EVERYTHING you NEED to know before you play Hogwarts Legacy...

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I hope you've got your butter beer at the ready because we're about to go through everything officially confirmed by the Hogwarts Legacy team over the last 15 months and let me tell you there's a lot of stuff in this game but don't worry I'm gonna walk you through everything as simply as I can with timestamps down below so you can always come back to this video or skip ahead to a topic you're quite interested in because it's important to me not to waste your time but what I would say is if you end up watching the whole video you'll be fully up to speed and ready for when Hogwarts Legacy releases and that's a good place to start actually because it will be releasing on next-gen consoles on February the 10th so that will be only on PlayStation 5 and the Xbox series xns and then we'll be picking up a second release of the game for older generation consoles on the PS4 and Xbox One which we'll be releasing on April the 4th now the reason for this delay is because they have more developer refinement to do for the game for their older consoles so to be crystal clear as I know there's been a lot of ambiguity about this due to constant delays from the studio if you want to play Hogwarts Legacy this February you need to own a PS5 or a next-gen Xbox and as for Nintendo switch you're gonna have to wait until July the 25th now as for the game another question that people ask me in the comments of all the Hogwarts Legacy videos I make is if this game will have multiplayer or have any aspect of Co-op and the answer at this stage is unfortunately no this game is a single player open world action role-playing game where we are the witch or wizard who is attending Hogwarts in the late 1800s and I would love to see some co-op integrated into the game in the future as I think there's some great mechanics in this game that I'm going to break down shortly for you which I think would be perfect for it but for now it's just you and your game platform of choice now that said if it's a single player game will you need an internet connection to play it well yes kind of because those of you who have pre-ordered the physical disk deluxe edition of the game will have to install an update patch on day one whereas those of you who have purchased the digital editions you'll get this patch automatically integrated when you click download so no worries there now some good news straight out of the gate here Hogwarts Legacy has emphatically confirmed that there will be no micro transactions otherwise known as MTX in their game and if you don't know what that is it's a mechanic in games that adds features all cosmetic items which you can pay for separately it's kind of like buying a car but if you want the sport mode feature you're gonna have to pay extra when you get behind the wheel and thankfully there's none of that in this game but that doesn't mean there isn't additional extras you can obtain by purchasing a specific game Edition or owning a certain console and let me walk you through all the game editions available right now and what each of them come with because even though this info was released a couple months ago it's incredibly confusing so much so Hogwarts Legacy actually apologized on Twitter about it at the time so essentially here we go there's four editions that you should be aware of standard Deluxe digital Deluxe and the collector's edition which each come with in-game rewards and additional content if you purchase specifically on PlayStation Now to be as clear as possible here if you pre-order any of these additions ahead of its release you will obtain the Onyx hippogriff mount in game as you can see here so look at this as the standard pre-order reward bonus for anyone or everyone who purchases now as for the standard edition itself this is just the base game plus your Onyx hippogriff Mount if you pre-order the digital deluxe edition and the deluxe edition come with the same benefits I'm about to list out the only difference is that the deluxe is the physical copy of the game and doesn't come with a cross gen upgrade from PS4 to PS5 whereas the digital Deluxe does now if you were to pre-order any of these two editions you would of course get your hippogriff Mount but also be able to play the game 72 hours early meaning you could log in to play the game at the stroke of midnight on February the 7th three days before everyone else now in these two editions you also gain access to the dark arts pack which comes with one the dark arts cosmetic robes two a dark arts Garrison hat with the digital edition only and not the deluxe physical Edition and three a thestral mount which is only obtainable in these editions and four access to the dark arts battle arena which is located in the Forbidden Forest and allows you to complete challenges and practice your spell slinging skills against waves and waves of enemies okay so I know that's a lot but let's go through the collector's edition now and then go over all the PlayStation exclusive bonuses because in the collector's edition you'll pick up everything that we've just discussed as well as a steel bookcase to keep your game discs safe and sound as well as a life-size floating ancient magic wand which has to run off a plug into your house Mains there's also a kelpie robe to use in this game and that is the only collectible by purchasing this Edition and that's the only actual in-game item from the collector's edition as well so right now that's all of the game editions and their rewards but if you pre-order any edition of the game that is specifically on Playstation you're gonna get even more stuff and let me walk you through that right now the first reward being the famous Felix felicis potion otherwise known known as liquid luck or the luck potion that when consumed in game will reveal gear chess on the minimap for one day only important to note here though it's just a recipe so you'll actually need to gather the ingredients to make it and then Brew it in your own room of requirement before you can kind of take advantage of its bonuses PlayStation are also offering you a free haunted hogsmeade shock Quest if you buy the game on their platform with Avalanche software stating that strange things await players below the hogsmeade shop and overcoming these challenges will reward you with a shop of your own where you can sell items and gear at better rates than anywhere else so essentially you'll gain more gold or galleons when you sell unwanted stuff at your shop vendor compared to others in game but not only that hidden away in the fine print on a Playstation blog post you'll also pick up a shopkeepers cosmetic outfit which hasn't really been advertised too much to be honest so just know that you're going to get that as well now I'm sure you can understand why Hogwarts Legacy apologized on Twitter I had to sit down for a solid hour to actually make sense of all of this but hopefully now you know what the deal is with all of this pre-ordering and let's move on on and talk about what this game is actually all about because according to the narrative director Moira Squire we will be a new student that is starting Hogwarts in our fifth year which is very unusual in The Wizarding World going on to State further that this game is an entirely new Wizarding World that nobody has ever experienced in this game itself takes place in the late 1800s and while it isn't a direct adaptation of the Harry Potter books or films it is deeply anchored in Wizarding World law so a lot of things you experience in seeing game will be very familiar to you if you're a fan of the franchise or even if you're not you're going to recognize some stuff now as for the underlining story it's been left purposefully ambiguous by the studio for the last 24 months but what is repeated time and time again is that our character is a special student who holds the key to an ancient secret that threatens to tear the whole Wizarding World apart and we'll have to make in-game choices to how that comes about and how the game ends now the reason we're so special in this game is because we're able to sense wield and control ancient Magic which if you didn't know isn't your standard run-of-the-mill Magic In The Wizarding World it's actually very powerful and has been largely forgotten by that same Wizarding World so when someone comes along who is able to harness it they're considered very special and unique because there is a huge potential of unlimited power in the one who can access it which is funnily enough what we can do in this game which is a really cool premise for a story and more detail on how this mechanic actually works in game shortly but just to give you a swift example if you look at the blue orbs falling out of these enemies in these clips that's actually ancient magic itself in game as confirmed by the game director Alan 2 which only we can see and nobody else can now our ancient magic abilities are also attracting some attention from the goblin ranrock who is in the process of instigating