Super Simple Sunken Temple Raid Guide | Season of Discovery

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what's up everybody let's talk about the bosses in sunken Temple now before engaging the first boss at tal Allon you want to run to the sides of the room clear some ads and use these ropes to get up top and activate the four Alters that are currently channeling the boss if you do not do this the boss will be extremely powerful and pretty much be unkillable now for this boss everything is pretty simple you want to tank the boss pretty much against the stairs and what's going to happen is pillars are going to spawn around the room you're going to want to position yourself so that when the boss knocks you back you get knocked into a pillar to destroy it when everyone gets knocked back the main tank will also get knocked up into the air and the off tank will need to taunt just keep in mind that the pillars can cause loss issues for healers so be very mindful of that other than that this fight is pretty easy up next we have the festering rot slime for this boss you will be constantly moving around the circle while pretty much kiting this boss around he's going to be throwing slime pools at the raid you can have range bait these slime pools to one side of the hallway so that you have a clear path on one side if you find yourself standing in the Slime move ASAP as it deals a ton of damage now over time this boss will gain stacks of a buff that increases his movement speed keep moving backwards and attack the purple items on the side of the hallway once you destroy these items they get moved to the center and swallowed up by the boss once he eats enough of these items he will stop moving completely and you can pump DPS just rinse and repeat this and it's pretty easy up next is the atala Defenders this fight is basically six mini bosses that you will fight in a row once you kill one of the bosses the previous one will respawn as a ghost and will be able to be cced use shackle Hunter traps and whatever other CC you have available on all ghosts they cannot be killed each of these six mini bosses pretty much has one single mechanic for zolure move away from corrupted slam for mijan kill totems for Zolo interrupt his chain lightning for Gasher he gains an attack speed buff so you can either kite him to wait for the buff to fall off or wait for him to summon axes which will also get rid of the buff if you engage him while he has the buff up he may destroy your tank for Loro he constantly resets threat so basically have your tank spamming taunt if necessary and for hooku interrupt his cast and you can either off tank or ignore his ads completely and it's pretty much GG up next we have Weaver and dream Scythe this boss will occasionally cast Wing Buffet which will knock you back be mindful of the hole in the center of the room if you fall into that hole there is no coming back the closer you are to the boss the more damage you will take and the stronger the knockback will be one of the safest places you actually can be is right next to the hole or in line with the hole because this guarantees that you can't get knocked into the hole at around 60% Weaver will come down and join the fight their health is linked so just keep dpsing one boss unless you have the gear and confidence to cleave them down which I'm sure people will be doing in the near future there will now be two Wing buffets dream Scythe will knock you back and then Weaver will follow up about a second or two later with another so make sure to position accordingly after Wing buffets just make sure that when picking the dragons back up they don't breathe on the entire raid other than that this fight is pretty simple just rinse and repeat and it's GG next up we have ogam and Jamal you're going to be killing ogam first because Jamal is immune to any damage stack range to bait Hol noas and then move accordingly as a group now obviously you do want to avoid those holy novas which are the big yellow AOE on the ground you want to decurse curses on players and dispel Holy Fire dots and you can also interrupt Smite cast to reduce some incoming damage once G is defeated Jamal will enter the fight Jamal will cast Shadow Surman pain which will put a Big Dot on 10 players in the raid this must be dispelled immediately other than that melee needs to run out when psychic scream is being cast unless you have some way of being immune to fear we need to have big heals when he casts AOE penants damaging the entire raid you cannot interrupt it and just make sure that when his shield is up it's being purged down so that you can actually deal damage to the boss funny story is our first kill here we did not know that the shield was dispellable so we did the entire fight on hard mode without purging The Shield until the last 10% don't make that mistake it's way easier than we made it up next we have two more dragons huzzaz and moras tank hazaz and make sure your DPS is not standing directly behind him have your melee DPS stand off to the side similar to anxia to avoid a tail swipe knockback he'll put a dot on some people called dreamers Lament but just heal them through it at 80% he will cast animate flames and summon ads and also start casting lucid dreaming CLE these ads down quickly he will put people to sleep and send them downstairs and you can only be put to sleep and sent downstairs if you are not