Everything YOU NEED To Know About Phase 3 | Season of Discovery

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what's going on guys and welcome back to another video with phase three dropping tomorrow we have so much stuff to go over I can't do a deep dive into everything in one video but I'm going to put together all the most important stuff in a nice highlights video for you right now so you know what to expect and you know what's coming tomorrow so without further Ado let's dive in so first and foremost I think the star of the show for phase 3 are going to be the nightmare incursions the nightmare incursions are PVE focused events that are spread across four four locations within Azeroth we have the Ashen Veil location it's going to be in the northeast corner up here we have the duskwood location obviously in the heart of duskwood in the Twilight Grove we have the feralis location which is in the Northwest up here and then we have the Hinterlands one uh right up at sadan where all the Green Dragon Kin are so these nightmare incursions are going to be basically a repeatable SL spammable PVE event that earns you reputation and tons of rewards based on that reput ation and they also mentioned that it may be a really good way to level so is this going to replace dungeon grinding we don't really know my group's plan is going to be to blast a quick nomer on launch maybe get a level from that or close to a level and then head to some Nightmare incursions and see how that is we want to farm that rep anyways and then maybe head to Zu for rock around level 44 45 so as for the rewards there are tons of awesome rewards from this I'm not going to go into every single one but I will link this down below for anyone who wants to get into it just to highlight a few though we have the dream imbued arrows which are a green arrow that requires level 44 that has 15 DPS on it for our Hunters out there we have the catnip for Druids which is an onuse item that will increase your attack speed by 50% for 30 seconds we have some epic Rings Roar of the dream Roar of the Guardian Roar of the Grove we have the Epic nightmare Focus staff with 29 spell damage and 30 stamina and 26 intellect on it and then of course my favorite here are the PVP sets we have the PL set um that's going to give you strength stamina agility attack power and stamina on the set bonuses we have the plate healing set for our holy paladins there's a set for every single class and spec here which is really nice these sets might be our prebis jumping into the raid so if you can get to honored really fast it looks like this is going to be the play right and honestly these might be tons of fun we don't really know yet we don't know enough on them they said they're going to give us a little Deep dive before launch so we're going to have to wait and see for that but these might be one of the fastest ways to level from 25 onward now in season of Discovery and as you can see here they're giving kind of like level requirements for each one the duskwood one you can start at 25 the ashenvale one at 40 and the ferales and the Hinterlands ones obviously our level 50 so jumping into our next important thing here that we want to talk about this just came out yesterday uh but we have the Explorers imp uh basically the Explorer imp is something for warlocks so to give a little a little bit of an overview this pet can be summoned and sent into fell portals to obtain various Treasures for warlock Summoners the full guide also includes portal locations and treasures that have been found which you can find below this is currently already in the game and we'll show you a video shortly to acquire the new spell explorers imp you simply have to use drain soul on any enemy monster each time a monster is killed with drained Soul there is a high chance the Warlock will obtain an Explorer Soul the Explorer sole item will teach the Warlock Explorer's imp allowing you to summon the Explorer's imp whenever the Warlock wants to warlocks can have both the Explorer imp and the regular warlock pets out at the same time how to get rewards from the Explorer imp while a warlock has their Explorer imp summon they might come across various fell portals in the open world while near a fell portal the Warlock can speak with the Explorer imp and send them into the portal once inside the Warlock will gain a buff imp on a mission which will prevent the Warlock from summoning another Explorer imp after some time has passed the buff has faded the Warlock can summon their Explorer imp again once summoned the Explorer imp will reward the Warlock with an otherworldly treasure containing various items and sometimes gold so that's really cool that's a nice addition for warlocks nice little uh quality of life thing there maybe Farm yourself some gold AFK kind of and maybe get some cool items right so the next thing I want to talk to you guys about is some of the paldrons they are one of the coolest looking shoulders in classic wow we have the old version that gave you 12 strength 12 stamina eight Spirit the new version is