a rebellion against the Wizards of the time due to their feeling of continued discrimination prejudice and subjugation in fact this isn't the first time we've seen a goblin rebellion in The Wizarding World the first Rebellion took place in Hong made in 1612 and a second took place in 1752 and a third in the 18th century presumably not long before Hogwarts Legacy takes place which is around approximately 1890 but it's now ran Rock's turn and he wants to control us or use our abilities as a weapon against the Wizarding World for his own rebellion and this is why he's teamed up with the dark wizards of the time led by Victor Rookwood who may be related to the modern day dark wizard that being Augustus Rookwood who was a Death Eater of Lord Voldemort and was outed by Igor karkaroff in the Goblet of Fire Films if you may remember that subsequently being imprisoned in Azkaban so expect to be fighting against goblins dark Wizards as the main antagonist here and this leads me on to how we are going to be interacting or making choices within the story and against these antagonists as this has been repeatedly referenced as an option to do so by the devs in interviews over the last year now game director Alan 2 stated that within the story dialogue options will offer us a different variety of choices in regard to how we wish to respond with those his answers having a little bit of a butterfly effect where those responses can genuinely affect the story and the actual ending of the game which I honestly didn't expect at all and is a big positive in my opinion however I think it's super important to note here and referencing the Hogwarts Legacy FAQ page this game isn't a morality system and if you haven't come across this mechanic in games before think of it as a simulated World judging you to be good or evil and a good example of that actually being Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic where you can choose to be the light or dark side in quest and kind of pick one depending upon your Affinity or what you want to do so a bit of a contrasting statement here for me but Hogwarts Legacy does add some finality to that morality question by saying we as the players will encounter various quests and storylines that will influence the witch or wizard they choose to become so make of that what you will and if you're enjoying the video so far or learn anything new please do leave a very Swift like down below really does help me out on YouTube so thank you very much and while you're down there I'm also running a Hogwarts Legacy game giveaway you just need to be a subscriber of the channel to enter and very best of luck to you now with all of this emphasis of this game being about us and our Wizarding World story you'd hope there would be a lot of customization features we could choose from and you'd be absolutely right now before you start the game you'll hit the character creation screen and six hours later after messing around inside it you may actually start to play the game because there's several initial presets to choose from here to kind of get your character into the ballpark of Who You broadly want to look like and once you've settled on that base standard you can then move on to the next panel to personalize this further with 15 options for face shapes 20 choices for skin color and three initial glass designs to choose from with Alan the game director confirming that there's a lot more glasses to collect in game so don't just get fixated on these three you'll also be able to choose from 35 hair colors 42 hairstyles with Alan also stating that there will be a barber shop in hogsmead if you fancy a fresh trim later on in the game as well as 20 freckles and moles and 10 scars and markings to kind of have a peruse all over now the customization doesn't stop there though because you've got 25 eye color choices 30 eyebrow colors and 25 eyebrow shapes to get yourself looking fresh for that great whole Walk of Fame now the final Tab and this is where you'll be able to refine how your voice sounds the difficulty of the game story mode being the easiest and hard being the most challenging from a gameplay perspective and of course the name of your character and whether you want to be a witch or wizard but what about house sorting and can you choose your own house well the answer is yes you will be able to specifically choose your own Hogwarts house at the start of the game but it hasn't yet been shown to us on how this actually happens however Warner Bros have implemented a cool feature which is available for you to do right now where you can link your Wizarding World account with your Warner Bros account and you can then move across your personal details after completing the online quizzes such as your Hogwarts house and one type which will then be available for you in game now the Patronus won't be by the way as recently stated on the port key FAQ page but you can actually pick up some rewards for doing this whole kind of integration and to be clear it is entirely optional and you don't need a Wizarding World account or a WB Games account to actually play this game but if you fancy picking up the exclusive house fanatic School robes to properly represent your house in the game as well as the scold beat mask then it may be worth doing because it's kind of completely free but that's not to say that if you do decide to do this you're not locked in when you begin playing the game and referencing that 4K FAQ page once more they already tell you how to actually change your robes in-game before it's even out so let's say your account is linked and you're currently in Slytherin house but when you get into game you decide to be sorted into Gryffindor House then you'll actually have the Gryffindor fnatic robe drop into your gear section in the pause menu and not the Slytherin robe from your WB account and the same thing goes for the beat Master so don't worry too much about that what I would say is get your account linked for now to activate the rewards if you want them because WB game support also confirmed on Twitter that you'll be able to change your wand in game as well and that's another experience they purposely not included in their reveals so far they're keeping it as a surprise but apart from what we've seen from the official art I do think it's going to be another type of ceremony which I'm very much looking forward to but just know that the option will be there to change it as well and while we're on this topic of house sorting one feature that won't be featuring in this game is the house point system meaning you wouldn't necessarily pick up five points to Hufflepuff for completing a side quest with a specific Professor is my understanding but that said Alan to the game director did say that it is definitely present throughout The Narrative of the game so we will see it in action but it won't be something available to view in the menu system or we won't be able to grind out house points in game to kind of win that house cup now one thing we will be able to engage fully with though is each house common room and it's not confirmed if we'll be able to sneak into each house especially if it's not our own house common room or dormitory but as noted by Boston Madsen senior environmental artist at the studio each common room is true to to the books in their locations and details within them each entrance requires the correct law dance steps to kind of enter it and contain secrets that will need to rummage around in to uncover but if I just pause it here and zoom in onto the table you'll notice wizard chess playing there but unfortunately we won't be able to play wizard chess in this game due to the development time and the same thing goes for another famous mini game called gobstones that's not going to be playable but let's hope that they're added in the future update because they just all add to that magical Wizarding World immersion and speaking of immersion it wouldn't be Hogwarts if we didn't build friendships and have relationships with other students and that will be a core mechanic of this game as confirmed by the Hogwarts and XC team we will be able to talk to different students and teachers around Hogwarts who will provide us with optional side quests to complete resulting in leveling XP unique rewards and even new spells to learn that we can then add to our repertoire Channel wood the community manager stated that these optional side quests are designed to teach us some of the secrets around Hogwarts and flesh out some in interesting opportunities that are hidden around the castle which we would have perhaps kind of run past or have not necessarily come across without doing the specific quests now with that in mind some of these characters will be main storyline companions which can accompany us while we play through the main narrative game each with their own unique abilities and stories to tell and at present we have three confirmed main storyline characters attributed to houses and have been seen in main storyline cutscene so far that being Sebastian cello Slytherin natsai onai of Gryffindor