DO NOT IGNORE these 10 Professors in Hogwarts Legacy...

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the professors or teachers in Hogwarts Legacy will be playing a very important role in the game with Alan 2 the game director stating in a recent showcase that the professors will be teaching us some major spells and abilities throughout the game with each one of them having a bespoke event that is part of the main story but that they will also have additional opportunities for us outside of the main narrative if we choose to partake in them which are called side classroom missions now these missions will pop up on our map at certain points throughout the game where we will learn additional and optional spells from them so by getting to know these professors and undertaking their optional classes they offer you in-game you'll receive different dialogue choices in future conversations with a variety of different NPCs which Alan clarifies as different Choice points during your playthrough which can subsequently go on to affect things game wide and even the ending of the game which is quite impressive if it indeed does work quite smoothly so with this in mind it makes sense why the Hogwarts Legacy team are now starting to release new information on each Professor due to the substantial role they'll be playing in the game but before we go through all 10 of them I just want to briefly recap how classes will work in the game so we're all on the same page because for the majority of these professors that's where we'll be spending most of our time engaging with them and completing their side quests and that's in their classrooms so how does classes work well Alan 2 confirmed that these classes we attend haven't been built in a simulation kind of way going on to explain further that even though there will be a day and night cycle in the game we won't be required to attend classes at certain times of the day but rather these classes are built within the main storyline and he said the best way to think about classes is in a narrative sense and within chapters of a story so within each chapter there will be different missions and Side Quests for us to complete before we progress onto the next chapter but once we do move forward those quests or classes will no longer be available for us to experience so in short if an optional class where the professor pops up on your screen and you you decide not to do it you may be missing out on a new spell or some information that may affect the ending of the game or events leading up to it and that's a good segue onto our newly announced Deputy headmistress who is the one in charge of helping us at the start of the game and that's Professor Matilda Weasley an ancestor of Ron Weasley and as this game takes place around 100 years before Harry Potter we can make an educated guess here that she may well be Ron's great great grandmother or Arthur Weasley's great grandmother as the family tree doesn't actually go that far back but true to her family's Heritage she Sports the iconic Weasley red hair and is in Gryffindor House in fact the Weasley family are part of the Sacred 28 which is a list or directory of all the pure blooded wizard families written in the or taken note of in the 1930s which the family the Weasley family actually despises to this day as they claim they are proud to have ancestral ties to interesting Muggles now Professor Weasley is very likely to sport again the many traits and opinions that quickly go on to Define her descendants as Avalanche officially describe her as a firm but fair Transfiguration Professor who is slightly intimidating but a well-respected deputy headmistress and I think they're paying homage to Professor McGonagall here I think that's a nice nod but she's been tasked with getting us up to speed with our studies and also introduces us to The Wizarding Field Guide and the room of requirement which we've already seen a clip of from the developer presentation back in August that was called Autodesk as well as a brief clip shown of that introduction to that room of requirement in the state of Play trailer back in March now if you don't know what the field guide is it is essentially our pause menu which contains all the info we need to play the game as well as hold all the lore collection Pages we actually pick up during our playthrough now even more interestingly she used to be a curse breaker for the ministry of magic and a curse breaker's job is to remove break and counter curses that are placed on things for a living they were often employed by Gringotts bank which we've also seen teased a few times in the footage so far and just as an FYI be Bill Weasley is perhaps the most recent curse breaker that's been referenced in the books that we know of who happens to be Matilda Weasley's descendants so a further nod to that by the Avalanche team there which I think is nice to see now as for Transfiguration that she will be teaching us it's often regarded as one of the most difficult branches of magic and more scientific than others you had to get it exactly right for it to be successful when it comes to actually performing Transfiguration spells and we've actually seen a great example of this type of magic used in combat by turning an enemy into a chicken which I'm a big fan of so I think whatever side quests becomes available for Professor Weasley and Transfiguration should not be overlooked and I think you could say the same about