now giving you 12 strength eight agility and 12 stamina so a little bit better for DPS we have princess thad's scepter which is now a druid mace uh 13 strength 10 agility 15 stamina nine Spirit 67 attack power in cat and bare forms which is really nice the blade of Eternal darkness which is the dagger that's now giving you 20 spell damage and an equip effect to land a damaging spell to deal 100 Shadow damage and restore 100 Mana to you with a Chance on hit and then there's a ton here we have suraz the Lasher the old version was 2.6 speed 130 uh 163 top end damage um with a Chance on hit to strike an enemy with the Rage of suraz lowering Target strength by 15 and Deals 90 to 210 Shadow damage with an additional 125 Shadow damage over time this was the new version but apparently a new version has been day to mind that has a 2.0 speed so it's apparently going to be biss for all the red paladins out there so ignore this version this is apparently not the version that is currently in the game I'm not going to go over every single piece of gear here cuz like I said I don't know if it's accurate some of it is some of it isn't and I don't want to give you guys the wrong information but instead what I'll do is I'll link this down below so you guys can do some speculation yourselves but it looks like they really did a great job reeming a ton of this dungeon loot I mean the blade of Eternal Darkness right off the bat is such a massive one just giving you 20 spell damage that's huge um so that's really interesting and as we scroll down you have some Black Rock dep stuff and then obviously all the sunken Temple stuff as well this is the new chained essence of iranicus trinket uh 10 stamina 10 nature resist and an on use to poison all enemies in an eight yard radius around the Caster seems a little bit weak to me it's I feel like they could have made this A Little Bit Stronger so again I'm not sure if this is 100% accurate so don't you know I don't you know take this with a grain of salt I don't know if all of this is accurate and I don't want to give you guys the wrong information but some of it is some of it isn't it's going to be one of those wait and see scenarios but we do get to at least see that they are changing a lot of the I mean this is pretty much all the dungeon gear that you'd be getting all the way up to level 50 they are changing a lot of it so keep that in mind for our next order of business that is currently live right now the Ashen Veil quest for warstone Gul reputation is now a daily instead of a weekly so if if you aren't yet go ahead and get exalted with warsong Gulch it will take you you know a Max of a week or two if you are already revered if you just do it once per day you're getting a th000 rep per day which is really nice if you are revered so go ahead and do that that's awesome for anyone who hasn't finished their warung Gulch exalted grind yet and then I'm sure some of you have been seeing this in game already we have the bush and crate disguises available at the waya vendors we have the bargain Bush and the empty supply Crate you can basically disguise yourself as a Bush or a crate and walk around um it's pretty cool if you look at it this is what the bush looks like and you know all these bushes in Iron Forge uh so pretty nice quality of life just fun items that they're adding here the crate's really cool I was watching my friend do some aroi Basin um last night and he was like disguising himself as a bush and like sneaking up on people so that's a pretty cool item definitely make sure you go pick that up if you can and then wad also posted a list of all the dungeons available in phase three so it looks like we are going to be able to enter Black Rock depths moradon and Zar Rock just as suspected by most people and then clearly we cannot enter sunen Temple As a Dungeon cuz it is the new raid we can enter Black Rock depths like I just said but we cannot enter Black Rock Spire dire mall scholomance or stol so that could be hinting towards maybe those are going to be an important piece of phase 4 but I guess we're going to have to wait and see for some general updates some class updates and things like that let's dive in here uh this was a blue post made yesterday they were basically going over everything coming tomorrow which I've been doing for you in this video so we're going to head down to the class section of this for hunters sniper training no longer grants 10% Critical Strike after not moving for 6 seconds sniper training now grants a stacking 2% increased Critical Strike chance every two seconds when not moving and when the hunter moves they lose one stack of sniper training per second so that sounds a little bit better it's going to be easier to play around that if sniper training is used for Hunter Trot Aura now grants an additional attack power benefit to the hunter that is providing the aura buff so again you're not going to be just a buff monkey where you're just buffing the rest of the raid you're also getting some extra buff Yourself by running something like true shot Aura we have Shaman