Jesus is Coming Soon! (The 3 comings of Jesus that most Christians don't know about)

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[Music] so i've got uh there uh three things that i'm going to talk about this is uh the this is about our ministry okay so it's called perfected by blood wow so it's well people ask like perfected by blood i'm like yeah the perfection is through the blood of jesus christ that cleanses your conscience and cries out mercy which is about my book which i'll talk to you shortly so now this is about our ministry a couple of visions we have for iran and you know the visions that we have so please grab one of those so um you want to grab more grab more and would like to give it to someone else please do and so this is uh in the last six months masood and i we have been working 12 hours a day both of us seven days a week producing teaching materials and and the reason is you know these three days conferences are really good it gets you started but it's not the end you're gonna get deeper and uh masuda navi notice the online course it's a great place that you are at your own time in when you are at home you can just pick you know watch a video go through the bible go through the verses and start like going deeper so that's why we we had this vision is interesting because the moment we read the bible as a muslim we like you like one week christian and we are like we are going to have a bible college one day and the interesting part is three months later we went to this conference and um so we are sitting this guy is speaking and he started calling out people to prophesy over them so this is my this is our first time in a christian conference we went slowly we sat down in the back of the church we don't know what's going on and this guy giving prophecy and we're like how does he know these things so anyways he goes i hear the name rose and i see two birds are flying together so i go whoa whoa whoa oh that's not me so i was like oh he's like okay do we have anyone named rose and so i'm not getting up this guy's gonna bring all of my sins up so this is what i thought so anyways my suit says come on get up get up so i was sitting toward the left of this guy at the end there and all of a sudden he said i think the rule i think rose is sitting in my left side toward the end i couldn't hide anymore so everyone turned back to me and i got out so he said um uh he said does uh does two birds mean anything to you and i'm like no thank you and i was about to sit down and then he goes and then he goes are you married i'm like oh boy yeah he says what your husband's here i was like okay masood god and he said are you guys love birds and i go yeah but not in the public you know so now he was prophesying over people like as they were standing there he says i can see you can you come up here and i was like oh my god now i gotta go in front of like a couple of hundred people and so we went there and he started prophesying over us and he didn't know your iranian he didn't know we are from iran he told about our my past he told us that we have just become a christian and he told us that the lord is using you to shake the nation of iran through online teachings so that's why when you open up this brochure here which is about our online courses and the first thing that you see it's a beautiful map of iran right and every and we just put this declaration here that every investment that you do through your own education it goes right into the education of iranian christian people because we will use that to bring material it's the underground church they can't afford to pay for teachings but i have to provide for them that's why when you invest in your education in christ you are helping us to have conferences in turkey or different places that the iranians are there you are helping us to have tv programs for iranians online courses and so that we can reach out to iranians we have had so many testimonies only from our youtube channel with iranians earlier massoud talked about this uh iranian guy from australia and so he sent a mess he left a comment in our one of our videos and he said well i'm a muslim and um so i went through um all the teachings i went to the church they all are saying this and i don't know what happened that i come across your teachings in youtube and and i didn't know there is this much depth in the stories in the bible and i can see that this and the truth is here and and then he says i have a lot of problem and pray for us and in the next couple of days actually i have uh do you have the do you have a comment there i can translate uh so because i don't wanna because i wanna translate exactly what he said and and i wanna say that uh iranians are hungry for the truth of the gospel and and he after a few days all of a sudden he started leaving comments seven eight comments a day and then he said i don't know what happened to me but i am in a different world and all my problems are gone and all of a sudden the lord started speaking to me and he said this is called the first love that you are so filled with this awe of who jesus is thank you this is you are so overwhelmed with his truth and reality that you are all of a sudden cut up into a different realm and all of before this was really important and now it's not anymore because something bigger is there so anyway see i'm i try to um i try to bring the correct translation as i do because he wrote it in farsi language he said um i came from um i'm a muslim but i went through all the um some some um basically branches of islam it's more motivational they brought christianity into it and they preach what most of the stuff that the bible says but they don't preach in the name of jesus so it's very twisted so anyways he goes i go there and they tell us that we always have to have an elder so that we can follow in all the ways of our latified my thirst thirst and so now i am in the age of uh 40 years old and the grace of god has brought has put my hand into your hands i never thought christianity be this much deep and perfect and filled with blessing i always thought it's the stories of the old people that's why i never showed um excitement for for christ [Applause] and oh that satan stole my ears but now i can see all the truth it's come here he's a muslim [Applause] i am so thirsty for these teachings that you are talking about that i feel i was born for these words oh man i so and now night and day my life is listening to you to the point that i am in a different world and i don't know but all my pains and problems is gone in a moment i praise the spirit of god that has um i praise the spirit of god that is speaking to me through your mouth so later on he sent the message she said can you guys baptize me over the phone [Laughter] so anyways so we are uh we love iran and we want iran to be saved and our message is not for christians only the gospel is for everyone we have christian we have muslims coming to our bible study and we don't change our message because they are there if the if you put me in front of a muslim congregation and what i preached this morning i would preach to them because it is about the truth and we all need to know him so now what we did because we wanted to have our courses affordable for everyone we put all of them right now we have seven different courses and um and we put all of them in a membership uh program and so we have three different types of membership and it's you know you can which one it fits you you can get there and what we do only for you guys in the for the next couple of weeks we will give you the first month for only one dollar right so it's it that's why and you can cancel at any time just in case you're like okay that's not for me or