affected by the fire debuff that you can obtain by running through the fire on the floor this fire debuff when obtained will give you a massive speed boost and allow you to walk into sleeping players to wake them up and bring them back upstairs if anyone is still sleep and downstairs when moras finish his cast of Eternal Slumber they will die so anyone upstairs must walk into the fire and then run into sleeping players to wake them up and bring them back upstairs just keep in mind you can only wake up one player at a time meaning once you grab the fire you can run into one player to wake them up and then you will have to grab the fire again to wake up another additionally downstairs you can kill nightmare Vines to spawn a portal to bring you back upstairs but only one player can use each portal so there still may be some players that need to be woken up before they die now you can either split DPS to maximize damage and have half the raid upstairs and half downstairs or just keep everyone upstairs it's unclear which strategy is best currently at 30% hazaz will cast lucid dreaming again and this will send everyone downstairs yet again but this time there are no fire ads or nightmare Vines you must now DPS more F from 30% to zero before he finishes his cast Eternal Slumber it's a pretty big DPS check but very doable up next we have the shade of iranicus for this fight your range DPS should all stack on one player we're going to be interrupting bellowing Roar every single time it's being cast and we're going to be cleansing lethargic poison immediately additionally corrosive breath will reduce tank armor so you need to do a tank swap he will cast deep Slumber which puts clouds on the ground if you touch one of these clouds you will be stunned for 15 seconds and reduce all incoming damage by 99% this is extremely important to remember because when he begins to cast waking nightmare everyone must run into a cloud to get stunned and avoid dying once waking nightmare is cast it will remove the stun from everyone and you can go back to dpsing make sure throughout all of this you're cleaving and aoeing all ads down as fast as possible getting ads down on this fight is more important than boss damage about every 10 seconds or so the boss is going to spawn five welps make sure you're killing these immediately at 40% again the boss will go to sleep taking 99% reduced damage it will spawn two ads interrupt these ads and cleave them down fast he will now also start spawning an additional three ads alongside the welps all ads should be main focus your ranged group no longer really needs to be stacking here just make sure that you're avoiding ass rain it hits really really hard and it's telegraphed by those blinking yellow circles around the room at 10% the boss will soft and rage and start spawning ads like crazy at this point Focus all of your DPS into the boss and push him to zero as fast as possible while still making sure to avoid acid rain up next we have the Avatar of hakar to be able to summon this boss make sure you or someone in your raid has done the quest and received the Egg of hakar to start this encounter kill the ads surrounding the hakari blood keeper to be able to engage him the hakari blood keeper will shoot an acid rain projectile at range so do the same thing you did for shade of iranicus and have your rain stack on one person and move accordingly to avoid the rain additionally curses will be placed on some of the melee they need to run out of the group and be de cursed once they are away from the raid once the hakari blood keeper reaches 100% Mana the boss will spawn once the boss spawns we will have a melee stack and a range stack he will put corrupted blood on two Targets those two Targets need to immediately leave their stack and position themselves somewhere behind the tank but not in range of other players if they are within range of other players they will spread the corrupted blood and pretty much wipe the raid once you see the boss start casting drain blood players with corrupted blood must position themselves in front of the boss behind the tank to get the blood cleansed off of them after they are cleansed they will turn into a skeleton and not not be able to receive healing for 5 seconds so healers should try to top off corrupted blood players before drain blood goes out that's pretty much it for this fight rinse and repeat and you should have no problems I hope this video was able to help you guys and if it did hit that like button subscribe to the channel and come jump over to my twitch at hammerd Dan if you guys want to hang out with me live but anyways guys thank you all so much for watching and listening in I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: hammerdance
Views: 47,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sunken temple raid guide, sunken temple boss guide, sod sunken temple guide, wow sod sunken temple, sunken temple sod guide, sunken temple logout skip, sod sunken temple, sunken temple loot, sod raid new gear, sod phase 3, sod phase 3 runes, sod phase 3 raid, season of discovery phase 3, world of warcraft, season of discovery, classic wow, wow classic, wow news, wow classic news, sod class changes, sod new content, sod new dungeons, sod new raids, sod, gear, items, loot, raid
Id: e_jqGEbPZsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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