and Poppy Sweeting of Hufflepuff with a purposeful emission of the Ravenclaw main storyline companion so far but more on that in a second because if we do decide to complete seb's optional storyline we'll be able to learn and use dark magic in the game and according to Hogwarts Legacy Sebastian is a Charming extroverted boy whose Twin Sister Anne who I actually believe is this person from The Dark Magic trailer suffers from a mysterious and debilitating curse with Seb convinced her cure lies within the dark arts now Chandler has confirmed firm that you can complete seb's optional questline and not engage in the dark arts if you don't want to and I also want to bring your attention to this additional character on the screen from the trailer this suggests to me we'll be able to have several companions recruited with us throughout the game which are separate to these main storyline Companions and what I would say is think of them as second tier recruits which is where I think are Ravenclaw companions come into play here because Hogwarts Legacy released on Twitter a few months ago a picture of Amit thakar a Ravenclaw student aspiring to be a famous wizard historian having already planned his Memoir out in full and we've also recently picked up news of two more Ravenclaw classmates being announced in game that being Everett clopton played by Harry Potter actor Luke Youngblood who was Lee Jordan in the films and we've also got Mahindra pelwan who will be played by Asif Ali so my thinking here is these are recruitable Ravenclaw classmates that bring different abilities to the table that we can utilize in game and I would place them in the category of technically being companions but not a main story companion like Seb or Nat's ionai and let's talk about her now because she's described as being a quick-witted Gryffindor who has the need to seek Justice she grew up in Africa where she attended the school of wagadu which is the largest Wizarding School in the world comparatively to the other 11 but moved over to Scotland with her mother professor onai of divination at the behest of Deputy headmistress Matilda Weasley I'll be breaking all these professors down next so don't worry about that but what I would say about natsai is we've seen her storyline Quest contain several clips of the hippogriff High Wing which we can only assume is her main quest line now the reason I mention this is Chandler wood did confirm on Twitter that the hippogriff Mount becomes available in the game following a certain Quest where that Onyx hippogriff Mount will then be available to use once the ability to ripe the hippogriff Mount is unlocked in the game and I think this Quest here is exactly what Chandler was talking about so by completing her questline we'll gain access to this type of man but let's just wait and see now that said when it comes to Poppy Sweeting she's described by Avalanche as a bright and compassionate girl with extensive knowledge of magical creatures and a particular aversion to poachers she's in Hufflepuff house and the studio have also confirmed that the poachers are hunting magical creatures across the highlands and will remain a constant threat to us and I think this is where Poppy's quest line takes place as we'll follow her into the Forbidden Forest and Beyond engaging with magical creatures such as a central herd as you can see here from this clip amongst other beasts which we can save from the poachers and then bring back into our vivarium into the requirement but before we do explore that mechanic in detail let's go over how classes work as well as the professors we know of so far in the game because it's a big question that has been asked by the community over the last year and that is how do classes work within this game what do we do to actually partake in them well Alan 2 the game director confirmed that these classes we attend haven't been built in a simulation kind of way going on to explain further that even though there will be a day and night cycling game we won't be required to attend classes at certain time times of that day but rather these classes are built within the main storyline he said the best way to think about this in classes as a whole is in a narrative sense and within chapters of a story with each chapter there will be different missions and Side Quests for us to complete before we progress on to the next chapter but once we do move forward those quests or classes will no longer be available for us to experience now that said there are mandatory classes we'll need to attend but that's only because they fit within the main storyline and will teach us some core spells we'll need for the game there's also optional side quest classes which appear on our map in certain chapters and if we choose to do them they'll teach us new spells as well as help us build a relationship with the professors which will have a ripple effect later on in the main storyline and potentially benefit us in some way now that's a solid segue onto professors and the classes they teach and let's start with charms class and that will be taught by Professor Ronin who is a Slytherin and considers his students friendships and extracurricular activities to be as important of the subject of charms he enjoys games and incorporates that into his teaching which is what we can see going on here in this clip with the accio spell next up we have Professor dinar heckerty who is a likable Ravenclaw but Stern and takes her teaching responsibility seriously it seems that this is the class where we'll be learning how to duel one another and learn specific jinxes and defensive charms as you'd expect but interestingly she also used to work in the department of mysteries in the ministry of magic which is the department that researches the ancient magic phenomenon which we discussed earlier and happened to be very proficient in so it's no coincidence there I think now our herbology professor is Maribel garlic who is a Hufflepuff that was born and raised in London growing up in a household of Muggles she's one of the students favorite teachers and has an incredible passion for growing anything to do with magical plants as you may expect so if you want to utilize this style of gameplay in the game don't miss the optional herbology side classes that pop up on your map and I'd say the same thing for potions as Professor Aesop top is a Slytherin an ex-ora who was very successful at catching dark Wizards until he picked up an injury that forced him from the field he then took up his role as the potions Master at Hogwarts and enjoys teaching students who take genuine pride in potions but doesn't suffer any fools of any kind so essentially don't mess up the potion making when you see a choice screen just like this now as stated by Hogwarts Legacy those are the main classes and their respective professors however they have mentioned in the state of play showcase that there will be a beast class as well as a broom training class because we can hear this being spoken in the trailer as well in BEAST's class you will learn about a variety of magical beasts you might encounter both at school and as you explore the world surrounding the castle and its grounds but not only that the studio recently announced Deputy headmistress Professor Matilda Weasley who will be the one responsible for helping us getting acquainted with the school initially and handing us our in-game Field Guide which we'll go over shortly she's also been confirmed as our Transfiguration teacher so a nice nod to Professor McGonagall I think we also have Professor onai who will be teaching divination natsai Honor's mother of course as well as Professor satyavati Shah who will be teaching astronomy we can also see Professor Cuthbert bins teaching a history of magic in this clip here and that leaves ancient runes which potentially could be taught by Professor elizar fig who we've been already told actually by the developers will be teaming up with throughout the story to uncover this Wizarding World ancient magic secret and even though he won't be teaching us anything per se from what we know so far apart from not being like him as a person we have the Headmaster Professor Phineas nigellous black who will be played by Simon Pegg as you can hear from this new clip take a listen you call that a shine on those boots do better now according to Simon he will continually try to get in our way and cause issues so avoid the Headmaster at all costs but I'll tell you what you don't want to be avoiding and that is the room of requirement which will be playing a massive role in this game and I'm gonna break down this walkthrough into three parts customization and personalization as the first section gear and upgrades as the second and Beast care as our third now we already know that Professor Weasley will be introducing us to this room of requirement early on the game and the house self Deke will be showing us around one of the several vivariums in the Menagerie section of each room of requirement but customization the best way I can describe this is to think of playing a Hogwarts