anything but um one of the one of the major courses that we have we call it unavailable unavailable we have people coming to us all the time how do you read the bible i was like okay if you read the way i read you get the same revelations that i get and what's what what we did we got together eight years of bible study and how masuda and i be reading the bible to introduce how you can change your perspective how you can have keys to unlock every scriptures and how to study through the bible study methods that every scripture become unavailable right so this is this course only is 25 hours of teaching it gets you you know there's one thing that i give you food there's another thing that i teach you how to cook for yourself right so unavailable is that course if you wanna uh study on your own and go deep that's the that's the course that you want to have and it is available in our online platform um that that we have so so again everything goes to education for iran so now here um uh i have this book i write um it's interesting i it took me a year to write this book one day i woke up and as i was like i want to have a nap and um so as i was waking up i felt this wave is coming from my back it just like and i was hearing these voices but i couldn't say i couldn't understand what this is saying and these waves when it went right through me and i heard it clearly right about my mercy and it was like a wave that he went and i'm like mercy okay so i started writing it and it was just it was amazing it just this book is not a story book it's just a revelation on the mercy of god and i remember the lord i designed the cover myself i saw this picture when i was i was like okay laura i need a cover for my book and i saw this and i couldn't explain to anyone about this cover i had to learn photoshop myself so i can design it i can do all things through christ so i i learned photoshop and i and i designed the cover because the mercy of god comes to you like a flood you know we are grown up in the world and they have taught us this you make the mistake you learn from it and live with the consequences of it if that was the case with christ he would have never come to wash your sin away because you made the sin live with it right that is called the mercy of god then when we we we you know we are jude jude writes and says look unto the mercy of our lord jesus christ unto eternal life do you want to know how to live the eternal life you need to know the mercy because you are going to miss it you are i'm sorry to say that but you are moving forward and you are growing in the realm physical realm your spirit is perfect but not soul not this realm of the body that we are living and what happened is you might miss it but guess what if you don't know the mercy you're gonna get stuck in that mistake that you did forever and you never receive the mercy of god to raise you up and say that get up i can empower you the woman came to jesus and says son of david almost all the healings of the new testament happened almost not all when jesus people came and said son of david have mercy on me and uh jesus said to woman no you know and uh and for now mercy lord the disciples came lord ah lord she's bothering us you know shouting after us can you just send her away and i love the i love the movie the gospel of matthew jesus is so happy on that gospel so i i had exactly the same picture that the gospel of matthew shows in that movie just like amazing so jesus says and now he's laughing in the movie it's not in the book but but anyways what if she said she said son of david have mercy on me why because she understood that the mercy of god is not limited for time it has it's forever all the lord is good and his mercy endures forever if you want to walk this thing out you need to know that you might miss it but the mercy comes to grab your hand and says okay get up shake yourself you can do it try again we were just talking with dan and kathy um about them about the mercy of god and then asked the amazing question and so what about like people say that okay so god is merciful but he's just too so my question is um what is the definition of just for you okay god is merciful but he's just then he comes and he said well you did the sin now you're gonna go to hell is that is that the meaning of just so masood was just talking about the judgment of god the judgment of god is just because he doesn't judge you according to what you did who god doesn't judge you according to what you did he judges you according to who you are and what you are is the lord jesus christ he is your head and you are his body so he judges you according to the gospel according to jesus christ so mercy of god is the judgment of god so um yeah i have some book there for you guys and if you want to grab it if you want to buy one give it as a gift for someone please do um i have this brother from san diego are you the one from san diego oh okay do we have anyone from san diego no okay but you're not from san diego okay but i want to give this book to you as a gift there you go you were you i i saw your picture when i was praying so all right okay so um [Applause] all right so uh let's get started actually uh and go um go to the book of revelation can we just start with the book of revelation or are you tired are you ready for the book of revelation [Applause] all right okay good maybe i can just jump in there [Music] chapter one the most important chapter chapter one verse one okay because you know because we don't understand the book of revelation we don't expect the coming of jesus today right now in our lives because we misunderstood so many scriptures we think jesus came and then he goes guys i'm gonna go and i'll come back 2000 years later jesus is coming and in 2000 years we lived orphan jesus says i will not leave you as orphan i will come to you well if jesus hasn't come after that you've been orphaned but hebrews chapter 8 says this spirit of son we have received that cries out abba father so jesus came and came and came and because we don't understand some verses oh what about hebrews chapter 9 that says he's coming the second time yes but we are going to see today actually that we have three comings of jesus are you ready for it all right let's look at um revelation chapter one and uh we wanna see verse 8. i am the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end so hello who is the end so the doctrine that says the end is going to be destruction they don't preach jesus christ jesus says i am at the end are you looking for end time jesus goes to lazarus tomb and and he says i don't know why i'm talking about this jesus goes to lazar's tomb and he says martha your brother will rise again right so martha says i know lord you know martha was a little offended if you would have been here my brother would have not died mary was so offended that she didn't even show up and he when jesus came marta had to go and say come on the lord is calling you she was so offended that when jesus showed up she didn't go to jesus why didn't he come when my brother was sick and finally the lord says go where is mary go get married and martha goes says the lord is calling you and then she runs so anyways jesus says to martha your brother will rise again and and martha says i know lord that my brother will rise in the resurrection in the last day and jesus says all right listen i am the resurrection i am well basically what is he saying he says i am the last day jesus came and started preaching and he says the time is fulfilled repent that means change your change your mind that you've been waiting and we are salvating 2 000 years later so the time is fulfilled the kingdom of god is at hand repent what are we repenting waiting we are