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D jazy Jack seriously starting to freak out it's been hours hours go Brandon faster I really hope they're okay jazy Brandon I can't believe our kids are missing this is horrible all right guys if you guys are new to the channel we recently moved into this brand new house and little does anybody know we found a secret room my parents don't know about it and we just recently found out yeah we could put in like some cool like gaming stuff like a TV get some snacks it was a bookshelf but now wo w our parents are at a neighbor's house right now this is my grandson Jonathan a he's so cute oh the cookies we've been here a long time can we get out of here honey she's like 83 she needs company how long do these cookies take and hopefully we can get this secret room all decorated by the time they get back yeah I don't really think that this is going to be very secret like they're going to find it in the first like 10 seconds guys they won't even notice that we're even gone okay fine then let's make a deal if Mom and Dad find us within 10 minutes you guys get to keep the secret and do whatever you want with it but if they don't find us in 10 minutes then well I get the secret room all to myself you're on this is going to be easy uh Miss jws how much longer on those cookies they smell delicious oh maybe 5 minutes or an hour an hour sah we've been here forever well I guess I better call Jazzy and let her know that we're not going to be for an hour we could put in like this cool gaming setup story hold I'm going to bring guys guys sh Mom Mom's calling oh hold on hey Jazz yeah we over at Mrs jwes and it looks like we're going to be another hour okay bye person you called cannot be reach that was weird she just like hung up Mom's going to be home in an hour we need to get this WRA up fast go go go go Jack we can have like a sick gaming room theet guys guys we're not going to do a gaming room let's make it like a chill like nice environment chill nice environment we we hang no like a hangout room not a gaming room Jazzy Jazzy let me show you let me show you here we'll split it up for you come here split that tiny room all right so Jazzy you can have H that's a little generous this area yeah this is literally a standing space whatever we're just going to go grab our gaming stuff guys what am I supposed to do with just this little Spades like there's nothing like literally can't do anything hold on why does this why does this go back is that a tunnel what the it's a secret room inside of a secret room I can work with this my mom told me that she's going to be back in an hour 10 minutes ago which gives me 50 minutes so I better start decorating real fast AR you start grabbing small stuff I'm going to grab the TV we be going wait we need some lights let's go to my parents Prop Room and steal some lights here it's going to be here somewhere right here Perfect all right let's put this like right here we'll just put these over here what if we we make this our Batcave okay we only have 45 minutes oh no we have to hurry up we have to hurry this is going to be perfect dude I guess these are going to be our main colors it's going to be so aesthetic okay I'm going to try call Jazz again as a mom you always worry when you don't know where your kids are what they're up to or who they're with but just yesterday the neighborhood watch committee put out a notice about a creepy looking sales guy who is found snooping in someone's window this is why we're at Mrs juul's house we check up on her frequently and as a cute Widow in our neighborhood if there's a creeper around she might be the most vulnerable don't play that it's from the Titanic this piano's from the Titanic the real Titanic [ __ ] off hold on my mom's calling Chie pick up the phone I don't know what to say so I'm just not going to answer but probably we need to pick up the pce she's not answering it's weird should I call again should I take a nap we've been here forever okay this is perfect watch some blankets guys come here okay guys come here come here as you may have heard me and Jazzy made a bet that if my parents find us within 10 minutes me and Jack going to keep the secret room so I'm going to hide a few little Clues around the house to make sure they find us let's go we got some green we're going to take this B purple one also we're going to take some white some green I have some extra plants to make that little bit more St we'll drape this and it'll look so cool but we need to hurry really fast honestly who needs the boys my room is going to be way cooler all right I don't want J to think that I'm totally cheating so I'm just going to leave a clue of where we're generally at oh right here let's see it right here I'm sure that when Mom and Dad walk in the house they'll see this right away uh Mrs Jules can I get some water we have warm milk uh yeah I guess I guess that'll do warm milk we're going back to the 1920 shoe just milk all right guys so I'm going to get us be [Music] B I don't know what Jazz talking about the chill room I mean look at my shirt chill I honestly haven't even seen Jazzy for like 20 minutes this is going to be epic they