Sims game because you're able to change the architecture to a specific theme you prefer like the ceiling for example or you can actually conjure objects in your own space like a specific rug you like the look of as well as change its color size and position in the room these items are called conjurations in game and you can purchase specific items like this chair for from tombs and Scrolls in hogsmeade but that's not the only way you can obtain cool looking furniture or statues for your room you'll also be able to pick them up as rewards for completing side quests and finding hidden vendors around the world Additionally you can also change the look color and feel of your main plant potting and potion stations taking that customization even further to make it look truly unique so you can show off to your friends now you can't make all of these changes for free though as you can see if we just zoom in here on this particular part of the screen each change costs Moonstone as a currency which as confirmed by Alan 2 you will be able to collect as a resource and a reward just by playing the game so it's not a super rare material that could potentially cause an annoying grinding session by the sounds of it which I think is pretty good now for Gears and upgrades when you obtain a new piece of gear out in the wild you won't know exactly what it is or what the stats are as soon as it hits your inventory but to find this out if it's actually worth your time and worth equipping you'll need to run it through your identification station which is why one of the first things you conjure in the room of requirement we don't see it directly in action from the recent showcase but after interacting with it it'll reveal all the stats and upgrade level on the item we can then head over to our Loom station which then allows us to apply traits and upgrade that piece of gear which will grant us greatest score advantage or providers with specific abilities that blend in nicely to your preferred game style or perhaps a location you plan to visit so for example we can add a trait to our jumper here which will decrease damage against trolls which will be super useful if we're going mountain troll hunting now there's also three upgrade levels for each piece of gear that you need to be aware of and using the snowy owl scarf as an example here if we upgrade to level one we'll pick up an increase in plus 4 defense which will reduce our damage taken from enemies and then if we wanted to upgrade it again that would push it up to a plus 12 defense and so on and you may have also noticed the difference in color coding on some of these pieces of gear and if you haven't played these types of games before this is visually an easy way or a cue to identify the quality of the gear quite quickly in terms of performance and quality within your infantry and we actually have a piece of gear here which is green and that's usually the entry level but it isn't shown directly in the trailer nevertheless the next level up from that is usually blue which is called superb in this game followed by extraordinary which is purple which is usually called epic and then finally orange which is legendary so the end goal here is to get all of the legendary pieces of gear equipped for yourself for your Witcher wizard if you do want to maximize all the abilities in the game as that quality of gear will offer the best stats for you now on top of all that Alan went on to say that transmog will be a confirmed feature in this game as well which essentially means that you can equip the best performing gear in the game but then hide it all with a preferred robe you want to wear so hypothetically you could have the most insane wizard legendary gear in the game stat wise equipped but it could look absolutely horrific visually so you could utilize this transmog mechanic and equip your Hogwarts Christmas jumper while you run around order cadaver in your enemies which I'm going to tell you right now I shall be doing so that's customization and gear explained so let's go through Beast care because it's another big mechanic at play here within the room of requirement but as mentioned dig the house health will be showing us the ropes initially in the vivarium which is this greenhouse looking doorway here with MacKenzie toner the systems designer at Avalanche stating that we will be unlocking more vivariums as we progress through the game for different creatures including a swamp land so don't just think you're going to be restricted to this lovely Green Meadow because if I bring you back to the state of Play trailer last year I think that was in March we can just about catch a glimpse of a couple more vivariums here so expect to see them in game but back to our Meadow because this is where we'll be bringing our magical creatures initially and beasts that we saved from the enemy poachers in the overland's location in game now Mackenzie went on to explain further that this is their home and will be able to build relationships with them in fact you can name them if you want to which I think is a really nice touch but this mechanic does have a deeper purpose than just naming pets because you'll notice these two tabs at the top of the screen When approaching a creature now the love heart on the left lights up green when you pet your creature or play games with him or her by summoning the toy box but the knife and fork tab on the right is of course turn green when you feed them and after both of these Tabs go green they'll feel safe enough to provide you with certain resources which you can then use for crafting back at the loom we just discussed such as niflafur or Moon car fur now you don't have to return each time into the vivarium to Pet and Feed these creatures if you don't want to as you can unlock and summon food troughs and keep the toy box out to make this happen quite consistently but initially you will have to build a bond with them before these unlocks do become available in game you can also customize this area just like the rumor requirements such as Conjuring in a huge ruined Archway as you can see here so another SIMS inspired area to build something special for your animals if you're that way inclined and I do think this is a great segue onto going through all of the magical creatures and beasts that will come across in the game that have been confirmed so far and then we'll go through exploration together and let's start with house elves and goblins because even though they're not Fantastic Beasts they're going to be featuring heavily in the game due to the goblin Rebellion we discussed earlier and with access to the Hogwarts kitchens I'm sure we won't be short of interacting with house elves asking for food now as for magical creatures there is a dark magic corruption which has been mentioned by the studio a few times but it hasn't been explored further at this stage all we know is there are some creatures in the game that have been corrupted by a magical force that links into the main storyline which is why it hasn't actually been elaborated upon because they don't want to give too much away so if you do see some creatures which look like this giant toad that is clearly infected with this corruption they're not going to be particularly friendly but that said I will tell you what will be friendly if you manage to pull off the correct dance moves and that's hippogriffs because if you want to tame one you'll need to keep eye contact approached slowly and offer them up their respect they demand by bowing to them whilst waiting for them to respond now if they do respond positively you can hop on and off you go just like Harry did in the films but if they do respond negatively well that is another story entirely and I do hope this mechanic is included in the game if we get it wrong now speaking of fly amounts we've got another one here it's the thestral and you can only ride this one if you order that digital deluxe edition you can't get it any other way but they do seem to be appearing here as a general creature in game or perhaps one that you can kind of tame and bring back into vivarium they are a breed of winged horse with a skeletal body reptilian features with big leathery wings that are noted as resembling bats they're native to the British Isles and Ireland and as hagra puts it Hogwarts has a whole herd of them in here now here's the catch with thestrals you can only see them if you've seen someone die so it will be interesting to know from a storage perspective if we do meet thestrals early on in the game after arriving at Hogwarts which begs the question if we do who have we seen die but thestros aside we also have Moon calves here which only appear at a full moon and if you do collect their dung or poo Before Sunrise and then apply it to your plants it'll cause them to grow super fast so I'm definitely expecting to see that mechanic in game especially as we already have a fertilizer in our room of requirement now as for grap horns it's another creature that we've seen a lot of throughout all of the promotional material released so far with Avalanche