Evolution of Final Scene in Spider-Man Games (2000 - 2021)

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punisher do you have any threes go fish so nice of you to join us for once spidey oh i'm sorry i was out saving the world reading you guys of cards that'd be pretty easy your spider sense won't save you here look who's talking daredevil you've been looking at my cards all night i don't need to look at your cards punisher your bluffs are so obvious okay okay let's keep this a nice friendly clean game who keeps inviting this guy hey will you guys keep it down hey loosen up kids i'm on fire [Music] wait hold on time out all of you guys were working together and you still couldn't take down spider-man it's not my fault doc ox plan was horrible everyone knows you can't control the symbiote hey wait so i'm a rhino you're a scorpion and he's an octopus what's a mysterio so rhino you got any threes oh hey hey i got a bingo ha ha you guys think you're so smart well i won ha who's your daddy doc ock victory is mine you're always laughing at me but who's crying now huh wait a minute i made a mistake now what's this all about oh i need a new agent [Music] full house aces over kings i win again [Music] i was never any good at poker oh so close so close if it weren't for spider-man i'd be a god now would you shut up no you know any other games all i know is is poker nah but maybe they know a few hey you guys know how to play goldfish mr osborne why surprised yes i suppose you would be but the best surprise is still to come tell harry i'm sorry i'm sorry too mary jane there's something i have to tell you i i know tiger you don't have to say [Music] yeah that's my life complicated looks like you're done now go outside and play i'm sorry i didn't tell you mj i wanted to i even tried a couple of times but i think a part of me always knew now you see why i can't be with you it wouldn't be fair to you i was selfish to ask you you should marry john peter come on in it's open expecting someone mj you're supposed to be getting married you i made a decision this involves both of us peter and you need to trust me to make my own choice i know who you are i know the life i'm choosing and i want to be with you that's the way it is deal go get em tiger [Music] mary jane the girl next door the girl i love and now the girl waiting for me at the end of the day fate handed me amazing powers and with those powers came a burden of responsibility somehow though having her with me makes that burden lighter still in the end it's mine to bear after all there's still only one spider-man you want to talk about it i wouldn't i wouldn't know where to begin you can just ramble i'm okay i love you i know it's just what eddie i mean he's out there and i don't know if i'm scared of him or for him [Music] but he's not here no i'm here [Music] [Music] daddy penny you saved her thanks spider-man i'm sorry i didn't want to fight you i swear it was just that venom well he said he'd kill her if i didn't help him i had no choice [Music] well she's safe now that's all that matters [Music] this should be a happy ending i beat the villain brought a family back together and got the girl but it's not that easy being spider-man always comes with a price and today that price was a steep one what keeps me going are uncle ben's words with great power comes great responsibility in the end people need heroes as tough as it gets some days i have to fight on maybe the best way to honor the people i love is to never stop being a friendly neighborhood spider-man no good today kid i did what had to be done and uncle sam appreciates it as a little token of our thanks you'll find all your school loans paid off i how did you know who i was to pay them please i have a multi-billion dollar spy agency at my disposal you think i can't follow a guy in red and blue pajamas through new york city oh yeah go home take your girl out to dinner enjoy yourself you earned it nick so those shards we collected they're dangerous and they're in good hands teleport sequence initiated mysterio was on to something i want the remaining meteors analyzed until we know what makes them tick and how we can use them right away colonel what should i name the project file considering the mess these things have made carnage call it project carnage affirmative project carnage initiated well darling i promised you this city and it's yours what do you desire we await your command sir i always believe that with great power came great responsibility and now i never knew what power was [Applause] the tinkerer says he's ready and our delivery boy here he comes are you in full control bring me spider-man dead or i'm alive with dad the walls of reality are rebuilding themselves and now you must all return to your own dimensions see you later older and less cool versions of me oh hey i'm from the future to me all you guys are ancient history good to know there is a future to carry on bye guys next time we should hang around longer you can start a bridge club or something come on misty i can