EVGA RTX 3070 XC3 Ultra vs RTX 3070 Founder Edition

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god i dislike him

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cerebrix πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Doubt even 1 of these cards are even in UK.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/theandroids πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This guy loves to hear himself talk.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YourMindIsNotYourOwn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
so today is the official launch day for the rtx 3070. you probably couldn't get your hands on it even if you tried but that's not going to stop us from talking about various models because it's still information that you need to know to buy one this october 31st isn't just halloween that's the last day you can ever buy this merch that you see right here the js2 cents and i digress stuff is gone forever forever so if you want this merch head to the link in description below you guys can find a link to go and get it that is 11 59 p.m october 31st california pacific time that anything that shares that time zone so if you wait if you snooze you lose you can't get it ever you might thank me later if you but no just go get it so as we like to do we like to talk about the custom flavors of graphics cards when they become available and even though they're not available we still talk about it because you need the information to know which card you're going to buy once you can finally go out and buy them i get a lot of people that are like why do you even talk about these cards when they're not available it's like well because by the if you do find one that's suddenly available don't you want to at least know what it is you're buying instead of just buying whichever one becomes available and you go oh man i got the dumb one they're not all created equal it's important to get your information on these cards so like i said first up is going to be the xc3 ultra from evga on the surface this is pretty identical to their 3080 and their 30 90 variant if you will the cooler on here is a direct carryover from the 3080 and that's worth talking about alone because cooling is extremely important when it comes to your graphics card because it controls so much of the performance if you don't know as temperature increases you start dropping what's called boost bins there is a gpu boost 4.0 on these cards what that means is as the temperature headroom allows and the power draw allows it will automatically start to push the clocks higher and higher and higher until it reaches its top bin which in this card i believe is 2010 uh will allow you to get automatic overclocking out of the box and it's one of those things where if you're not if you're if you're running too hot then you're not going to make it up to those bins and then it's going to start to drop those bins to bring the temperature and the power draw down not only that keeping the vrms and the power delivery system cool as well is important because you can lose a lot of wattage to heat so if you're having to push more watts through the card to get the wattage to the component that's you know exactly where it needs it after accounting for efficiency loss through temperature then that means it also is going to drop boost bins because power limit just becomes a thing that's holding you back so the cooler matters and considering the fact that this cooler was built for the rtx 3080 which is a 320 to 350 watt part depending on the model you go with because there is uplift you know in these custom cards this is a 250 watt tdb card for the reference design and about 270 watts on the xc3 because of its uplifted baseline power draw so you know you're getting a cooler that's built for almost 100 watts extra power than this card is able to generate so what does that mean plenty of temperature headroom and that definitely showed itself on the benchmarks the other thing that sort of carries over from this design is the overall pcb design so it is a shorter pcb though just like the rtx 3070 founders edition card so the founder's edition card ends like right here just past the pcie slot and then what you get back here is this blow through fan design and you can see that the evga card does also have a bit of a flow-through design although much more blocked off than the founders edition card because this is just fins and and pipes that's it uh you can see that the pcb does not extend up through here what it does have though is an actual hard pcb extension for the power cables and we'll do a tear down of this to kind of show you uh how they how they built the pcb i think it's i think it's awesome it's a larger pcb than the 3070 but you don't have like extension wires for the power delivery it's actually the pcb extension up on the top but when it comes to performance how does it perform well we put it through the exact same test we do with the founders edition cards and then out of the box settings didn't touch anything no fan curve touching no power limit none of that it is exactly as it ships out of the box stuck onto our test bench and this is how it performed so [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] so as you can see it was higher performance than the founder's edition card pretty much across the board the only time it wasn't any higher and it was basically the exact same number it wasn't lower in anything uh or any of the titles that are more cpu bound not being like far cry 5 wildlands stuff like that which uses much more cpu in the test the gpu it didn't really pull ahead but let's keep a couple of things in mind here one the founders edition card is the msrp card it's the one that costs 499 dollars and if you've gone and looked at any of the retailers you can see of course retailers are sons of biscuits who will raise the price at will the msrp is 500 bucks unfortunately supply and demand kicks in and they are being sold for more scalpers are in full effect the usual we're all used to this time around i guess this card comes in at about 559 now let's talk about buying the card evga is one of the few sites that allows you to buy direct from them you don't have to count on newegg you don't have to cut a micro center you don't have to count on any of the retailers you can buy direct now why jay and i know this is going to sound very infomercial but the reason why i'm mentioning this to you is evga learned a lot and they didn't ask me to say any of this by the way this is just my own observation evga has learned a lot from the 3080 and 3090 launch and as time went on they became the brand that people were most pleased with and the way that they were handling this and that they do have a queue system it's not a pre-order or a backorder you were not giving them money at the time of signing up in the queue what you're doing is you're signing up in a first served queue so that as product comes in in the order received for those queues you are then contacted hey your time is up if you want to purchase it you have x amount of time right now to come and click this link to fulfill your order and it will take you automatically to the order page with like your q number and all that and if you wait too long your card moves to the next person