to know who i am because the moment i know who i am then i know who you are and then we know we have the father right so now he says but this that he laid down his life for us we ought to lay down our lives for our brother so i'm going to get a little deep here okay so he's not thinking about life he says the moment you love you have passed from death to life all right but when you abide in love you have eternal life so you know what happens okay i'm in love i have life now i'm walking around but i'm walking through death you come out of the death love walks you through death life walks you through death eternal life is not something that you will wake up one day you realize your body is changed immortal and then you realize oh my gosh i'm in eternity i can live eternal life is in the sun and the sun is inside of you and the moment you have that eternal life inside of you you start walking in life and let me tell you life has the power to kill if you walk in eternal life you experience death but what kind of death you're experiencing when you get to your brother right when you get to your brother what happens is he calls you to the field as cain did and then he gets up and he kills you and you say okay if you want to love your brother you die to yourself if you want to love your brother you don't get offended at your brother if you love your brother it's when your brother rises against you you embrace him in love and you say i have eternal life you can have eternal life i am loved by the father you can be loved by the father so if jesus is disabled he came here and then he went around doing good healing all preaching the gospel and all of a sudden people raise up against him jesus said all of you are going to leave me and all left and some of us think that john didn't john was there when they crucified jesus do you know why john was there because his family was the high priest the high priest told him to go he didn't go because jesus he was from the family of the high priest that's why he had boldness to go because he knew they're not gonna catch him because he was from the high priest family and people knew that and nobody could catch him but everyone else forsook him so now jesus is on the cross and no one is there i think this is amazing three and a half years feeding them they left their job and followed jesus jesus was feeding not only 12 people but thousands of people every day and now when was the time and he said you all are going to leave me but i'm not alone the father is with me he's loving the brother he knew who he was he stood in who he really was so now so it says okay now look at verse 14 again we know that we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren it's when you are even you are abiding in love you are abiding in life and that life is taking you through death it's not like jumping over death escaping death into our life it's like coming to a place of realizing that it is not me who live anymore but christ in me it comes to a place of every time that we look at one another we don't see the flesh we don't see that we can the love of god compels us to know if one died all died it's a place that knowing that who i am so i can know who my brother is is the place that when my brother rise up to kill me i say you know what if you kill me i have eternal life i'm gonna raise from the dead in three days eternal life starts from today when you have uh when you live in life you live yes sometimes we think oh i'm not gonna die well you're not gonna love your brother if you don't die eternal life means you're gonna die what are you dying to to solve that nothing is going to be important anymore except my brother when i'm going to the parking lot i don't pray for the spot i give my spot to my brother oh father thank you you're going to find us a parking spot thank you oh there's a car go go go and you go park make sure that they don't get it right i've done that i've done that honestly but all of a sudden one day i realized like oh probably jesus would give his parking spot brother go so jesus says that if you pick up your soul if you want to save your soul you lose it but if you pick up your cross and follow me when you pick up the cross where do you go jesus let me give you good news jesus is leading you to death [Music] you know for so many years we have learned to fix adam adam is not fixable adam needs to die you are not fixable you need to die to suffer on the cross when jesus christ came he didn't die for you he died as you he died as you and if he died as you he was resurrected as you his resurrection is you and his death is you so now if you are picking up your cross where are you going to the cross that's why in the book of revelation we see 144 thousands from all tribes and and peoples are following the lamb where are you going going to die i'm not coming right some people like you are crazy that's the wisdom of god that's the wisdom of god um quickly can i say 144 000 is 12 multiplied by 12 multiply 1 000. 12 is the 12 tribes of israel and 12 is the number of perfection of heaven and earth together the city the tribe the people of god one thousand years one thousand is one thousand years which is one day which is the reigning with the lord so 144 000 is the completion of people who are following the lamb to have to rain where are they rain what are they raining over they reigning over their life they are following the land they're reigning over their thoughts adam the mind that the world gave them the nature that adam gave them they are overcoming their nature by deciding to leave that behind and following the lamb of god to the deaf right this is 144 000 so now here you following jesus to the death because if you want to save your soul you're going to lose it but if you follow me first i'm going to kill you and get rid of what couldn't have what couldn't let you to grow into the fullness of the son of god if you follow me we are going to put to death what's holding you back so that you can be manifested as the true son of god and you know what you're gonna you're gonna love your brother when jesus pick up his cross he didn't one day says okay i'm gonna pick up my cross everyone i'm going to uh calvary he didn't do that people killed him cain if you want to follow him to cross you can't crucify yourself your brother needs to crucify you your brother needs to crucify you and the moment he does you say father forgive him for he doesn't know what he is doing and the same people who crucified jesus later on met him and became christian and following him to the same path and now the story continues up into today so you can pick up the cross and follow jesus if you don't have cane around you well thank god for cain we can finally die what's a death i love it this is called eternal life if you want to live life you need to go through death and then you live so you live you die and you live yes all right so let's continue so and then i'm going to wrap up so verse 17. uh you know what let's go okay i'm gonna read because we want us to read the contracts here verse 17 but whoever has the world's goods and sees his brother in need and shuts up his heart from him how does the love of god abide in him what was the need that your brother had what was the need that cain