waiting and jesus is repent it's fulfilled so now jesus says marta i am the resurrection i am the life he who believes in me even though he dies he will be raised to life right that's resurrection if you believe in me and die you will be raised to life but then he goes on and he explains what life is if you read the true translation if you live by believing in me you shall never die if you live by believing in me and then says martha in new king james says do you believe this but actually when you look at the original language it jesus jesus doesn't ask that jesus commands that he says martha believe this it's not a question do you believe this no he says believe this if you live by believing in me you shall never die believe this all right and paul comes and writes and says okay let me tell you a mystery we shall not all die okay hold on a second while martha said my brother will rise again in the last day so the resurrection of the dead it has never been a mystery [Music] pharisees believe that but they believe the same thing that martha believed there is a day of resurrection that's why their name is far far you see they were seeing the resurrection for if you think the day of resurrection is not now and in one day in the future you are a pharisee you're a pharisee because pharisees believed that and there was sad you sees because they didn't believe in resurrection that's why they but that's why they were sad you see sad you see them all the time because they didn't believe today is the resurrection so that was a joke but but here's the this is this is what this is what happens when english is your second language and you have no idea what every word means so you read you get to the word pharisee you go far you see and then you realize ah they saw the resurrection far and the holy spirit gives you revelation all right so now jesus comes and says basically he says i am the last day i am the last day are you looking for a last day in in romans chapter 9 says that um it was committed for man to die once and after this it's judgment but christ [Music] it was it was appointed for man die once and after this judgment but christ that one man who was supposed to die it was the lord jesus christ mankind was never supposed to die when we are in genesis god told adam do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil the day you eat of it you shall surely die that means god doesn't didn't want them to die or bruise maybe that's a spiritual death but if it was jesus would have never raised anyone from the dead so now he and the day you eat of it and all of a sudden you go hold on a second adam leave 930 years old so he didn't obviously die in the day yeah because one day is 1000 years with the lord and adam died within one thousand years and now you come to the book of revelation and you see some people are reigning for one thousand years with christ so that they can complete that one day of reigning and enter from the sixth day of god into the seventh day of god man was created in the sixth day to enter into the seventh day right so now here's the thing so and then he says he he he he appeared once for sin in in hebrews chapter nine he appeared once for sin but he shall appear a second time apart from sin for salvation so first of all he says a second time that doesn't mean one two and done he brings the word second time to differentiate the coming from the first time yes this that time that when he comes it's not going to be for your sin because your sin is dealt on the cross is going to be convincing you for the salvation of soul so so now the second time is not about the number of times it's about the type of comic so here jesus says i am the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end now here's the thing um says the lord who is who was and who is to come so i'm gonna write woohoo well it's been 25 years since i used these things all right um so he says the one who is first is and then he says ooh was is to what okay so if he's talking about coming what is he talking about here if he say he is to come he's talking about he was coming he is coming he is too calm [Music] all right okay let's get this he says i am he who is who was and who is to come eternal yes right but he is that's right but he is referring to come so basically he didn't he didn't repeat himself he says i was the one who came i was the one who's coming today and i am the one who is going to come tomorrow so we have come three comings so everybody's fighting about the second coming is that we have three comics three different types of coming of jesus and let me tell you after this conference you many of you you are going to have an encounter with jesus because you understand that he's coming now he well yeah all right so now let's get deeper all right so let's move on so jesus is talking here um verse 10. so now john is speaking here he says i was in the spirit on the lord's day and i heard behind me a voice as of a trumpet saying i am the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end what you see write in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in asia to ephesus so verse 12 then i turned to see the voice [Music] right i turned to see the voice and then i saw one standing and having having turned i saw seven golden lampstand the church he hears the voice behind him so we'll get there deeper tomorrow about the temple but he hears the voice behind him and he turns to see the voice and he sees the church so where did the voice come from [Music] and in the midst verse 13 and in the midst of the seven lampstand one like the son of man clothed with the garments down to the feet and girded about the chest with the golden band you know what is he saying he was in the midst of the lampstand in the midst of the church do you think he came that's why he's in the midst of the lampstand he's in the midst of the lampstand what is he doing in the midst of the lampstand in the lamp stand in the old testament they pre the priest was supposed to take care of the lampstand make sure the lampstand has oil all the time and change the fix to to make sure it's burning all the time so now he says i turned and i saw someone like a son of man is standing in the midst of the landstand so what is he doing he's providing the oil of the spirit to the church he's providing the revelation the fire of god to the church so that they can be enlightened and kindled into the knowledge of who he is and give light to the holy place and the nations would come to their light so obviously revelation chapter 1 says he came that's why he is in the midst of the lamb's stand if you wanna um i gotta say this and please hear my heart if you want to hold on to your old dark train you will never experience a new thing let's let's let's listen to what the spirit says jesus is writing to seven churches you know when maastricht was talking this afternoon i was like like he talked he touched a lot of things and my heart was burning i was like whoa i need to breathe that's that's a lot listen master and i we we are in the same page we read and talk about bible all the time there is nothing that masoud says that i already know i already don't know but every time that he speaks i know that he's speaking through the spirit of the living god so i listen to him for fresh revelation and we do he he does the same thing do you think mastur doesn't know these things that i say but it's about the spirit of god every time that i open the bible and masood opens the bible it we choose to leave behind what we already know of the scripture if you hold on to yesterday's revelation it's like the manna that the israelite grabs and they want it for their fri tomorrow and it's spoiled god gave the manna that day but you