think I'm going to decorate that tiny Corner no I'm going to find something even more secret there's no way our parents are going to find us I wonder what the boys are doing I can't believe they didn't even notice I was gone all right fun Squad we're plugging in all the stuff right now Jack's putting up the LEDs I have these pictures that are just falling off my mirrors so we can just takee these on the wall and we'll make a little collage this is taking forever I'm getting hungry how long does it take to make cookies but I've like texted Jazzy like three times and I've called her about 4 and she's not answering I'm going to call her one more time at all she always answers but if she doesn't answer this time I'm going to get like super nervous no I'm getting a ring again Jazzy Jazzy answer I don't know what to do she's calling me again I just got to wrap this up I need to go so so fast why wouldn't she pick up the call she always answers my call I don't know yeah this is so nervous it's taking forever should we get out of here we get out of here please all right we're going to put this next right above the dogs hey guys there's this that I can either make as a bench or a little snack table and I think I might do that all right this ban bag is going to go right here where Jazzy spot is cuz Jazzy hasn't done anything oh my gosh that looks so cute Jack how much time we have left we have about 20 minutes Ken we got three oh crap we need to hurry up just a reminder like I'm betting that Mom and Dad will not find us within 10 minutes and if they don't I get two secret rooms perfect view okay we need to cover up these cords what if we put chocolate over them chocolate ly there's a ton of random food in here we could probably live in here for like years we got the blanket carpet esque thing e now let's add in the snack table and then we'll just put some snacks and then we'll all be done it looks great to me all right kiden let's get like pillows and stuffed animals to put behind these LED lights so it looks it looks good back there um Mrs juls I'm so sorry but we might have to have cookies another day I I think there's something going on at home that's okay we better head out sorry that's all right exra T will'll be in 5 minutes okay go go bye Mrs Jules bye Mrs Jules okay I was thinking maybe putting another little bed in there where have you been this whole time yeah no we lit took guys guys mom's going to be home in 5 minutes all right seeing some flowers you can maybe use that's pretty solid there we go okay we should have put the next clue oh right here Works Kade where are you we're out of time uhoh I hope mom and dad follow the clues well so that we can win the bat we got to hurry she's coming in 5 minutes I forgot how my all right guys I'm setting up the security camera so we can always know where Mom and Dad are he where have you been uh don't worry about it I was just taking care of something where's jasse I saw her earlier but I have no idea where she is well she better hurry so here is the setup we need to just make this look pretty popcorn fruit plate flowers on the side and then we'll just make the chips look nice great we did it let's go show Jack and Kate they're going to be impressed those cookies smell delicious sir I really wanted to eat one but it's taking forever I know I just couldn't wait any longer like we have to make sure the kids are okay and I don't know why jaz's not answering but I'm starting to panic 90% of the time she always answers for me so why isn't she answering this time oh I don't know I I I I really hope they're okay it's is so weird guys I need to get this door closed I wonder where Jazzy is yeah hey guys what where did you come from where have you been I've been in my secret room what there's a secret room in the secret room you want to come see it sure dude this is sick this is my room wa this is sick I know pretty cool right wa I don't know if you can find the theme but it's pink purple green obviously you need to call on the walls like some people didn't do anyway you got the pillows the nice blanket set up where's your TV wait where's your Xbox where's your TV that's my point you don't need an Xbox a hang out Lounge not a one person sit down in the bean bag Lounge what there's multiple space everybody can sit down blankets down since it's a hangout I'm going to steal some these clearly they like my room all right you should come see our room cuz it's way better I'll be the judge of that this is so uncharacteristic of all three of them Co not cool they're like teenagers they're on their phone all the time they you think they would answer right away oh my gosh my mind is going crazy I'm just starting to freak out that the kids leted maybe that creepy sales guy all right Jazzy this is our our new our gaming room gaming room yeah lit oh we got our LED lights the Xbox the TV so as cool as mine here's oh my gosh those kids I'm telling you like if they don't answer their F hello ja Jazzy Jack did you hear that Mom and Dad are here okay we need to be super quiet yeah I got a little trick up my sleeve what's that King I set up security Camas all around the house so that we'd always know where Mom and Dad