had lack of identity lack of the knowing of who god is lack of love my little brother uh children were saying now my little children let us not love in word or in tongue but indeed and in truth what is the truth jesus the apostle paul writes to the church of galatians and he says oh you foolish one who has bewitched you that you do not obey the truth in front of whose eyes jesus christ was portrayed as crucified if you want to love your brother is portraying of crucifixion of jesus in your life is showing your brother that you are on the cross basically now i want to get to this because i want to um talk about verse 20 but let's read verse 19. and by this we know that we are of the truth and we shall assure our hearts before him so do you see when you are in the truth and you are in the love your heart is in assurance but what is the assurance verse 20 for if our heart condemns us god is greater than our heart and knows all things okay let's wait here every word is important in this book every single word i'm happy that i've started reading it in english because when i was reading i had no idea what does every word mean and i had to go find out so that's why it's important every word is important it says guys if your heart condemns you and the word condemns means knows something against you but in the context it's talking about cain if your heart knows something against you towards your brother okay but notice that um god is greater than our heart okay hold on a second it says when the moment your heart starts condemning you that means your heart becomes a judge and that means your heart becomes god to you because it tells you what to do and condemns you or whatever but it says notice that god is greater than your heart it says okay it's going to be time that your heart starts towards your brother but in that moment you realize your heart is not your god and your heart could deceive you but god is greater than your heart and and knows all think god knows all things not your heart it says if your heart knows something against you or against your brother you only just need to know that god knows all things that means your heart doesn't know all things right okay so we love it if our heart does not condemn us we have confidence toward god and whatever we ask we receive from him because we keep his commandment and do things that are pleasing in his sight the commandment was love and things that are pleasing in his sight is love your brother according to this the context it says this it says okay guys if your heart doesn't condemn you and whatever you ask god it will be given to you but there are times that your heart condemns you but if you realize in that moment that god is greater than your heart even when your heart condemns you even that moment you can receive whatever you asked let me repeat it again if your heart condemns you you don't receive things because your heart doesn't let you your conscience doesn't qualify you to receive what you're asking but it says the moment you are in the love you come to a place that your heart starts condemning you and then you don't see yourself qualified loved to receive this thing from god or anything and then but in that moment you realize that your heart is nothing and if that moment you realize that god is greater then you can still receive everything even your heart is condemning you we have limited god to our beliefs yes if you don't believe you in the moment that you don't believe you can just say he believes we have become so self-conscious and we think like oh i need do i have faith do i have do i need okay okay and before we know we are just looking at ourselves and self-conscious and we don't receive anything because it's all about us and not him it says okay in that moment that you're concerned about your faith there's a verse in first timothy that paul is writing it says even when you are faithless he is faithful that means in a moment that your heart is condemning you you don't have faith you are in weakness guess what he is not limited to that if you just know that he's greater and we were actually yesterday we were sharing i want to share with you guys now today uh the verse before that it says if you deny him he will deny you and oh man how could they condemn people don't deny jesus just because he's gonna deny you no he says if you deny him he will deny you that means you just denied him so if you deny him he will deny that you denied him if you deny him he will deny the fact that you denied him basically he says you know what i love you you just denied me i'm gonna deny that do you deny me and he says if you're faithless he is faithful because he cannot deny himself [Applause] oh guys this is good oh man this is so good what a god wow okay look at verse 7 chapter 4 verse 17. ah so good okay 417 love has been perfected among us in this that we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is so are we in this world god love has been perfected so first of all you see there is a perfection that is happening so the perfection of all of us as sons of god is the perfection of love in us if we are being perfected to a perfect man that means love becomes perfect in us and the love okay here's the thing love doesn't get perfected between god and me together let me put you let me say this god oh god god this is not the perfect love so when i have someone else here can i have someone can you yeah thank you we want to have the perfect love here all right what's your name jessica jessica okay jessica here has amazing relationship with god okay so she's like receiving everything and then i'm here and then i have this amazing relationship with god but this love is not perfect there's this god here gives love here gives love here but this cycle is not perfect unless jessica receives the love and give it to me and i receive the love and give it to him so the love of god came to me and it will not be perfected unless it's passed to someone else and then he is going and this cycle of love becomes perfect all right thank you that's why the love and relationship with jesus is very personal but we are not the individual beings you're a body together one another this love it won't be perfect if we don't show love to one another if i don't receive the love of god from you i haven't received the perfect love right so now the interesting part is in the context when it's talking about the condemning your heart is toward your brother because love needs to be perfected in you when you find yourself in a place that your heart starts um knowing something against yourself towards your brother that's when the cycle of perfection is about to be break broken so that's why you realize that oh no god is greater he knows all things so that this perfect love can go into the cycle and that this cycle of love keeps going the life starts producing out of it so we cannot live eternal life if love is not moving or perfecting in us so now here says we may have boldness in the day of judgment with judgment we just read it in chapter 3 verse 20 20. the judgment of your heart what did we read in verse 20 if your heart condemns you that means your heart is the judge it says if love is perfected in you you have boldness in the day of judgment which day the day that your