shouldn't hold on to that revelation that you got yesterday for today he's got a new food for you right so so that's why let's see let's let's uh unveil the scriptures with a new understanding so that we can experience new things all right so so now let's um let's get to um let's get to verse 18. oh you know let's look at verse 17. uh john says you know when i saw him i fell dead before him and then he put his right hand on me and in his right hand was seven stars and then he told me verse 17. and when i saw him i fell at um as at his feet as dead but he laid his right hand on me saying to me do not be afraid i am the first and i am the last all right do not be afraid so he fell dead before him he put his right hand and he raised him from the dead he raised into this new person do not be afraid for i am the first and the last verse 18 i am he who lives and was dead and behold i am alive forevermore i am is so i am the one who lives right he just talks about three things here and then he says uh then again he says so i am the one who lives and who was a dead and i'm alive forevermore was dead and alive sorry if i have miss spelling english is my second language so i have a good excuse okay so do we see that jesus all of a sudden he says okay i am the one who is and who was and was to come and all of a sudden he says you know actually i am the one who lives and i but i was dead and i will come i am alive forever more so what is he saying he says okay now here's the three comings but the first thing is that you know that i am that's why he keeps bringing that is first because you are not here and you are not here jesus christ is the same yesterday today and tomorrow you are here that's you it's a little skinny but it's you so so what is he saying he says okay you know what in the is today in your life i come to you and i reveal to you about who i was when i came and i died on the cross so that you know your tomorrow is me which is life forevermore [Applause] what are we waiting for if you don't have the coming of jesus today how would you have him tomorrow yeah so the book of revelation is the revelation of jesus christ jesus christ was a mystery a hidden person in all the ages and if you think and i think we know him to the fullness we are mistaken this is he's the most amazing person we are discovering jesus christ was veiled the word of revelation is unveiling bringing into life that you can see he was this mystery hidden from our eyes because we looked upon moses and when moses went on the cross and came down the glory of his face was fading away so he put a veil on his face so that no one can see this glory that is fading away and now when we come to jesus all of a sudden we are still looking unto moses and that's why the veil is still it stays in our heart and what happens when you veil something it becomes dark that's why it says you need to unveil turn to the lord now for years and years the book of revelation it's nothing except the revelation of jesus christ i don't know where we get all the stuff from the book of revelation it's unveiling of who he is but guess what the moment he is revealed to you then all of a sudden you see yourself because now you're looking into this mirror that masu talked about so the book of revelation it's about the church to know who her husband is so that she can live this time of 1000 years as the overcomer and reigning with christ and bringing the nations to the light it reveals to you what what christ has done for you for you yesterday that you can live today and live forever amen it's about the overcoming of the church so we get to seven church seven letters to the seven churches in the book of revelation and in every letter to every church jesus has all these churches have something to overcome right do i do i need to show you all the verses if you go and read last verse of every letter jesus says if you overcome if you overcome and if you overcome right all right so let's go to the end of the book of revelation and see what happens when you overcome [Music] verse 7 chapter 21 verse 7 one chapter before the end he who overcomes shall inherit what all things seven churches if you overcome uh you're gonna inherit this if you overcome you're going to inherit that if you overcome you want to inherit that and by the time you get to the end of the book of revelation he says if you overcome you shall inherit all things yes it's not only this this this it's all of a sudden all things do you see it started with overcoming ends with the overcoming so the whole story of the book of revelation is about overcoming oh so what about the what about all those things that comes on the earth on people maybe we need to understand what we read we read in the spirit maybe the bulls of wrath that are pouring out on the earth which your enemy dwells maybe your body is the earth which has the enemies and now the bulls need to fall on those enemies so i don't know if we're gonna get to that in this weekend but uh but let's go back to chapter uh two again in the book of revelation i wanted to show you that the book of revelation is about overcoming and no wonder the church hasn't been overcoming because we turn this book to something else we are waiting that's why he says if you don't watch then you're gonna miss him i'm gonna come to you as a thief and for sometimes i was like okay lord what do you mean i come as a thief well thief comes to steal and kill and destroy and now you just related yourself to the thief and the lord says don't you read your bible i said yeah i said read that again i'm coming to you as a thief okay read it again i'm coming to you as a thief read it again all right i'm coming to you as a thief okay read it again i'm coming to you as a thief i was like okay okay lord i don't get it and and all of a sudden i my coming the way i come is like a thief not what i'm gonna do is like a thief that's why you gotta you if you don't watch you miss my comic it's gonna be like a thief to you you never realize when did he come and when did he left you never see him coming and you never see him left and honestly you're like something happened you know i don't know what happened well you just missed it because you were invading you are in this is and if you are not waiting for him to reveal to you what he did on the cross then you won't be waiting to have the manifestation of what is revealed to you so revelation when we are when we talk about revelation revelation is like do you guys have those apps for your bank you know and when money gets deposited to your account you get the notification uh one thousand dollar is in your bank account okay so that notification it's revelation revelation tells you what you already have in your account it's a notification to remind you what you already have but there is one thing to get notified by my uh notification that i get on my phone it's another thing to actually go to the bank and use that money that's the whole story first you need to know what you've got that's the job of the book of revelation so first it you need to know what who you are and what you already have you get excited listen if i just get a notification that i've got one million dollar in my bank account i jump up and down i am excited even though i haven't used a penny because but i know it's already in my account it might take me a couple of years it's not going to take that long but i'm going to pour all of it in iran you know teaching jesus christ but here's the thing i'm excited because i know it's already in my account so that's the job of the book of revelation the book of revelation it starts oh okay oh boy i'm going there i'm going towards something this is really good it starts with a scroll one two three four