so people are getting their cards through evga and they're getting them a lot sooner than they're expecting because evga is working very hard to keep product moving as fast as they can get it remember they're at the mercy of nvidia supplying them the raw materials they need also the gpu die and all that sort of such to create these cards so you have a much better chance with buying director evga than getting one of their cards through like say best buy or micro center and um fry well that's no fried electronics is kind of a joke these days but any other retailer retailer or whatever but that being said it is 60 more than the founders edition card so it's up to you to determine whether or not you're getting sixty dollars more value out of it we've reached a point to where most people seem to be like i'm going to buy whatever card i can get my hands on and that's fine it's just just no not all cards are created equal some brands cut various corners other brands put more energy and effort into it they do have a cheaper version of this card where they basically don't have the back plate i don't have that model so i can't really talk to it in terms of how its performance is with that is going to probably be lower turbo clocks and lower specs in terms of how far it will automatically push its boost bins and such as you can see versus the fe though it is faster it is quieter it is cooler and i guarantee you this has amazing overclocking headroom available to it we haven't talked about overclocking yet we're gonna be doing that in a separate video but what i'm gonna do right now is sort of give you guys a tear down now that i have done the uh the full gamut of tests i don't have to worry about replacing this and affecting any of our temperature control and stuff we can go ahead and take this apart and show you guys what i mean about the pcb design the way the power plugs and all that sort of stuff are so before i take the back plate off one thing i want to show you is this evga logo right here on the 3080 card does light up it does have a an uh led that's it rgb led panel behind there they don't do that on the 3070 it's a cost saving move but you can see on the back plate here we do have on the back side of our vrms a thermal pad we have a thermal pad right here for this is this guy and then we do have one on the backside of the gpu heat does transfer in 360 degrees so any heat on the front side will make its way to the back as well so at least they're turning this into a big heat spreader if you will there's a debate on how how effective it is i can tell you based on how hot the back plates get under load they do something so as you can see here and i'm probably not going to take the face of the card off i guess there's no reason you can see the whole pcb here they've got these cutouts in the pcb that allows some air to flow through it's kind of funny because they're using the same pcb as the 3080 this is solid right here because this is where that led panel would be uh for the for the rgb if it were me i would have just omitted the rgb all together and opened this up too for additional airflow through there whether or not that hole would make a difference i don't know but i just feel if you've gone through this effort here to put these cutouts might as well go ahead and do that one thing i didn't mention though is it does have two eight pin power connectors the founders edition card has a 12 pin that reduces to a single eight pin adapter that comes with it two eight pin power is much more than you're going to need for this particular card remember this is a 220 watt card before any sort of overclocking or baseline overclocking is applied to it from the manufacturers you are gonna get much more than that through your two eight pins so it's kind of nice though they're standard plugs obviously so you can use any of your power supply or custom cables that you already have made for it is not a dual bios card it is a single bios card so if you're gonna play around with custom bios make sure you know what you're doing otherwise you're going to turn this into a nice 559 dollar brick it is longer than the 30 70 as you can see it's not any taller though it's a standard height card so you're going to want to keep in mind uh overall chassis size when it comes to fitting this in if you're doing a small form factor build um the 3070 fe might be a better choice just because of the smaller overall design and size of it but that has been our look at the rtx 3070 xc3 ultra from evga is it worth it well it depends do you like clown lips they're still on our card i do have it through good authority from evga directly they are going to be offering this in black when i don't know i was hoping that they would have done it now whether or not they're going to have a way to cover this up for the 30 70 owners i don't know but again if you're one of those people that's like i don't care if it's got clown lips i just want a card i want a higher performing card and i want one that's going to overclock and be quiet and be cool well obviously this is going to be a very good choice we're going to be checking out other custom cards obviously we do have an asus strix card that we'll be taking a look at which is going to be a much more premium in terms of price um evga does also have their for the win cards they basically have the same variance for all their cards depending on where it is in the product stack you got your xc3 ultras and for the wins they are gonna have custom variants coming out in the future like the 3080s of like the hydro coppers and the aio versions for the 30 70. i'm not sure um but anyway if you want to know more about this card head to uvga.com you can check out again their q system how it all works i personally think that they're handling it great in that it's first come first serve sign up here's your window to buy it if you don't it moves on and you can join the queue again later on anyway guys thanks for watching tell me what you think about this car did you snag a 3070 at launch today where did you buy it how much was it was it marked up and which one did you get i'm at least seeing a lot more people posting this time around that they got one than we got with the 3080 but just like with the the any 30 series cards availability is lower than demand and that very same thing is going to happen with the amd cards as well mark my words it's going to happen and if you think it's not going to happen well you're crazy clock's longer steve's already done a tear down to this it feels like we mentioned steve in every single one of our videos it's like we're such steve fanboys around here oh we owe it to him after kicking his ass in the rip series
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 800,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtx, 3070, 3070 vs 2080ti, 2080ti vs 3070, rtx 3070 xc3 ultra, evga 3070, are custom video cards worth it, are custom video cards better, should I buy a custom video card, founders edition, nvidia, amd, 6900xt, 6800xt, 6800, best video card, best gpu, gpu, video card, best video card in 2020, best video card for cyberpunk, cyberpunk 2077, best video card for vr, vr, vr gpu
Id: hchTNzSqfr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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