Evolution of the Tanks - Mitsi Studio

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[Music] throughout history men have designed armored vehicles to be used against their enemies on the battlefield while the first vehicles with the name tank have their Roots going back to the World War One the idea and the concept of the tank goes back all the way to the Middle Ages where carriages were converted to serve as breakthrough weapons water transport valuable Goods some of these carriages would be classed as Siege units instead of Tanks that's because of the elements that makes a tank a tank like its propulsion and Firepower were not yet sufficient in no States believe it or not a V12 twin turbo diesel engine generating 1500 horsepower was not a thing yet in the 1500s for example this Carriage would have had a combined horsepower supply of one sad times many different designs were transformed into weird looking shapes including a design from Leonardo da Vinci resembling more of a movable tp-10 than an actual tank with a dozen cannons covering all sides this was less of a tank more so a movie set piece for Pirates of the Caribbean more so an effective reloadable Cannon was also not yet invented but armies mostly using dismountable cannons to be used as artillery fast forward a few hundred years and messing around with horses and shitty wooden cars the first serious design of something resembling a tank came in the year 1915. a British army colonel named Ernest Swinton and William Henke championed the idea of an armored vehicle with conveyor belts like tracks over its Wheels a breakthrough Enemy Lines and Traverse difficult territory to keep the project secret from enemies production workers were reportedly told the vehicles they were building would be used to carry water on the battlefield so the shipment containers were labeled with the name tank I guess it is getting a bit obvious now where the name Tanki came from you're welcome the first tank prototype was getting the name Little Willy yeah so very well suited name that just shouts out Dear chaos destruction Little Willy was slow broke down easily and was banned in Crossing trenches which was a pretty fundamental issue in World War One by 1916 Little Willy was followed by big Willy which had similar issues nevertheless people saw its potential so further improvements were made on the design of the big Willy part one this resulted in the first successful large-scale tank maneuver during the war with 400 tanks capturing 8 000 German troops and more than 100 field guns with this successful win the story of the arms race had begun with Germany developing a new tank model to counter these threats the German a7b Sturm hansavagan yes indeed a better name than Little Willy emerged on the battlefield although the vehicle had a better performance record the Germans failed in getting a high production number that would make a significant difference on the battlefield a problem the Germans wouldn't really learn from all the way to the end of World War II Nick during World War One and after many weird tank designs followed with the Russian Tsar tank basically a giant reversed wheelchair which was almost impossible not to spot buying units also the enormous Wheels would have made it very difficult to shoot any of the guns on Targets in front of you you know that place where the enemy is 99 of the time the 1917 American bills track layer bester wasn't a beauty either a toppled over rowing boat where the turret was another weird faulty design the vehicle was only used for training Maneuvers and its Legacy was short-lived with the vehicle ending up being used to lead parades being covered by posters probably displaying the text how not to build your tank with the outbreak of World War II the most prominent producing Nations being the UK Russia Italy Japan Germany and the US joining later in the war all had very different approaches on their tank designs the Italian and Japanese tanks were among the worst of the bunch if you don't agree yes you can leave a comment down below and no we will of course not read it especially during the closing stages of the war Japanese and Italian under armored and undergun tanks stood no chance to the overwhelming numbers of Allied tanks the Germans did a better job engineering their tanks but as mentioned earlier in this video had problems over engineering their tanks and could not keep up with the mass production simpler tanks like the M4 Sherman and the Russian t-34 attack the tank producing capabilities of the US and the USSR proved that the second world war was a numbers game as long as you were the one capable of easily replacing your losses your win would be guaranteed match fixing to the max the US produced M4 Sherman tank was one of the most successful designs of World War II with many different variants being produced the tank was fast easy to drive easy to maintain and was easy to replace if the tank was destroyed although that last one probably did not come for the cruise a lot no shame wow yeah USSR designed the ultimate tank of the war the t-34 and later the t-3485 hit a staggering production total of more than 84 000 units which is a lot you can make your tank as fancy in design as you want if you encounter 84 000 enemy tanks you can probably Barber us all the way back to where you came from humiliation style this does not mean the Russians did not have their fair share of stupid designs one weird Russian invention the Antonov A40 was basically a set of wings with a strap-on tank to Pilot the whole thing in order to keep it flying it had to be stripped of all this ammunition so you ended up with a tank with no ammo great World War II had more weird tank designs with some being very successful and others being complete the British converted many tanks to be used for the D-Day Landings naming them hobart's funnies you had an amphibious Sherman DD swimming tank you had the crab shell used to slap mines into the air you had the crocodile Church up to flamcook the Germans out of the bunkers another Churchill variant had a 20 kilogram mortar attached to the turret again something unpleasant beyond the receiving end of the Germans also had their special tank designs with most of them being far more impractical mostly because of Hitler's over-the-top mindset an example of this was the development of the mouse tank a gigantic heavy tank weighing 188 tons and using 16 to 17 liters of fuel for just one kilometer luckily for the Germans they had plenty of fuel to go around by the end of the war that was a joke they did not and so the mouse tank never saw any action and were found mostly blown up by the Germans themselves if you think the maois was over the top say hi to this absolute monster the land Chrysler p1000 the latter basically a battleship but then on that another crazy drug trip in Hitler fantasy with basically no tactical or military value whatsoever the p1000 latter was designed to house Naval guns on a giant armored chassis the project was quickly terminated when they found out the p1000 latter would be too big of a Target to enemy air units which sounds also like a too big of an understatement to me during the last phases of the war the US introduced the Pershing tank and after the war the us further developed tanks the most numerous were the patent apps after which followed the Sheridan tank many other models and eventually the tank that is still in use today the M1 Abrams heavy tanks they have served in the Gulf War the war in Afghanistan the Iraq War the 2011 Egyptian revolution and multiple other theaters of war the Russians kept producing new tea variants including the t-54 and later the t-72 followed by the T90 which are doing great in Ukraine right now a tank that might perform better in Ukraine could be the t-40 nomata but for some reason the Russian government has not produced significant numbers of the T14 yet basically why would you want to send capable tanks to Ukraine anyway their tactic is to let their tanks be blown up so their flying coppolars become medicinal artillery to Pummel the enemy very clever maybe in the near future we will see how the German Leopard tanks will perform while their latest 2022 Panther tanks by the way interesting name for a new tank considering the Germans are always so itchy with everything relating to their past and yet they can now just copy paste the Nazi tank names straight from World War II like it's a Call of Duty game for now it looks like Ukraine will become more and more the world's largest testing ground for new weapon systems both for Russia and West it might tell us more if the role of the tank will remains significant in the future or will it become completely obsolete time will tell check out our new store for cool Mitzi merch or join our patreon community every month we publish new and exclusive content check out our patreon and become a member today foreign [Music]
Channel: Mitsi Studio
Views: 238,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tank, tanks, Evolution, Sherman, p1000, abrams, t-90, t-34, panther, leopard, Armata, challenger, plasticmodel, games, wehrmacht, history, worldwar, germany, ww2, ww1, military, soldiers, army, war, guns
Id: ZVSQp11XumI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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