heart is rising up to judge you but love is perfected in you and then you know god is greater so you don't go under the judgment of your heart you keep yourself under the judgment of the love of the father and then says you have boldness you know the word boldness it's used for boldness of a speak the one who is bold to speak this boldness so in the day of judgment that your heart starts condemning you things then you have boldness to speak what then you have boldness to speak what the true judge spoke about you yeah because as he is so are we in this world wow come on this is so as he is we are in this world because we have come to this love experience with the father that brings us into a place of realizing this is who he is and this is who i am you know in genesis god goes around and he speaks to things you know he says let the earth bring forth trees that the water brings forth um living creatures that the trees bring forth fruit he speaks to creation to bring forth something when it comes to creating man he turns to himself and he commands himself to bring forth something that is just like him he says let us make man in our own image he speaks to himself to be fruitful and multiply and produce something that is just like himself that's why when love is perfected as he is so are you this is so good you can't find these things in religion let me tell you that oh my goodness okay let's read a couple of next couple of verses verse 18 there is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear because fear involves torment but he who fears has not been made perfect in love we love him because he first loved us okay so here's the thing it says god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life so everything that god does it's because of love and let me tell you this love doesn't make sense god doesn't make sense at the love of god according to the mind of adam according to the the fleshly natural nature love doesn't make sense but interestingly is god so loved the world so everything that god is doing it's not for himself it's for us because he loves us it's out of that love and and the reason is he knows who he is jesus didn't come to prove anything to himself actually that's the voice of the devil if you are the son of god let me tell you can i given jesus is going to this wilderness and he just heard the voice and the father says this is my beloved son in whom i will please jesus is going around father this is rose's translation but i picture things you know so all of a sudden a thought comes to him if you're the son of god why don't you prove it turn the stones to breath right the first thing if you're the son of god why don't you do this you know let me give you an day-to-day example so it can make sense to us i'm gonna go pray for this person i believe jesus heals all right in jesus name be healed all right check no i didn't get healed probably i didn't have faith right that happens all the time probably but you know what it says [Applause] this thing you didn't see it got healed and then it spoke to you telling you who you are this thing just told you you don't have faith but who you are is what he says that's right this person gets healed or not doesn't define if i am who i am i believe because i am the son of god i believe because son lives inside of me i believe because this is who i am i don't try to believe anything i believe yes if you are the son of god do something and when we do something and that doesn't happen and then we say well maybe something's wrong maybe you know what i should i should do this this didn't work yeah you're right and then we go around trying to prove who we are in genesis god said bbb to nature and everything be and for years and years we are trying to be and god here says be the son of god you are as i am and we want to go around try to be the son of god so people get imported everything around us becomes important and tries to define our identity not knowing what he says about us this is who we are my experiences tells me things my thoughts are my heart starts speaking my so and so and so and so talks to me and all of a sudden before i know i am the product of my environment that's why i wanted to come in suicide when i was 19. because things started giving me identity but now we come to a place and realize now as he is so r v all right so let's get out and pray let this just if you want to get up and i just want to pray for all of us so we wrap up it's 12 and i don't want to stay longer yes jesus what a god huh oh thank god this shout for jesus jesus thank you jesus yes what a god we are who you say we are we refuse to look at ourselves and judge ourselves our mind and heart has no place to speak to us who we really are because what you say because you know all things and we don't and you know us who we are before the foundation of the world and we thank you lord that you you you speak to yourself and you commanded us to come out of you so that we can be just like you even on earth and father i pray for all of us here in this room and everyone who's going to listen to the videos or audios later on i pray that the spirit of revelation will come upon us and rest into our heart and i thank you father that you're stretching our heart and understanding so we can comprehend the scriptures and we can understand the truth of the gospel of the lord jesus christ father i thank you that you're breaking down hammering down the walls that are around our minds and hearts those identities that we have built for ourselves from people and from time from countries and locations and experiences of life to bring them down glory we thank you for the word of truth that truth has the power to break down to break down what needs to be broken and we thank you lord for the death that we can experience in you the death that brings the freedom the death that we can experience the love of the lord jesus christ and father wow we thank you father just put your hand on your heart and put one of your hand on your head and i say in this conference i am ready to hear my heart is open my mind is open i have a narrow-minded mind oh father thank you for your truth thank you repeat after me thank you for your truth i am ready to be changed i want to be changed i will be changed you are greater than my my weakness you are you are greater than my strength i thank you father that you open up my heart and stretch out my understanding i can understand the truth deeper and i thank you for the spirit that empowers me to walk the reality of life in jesus name
Channel: Perfected By Blood
Views: 165,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2020 christian testimony, 2021 christian testimony video, 2020 christian testimony video, christian testimony 2020, how i encountered jesus, christian testimony videos, muslim to christian, christian testimonies, christian testimony 2021, christian testimonies 2021, 2021 christian testimony, jesus testimony 2021, muslim converts to christianity, testimony of jesus 2021, christian testimony video, exmuslim, ex muslim, ex muslims, leaving islam, christian testimony
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 43sec (6703 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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