NO ONE WILL ADOPT One Twin Girl, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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foreign [Music] [Applause] how could you guys keep something like this for me how could you not tell me I'm adopted we didn't mean to hurt you we were gonna tell you when you were 18. when we thought you were ready you don't get to decide when I'm ready I have a whole twin sister that I have lived without for 16 years we didn't know anything about her when we adopted you your records were sealed we had no idea Serena existed yeah right you've got to believe us Serena's still waiting we can finish talking about this later it's really a pleasure to meet you Serena I'm Lorraine Summer's mother oh and um I'm Peter and uh I were Summer's parents adoptive parents it's nice to meet you well this must be a lot for you to take into Serena how did you find us um actually you're not gonna believe it you see I was walking through the plaza earlier and I saw you guys leaving the clothing store um I had to do a double take because well you know um I wanted to say something but I got nervous and when I finally did get the courage to speak you guys were already leaving [Music] so I followed you home I'm sorry I just had to meet my sister and I'm so sorry if that sounds a little stalkerish but I just couldn't miss the opportunity to see for myself and I'm so glad I did me too this is really overwhelming finding out I'm adopted and I have a twin sister all in less than 20 minutes wait wait you didn't know you were adopted nope my whole life's been a lie but that's a whole different story I wouldn't know more about you I'm sorry but we're supposed to go to a dinner party tonight can Serena just come with us you know it's invite only and so it's the the seats are limited you guys can continue to talk tomorrow after school I have work after school oh so you have a job that's impressive yeah how about coffee before school we can meet at the plaza where you sauce sounds good well I don't want to take up any more of your time I know you have somewhere to be put your number in sis thank you I know you're really excited about this we all are but we need to take this slow I mean we don't really know Serena and I feel really odd about the fact that she followed us home what are you talking about she's my blood more than I could say about you two I still can't believe you would hide the most important detail of my life from me summer we said that we would tell you thank you so my first question is do you know anything about our birth parents I tried for a long time to find them but no luck oh so that means you're adopted too how are your adoptive parents um I'd rather not talk about any of that right now crap I didn't realize what time it was I better get to school aren't you gonna be late for school too no I dropped out wait really why look enough about school let's just hang out we have so many years of catching up to do I don't know I've never cut school before my mom would kill me if she found out your mom seems really overprotective you're 16. basically an adult look I'll call the school pretend to be your mom tell them you're sick it'll be fine watch hello Lorraine Jarvis speaking I'm calling to tell you my daughter is sick today that was pretty good what the heck [Music] you too Claire bye bye now piece of cake I can't believe they bought it were you really that worried how have you survived all these years without me I don't know you're the yin to my yang oh I gotta have the stress no questions asked you gonna get yours they're both 150 dollars I can't afford this can you money's not a problem I have a job remember lucky if I put this on my mom's credit card she'd freak so I'll pass oh my gosh what are you doing when I said I had a job I didn't say what kind of job no Serena you can't do that it's not just a bad idea much trouble what's the big deal it's one day of school everyone I know has cut before if you had let us know you didn't want to go maybe we could have understood but instead you just lied how you guys are wanting to talk about lying watch it's summer no this is ridiculous it's not like I was at some party or something I was with my twin for trying to make up for lost time we get that we want you to but we want you to be smart about it you two are making bad choices and we don't like it today is cutting what's next stealing look from now on when you want to go see Serena one of us is coming with you are you kidding me no I'm not five I'm 16. I'm practically an adult all right listen we have to talk about this later but not till after your piano practice I'm not going to piano practice I'm going to see Serena excuse me since when do you tell us what you're gonna do what's the problem you guys literally do what you want you lied to me for 16 years that doesn't change the fact that you're our daughter am I though summer family doesn't require blood it requires love one day you're gonna see that we're sorry that we didn't tell you everything but that doesn't change the fact that we're family Serena is I don't know about you two anyways I gotta go she's waiting for me you can't just leave summer summer where are you going when are you coming back [Music] so you like New York it's my dream to live there someday crazy mine too we really are twins I'm trying to convince my parents to take me there for my birthday next month oh wait it'll be our birthdays maybe we can do a trip together wait why are you so dressed up remember I was telling you I have a surprise well we're going out I wish you would have told me I would have dressed better than this don't worry about that because no you stole this dress too you can say I'm a bit of a professional how else do you think I can afford all this stuff [Music] whoa you weren't lying Serena you really do have a twin only a twin but my new bestie summer meet my friends Asia and Leslie nice to meet you guys oh my God this is just like a movie this is like The Parent Trap but without the Zulu yeah celebrate we will at the party party yeah at UCLA I got us an invite to the Theta XI event now hurry up and go get ready right a college frat party I don't think I can go Serena Are you seriously worried about your parents again live a little you're hanging out with your sister oh okay girls it's time to turn up yes we need shots ASAP we'll go get them can if you want to but I don't think it's a good idea summer we're at a college party we don't drink people are gonna think we're weird because you guys it's drinks at they're coming see just one drink it's a double trouble to Double Trouble foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you two look a little young to be here let's see some ideas someone posted Bell you're free to go both of you really who don't ask questions let's just get out of here [Music] a college party have you lost your minds you're 16. don't blame her it was all me I made her go yeah about that look I'm sorry Serena but I don't want you hanging around summer anymore what you can't do that we just bailed you two out of jail I don't know what's going on with you you cut School you get caught drinking alcohol and now this summer this isn't you that's Serena it's okay your parents are right I wish I had someone to care about me the way they care about you maybe I would have turned out different don't you have like someone I know you tried to ask me earlier but the truth is I have no one you see for as long as I can remember I always wanted to be adopted I spent so much time in adoption centers only to see other kids get adopted but not me [Music] instead I went from foster home to foster home thank you and they didn't treat me that well [Music] I was more of a business opportunity to them than family I decided I don't want to be treated that way anymore so I ran away I never looked back I wasn't old enough to get a real job so I did what I had to do to survive I'm not proud of those decisions but it's all I knew at the time so you see I never had a family or even someone to love me until I met you clearly I ruined that sorry and you guys you guys don't have to worry about seeing me again no Serena please don't go you're my sister it's okay summer I've been by myself my whole life I can do it again [Music] I'm so sorry we didn't know [Music] what's up summer what are you doing here well my parents asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday and I told them I wanted to see you you're not celebrating alone are you no okay maybe I was do your parents know you're here I don't want to get you in any more trouble uh yes we do we wanted to bring you your birthday gifts gifts I really wasn't expecting that I thought you guys hated me we don't hate you after you explained everything we felt really bad for everything that you've been through we understand why you do what you do but we just want you to know you don't have to live like that anymore open your first gift that's gross we want to adopt you if you're okay with it we really want you to live with us oh my God are you serious after everything I've done I'm just convince them I didn't it was their idea really you guys are being so nice I know your Summer's adoptive parents but we're not even related you will be now because what I've come to realize is family doesn't require blood it only requires love and around here there's a whole lot of that so proud of you sweetie oh we are very loving but we're all so strict so I just want to warn you if you choose to live with us no cutting no drinking no going to parties No Stealing stealing oh um I just put that on the list you know just in case I can do that I'm just happy to have a family that loves me so what's in the second bag open it no no way does this mean we're going to New York for Christmas break you know what that means summer and Serena take New York wow well I guess that's true what they say about twins not only do they look alike but they share the same mind [Music] get in here my girls foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 6,873,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: O0uqxe0yyWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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