are what genius Jack Jack Jazzy K Jazzy are you guys hards jack Kayden hello are they up there look up there I'm seriously starting to freak out where would they be Jack Kade just watch guys we can see their every move and they're definitely going to find them there's no way how will they know that this bookshelf is a secret door I guess we'll see oh look they're going in the kitchen are you checking the kitchen Jack hello Jazzy kid my gosh it's going to work it's working no Jazzy was right I think Mom and Dad are not going to find us within 10 minutes yeah you never know we'll see where does Jack usually put his phone isn't it like I was going to say why are you looking in there the kids don't hide in the cupboards what the heck open me wait what's that is that a note hey what is that not Kade what is that I I don't know open meing not wait is that why you disappeared for like 20 minutes what what did you do I I did nothing Kade are you helping them what have little gave them a little hint of where we are PA you can't do that that's not fair Mom and Dad we found a secret room and you have 10 minutes to find our Hiding Place check the home of our furry friends to find your first clue no that is not fair that's cheating don't worry I didn't tell them directly where we are just kind of like the CH that is cheating that was not part of the beted well we didn't say no cheating so so there is cheating do you know have any secret rooms in this house what the heck there are no secret rooms in this house did they make one I mean we just moved in like is it possible that there's a secret room that we don't even know about okay but if they find us within 10 minutes then that does not count chill out they still have a chance that they can't find us you realize if Mom and Dad do find us they're not going to let you keep the room either way yeah I didn't think about that furry friends Furry Friends Furry Friends um free friends are the dogs are you looking around in here there anything underneath it oh that is really dirty um nope I don't see it under there oh my gosh oh that home on the window number one okay all right they found the next note yes this is ridiculous to find your next clue here's what you must do go to the part of the house where Kia sleeps quiet like a mouse that would be in Jackie and Kia's room well even if they find this room I'm going to go into my secret for and they're going to never find me we'll see about that gu we follow these Clues let's find out what's going on with these 50 well at least we know they're safe right that's good hope they're safe I mean the why are they entering our phone I was hoping these notes weren't from that creepy sales guy who keeps coming around I didn't warn the kids about him and now that I can't find them anywhere I'm super worried here we go holy cow how many dang stuffed animals do we have in this house oh oh yes they went into clea's room my Clues are totally working hold on no no no no no you only have 6 minutes do you think they're going to actually find everything in 6 minutes they've already found two out of the five so yeah now it's time to head to the main floor in the place where you keep your groceries from the store The Pantry here we go hurry hurry come on hurry oh clue where are you oh oh I found it you did clue number three okay I'm going to read it this time oh my gosh they're already halfway through they just got the third clue I hope this works hey 5 minutes left though clue number three kiss your wife and just kidding to find your final hint come down to the basement basement downstairs okay honestly at the one minute Mark I might just go in my room just in case they catch you guys which they aren't just by the way hey if you really believe that they're not going to find you then stay in this room yeah little woman jazy all right basement this is where I would think a secret room would be don't know don't like this I mean they're not answering their calls and now we're on some random scavenger head in the house was it a safe secret room they could build a secret room but is it even safe that's the question whoa mom and dad are really freaked out they're acting like we're actually lost I come below where they are it's been hours hours that I nobody's answering my calls you know they leave me these Clues but who knows who wrote those clues for real is it really the kids yeah hopefully this is really our kids uhy Jack hello they're right outside like right outside this room yeah right there a clue wait is that where you put the last clue you like told them where we are I knew you were cheating I just told them that we're near the suitcases okay clue number four all right they're like right there Jaz I think you know what time it is it's time for you to go into your fort I honestly should all right clue number four find us in the place that you store items such as a suitcase suitcase suitcas why do we put suitcases do we have a place in this house that we have suitcases the kids always put them away right are they at the airport come on we got to go to thep yeah there suitcase to the airport are they leaving why why they're like leaving the whole house what the whole house I