4 EVIL Things You Can Do In Hogwarts Legacy... (Harry Potter Game)

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so you can pet cats in Hogwarts Legacy but don't let that turn you away from just how evil you can get in this game or how dangerous you can become for example by doing something like this yes that was just a fire tornado and it looks absolutely insane now shout out to Benjamin snow for sharing this on Twitter now curiosity is rewarded in this game and of course the most notable feature of Hogwarts Legacy is that you can swear your character towards the dark side and that your character can basically learn how to do that until their hearts content so here are four very horrible things that you can do in Hogwarts Legacy now we are going to start with incendio now incendio is basically a strong flame spell that you can use on enemies and of course from this clip it seems like you may be able to turn the heat up a little bit more ish in a nutshell in case you have not figured out already yes you do set enemies on fire now just a random fault I imagine it can be used on anyone for the most part as of course you need to turn to the dark side one way or another right so using it on just enemies wouldn't actually do that but leave your thoughts on there in the comment section below now next up is crucio now I'm not sure which is worse out of this and another one that I'll be mentioning shortly but this basically just steals damage over time to the enemies so it's basically a way for you to give the enemy a very slow and painful experience I guess you could say but next is petrificus tatalus now it basically petrifies your opponent and me even saying that still sounds a little bit subtle because I'm not talking in the way that it just you know makes your character a little bit scared to where they basically just jump out of their skin no it basically snaps their arms and legs together and they cannot move they are literally just there and they get to still fill here and even think and also see so with all of that stuff combined you can see just how evil that spell is but next is confringo now this is very very extreme because what this does is it causes your enemy to explode it's basically on par kind of or just on a more brutal scale I guess you could say then Avada Kedavra which as we all know instantly kills your opponent but this on the other hand as I said it's basically just the extreme version of doing that now just a side note this game does not include a morality system okay so with that in mind smaller actions and the Spells you cast won't constantly influence or automatically determine whether you are good or evil instead various quest lines and how you explore these ultimately help you decide that route for the most part just when I say you but you kind of know how evil or good you're gonna be right but as far as the game's concerned it's basically tallied up over various different things in the game now remember being evil in this game does actually make you have a total different experience because the ending in this game will vary based on how you behave throughout the game now even though the way you play the game and the Spells you basically use help shape whether you're going to be good or evil without a morality system as I say it's very difficult to technically turn to the dark side completely now I did say at the start of this video that curiosity is rewarded and sometimes you will not be prompted to do things though I imagine it does actually vary based on the difficulty you select but for example a few fun spells in this game are for instance reparo which is sort of self-explanatory but it basically repairs objects so for example if you break every Bridge you can actually repair it and it's small gameplay features like this that do make your gameplay experience completely different now more recently this game has had a few concerns for example one of the concerns were that NPCs would ultimately be standing there doing nothing now from all the gameplay that we have seen of course being released today as well as all the information that we know so far it seems very clear that vets are not going to be the case I really believe the way you experience this world is going to varies totally based on how you decide to play it that's very very evident and from all of the information that has been released it also has more or less confirmed that you can interact with NPCs a lot more than you actually think you will be able to do so which again is a very big Pro in my books now if you're going to be playing this game on PlayStation there seems to be a lot of confusion as to whether or not if you're going to be purchasing the PlayStation 4 fizzy vehicle disk version of the game if it will allow you to upgrade basically to the digital version on PlayStation 5. now in a nutshell the PlayStation 4 physical disk version of Hogwarts Legacy does not include a free upgrade to the PlayStation 5 digital version but as I say there seems to be some confusion around this but a Reddit user actually posted the following so they said that they were trying to search for a definitive answer as to whether the physical disk version for the PlayStation 4 version of this game would entitle them for a free upgrade to the PlayStation 5 digital version and the way they said that is that they're just assuming that if they insert the PlayStation 4 disk into the PlayStation 5 disc console then of course some games allow it Etc but they understand that it's up to the game developer now in a nutshell they did reach out to WB Games as again there is no information technically out there that clearly states that is going to be the case but what WB Games had to say to this was the following so they said that unfortunately cross generation upgrades are only available for digital deluxe edition purchases it is not available in other versions such as a physical standard edition or physical deluxe edition also there are no announced plans to sell the upgrades separately kindly note that only the digital deluxe edition purchases on Playstation platforms include both the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 versions of the game now if what you got is the digital deluxe edition they can confirm that you should be able to access the PlayStation 5 version of the game on your PlayStation 5 console so again just be very wary with how you're going to be purchasing additions in this game again I know a lot of people are still gonna have to wait a a bit of time well I say a fair bit of time but it's not really going to be that much of a time to still play it on of course the PlayStation 4 Etc a lot of concerns are still a surrounding that move as well as to how different the game will look on those consoles and to be fair I've seen it multiple times before I genuinely don't believe there's going to be a significant difference but again for the most part as far as gameplay goes and maybe certain restrictions will probably be implemented but again we'll just have to wait and see but as I say if you are purchasing this game on your PlayStation 4 with the intention of course to upgrade to the PlayStation 5 in the very near future and you don't want to buy the game twice basically just be very wary with which version of this game you go ahead and purchase now what is interesting from seeing all this gameplay today especially as well is that certain things from this game were removed and if they haven't been completely removed moved they've actually been completely redone and one of the things that were very interesting that has actually been bought up is how initially with the character customization the presets actually showed all of the characters if you were smiling whereas now they have a very serious face so that would be an example of something that has slightly been tweaked but some things that were removed in this game have actually caused a lot of fans to just completely go nuts in the sense of why was it removed and quidditch is one of them but the second thing that was removed is even more bizarre because again it was initially in the game and it's actually a very big part of the series of course as far as the Harry Potter World goes and they decided to remove it so check out the video that you see on screen right now to find out what's going on there [Music]
Channel: SuperRebel
Views: 399,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy news, hogwarts legacy rpg, harry potter rpg, harry potter games, harry potter video games, harry potter game, hogwarts legacy ps5, new hogwarts legacy game, new harry potter game, hogwarts legacy gameplay, harry potter legacy, harry potter gameplay, new details hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy bad news, hogwarts legacy over hype, hogwarts legacy hype, hogwarts legacy concerns, hogwarts legacy delay, hogwarts legacy bad
Id: PB-UIBei5cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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