confirming it will be a rideable ground mount in game now poachers love hunting grap horns because from a lore point of view their horns offer magical properties when grinded down into powder so expect to come across a cut scene involving the two here now next up we've got nifflers which will be in the game which is superb they're native to Britain and are often kept by goblins and Curse Breakers who use them to bury deep into the Earth looking for Treasure bypassing all magical protection enchantments but they also can be incredibly destructive and not great pets so I hope we can use them in game to search for Treasure I think that would be a great animation to watch but let's move on to froopers from this artwork and a few clips that have been shown to us they are brightly colored African birds that eventually Drive The Listener to insanity if you do listen to them for too long and I wonder if we'll be able to use them in a similar way to the Mandrake plant as you can see in action here but more on plant mechanics shortly because what about owls can we have them as pets well the Hogwarts Legacy team haven't officially confirmed that but heavily hinted at it because in the Showcase before Christmas we can see two different types of owl perched in the Hufflepuff dormitory next to our bed implying that we can kind of customize or switch out our owl or perhaps purchase a new one at hogsmead there's also an owl post option in the pause menu and I wouldn't be surprised if this is some sort of daily Quest mechanic where we're sent contracts or mini quests to complete as an incentive to log back into play every day they also recently showed the owl rebuilding so I'm confident there will be a pet option in the same capacity as a kniesel which we've also seen in the most recent gameplay showcase as confirmed by Mackenzie Turner now Kniesel's are cat-like creatures which are incredibly intelligent independent and occasionally aggressive to those it deemed suspicious with ulterior motives just like Crookshanks from the movies so more potential pet evidence here but no news on toads so far so sorry you Trevor fans but what about Phoenix's will they be in the game well I think so yes because if we zoom in on this official vivarium wallpaper we can see what looks to be a phoenix flying over our house now Forks is also believed to be alive at this time famously being Dumbledore's companion so it would be awesome to have him as a companion in the game and whilst I'm on this topic I do discuss this a bit further in detail in this Hogwarts Legacy achievement video where epic games mistakenly put all of the game's achievements online a few weeks ago so I'll link that at the end of this video if you want the full breakdown on Phoenix's and a lot more stuff I just don't want to spoil it here but that said some of you may not be pleased to know that spiders will be featuring heavily in the game and my first thought was that they were the acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest which is a giant magical species of spider that's native to the rainforest of South East Asia where it predominantly resides in jungles incidentally they're believed to be a wizard-bred species designed to guard treasure hordes which plays nicely into this open world RPG game here problem is though there's no official record canonically of acromantulas in Britain around the 1800s so law Wise It's improbable for a colony to exist in the game however we could have some creative freedom here they could have been introduced to the forest and then killed off when aragog arrived which would be totally fine by me now Mountain trolls are another big boy opponent will be up against some solid callbacks the Philosopher's Stone here and I do wonder if we'll get a similar Easter egg like this in game I would love to see it now dragons we've been shown them several times over the last 24 months and this type of dragon specifically is a hebridium black which is noted as having rough scales brilliant purple eyes razor sharp ridges on its back in a narrow-shaped spike tail it's also widely considered to be much more aggressive than its Welsh counter part that being the common Welsh Green Dragon which by the way are the only two native dragons to the British Isles that we currently know of and it would be cool to see both in game as dragonhide is imbued with that ancient magic we discussed earlier which I think we can kind of see here if we just pause it and zoom in and this plays really well into our storyline so expect to see a lot of dragons is what I would say but speaking of storyline and as discussed briefly earlier we will be encountering centaurs in the game who do live in herds from approximately 10 to 50 and are predominantly Forest dwelling there's a known colony in the Forbidden Forest so I'm assuming this is where we come across them in game with poppy and I'll tell you what else seems to be coming across a lot of and that's infra High which is a corpse that has been reanimated by a dark wizard spell it's not alive but merely used as a puppet to do the Wizard's bidding and Dumbledore said to Harry famously in the Half Blood Prince that they fear light and warmth fire in particular and we can see from the reveal that fire spells such as an incendio would be a perfect offense and defense against them in game but I reckon we'll be able to summon them well at least I hope so if we're going to be doubling so much with the dark arts I think that would really sub for expectations in this game and I'm I'm here for it now sticking on dark creatures we've got Dementors will they be in the game well we did see them in the initial reveal trailer over two years ago in the Wizard prison Azkaban but nothing has been shown since and a lot can change since that reveal was actually made now of course to dispel these Dementors you'll need to summon a Patronus and regarding the info we went through earlier by linking our Hogwarts accounts to our WB accounts shows that the Patronus is not being transferred over in game unlike the house and one choices so I don't think we're going to be able to cast unique animals even if we can actually cast the Patronus but if we can I think it will just be a Corporal Mist but that's also wait and see on that front now let's go over exploration because there's a huge amount that's been hidden away and also shown to us so far now Alan 2 the game director has stated that the map is massive but to explore it you'll first need to complete the introduction at Hogwarts and when that's finished it'll become apparent really quickly when the game opens up and then you can go wherever you want now we still don't have a full map picture yet apart from this concept art in the behind the scenes trailer from last year and the argyle Scotland County map showing briefly in the first gameplay preview before Christmas so it's a waiting game on that front until we see the full map but minimap wise this is in the bottom left-hand corner and assists you in nearby vicinity based quests challenges Collectibles and points of interest however if you want the full immersive experience Alan says that this can be turned off in the settings so you can explore everything without being prompted to do so in the corner of your left eye now as for the actual design of the game senior artist Boston Madsen said that Hogwarts has been designed from the ground up as a huge Hub with certain areas very similar to that of the layout of the grand central train station or Kings Cross train station to help players avoid being lost and kind of be signposted in a way a further example of this being the main hall or the main Hub which has a section with large green stained glass with a tree stenciled upon it clearly identifying that this is the direction you need to go for the greenery and by extension your herbology class so expect lots of subtle visual hints like this in Hogwarts and Beyond to keep you going in the right direction even on a subconscious level now a question I see asked a lot in the comment sections is about the seasonal weather changes day and night cycles and how long is this actual game taking place for and what I mean by that is does it run for one school year one school term or is it two or in fact is it perhaps even longer well as confirmed by Alan again day and night cycles don't just turn your screen dark and light depending upon where you are or where you're playing in the story NPCs and characters actually respond to specific times of the day with more people going about their business in the castle during the day and being a lot more quieter at night as you'd kind of expect in the same social routines are applied across the map including hogsmead just like in real life incidentally Allen said there will be certain times and World interactions that are restricted by these day and nighttime Cycles so you could only start a quest interact with the door or loot something in particular during a specific time of the day so there's lots of secrets to discover due to this mechanic which would otherwise be easily missed now as for seasonal