Professor onai who was also recently confirmed to be our divination Professor which we did catch a small glimpse of her back in the state of Play trailer back in March if I just pause this and zoom in here but she was also the Divination professor at wagadu the biggest Wizarding School in the world comparatively to the other 11 which is based in Africa and often referred to as mountains of the Moon who knows it always seems to be floating in the Mist Of course near some mountains now Professor onai has excellent Gifts of foresight and is a well-respected Seer within her field but her faith in that field and the magic itself has been shaken as she didn't foresee the death of her husband and to get away from her grief in Africa she accepts her position at Hogwarts as the Divination Professor after being offered the position by Professor Weasley now in the process of moving to Scotland she also brings her daughter Nats ionai who is a Gryffindor and will be one of the main and optional companion quest lines you will be able to complete in game now what's interesting about the potential for divination classes in the Divination Tower which we were teased with last year is that professors teach students of wagadu to cast spells by simply pointing their fingers as well as utilizing other types of hand gestures and this has been a speculative Theory within the community since natsai was announced last year but I've got a sneaky feeling that if we partake in optional side quests with Professor onai we may be able to utilize some forbidden spell cells not performed with a wand especially as we have that rare and unique ability of tapping into the long forgotten ancient magic which gives us extra abilities that nobody else has so for me even though divination isn't high on my interest list in terms of class study it's not one I'm going to be missing in the game if there's potential to cast one less magic and if you're enjoying the video so far please do leave a very Swift like down below really does help me out on YouTube so thank you very much and while you're down there I'm also running a Hogwarts Legacy game giveaway you just need to be a subscriber of the channel to enter and the link is in the pinned comments so very best of luck to you now I'll tell you what did catch me by surprise initially and that's the potential of attending astronomy class but when you really kind of think about it it does make complete sense why it would be included in the game as it is one of the core subjects at Hogwarts alongside charms defense against the dark arts herbology potions and Transfiguration in fact it is the only field of study at Hogwarts that has a direct equivalent to the Muggle World due to the naming and studying of stars in the sky which makes sense why our professor for this subject is satyavati Shah an unconfirmed Ravenclaw at present but she is noted by Hogwarts Legacy as being raised in the Mughal world who is devoted to The Sciences and tends to talk down to her students in a winding pretentious aphorism way which essentially means that she's very intelligent and her impressive statements are formulated with a strong basis of Truth and fact which does make sense actually because satyavati means truth in Hindi and Shah can also be translated as Queen so she is the truth Queen which does suggest that she is certainly one Professor who will speak her honest and open mind and not be afraid to express her emotions to students and staff now this could be important for us because throughout all of the showcases and concept art actually shown so far there is a very big emphasis on astronomy with telescopes dotted throughout the common rooms and cryptic consolation-based inscriptions liberally planted all over the map and this could mean that we learn a certain spell to unlock hidden secrets or have a better understanding of what these references or clues mean now Alan to the game director also stated that during the day and night cycles of Hogwarts there will be certain opportunities that are only accessible and available between those certain time periods and with astronomy classes being held every week at midnight in the astronomy Tower located here in the castle as we've seen so far in the Showcase I reckon it'll be very easy to miss this optional class side quest when it does pop up so it is something to be aware of before you jump into the game now let's talk about defense against the dark arts because we've known the teacher would be ravenclaw's Professor hecatey since the Autodesk developer presentation back in August thanks to a sneaky game for entry teased by the devs where it does note that we're going to be drooling in the defense against the dark arts classroom which we also see play out in the state of Play trailer now it's clear Professor hecatey will be teaching us the core defensive and offensive spells that we'll be using in the game game has ever launched you describe her as being someone who takes her teaching responsibilities quite seriously and is considered to be very Hands-On with students with her innate desire for Action compared to other professors at Hogwarts but what's really interesting and important to know about her background is that she used to be an unspeakable at the ministry of magic which is a witch or wizard who worked in the department of mysteries and were forbidden for discussing or disclosing any information about their Department hence the name unspeakable in fact the