Spirit of the alpha the loyal beta effect that the shaman will gain upon casting Spear of the alpha on another friendly Target now grants a flat 5% damage bonus to the shaman who cast it it was attack power as well as granting the shaman a 30% reduction in generated so Spirit of the alpha really nice just a flat 5% damage buff now Laval lanche has been adjusted Now deals 100 off-hand weapon damage on hit this damage bonus is now increased to 125 if your offhand weapon is Enchanted with flame tongue with a developers note here stating the damage of lava lash should essentially be the same but we've instead shifted more of the damage of this ability to the bonus gained when using flame tongue weapon in the offhand way of Earth now requires a shield in the offhand to gain this ability's beneficial effect so no longer will you be able to dual wield on Shaman and run way of Earth rockbiter has had its attack power bonus reduced with some developer notes stating most of the adjustments to rock biter weapon Laval lash and loyal beta have been made to further incentivize the usage of wind Fury weapon and Flame tongue weapon when dealing damage Shaman were able to reach very high attack power numbers by utilizing Double Rock bigher weapon and multiple stacking percentage Buffs to attack power this incentivized the use of the tank imbue for DPS which led to a variety of issues with the addition of mental dexterity this phase we felt the need to tone down Shaman attack power numbers and further incentivize using weapon imbus that are more geared towards damage dealing and for those of you who don't know what mental dexterity is dealing damage with your melee weapons increases your attack power by 100% of your intellect and your spell damage and healing by 30% of your attack power for 10 seconds as for warlocks they're really feeling that Lake of Fire Nerf here Lake of Fire Rune now requires the Warlock to Channel the full duration of rain of fire to gain the increased fire damage benefit I'm not a pro warlock player here but I'm assuming that no one is ever going to be using Lake of Fire ever again for metamorphosis warlocks May no longer gain the benefit of Soul link while in Metamorphosis form and for warriors we got Shield slam changes here bonus threat calculation has been redesigned for season of Discovery Shield slam now gains a percent bonus to threat generated that will allow it to to scale as a tank damage and block value increases additionally Shield slam now gains double benefit from block value meaning that a single point of loock block value now increases Shield slam's damage by two rather than one so that's a really nice buff to Shield slam may also be awesome for warriors in Glad stance in PvP if you know what I'm saying but I guess we're going to have to wait and see for that the nuran professions the recipe sold by Ziri the wrench little sprocket after players complete the quest salvaging the Salvage mic have been significantly reduced in price an additional teleporter has been added to the base of the pillar where wle Wonder gear resides in feralis to allow players who fall off oh okay so basically if you fall off of that little Spire where uh Wonder gear is you can now teleport back up to him without having to travel all the way back to booty Bay which is really nice as for some changes to the blood moon event we have the existing bloodstained Commendation items have been removed from mazin's vendor list now these commendation have been replaced with a new version of the bloodstain Commendation that is now purchasable with a new Massacre coin currency that will be available from players level 48 and above please note that any existing blood stain commendations players have in their inventory when patch 1.15.2 hits is released will now have a two week real world duration and will expire after the time and disappear from your inventory please use these coins before Tuesday April 16th so make sure you use those up before April 16 16 because they will expire and disappear into thin air and you will not be able to get them back additional rewards have been added to Mazin available at level 50 using the new Massacre coin currency as I stated earlier the battle for Ashen Veil repelling the Invaders and clear the forest quests now can be completed daily they are no longer weekly quests so for anyone who has not gotten exalted with warsong Gul yet this is your time to shine you can now do it once per day for a ton of reputation and we talked about this in a previous video but the waste wander water pouches and the troll tribal necklaces will no longer Grant experience in season of Discovery so if you have been stacking those up to try and boost your way up to 50 just know that it will not work The repeatable warsong Gulch and aroi Bas and marks of Honor quest in the 30 to 59 level ranges no longer Grant experience either so make sure you remember that and then they go on to State any extra warsong Gulch marks of Honor gain past 20 will now once again mail the player the extra marks however marks cannot be restored via the