changes Boston did say that as the seasons progressed throughout the year environments will change to fit that time of year as we can see here on our hippogriff we transition from the summer or spring to Winter and the same will happen at Hogwarts which is a sentient castle and the windows decide to change themselves from Summer styled Windows to Winter ones as it transitions through the seasons but how long is this game then well Alan said this in the most recent gameplay showcase I'm actually going to let him say it himself and then we'll talk about it and you're really feeling those that passage of time while you're a student you know going through your year in Hogwarts and notice how he says going through your year so that confirms to me that this game takes place for one full calendar school year with Four Seasons as narrative markers or chapters which Alan also goes on to confirm and this might seem obvious but there's been a lot of speculation about how long this game is over the last several months but with the map so huge with its ever-changing Seasons running around on foot will take an extremely long time to do and that's where mounts come in specifically brooms and there's a mechanic at play here which is worth knowing first and foremost after completing the broom training class you'll be able to summon a broom anywhere outside and land wherever you want that said Alan says we'll need to keep a close eye on the turbo meter in the bottom right hand corner as it will deplete your speed if you go too high into the sky but will be completely maxed out if you fly close to the ground which will generate max speed of your broomstick now Mackenzie explained this flying mechanic further by stating that the sporting good shop in hogsmead sells a variety of different brooms which are purely cosmetic but if you do talk to the shopkeep and complete a quest he offers you he'll then sell tell you upgrades which you can apply to your broom to improve this turbo meter meaning you can fly a higher for longer and at a greater speed but what about quidditch well unfortunately there's no quidditch in this game which is really gutting as I love the Quidditch World Cup game back in the day but I do hope that they add this in future updates with a multiplayer aspect especially with Graphics like this I think it could be fantastic but let's move on to movement on the ground because we're able to jump that has already been confirmed which suggests parkour and climbing will be a part of our movement in the game but what about swimming because there's huge amounts of bodies of water dotted all around the Scottish landscape loads of locks to explore and the Black Lake well it hasn't been confirmed yet but I do think it would be a big Miss not to have that in this game but I'm sure we'll know that sooner rather than later but that said if you don't want to run jump or fly anywhere you can just utilize the Fast Travel flu Network which allows us to transport ourselves to different locations around the map if we've already discovered that specific location on foot now that doesn't seem to be be any interaction needed for them to be added to the network because as we see multiple times throughout the trailer and other showcases just running past them will prompt a notification to pop up which is very welcome but I'll tell you what is also very welcome and that's some iconic locations being included in this game such as the Great Hall The Clock Tower Hospital Wing Castle kitchens the restricted library and the prefix bathroom we've also got the village of hogsmead which we discussed earlier which is the only all Wizarding Village in Britain where you'll be able to visit several famous shops like zonko's joke shop where you can purchase items using Galleon sickles and your Canucks or knuts to prank students with but hogsmead isn't the only place you'll find vendors and wizard kind hamlets are smaller Villages dotted around the Scottish Highlands that will offer us puzzles Secrets World side quests and loot as noted by Alan in the gameplay showcase and this is where we'll also find dungeons and vaults with what the Hogwarts Legacy team describes as containing Untold rewards so expect some decent gear and low for completing these challenging linear Dungeons and I also want to mention that Alan did state that we may come across Merlin puzzles and runes hidden in the distance in the highlands which I think are these Clan Stones shown in the summer ASMR video because Alan says that when you get close there will be opportunities to expand your ancient magic through these Merlin puzzles which sounds very encouraging indeed and speaking of encouraging that's how I feel when it comes to how combat Works in this game and let me walk you through how it all works now starting with what the developers call Basic shots this is a general damage kind of like a auto attack feature you use until your main spells come off cooldown it's pretty simple to activate all you need to do is tap the R2 button bumper on your controller and you'll start dishing out some generic magic damage but I want to bring your attention to what the developers call the spell diamond here you'll notice that when the R2 button is pressed and held the diamond expands with each one of the four spells overlapped with one of your controller face buttons and in this case that's x square triangle and circle and in its simplest form what this means is you need to hold down the R2 button and press a face button to cast the spell and whilst you're waiting for the cooldown on that spell you just cast you can then revert to your basic Shots by tapping R2 there's more here though because the color coding around these spells matter a great deal when it comes to fighting enemies and not just Target dummies and let's take an example from the gameplay here one of the students has a purple protego Shield charm active and the only way we can break her defenses to cause her damage is we'll need to use a purple colored spell against her which in this case happens to be the accurate spell shown here on our spell diamond now after we cast that accurate spell her defenses come down and we can start doing some significant damage to her to win the jewels so in essence to help us the players understand which spell we need to use to remove our opponent's defenses we'll need to reference the color of our spells that subsequently match up with our enemies Shield indicator now the caveat to this is that some enemies may have the same color Shields with your spell on cooldown so what you'll have to do is rotate your attention to other Targets in the interim by flicking the R3 analog stick and deflecting incoming spells by pressing the triangle button on your controller you'll know when an incoming spell is about to hit you in the face thanks to the spidey sense animation that appears above your head as you can see here and there's an offensive trick Alan did mention in the gameplay preview when it comes to defense where if your reactions are good enough and you hold the triangle button instead of just pressing it before the spell reaches you your character will deflect the Jinx and send back a stunning spell which is a great tip to remember for combat now there's even more to this spell diamond and a distinction between different types of spells in this game which I'm going to walk you through because Alan calls these two types of spells essential and slotable with the latter being spells like Akio stupefy and Avada Kedavra all placed in the spell diamond by us and essential spells being environmental spells that are binded to the controller at all times so you just can't move them around at all and they're used for General gameplay functionality and I'll give you example of what he means so when our character walks up to a floating field guide page otherwise known as a law page or collectible which is located outside the Hufflepuff common room in this example we can use the revelio spell by pressing the left d-pad button which will reveal the secret hidden in plain sight now in my opinion this is really good gameplay design because you don't want these environmental spells which have a great amount of utility taking up pressure space in your four slot diamond wheel when you're in a jewel and that's just it can we bind more than just four Spells at one time whilst we play this game well thankfully the answer is yes we can actually have four spell diamonds which means we can bind 16 slotable spells into these diamond wheels in the bottom right hand corner while we play through this game incidentally that doesn't mean there's only 16 spells to obtain in the game as Alan did confirm there's over 20 slotable spells in the whole game so you're gonna have to pick and choose which ones you want in your spell wheels and how they complement your own game style for quick and easy access but with that said how do you access those other 12 spells from the front facing four that you've already got locked in well quite simply you'll need to hold that R2 Button as if you were going to cast a slottable