specifically set up a note for every single place and it live them here what did the last note say it said we were right by the suitcases and now they're leaving the house why would they be leaving the house hey I guess I told you so wait Jesse how much time do we have left like 30 seconds what no but if they're leaving the house I guess they're not going to make it what could they possibly be doing okay let's go let's go talking about going to Australia you think they would be silly enough to Australia okay hurry hry get in get in okay let's get out airport go Brandon faster we could check our credit cards also oh that's a good idea oh my gosh there's a flight leaving to New Zealand in 1 hour you think they went to New Zealand I don't know did the kids take the credit card let's see um I don't even have my wallet where is it oh my gosh we might just have to start putting up mything posters like I don't like this at all okay well obviously I won the bet but they're not even in the house yeah they obviously think that we're like lost now what do we do oh my gosh Brandon I took the liberty of printing these signs them up because maybe somebody can help us yeah I think so but when did why did you have time to PR those off hello I'm a fantastic multitasker I have five kids we got to put some of these off go Brandon we have I'm hurrying I'm hurry him Brandon I can't believe our kids are missing this is horrible I know go let's put this one on the playground right here let's [Music] go right here yeah our kids are missing think I'm going to call Jazzy one more time okay yeah do that it's okay it's okay mom's calling what do I do should I ignore it no actually answer it and tell them that we're at a friend's house no but I don't want to lie want them to find out about our secret room whatever I'm answering it Jazzy hi Mom oh my gosh Jazzy you got hold we have been calling all day we're out here putting up missing signs we can't find you guys anywhere where are you are you okay yeah we're we're good we got your notes and we we took our the car and we went to the airport and the airport yes we couldn't find you there so M we're at the house mom what we're at the house at our house the house where where in the basement in the basement you sent them to the airport no I told them that we're by the suitcases by the suitcas the suit oh we thought the suitcase at the airport oh my goodness suitcases are in the St ah we're right next to it yes in the basement don't move we're coming right now we're coming okay bye this well thanks a lot Jazzy now they know our secret hiding spot me I didn't know what I was supposed to do we had to tell them where we were otherwise they would have been on a wild goose hunt well I guess there's one last hope maybe they'll be fine with us keeping these secret hideouts I doubt it suitcases suitcases we were literally right suitcases suitcases right in front of us okay I don't see them another Kaden we looked right here what's this go through like all these boxes wait this is where we found the the clue that was the clue yeah what is this thing it's kind of new new I don't think they'd be right there they'd be probably over here oh my gosh what what did you is this a secret room you guys found you what is this place what the did you build this this is our secret room is your secret room yeah so happy to see you guys you're safe okay then why do you guys go to the airport mom's idea I'm seriously so glad that you guys are okay but you know what guys I think you're grounded for for sure for sure you guys I missed out on my cookies too we were waiting forever and then we couldn't find you guys well we got that you guys were're going to find us literally we made a bet that if you guys didn't find us in 10 minutes and she gets to keep the secret for and you didn't so I get the secret how long have you guys been in here like an hour guys we put we put up like missing posters at we better take those down oh my gosh there missing posters all over town they have you guys faces on them guys where did you find this or did you build it pretty cool you guys seriously that's pretty lit we could like put our Christmas gifts in here yes love it guys guys listen we're going to take over this room no please don't ground us okay how about let's make a deal if we help you take down the missing posters then we get to keep this room that's a good deal a great idea you guys get to keep it yeah okay um how about this we'll let you keep the room if I'm allowed to come in here anytime I want and I can sleep in here as well sure I just wish this room wasn't for gaming I thought you'd say that follow me what what are you serious where they going what the heck oh my gosh Jaz this is amazing it is I love it oh it's so cute and beachy this is awesome this is way better than the boys oh I have an idea let's call Mrs jeel she was making cookies she'll bring over warm milk the cookies for us oh
Channel: Fun Squad Family
Views: 1,052,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fun squad family, twins go missing, secret room
Id: tp8xNjLb2EY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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