department of mysteries was responsible for carrying out confidential research about love space thought time death and ancient magic which just so happens is an old mysterious source of magic that has long been forgotten and as Maura Squire The Narrative director of the game says we can sense as the character wield and control ancient magic which is what makes us very unique in The Wizarding World so for me I will 100 not be missing any of the defense against the dark arts classes as I reckon Professor Hecate is going to be instrumental in helping us understand ancient magic thanks to her work as an unspeakable in the department of mysteries and of course being the defense against the dark arts Professor but while we're on the topic of the ministry of magic employees we've got an ex-ora here who will be our potion Master called Aesop sharp I do apologize if I got the first name wrong there but he belongs to Slytherin house and he's noted as being Gruff but a keenly astute Professor who has a successful career who has had a successful career as an aura into an injury forced him from the field he doesn't suffer fools and takes genuine pride in students who excel in class despite the challenging curriculum now if you weren't aware auras are witches or Wizards who work as highly trained law enforcement officials with the training being extremely difficult and intensive so there weren't actually many qualified applicants who then applied but also actually became auras and we already know there's a lot of dark Wizards in this game being led by Victor Rookwood so I am confident that our rare ex Aura whose job it was to stop Dart was visits will be giving us some crucial tips in the art of potion making and more if we choose to undertake his optional potions side quests in fact we've had a few combat orientated potions teased so far by the Hogwarts Legacy team and with his official bio stating that he has extensive experience in battle-worthy droughts and elixirs I think it's fair to assume we learn a few of these recipes from him such as the focus potion which speeds up the cooldown of your spells so you don't have to wait so long to then cast that particular spell you like again as well as The Rock Skin Potion which covers your skin in Rocky material to help reduce incoming melee damage which is perfect against hard-hitting enemies like trolls and goblins with gigantic axes so definitely another set of Professor side quests that are worth our time and I think you could say the same for charms class which is run by another Slytherin Professor Abraham Ronan who is a jovial and lighthearted man who loves to incorporate games of all forms into his teaching style which is what I think we can see going on here in this clip where I am assuming to learn how to use the summoning charm accio efficiently we need to pull the ball to us with just the right amount of Magical Force so it lands within a specific color section for maximum points and we subsequently win the game and learn in the process and he is also noted by Avalanches holding all of the remedial classes for students as part of a special curriculum designed to help them and us actually catch up to the education level of other classmates which is what I think this clip is all about as we do join Hogwarts in our fifth year mysteriously and that site onai has transferred from the one less magic school wagadu we discussed earlier so makes sense to see both us and her with Mr Ronan now because charms is a core subject at Hogwarts A lot of the Spells you're familiar with in The Wizarding World are taught within its room walls such as the levitation charm the wand lightning charm and the infamous disarming charm Expelliarmus which we can see used multiple times throughout the gameplay so far and I reckon by completing the optional Charmed class side quests that's how we learn alohomora which is the famous unlocking charmer Thief favorite spell that opens up doors throughout the castle which actually if we just pause this part of the footage here from the recent gameplay showcase and zoom in you can clearly see there is an unlocking mechanic at play here within the game and what better spell could be used to unlock this door than the Aloha Mora charm to then go and find the secrets or loot inside and I'm quite excited about this I know it's a little bit sad I know it's just a lock on the door in a video game but I'm super pumped but I'll tell you what else some of you may be excited about and that's growing plants such as the Chinese chomping cabbage try to say that 10 times very fast that can then be set loose to attack and distract nearby enemies by holding L1 of the two-wheel whilst during combat as well as the venomous tentacular which acts as this acid turret that spins around spewing all types of putrid Gunk at the dark Wizards who are having a bit of a pop at you and gives you a few seconds of reprieve when that acid does hit them but before we can do that before we can kind of let them lose we'll first need to learn the ways of the plant by attending professor Rebel Garlic's herbology class who is described by Avalanche software as growing up in a muggle household who has an extraordinary ability and talent when it comes to the care of magical plants and fauna and belongs in Hufflepuff house now it's no secret that potions and plants are going to be playing a huge role in this game with customizable stations in the room of requirement which are built