drop you off at super villain daycare thank you spiderman you should be proud to know your legacy is being held across time and space yeah those guys were all right but you have to admit with four different spiderman one thing i know for sure [Music] i'm the best and so ends one of the most titanic team-ups of all time and what have we learned here today marvellites that no matter what corner of the cosmos you may find yourself in there'll always be a friendly neighborhood spider-man to save the day and to all of you web spinning wonders i proudly say excelsior [Music] it's it's all back to normal same here okay but if the timeline snap back to normal if none of it happened how do you and i remember i mean we've got two different sets of memories in our brains shouldn't that be making us i don't know crazy crazy we already dress in skin-tight costumes and fight bad guys for free okay crazy er you really want a five-hour lecture on temporal paradoxes sure why not as it turns out looks like i have all the time in the world [Music] towers and spread to the streets of the city come on whitney spider-man saves the world you can do it not gonna happen spider-man what's believed to be the cause of the outbreak is now being called a hero by city officials and the public yes you owe me i'll write you a check we've learned that spider-man not only fought the robots and crossed species holding the city under siege but also helped develop a cure for the outbreak hey what about me whitney what about you i bet you wind up in a secret underground layer of some other mad scientist by the end of the day and i'll have to save you oh is that what i am a damsel in distress i don't know but you're definitely distressing me another cheesy line to go in your collection going to such dangerous lengths is to break the infamous dr kirk connors out at the beloit mental facility in order to develop a cure i know conor's helped you but i'm still missing a father i know as officials monitor the situation and ensure that the infection is not spread i'm sorry i'm being told that i'm being told that dr smythe who was arrested earlier today for his involvement in this crisis has apparently escaped police custody a guy in a wheelchair ran away from the police i gotta do something tomorrow deal with it tomorrow what's the matter peter you look like you lost your last friend hey but i know for a fact you've still got at least one it's uncle ben i miss him so much i just feel lost without him he raised me i loved him and he died because he was looking for me i'm not sure how to live with that let me ask you something pilgrim your uncle ben he was one of the best people i ever knew everyone loved him he had an amazing life right so why do you want to make it all about how it ended what counts isn't how he died peter what matters is really the way he lived i i want you to make his life mean something i want you to be the man he raised you to be the man that he was so proud of when he saw what you were growing into he told you that all the time your uncle knew what a tough place the world could be he knew that it needs heroes and hey take it from me you are one of those heroes so what do you say are you gonna go out there and prove it i want you to do it for uncle ben and for me yeah yeah stan i will i miss uncle ben i'll always miss him but i don't have to replace him because he already gave me everything i needed now it's up to me to honor his memory by using what he gave me in a way that'll make him proud nuff said enough said [Music] so hi mary jane watson associate editor congrats thank you i knew you could do it what about you find a job yet oh no but uh i'll be right with you honey thank you i was actually considering maybe a career change hmm yeah i think i might want to become a chef i'm sorry no it's you're a scientist a good one yeah the last project i worked on i created a monster octopus that almost destroyed the city so yeah i mean you do make a hell of a chicken curry i do still working on my dumplings though going camping oh no my new place isn't gonna be ready for about a week so i'm gonna be crashing with miles for the next few nights oh you know you can always stay at my place only if you want to no i i mean i mean yes i mean no no i don't not want to but meaning i i do want to but only if you do i never stopped wanting to me neither [Music] man i still can't get over that suit so cool gotta be me yeah you do pete does this job ever get easier some of it yeah some things never get easier though roxanne did this uptown because they saw us as disposable me rick finn all of harlem i think part of our job is making sure they can't get away with it we'll add it to the spider-man oath [Music] go time go time [Music] wow so much for taking the subway down to the bugle guess i'll just have to fight my way through it oh
Channel: Geração Power Up
Views: 885,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0SoSoeSk6f0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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