five six seven seals okay do i have time to go that direction what time is it i can see it from here all right we're gonna be here till morning i'm just kidding just kidding you know in our bible studies some we have had bible study until like very early like so guys you need to leave you know no please can we stay and they would stay till 5am we love it all right so um the book of revelation it starts with a scroll that is sealed with seven seals so i'm not sure what pastor will talk about the book of revelation i have no idea but if these things might be you might have already heard about it because this house is preaching the truth all right so you might have already heard about it but i want to encourage you to hear through the spirit again and again and again okay so so now let's go to revelation chapter five so i'm going to take sometimes talk about the scroll here that's a big subject here and i won't be able to cover all of it but i do my best to cover the important parts because it talks about the coming and shortly i'm gonna write it here this is seals this is trumpet and this is balls [Music] all right so i just wrote it down here so we all can just have the picture and see them i'll explain why i say that revelation chapter five are you guys okay falling asleep all right good good what's up oh okay giving up oh you know here's the thing so many things are like everything that we are seeing and saying and spirit is revealing is a spirit that's why sometimes your mind can't understand it and i get it but still today i come across almost like a what but here's the thing it's he has opened our understanding to understand and that is the first step to under to know that he wants us to understand that he gives us the ability to understand that he stretches our understanding so we can comprehend more of the truth so but if you're like okay oh my mind is going i i understand that but i would just say that it follow the spirit and let your spirit grab it and i promise you it will open up for you as you move on and the spirit is re starts revealing to you and if you want to join our courses here there is a course i it's in our membership it's called the revelation lab it's the introduction teaching about the book of revelation so you can just take that course uh take one one dollar a month and watch that course and cancel because i want you to watch it that one dollar gonna go to iran but what i want for us the most important thing is for you to hear the message and and understand it all right so chapter 5 says and i saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll written inside and on the back sealed with seven seals so a little um correction in the translation here i saw in the right hand sat on the throne a scroll oh i saw in the right hand sat on the throne a scroll basically what is sitting on the throne is the scroll right everyone's following so we're going to get a little deep all right so if i feel like you guys i'm gonna wait for you to catch up but it says okay so this scroll is sitting on the throne right yes now verse two then i saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice who is worthy to open the scroll and to lose its seals and no one in heaven or on the earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or to look at it so i wept huh okay wait a minute so i wept in the last chapter of the book of revelation it says god will wipe away every tears why because the scroll is open and now you are excited because you're gonna get to read inside hallelujah the reason this guy is crying because the scroll is closed yes yes we are going to see what is the scroll so verse 4 so i wept much because no one was found worthy to open and read the scroll or to look at it but one of the elders said to me do not weep behold the lion of the tribe of judah the root of david has overcome the word prevailed it's the same as word overcome that jesus talks to the churches he has overcome to open the scroll and to lose its seven seals and i looked and behold in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures and in the midst of the elders it stood a lamb as though it had been a slain have you seen a lamb standing and being a slain right and then he had seven eyes which are the seven spirits of god sorry having seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of god sent out to all the earth okay it says the only person who can open this scroll is the lamb of god so do you see that a scroll is not the lamb of god but where is the scroll on the throne who is weeping john why because the scroll is closed but this scroll is on the throne and the only person can open up this scroll is actually the lamb of god the crucifixion how is he going to do it he's going to do it by seven eyes and seven horns not seven horns seven horns they use horns for trumpets in the old testament one of the uses that they had they had for the horns it's not on the head he's not the beast [Music] he has the horn because he's about to blow the trumpet and he has seven eyes why because those eyes are opening up the seals for you so we are going to get that we are going to see that so now here's the thing let's let's see this before we move on there is a scroll that needs to open and be read right this one does it has to be opened and it has to be read and it has to be done what is written in this scroll why are you opening up the scroll because you want to read it so why are you reading it because the scroll is your inheritance and you want to know what you already got so that you can already go and have it let's go to hebrews chapter 10. keep your finger in revelation chapter 10 verse five well there's a therefore we have to go to see what's there for first four for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sin therefore when he came into the world he said everyone's there okay he came to the lord he said sacrifice an offering you did not desire but a body you prepared for me in burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin you had no pleasure then i said behold i have come in the volume of the book it is written of me to do your will o god it's okay you didn't you didn't you didn't want the sacrifice and offerings but a body that is prepared for me so i have come in this body to do your will oh god right keep that in mind let's go to chapter nine and let's look at verse 16. um you know what we can ah so good let's start let's uh look at the chapter 9 verse 4 14. how much more shall the blood of christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without a spot to god cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living god so do you see it says there is some stuff in your conscience that is called dead works those that were dead works needs to be cleansed by the blood of jesus masoot read in the previous session that in romans chapter 2 it said the gentiles the works of the law was written in their heart that's why they were those works were reckoning that law the works of the law not the law it was either in excusing them or judging them condemning them it says now the blood of jesus comes into your conscience to cleanse your conscience from a dead work that is com that is constantly condemning you why because he wants you to have an inheritance next verse to so that you can serve the living god and we're gonna see serving the living god is actually for you to receive what the living god wants you to receive look at verse 15 and for this reason he is the mediator of the new covenant by means of death for the redemption of the transgression under the first covenant that those who are called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance the word covenant here is the word testament we well actually