How To Survive On Mars - Mitsi Studio

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everybody the year is 2032. the first manned spacecraft to Mars is already traveling for 260 days within a few moments it will slow down and start to descend towards the surface of the red planet how on Earth sorry Mars will our astronaut be able to survive the Hostile conditions on this planet with reduced speed the spacecraft is now slowly moving towards an unknown area marked for the landing only a few more meters and a subtle bump and oops Landing got spacecraft got Plan B to Z pretty much you are stranded on Mars bonjour hola had slickville common now what are you going to do don't feel too bad yet you just achieved the unthinkable you were the first person who made it alive to Mars and the first person who is now 110 million kilometers away from Meghan Markle sir not all bad news now get moving from the spacecraft and start to scan the area around you your first hours are marks are crucial you need to build a shelter quickly in order to protect yourself from multiple elements first Mars has a very different atmospheric density than Earth in the sense of almost none it has oxygen levels that are just a fraction because compared to Earth its atmosphere is 100 times thinner you would suffocate pretty much right away without any Oxygen supply radiation levels are very high you don't want to start your first Mars day with cancer that can be such a trip point the suit you are wearing protects you from a lot of things including pressuring the air within it to keep your organs in place which is very pleasant however besides your spacesuit you're still going to need more protection time to start building your space grip luckily NASA sent you a container with a shitload of stuff and an Ikea looking instruction manual after a few days a few bruised thumbs and lots of swearing you're done at least foremost close to the equator of Mars the temperature can get around 20 degrees centigrade that sounds quite comfy Until you realize that the night temperatures can drop to minus 100 degrees Centigrade he yikes good thing you brought some nuclear reactors with you for heating to go along with your hot cup of cocoa besides the nuclear reactors might also be a good idea to start constructing solar panels the efficiency of the panels will be much lower than those back on Earth due to the distance of the Sun however you will need a secondary energy source to supply your base for a longer period you've just built yourself a cozy little shelter and you've done some decorations a warm bed some other Furniture lots of books to read and above all a massive amount of porn too it also rate it's all getting a bit more complex from now on eventually besides porn we will need fresh oxygen good thing it is 2032 and some wonderful science guys developed a plasma reactor that splits Mars's atmospheric carbon dioxide into oxygen no joke this is already being researched and it's called a Moxie box cute name for a plasma reactor just saying after a good night rest and some early morning lunges in your bedroom filled with fresh oxygen it's time to start the next important task finding water very nice you bought a lot of supplies but obviously you're going to run out of those eventually so finding a water source will be key to long-term survival here one slightly annoying side note Mars does not have any water on the surface so some hard labor will be required to get to it that was the hard labor part now we can just sit and wait maybe enjoy a bit of the nice view right you are a Mars so or is it just Utah let's chat oh yeah it's Moss after a few hours of drilling and chilling the machine indicates you have struggled liquid water Eureka now the time has come to start working on the greenhouse with a water source close by we can start to grow plants and produce our own food the ultimate vegan drink too bad our guy favors KFC if you want your menu card to be slightly more interesting we can build ourselves a fish tank fill it up with water and put a few fishes in there we brought all the way from Earth after a few days of construction we have built our Greenhouse with fish tank let's start to connect our water source to the rest of our banks with a series of pipes we can pump the water to our greenhouse and our little Mars home nice to have a cup of tea every morning with your daily Mars newspaper after finishing the newspaper and your tea it's time to do a good old Interstellar number two you have produced a good big pile of shed by now so time has come to start fertilizing your Greenhouse after a long wait you see the first green leaf another job well done you are growing more and more plants by now and after another good night's sleep you get up and see that all your plants are dead uh confusion you've done everything right or have you is it a problem with the temperature or the soil or maybe it's the tiny detail that Mars has so much radiation that you would do a better job starting a greenhouse on top of the number four reactor at Chernobyl you know what maybe that's it too bad for the shiny glass Dome pretty useless it turns out if we want to have anything growing inside this thing we will probably need to add a shed load of grow lights that makes our Greenhouse look more like Bob Marley's backyard but then covered with 20 tons of dirt very romantic and those nice big windows in your cute little Mars house forget it you've received way too much radiation already so prepare for the ultimate bunker experience sorry fishes you a screw too I guess the whole going to Mars and what a good time that can be is becoming less Fun by the day now going outside for a walk occasionally might do you some good perhaps a bit of PT even until you start to feel dizzy and become a bit well not so well obviously a spacesuit is not going to protect you from the same radiation maybe if you wear a suit made from five tons of dirt but probably tricky to move around like that so you're basically safe in your newly renovated bunker you can make underground tunnels to your greenhouse and other parts of your base drones can be used to move and explore the areas around all the field work can still be done without too much interference but for the rest you have become pretty much a prisoner in your own base you can only watch outside by looking at camera screens even most prisoners on earth have at least one window in their cell to peek outside from time to time you are slowly but surely starting to feel the effects of long-term isolation you have had enough and decide to call home and complain every message you send back to Earth takes more than 20 minutes to get there it will take another 20 minutes for a response message to reach you so it's basically the same as the average Tinder conversation very spontaneous you call and say hey Earth long time of nothing hey Mars this sucks [Music] what sucks everything how sad if you can prepare your bags we will have a ride ready to pick you up in 260 days you already spent 260 days in a spacecraft on your way here fantasizing about Mars Only to have that fantasy ruined by enduring brutal conditions for months now you will have to survive another 260 days pretty much feeling like a depressed overaged lab rat in a container and your ride back home will take you another 260 days of waiting but somehow you are resilient as hell and manage to endure all the extremes Mars has thrown at you survived more than 520 days of space travel and are finally shooting back into Earth's atmosphere your eyes are still adjusting to the bright sunlight and with two feet on the ground your body instantly collapses due to gravity on top of that you have difficulty communicating without 20 minutes intervals the only thought you have at the moment is why you left Earth in the first place you have become pretty much the first alien from Mars to visit Earth welcome join our community on patreon every month we publish new and exclusive content check out our patreon and become a member today [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Mitsi Studio
Views: 192,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: astronaut, colonize mars, elon musk news, interstellar, landing on mars, life on mars, lifeonmars, mars, marsmission, nasa, solar system, space, spaceflight, spacemission
Id: u5_kAhT9_ZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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