spell and if we just zoom in further into this section of the screen you'll notice a small d-pad icon pop up well by holding R2 and then pressing one of the d-pad arrow buttons that will then change to another one of your four spell diamonds so you can then access those spells on that diamond that you've then locked in but I should say you won't get 16 spell slots which is those four diamonds as soon as you start the game in fact you'll only start with one so four slots or four spells and then you'll need to unlock other spell diamonds and other spells by playing through the game which Alan did confirm so right then that's how combat and your spell diamond works but what about this L1 button across the other side of the screen well this is called the tool Wheel by the developers where we'll be able to activate in-game consumables and allies that are able to give us a boost or Provide support when we're in a bit of a tight spot and you can activate this by holding that L1 button and when you do so time pauses in game allowing you to pick one of eight consumables that you've slotted into this menu screen of course you can only do that after you actually unlock them as you're not going to start this game with all eight tall wheel slots unlocked now thanks to some teasers from the Hogwarts Legacy team over the last several months I've got a list of potions and plants that will fit into this tool wheel with MacKenzie stating that each Equip to this wheel should be considered as a prior investment before you head out of the grounds so you can defeat opponents faster now the first one is the rock Skin Potion which covers your skin in Rocky material to help reduce incoming melee damage taken which is perfect against hard-hitting enemy trolls the next is the Wicken World potion which increases your overall health for a short time your health bar being that lovely green section on your screen right here and we also have the focus potion which speeds up the cooldown of your spells meaning you don't have to wait so long to one shot of articadaver enemies and I'll be walking you through dark magic shortly next up is the ederis potion which increases the effect of your deflectability meaning that it will knock back enemies instantly so you don't need to hold triangle which we discussed earlier to send back a stunning spell and I reckon this could be really overpowered in the game with several enemies attacking you at once now as for plants we have three here that you can activate we've got the Chinese chomping cabbage which attacks and distracts nearby enemies as well as the venomous tentacular which shoots acid at all nearby enemies like a turret when you do decide to deploy it and finally we have our mandrakes shown in the state of Play trailer last year which interrupts and incapacitates all enemies in the vicinity for a short time including yourself as you have to remain stationary I reckon this would be a good tactic to stop a troll charge in its tracks if timed correctly now let's move away from this tool wheel and head over to this blue bar that sits above our health bar because it's quite special and you're going to be using it a lot because Alan the game director confirmed that this is the ancient magic meter and as you build up combos in combat which base basically means that your spells hit enemies consistently and you don't get hit yourself and if you manage to get yourself into a bit of a Groove this blue meter will slowly fill up as you can see here and when one of those bars is filled you'll be able to press that L1 and R1 button together whilst focusing on one target which will essentially One-Shot them with a unique ancient magic spell you'll also notice lots of R1 buttons dotted around the environment when you're in combat and Alan confirmed that this is also a passive use of ancient magic where you'll throw objects towards your enemies as an additional environmental maneuver which doesn't cost you any ancient magic juice per se and those blue orbs that you see on the ground which I mentioned earlier those are those ancient magic juice pots that fall out of enemies after dealing some decent combo damage so pick them up as soon as you can as it's going to give you a significant boost to your meter so you can have fun utilizing all the creative ancient magic finisher spells and one final note about this mechanic before we move on to each spell you can cast in this game Alan did state that as we progress through the game will unlock new ancient magic powers so there's a lot more interesting finishing moves to come which does sound great now I'll tell you what else sounds and looks great and it's all of these confirmed spells you can cast in game and I'm going to power through each one now for you starting with Akio which is the summoning charm that allows us to bring an item in question right to our feet all hands as well as people in the game we also have the deposal charm which sends the target away from the Caster otherwise known as the banishing spell and it certainly looks to be the case here as we see it used multiple times throughout the Showcase and the state of Play trailer next up is lumos which is another bread and butter spell that we've been using in our spell diamond or what we've seen to be used quite a lot so far it is the one lightning charm that conjures light at the end of your one funnily enough and gives you visibility in the darkest or dimly lit areas and this will be a very useful tool when we go dungeon running and we've also got raparo here which is a another spell that has been consistently shown throughout all of the Harry Potter games over the last decade it's a mending charm that could completely restore a broken object that worked on most serials and also depended upon the proficiency of the wizard we of course now have ravelio as we discussed earlier one of our essential spells which is the left button on the d-pad that will reveal concealed objects messages passageways and hidden markings throughout the game and I think I'll probably be sprinting through the castle spamming this button just to find all the secret passageways now another crowd favorite here is the Expelliarmus charm which I'm sure you've heard of before it was considered Harry Potter's signature move as it allowed you to remove objects from your opponent's hand and was considered an excellent offensive and defensive option for duelist in this case we see our character not the great sword out of the suit of Armor's hand which I think is a great animation and speaking of these suits of armor if we just rewind the footage here you can hear the character shout Leviosa so give this a listen now this is the levitation charm that makes objects fly so a solid defensive and offensive option for you here as well but what about Stealth is that a possibility or an option in this game well the answer is yes and it's the disillusionment charm is what you're going to be after it's a spell that disguises the Caster or the target to blend into its surroundings and as stated by Chandler with the community manager in a Playstation blog post we'll be able to take a stealthier approach by finishing off enemies whilst utilizing the disillusionment charm and speaking of which Hogwarts teased the disillusionment chest a few months ago on their socials with this chest having a huge eye in the middle of it which says to me the only way we're going to be able to open this chest to get the loot inside is approaching it while the charm is active so a cool potential mechanic there but as for the takedown spell we see here that's petrificus totalus which is a body binding curse that paralyzes the opponent and knocks them out of action for a while perfect for a quick stealthy getaway which you could also say the same about the stupefy stunning spell which has the potential to Halt enemies in their tracks we which is Iconic for its red colored projectile and renders your opponent unconscious if it's fired off with some concentration and conviction but to deflect it though you'll need to use your Shield charm protego which we discussed earlier as well and you'll know this is active in game because of its orb-like design so you'll need to smash through it with the right spell to get at the enemy or cast it on yourself at the right time to absorb an incoming missile and speaking of missiles we've got the epogno jinxed action here which was a spell that directed an object or individual to attack the Target in question Hermione famously using this spell to conjure a flock of canaries who she then instructed to go and attack Ron and you can hear this spell and see the spell yelled out several times in the showcases so far and the same goes for the descendo spell which is an incantation that makes objects or people in this case fall down and move towards the ground at high speed which as you can see the target actually bounces off the ground and then returns into the air with this temporary floating mechanic giving you a little bit more time or opening the door for further the spell combos against them now another offensive spell