what covenant is all it's a testament but sometimes translator put covenant there and sometimes the old testament do you know what the testament is the father writes a testament i'm going to give all of my position to this guy who's my son that is called testament right but you can't have the testament unless the father dies the the the in the parable of the uh um i don't know i don't like the name the god the the son who came i don't want to say the political son but he he came and he said father give the portion of my inheritance do you know what did he say he said to me you are dead he basically said you know give me my inheritance but the inheritance cannot be given to the son unless the father dies so the son goes you know what to me you're dead give me my portion of you he didn't ask for the full inheritance he said give me the portion of my inheritance and the father gave all the inheritance to him so now look at verse 16. so before for where there is a testament there must also of necessity be the death of the testator for a testament is in force after men are dead since it has no power at all while the testator lives the verse before that he says the blood of jesus christ as the offering and sacrifice so he can bring you into a place that you can inherit your testament what is he saying he says he was the father that he died so that you can have the testament [Music] hallelujah if he is not the father that died you can never have the testament there is no such thing as inheritance so he's the father that he's he he dies because it is necessary for the death of the father so that sons can receive the inheritance excuse me look at verse 18. therefore and look at verse 17 it says the testament has no power until the f the testator is alive that's why he had to die look at verse 18 18. therefore so everybody's reading all the way you guys are ready i know it's so good verse 18. therefore not even the first covenant or first testament was dedicated without blood for when moses has spoken every precept to all the people according to the law he took the blood of the calves and goats and with water and scarlet wool and hyssop and he sprinkled the sprinkled both the book itself and all the people saying this is the blood of the covenant which god has commanded you then likewise he sprinkled with um with blood both the tabernacle and all the vessel of the ministry and according to the law almost all things are purified with blood and without shedding of blood there is no remission okay let me just let me just get all these things together here he says okay there is a testament that needs to be a blood and this blood has to go on the book which is the testament and it has to go on the uh all the vessels of the ministry to purify that so that this testament can be inherited and then the next verse says all right you know what you didn't desire the offering and sacrifices the goats and bulls but you desire the body for me what is he saying it says in the volume of the book it is written about me i came in the body so he says the body that you gave me it's the book which actually is the exact same word as a scroll the the body that i came in is the scroll that needs to be cut and open and the blood comes on the vessels of the ministry on the testament itself so that the scroll can be open and you can read the inside and you can have the new body this body that is sealed you can it says it is written inside and out that means there was some stuff written inside some stuff written outside and whoever is reading the outside is weeping because oh my gosh but inside nobody can read that's why john is weeping so the mortality that god gave you is the closed scroll right oh wow jesus came because the children had flesh and blood he partook of the same so he became flesh and blood he became the closed scroll do you see the mystery of god do you see he made you mortal because he wanted to bring you into a place that only the love of god the crucifixion of jesus can crush through you and bring out your true inheritance the body of glory from inside of you the only person can open the scroll is the lamb who is the lamb okay but who is the lamb there you go the father so seals are opened with lamb the death of the father on the cross so do you see jesus says i'm coming oh i am and i was dead what is he doing here he says all right you know that is scroll that is sitting on the cro on this phone is you okay guys they cr the scroll was on the throne not god god has always been on the throne their story is to bring man into realization that you are one with him and you are where he is and it has been given to you before the foundation of the world you have always been on the throne because the throne of god is yours oh guys come on it is the scroll that is on the throne and and it's interesting it's not the opening scroll on the throne it's the close the scroll on the throne that means even if you are immortal you can still reign in life you can still sit in the place that you all your enemies are under your foot oh come on but we don't see everything under our feet but we see jesus but we see jesus who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor so that he can bring many sons into the glory of the father that's why in the book of revelation you see some people are following the lamb i'm going everywhere you're going because the lamb is leading you to the fountains of water yes because the lamb is leading you to inherit your inheritance so so he comes in the body of flesh and blood he was the spirit the life-giving spirit becomes a living soul mortal that's why he had to when he was a child the angel appeared and said okay ron they want to kill the kid but the moment the spirit of god came upon him and then no one could really kill him but he was still flesh and blood he was this scroll but it's still raining so what is the scroll your inheritance but what is your inheritance is what god promised to abraham and and and um and in acts chapter 13 um the apostle paul and come says okay i've got the glad tidings for you the promise that god gave to the fathers it has now fulfilled in the lord jesus christ because it is written that he was raised from the dead do you guys want to see it let's go see it acts chapter 13. you need to see this so that you don't think i'm making this up i want to see the promise is entering into the body of glory where all of your enemies is dealt with chapter 13 of acts page 971. acts 13 oh man this is good i don't know but this is good blessed your eyes that sea and your ears that here all right um look at verse um [Music] so please you get a chance please read from verse 16 paul is preaching the most awesome message oh it's so good um it's interesting because what paul is preaching in chapter 13 is in continuous preaching of stephen in chapter seven stephen finishes somewhere and paul's picks up and continues and paul was the one who consented to a stiffened death paul was standing when stephen was preaching and paul said kill him before he continues and years later he picks up where he finished and he continues preaching if you read it you realize that he finishes somewhere and paul here exactly pick up where he finished where paul didn't let him finish the rest this is so mad all right so look at verse 32 it says we declare to you glad tidings the promise which was made to the fathers right so i'm going to give you good news the promise which was gave to the fathers god has fulfilled this for us so there was a promise gave to abraham abraham went to fulfill the promise that's why he went to hagar so then there was this guy came and his name is ishmael and he this ishmael is started persecuting the son of the promised isaac when god