self-service male recovery system on the battle net support site so you will need to claim them and use these marks within 24 hours level 50 class quests from sunken Temple Now Grant players all of their loot options rather than a choice of options with a developer note stating one common issue with these quests is that some of the rewards could be a bit of a trap to new or less experienced original wow players there are a few trinkets in particular that may look appealing at first glance but have a lot of ongoing power and utility less experienced players would often pass on those rewards in favor of a more immediate armor upgrade only to find out later that they made a huge mistake because these quests are now raid quests that often take the player deep within the new raid we felt it was appropriate to be a bit generous here to allow players to gain all three rewards for their class quests please note we did not adjust these rewards at all for season of Discovery as most of them are already quite powerful AKA Diamond flask so now you're getting every reward from those quests instead of having to choose just one so some good changes there and again Zar Rock alemin maradon and black rock deps have been been revamped with new and updated item stats the PVP honor System with the release of phase 3 players will gain the ability to rank up in the PVP system with the rank cap being increased to seven so starting right now as of Tuesday you can start ranking up to rank seven in PvP if you guys want a nice ranking week AA or add-on I'll link them down below they can help you determine how much honor you need to get to the next Rank and yes a new set of level 50 PVP gear has been added to the PVP vendors in Stormwind and Ogar boots and gloves are available at rank five shoulders and legs are available at rank six and chest and Helm are available at rank seven and then another showstopper here dual Talent specialization is currently live I picked it up yesterday when it was in tenaris but it is no longer there they took the vendor down for quite a bit and replaced where Grand dag bright beard is so you can now pick up dual Talent specialization for 50 gold at level 40 in Iron Forge or Ogar so that's it for all the highlights coming tomorrow and some most of this stuff is already live it seems like right now all we can't do is level to 50 but everything else is live the nightmare incursions are not but the Explorer imp is in there the bush is in there the crate is in there you can rank up in PvP um so make sure you guys are ready for this launch that was the purpose of this video I just wanted to give a general overview if I missed something I'm sorry there is just tons of information I can't get through all of this in a single video that's less than an hour long so hopefully this helped any of you who have not been up to date on this stuff but obviously tomorrow I will be live throughout the entire launch I'll be live all weekend long over on Twitch at twitch.tv/ hamadan so definitely go give me a follow on there and come hang out live we're going to be doing everything it's going to be a lot of fun like I said we're going to jump into a Gomer and then we're going to go from nomer to doing some of the nightmare incursions see how the XP gain is there and we're going to be doing this stuff fast like within the first half hour of launch so yeah come hang out on the Stream if you want to hang out and have a good time on launch day or all throughout the next 5 days and also if you guys are looking for an awesome Community uh we are Alliance on Lone Wolf with some horde alts over on Crusader strike but we main Alliance on Lone Wolf if you want to join the Discord I'll drop a link to that in the description below we have a big Guild with a lot of friendly and helpful people we have a lot of fun together we have a we did have four raid groups going for this past phase in phase two and I think going into phase three we might have two raid groups going at some point starting with one building up number two so definitely join the Discord or join the guild if you guys are looking for a home and looking for people to just hang out with and have a good time but anyways guys if you enjoyed this hit that like button subscribe to the channel and let's Crush phase three right thank you all so much for watching and listening in I'll see you all in the next [Music] one [Music] w
Channel: hammerdance
Views: 26,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sod phase 3 tier, sod phase 3 tier sets, sod phase 3 news, sod phase 3 new gear, sod phase 3 new items, sod sunken temple, sunken temple loot, sod raid new gear, sod phase 3, sod phase 3 runes, sod phase 3 release, sod phase 3 raid, season of discovery phase 3, world of warcraft, season of discovery, world of warcraft classic, classic wow, wow classic, wow news, wow classic news, sod class changes, sod new content, sod new dungeons, sod new raids, sod, gear, items, loot, raid
Id: OzQvzWBlLWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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