you may want to use is the defindo charm which is used to make precise accurate cuts and by the looks of things we'll be able to use this against enemies in the game thanks to a recent duelist fee or challenge located in the right hand corner of the screen and it's pretty brutal actually because it could cause death if there's real intent behind it and that's absolutely the case as well for this next spell which is confringo which is otherwise known as the blasting spell that causes targets to explode with fire which I will be using repeatedly throughout my playthrough and the same could also be said for incendio otherwise known as the fire making charm and this is where it differs from the confringo spell as it's intended not for blasting people in the face with a fire explosion but rather for setting things alike which we can see in action in this recent clip posted by Hogwarts Legacy on Twitter now what about some ice cold spells to counter the fire well we have them as well in the game in the form of the glaciers charm which freezes our enemy on the ground with the ice building to a crescendo that then explodes blowing back enemies and dealing damage to everyone in the vicinity so looking pretty strong but that said nothing compares to the killing curse that of course being Avada Kadabra which will be castable in-game against all types of enemies so we've been told it's one of the three unforgivable curses in the game that will allow you to One-Shot any enemy if the parameters for its casting are met meaning you can't just ping off a killing curse at the Headmaster during breakfast but Alan 2 the game director said that they wanted to stay as close to the law as possible which is why it's an instant kill and doesn't just take off 75 of the enemy's health bar but that's also why there's a substantial cooldown timer on the spell and I counted 45 seconds of that in the gameplay that was shown to us now Alan also said that there's a Talon in the dark magic talent tree that allows you to place curses on enemies which is what you can see here with the green X but what that does is then links all the enemies together in one Health pool and if you were then to cast the killing curse you'd then kill them all in one shot which is an awesome gameplay mechanic and adds a lot of depth to the game which I like to see and hear now as for the cruciata's curse otherwise known as the torture curse that's in this game as well and it disables the enemy who wriggles around in pain and does ongoing damage to them until the curse is complete and I've got no doubt there's going to be some of you watching this and thinking I shall be performing this curse on as many people as possible but if the cruciata's curse isn't your thing you could always cast the imperious curse which forces enemies to fight as if they were your companion and whilst they are under your control they take reduced damage from other enemies to prolong their allegiance to you it also curses the victim which is that green X you keep seeing which means that they also take extra damage now there's also these ancient magic finishing moves which we've already discussed earlier in the video so let's go ahead and move on to this field guide menu and the talent trees now this field guide will be playing a very important role throughout the game as how it's introduced is a book which is on loan from the ministry of magic that helps us as a fifth year at Hogwarts get up to speed with all of the years that we've missed so far and from a mechanical point of view it is our pause menu so just think of this as a hub of operation for anything that you want to look at in game now at the top you have your current level with the map tab Quest Outpost and in-game settings to the right as well as the gear tab infantry talent and the collections tab to your left now the gear tab is where you all equip or transmog all of your outfits and it will act as your in-game Loadout the Infantry tab though contains all of your items crafting materials potions and sellable junk we loot throughout our Hogwarts Journey that you can view easily and that talents menu will come back to in just a second because the collection tab is essentially our codex of interesting facts and law Pages we obtain through our playthrough a good example of this is picking up that field guide page that we discussed earlier outside the Hufflepuff common room which Awards us with some XP and tells us an interesting lore fact about how to enter the common room according to JK Rowling's writings this is then added to our collection menu but also to our challenge menu which is this big tab at the bottom of your screen and if we just jump in and take a closer look it has added that law page to the field guide page challenges now there's also some other tabs here which all contain specific challenges in game that will be able to complete from combat quests exploration and the room of requirement which will reward us with XP and some unique items which you can't otherwise get without completing these challenges according to Alan you can actually see some of these tooling feed challenges pop up on the screen when in combat and as Chandler wood puts it encourages you to try out different styles of Combat gameplay and use other options available to you which you may have overlooked and you kind of get some XP as a reward for doing so now coming out of challenges the map and Quest tabs I think are pretty self-explanatory as far as the game goes but as for settings we recently picked up some official info from the team about the PC specs with the game being able to run at 60fps at 4K for consoles though the official line is that the PS5 and Xbox series X and S will run at 30 FPS in this Fidelity mode with a performance mode that targets 60fps but they haven't confirmed if it's stable around that metric I do hope we do get a solid 60fps on consoles as this game looks beautiful but we are just gonna have to wait and see on that front now as for the talents we were teased with this menu back in the state of Play trailer last year with the tabs of stealth core and the room of requirement being shown to us and the other two remaining a bit of a mystery and I think they're either going to be dark magic or the ancient magic talent tree but as far as how this system works whenever you level up in game which you do so by earning XP as you can see here each level will grant you one Talent point to spend in a certain talent tree to enhance the certain type of spells you like to play with making them more effective and enjoyable Alan goes on to say that we should think of these talent trees as potential fantasies where you can create a build that is full dark arts just like Voldemort or you can spend your talent points and significantly improve your spells that are orientated around defense against the dark arts kind of like an aura or you could invest all your points into the plants and potion trees to spec yourself into a player who likes maximizing consumables and companions for extra damage so there's lots of options here which is great and as Alan says it's up to you whether you want to play with preparation on the fly or with deliberation now the official Hogwarts Legacy art book recently teased online with some wonderful concept art and pictures and tips for the game it's definitely worth looking through if you're interested in purchasing this yourself so I'll leave a link down below and if you're watching this far I just want to say thank you this video took a crazy amount of time to make and I hope it's been an enjoyable and informative watch for you if you haven't already please do consider subscribing as I'll be covering the whole game in detail so there will be a lot more videos like this to come and speaking of which check out this other video on your screen right now where I break down all of the Hogwarts Legacy achievements that were accidentally posted online by epic games which does shed a lot of light on some awesome information to come in this game so hopefully see you there in just a second and my additional thanks to those of you who support me in the reloads club for your YouTube membership as well as a huge thank you to Niko Kev and Dennis for helping me research this video butterbeer is on them and I'll see you in that next video
Channel: AndyReloads
Views: 1,099,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AndyReloads, Andy Reloads, Hogwarts Legacy, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy release date, hogwarts legacy news, hogwarts legacy new info, Harry Potter game, harry potter game 2023, Harry Potter Game 2022, Hogwarts Legacy update, harry potter hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy harry potter, harry potter, new harry potter game, hogwarts legacy trailer, hogwart legacy, hogwarts legacy info, hogwarts game, hogwarts, hogwarts legacy quidditch, hogwarts legacy multiplayer
Id: cNRUvt1hPQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 30sec (3690 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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