gives you a promise you gotta wait for him to fulfill the promise if you want to do it yourself it's like going to an ish hey god and produce out of flesh so here says okay guys god has fulfilled this for us their children in that he has raised up jesus the promise that god gave to abraham the fathers it is fulfilled at the resurrection of jesus what does this mean tells us yes the resurrection of jesus is the fulfillment of the prophecy or this promise that god gave to abraham when god told abraham the land i will give you that you will inherit the land what was he talking about your body the body of the glory that when you when the promise of god is fulfilled in jesus at the resurrection jesus came flesh and blood he was a living soul came as the last adam then he went to this death and he became the second man and now he's not a living soul anymore he's the life-giving spirit he doesn't have mortality he's immortal he's not he doesn't have corruption he has incorruption so when he entered into the body that cannot go back to death it's the body that doesn't give receive the life from the soul but he received the love from the spirit that's when that's what god was talking about to abraham hallelujah abraham come out of your family i'll take you to a land milk and honey and paul comes and says oh this is fulfilling jesus christ so jews are waiting for a savior to come destroy all the enemies get a land and say guys this is our land come on and they miss the whole thing and now we are waiting for jesus christ to come and say guys come on i destroyed the enemies do you see we gotta read in the spirit paul says okay the promise was resurrection from the dead the body of glory the body that receives life from the spirit and not the soul the body that death has no power over it the body that you live forever and ever it will be a day that you will stand and you say behold i am alive forever more there is a day that you say what jesus said i was dead and now i am alive forevermore well when jesus died on the cross it was you well he didn't die for himself right there was a day that you can get up and say i am the alpha and the omega there was a volume of the book it was written about me so i came to do your will o god i am the one who was dead and who lives and we will be alive forevermore who jesus christ is is who you are if jesus says i am the alpha and the omega you are the alpha and the omega if jesus says i was dead so you were dead if jesus says i am alive forevermore you are alive forevermore i have my picture actually i go and i preach these things to myself nobody's around it's me in the mirror so now let's read uh verse 33 again god has fulfilled this for us their children in that he has raised up jesus right talking about resurrection as it is also written in the second psalm you are my son today i have begotten you and that he raised him from the dead so that's raised jesus up is talking about resurrection from the dead no more to return to corruption he has spoken thus i i will give you the shore mercies of david oh mercy get my book i'm not i'm not gonna have time to explain but therefore he also says in another psalm you will not allow your holy one to see corruption i want to go verse 36 for david after he had served his own generation by the will of god fell asleep was buried visited with his father and saw corruption but he whom god raised up saw no corruption therefore let it be known to you brethren that through this man this man who just got raised from the dead and saw no corruption through this man is preached to you the forgiveness of sin what is the wages of sin so why do we think if you sin and die you go to hell [Music] why do we think the wages of sin is hell oh the wages of sin is death that's why we preach to you the forgiveness the removal of sin and when sin is removed sin is not gonna get its wage yes yeah that's why you get something else the wages of sin is death not hell where did we get that from it's interesting sometimes i was like what we have we have lowered down the gospel to believe jesus and if you don't you're gonna go to hell and jesus never said that right please correct me password if i'm wrong i'm open to any any any correction that's why we preach to you the forgiveness or removal of sin through this man because when he died he took that sin with it yes right so now and look at verse 39 yes and by him everyone who believes is justified from or from all things that were justified is actually to be made righteous from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of moses so the avengers of sin is death we are preaching to you the removal of sin so that means you are no longer a sinner you are righteous and because you are righteous because of this one man so you're gonna get what the wages of righteousness is which is eternal life [Music] right yes and he who believes will receive this not heaven or if you don't believe in jesus all right we say if you believe in jesus your sins will be forgiven but jesus said go and tell the world and preach the good news that your sins are forgiven we go to people if you believe your sin are forgiven but actually we need to go and tell people what the heck you're doing your sins are forgiven why are you still living in sin it's like someone to be in a prison and we tell the guy if you ask jesus he's going to open the prison door for you no jesus open the prison door and you go to people and you tell them the door is open why are you still in the prison come out so this is what it says in through this man is preached to you that your sins are forgiven i was in i was in walmart when i was one-year christian and i saw this muslim woman covered and i said lord what do you want me to tell her i said lord i'm not going to tell her so the lord said go tell her your sins are forgiven i was like lord she doesn't believe in you i'm not gonna and i didn't i'm sorry i'm honest i can't go tell this muslim guy your sins are forgiven she goes oh praise god because of all the prayers i've got i didn't do it i went home and i got condemnation because i couldn't understand it until i realized that no this is the goodness of god that draws people to repentance this woman is trying hard to be forgiven she doesn't know she's already forgiven and why are you still living in sin in the darkness is still in prison come out jesus has already opened the door for you get out of the life that you are living open the light of gospel [Music] oh man okay so and paul goes on um all right so now what we talked here oh it's already oh what we talked here let's go back to revelation quickly and i'm gonna wrap it up i didn't say what i wanted to say though okay revelation chapter five oh okay um so we need to come in a place in our life that we are crying out and weeping and we say lord you are worthy to open the scroll you are the father who died and i can open up who i really am you can open up my identity so if we come back to the scroll here the scroll is on the throne but the scroll is closed the seals are opening up the scroll but the lamb is opening up so what are the seals if he's coming to you today on the closed scroll because he wants to open up that inheritance for you what is he going to do the first thing that he does he says i was he reveals to you the crucifixion the seals are about the crucifixion of jesus it's the revelation of what happened on the cross because the lamb is opening up that means it's the crucified christ jesus it's interesting because hebrews chapter 10 says let us come boldly to the throne of grace through a new and a living way by the blood of the lord jesus and the word in living there i don't have time to go and probably we go out there one in these three days but