purely for the purpose of producing these consumables that we can then use throughout our playthrough so for me it's another clear no-brainer that if you want to learn new recipes or obtain special seedlings that can grow into unique and highly effective plants that can then be utilized by yourself in Jewels or in any sort of environmental setting then attending her optional side quests are going to be massively beneficial for you and your gameplay style now that said I'm not sure if a history of magic will be massively beneficial to us in game which is taught by the Hogwarts Professor Mr bins as we can see here from the state to play trailer but saying that it is another core subject at Hogwarts where the use of magic was almost not necessary at all which is why you can kind of to see a lot of students in this clip nodding off and of course in the books as well now there's a subtle nod to Merlin in the stained glass window if we just zoom into this clip just to the left hand side and we already have confirmation that Merlin will be someone of interest in this game thanks to what the devs call Merlin puzzles that the great wizard left when he was a student not a Hogwarts so this is perhaps maybe in this class where we learn more about him here additionally Professor bin decided Harry and his class in the Goblet of Fire an essay to write on the goblin rebellions of the 18th century which is very close to where we find ourselves in in this game so perhaps by choosing to undertake extra history of magic classes we'll learn more about ran Rock and the previous Goblin rebellions that may indeed open up some useful information we can use in dialogue choices that can kind of help us with the storyline as we progress now Professor fig has already been confirmed to be assisting us with the main narrative story as a companion as we strive to kind of uncover this ancient magic mystery and Secret in The Wizarding World and in fact we've got a new clip of him with us as the character in presumably his office interacting with the Headmaster Phineas nigellus black take a look at this head must I'm with a student in my schedule your schedule will wait indefinitely as will your student now that's very interesting indeed but does make sense as Avalanche have recently released a bit more info about him confirming that he will be the professor in charge of magical Theory at Hogwarts but before taking up this post he traveled around the world with his wife Miriam who was researching The Disappearance of ancient magic now after a number of years he returned to teacher Hogwarts whilst she continued investigating but unfortunately for her she died in her quest to do so with Professor fig then committing to continuing her research after her death and this is why we've seen a lot of him in the reveal so far and he will be an ally of ours and we'll have to work alongside him as we move through the main narrative now back at the state of Play trailer in March the voiceover commentator said this in BEAST's class you will learn about a variety of magical beasts you might encounter both at school and as you explore the world surrounding the castle and its grounds so we do have a care of magical creatures or beast class confirmed which I also think will play an instrumental role in the game in terms of learning how to tame different types of magical creatures so we can essentially Farm resources from them in our own vivarium for gear upgrades back at the loom but that said we haven't had a professor or teacher be clearly identified as of year apart from potentially this dude from seb's Dark Magic trailer last year actually I think it was about four or five months ago who is encouraging Seb not to go messing around with dark magic in the Forbidden Forest and incidentally Jason killar former Warner media CEO shared this concept art back on Twitter in 2021 of a grap horn chilling out in a feeding pen with its Offspring but if we just zoom in on what looks to be the kind of ground Keeper's shed or tool shed we can see the name Professor Ernesto Jags veterinarian supplies so perhaps this is indeed our care of magical creatures Professor or certainly their name anyway and we just haven't seen him yet now this game is going to be absolutely massive and thanks to Epic Games who accidentally released the achievements of the game online we know a lot more info about it so click the video on your screen right now for the full breakdown and I'll see you there in just a second but if you're still watching though my big thanks go out to those of you who are in the reloads club and support me on YouTube via membership and also Nika Dennis and Iron Knight for helping me make this video but a beer is on them and I will see you in that next video
Channel: AndyReloads
Views: 192,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hogwarts Legacy, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy release date, hogwarts legacy news, hogwarts legacy new info, Harry Potter game, harry potter game 2023, Harry Potter Game 2022, Hogwarts Legacy update, harry potter hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy harry potter, harry potter, new harry potter game, hogwarts legacy trailer, hogwart legacy, hogwarts legacy info, hogwarts game, hogwarts, hl trailer, hogwarts legacy professors, hogwarts legacy classes, hl clases
Id: fOYaOVznMgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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