the word living is freshly chilled come to the throne by the freshly killed sacrifice that's why you see the lamb crucifixion of jesus is fresh it's now the symbol for christianity should have never been the empty cross the symbol for christianity is the empty tomb but he's a still on the cross oh jesus came down from the cross and he went let's take a look at the spirit the crucifixion of jesus is still something that you need today that's why it's fresh he remains on the cross until your scroll is open and in the bowls he's alive the resurrection is happening the symbol of christianity is the cross with jesus on it oh come on oh catholics and all this stuff i love it let's look for the truth forget about what who and what the verse says symbol of christianity is the emptiest stone of the tomb and not the empty cross i've got this here what is this there's a light there though but you can't really find it i have to go to a catholic store to find the cross with jesus on it come on guys the lamb of god is in you opening up the seals so that he open up the scroll so what happens when he opened up the scroll he is reading what is in the scroll using the trumpet he's re he's revealing to you what is written in that scroll in the body you have prepared for me i have come to do your will oh god he is revealing to you the will of god for you and jesus said i came to do the will of god and this is the will of my father that whoever sees me and believes in me shall have everlasting life and this as soon as you read this scroll and the the testament you're not going to well that's nice my dad gave me that house and this that and that and you know oh that's nice so what's for dinner and you forget about it you go get the inheritance right the house for example in the realm that we are living the house that your father gave to you is still in the name under the name of the father [Applause] all right guys that house in the natural realm is written on the testament it is in the name of the father the father says i've got this house write it down after i die give this house to to my son and now you're reading the inheritance the house is still under the name of the father it has to come under under your name that's why that's why jesus writes to one of the churches and says i will put my name on [Music] you that means everything i've got is under my name is gonna come on you because my name is on you and that happens when you read the scroll and he starts reading for you what is yours and who you are and in the bowls you say okay lord the promise that you gave to abraham the fulfill it in my life right before the balls happen the angel comes with the incense the prayer of the saints and then your heart starts opening up and then you realize and you cry out and you say this is who i am and this is what you made me for this is life life is mine immortality is mine god you come with your inner session with your prayer and he fulfills the promise in you he pulls out the wrath of god on the enemies that are in the land on earth so that you can inherit it this is the book of revelation about your inheritance it's about you first of all here then he comes to you as a lamb to open to the lamb and the moment you see the lamb then you realize that he's the lion the resurrected christ is the lion the crucified christ is the lamb he comes as a lamb to open the scroll he has seven or seven um eyes and seven uh horns to to open your eyes to see the cr this the crucifixion what is being sealed here is your eyes it's our eyes and paul is praying in ephesians says i pray that the eyes of your understanding be opened we need the seven spirits of the eyes of jesus like a fire to come and open up our eyes to so that we can start seeing and then he use the trumpet and read for you what is yours and then he shows up as a lamb to devour your enemies oh my goodness how can you be lemon lion at the same time this is amazing wow i don't know i'm just every time jesus reveals something to you it's it's towards your inheritance and the moment he opens your eyes and he empowers you he forces the wrath on your enemies so that you can have what was what is yours so you go to court and you say my father is dead i need my inheritance give me the proof here's here's the that here's the proof the lamb of god oh no you can't have it no i have it i want to have it you fight for it what is your fight believing so this is the story of the book of revelation it's the revelation of jesus christ and the moment jesus christ is revealed to you all of a sudden you realize once he was that close a scroll and then he overcame and he got the inheritance and now he has coming he comes to you and he says you know what let me just open up the scroll for you let me read it for you let me help you to have it so that you can overcome and live like you have always been you have always been on the throne [Music] but you don't know you don't know let me show you your place let me show you where you are where you are sitting to know who you are all right awesome thank you jesus wow what a god let's let's just wrap it up and just do a little prayer here are we okay here that was it too much that's just the beginning that's just the beginning now we need to go read their scroll seven trumpets oh wow now we need to understand that let's just pray if if you would stand up please with me i just want to read verse 9 and 10. you are worthy oh lord to take the scroll and to open its seals for you were slain and have redeemed us to god by your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation and have made us kings and priests to our god and we shall reign on earth word is the lamb who was a slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and his strength and honor and glory and blessing forever more we thank you lord jesus we thank you for who you are we thank you that your blood still speaks and your body is still is on the cross your body still is offered for us thank you that the crucifixion that you went through it's not an event in history 2 000 years ago it's a reality of who you are and what you have done for us even today father we thank you that's him you're opening our eyes and you show us that even when you made us the the living souls as mortals but we were still on the cross on the throne and still this is who we are and we thank you father that you're opening up our eyes to see and you opening up our ears to hear what the spirit says to the churches father we thank you we thank you lord thank you and i just pray for all of us as we go home tonight and that you visit us today that we are awake and we see you and we don't miss your coming that we know that you have always you have been coming many many many times you are in our midst even today right now revealing to us opening our eyes to see opening our heart to understand the hidden treasures of christ jesus our lord lord i thank you thank you father what a god what a god can we say we thank you father
Channel: Perfected By Blood
Views: 15,210
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Keywords: jesus is coming soon, jesus is coming sooner than you think, jesus is coming back, jesus is coming back soon, is jesus coming soon, is jesus coming back soon, jesus is coming back real soon, jesus is coming back again, jesus is coming back dream, when is jesus coming back date 2020, when is jesus coming again, when is jesus coming back, is jesus coming back, jesus is coming again, Jesus is coming dream, i had a dream jesus is coming soon, i had a dream jesus is coming
Id: Pvbs4mAwB5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 44sec (5984 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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