Everything You Need to Know About Cad Bane

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we would be honored if you would join us hey everyone how are you all doing with cad bane's appearance in the bad batch which was such a sweet surprise i figured i would do 10 interesting facts about cad bait now keep in mind these aren't all of his facts i'm just picking and choosing from a few that i found on the internet namely wookiepedia and of course some other novel sources which you will see in the rest of this video so i will be doing a part 2 to this video at some other time and then eventually combining them for a top 20 facts about cad bane so if you don't know who he is this video will give you a bit of a rundown on what he's been up to in the clone wars if you haven't seen the clone wars or if you need a bit of a refresher so starting in at number one we have cad bane's early life now his early life is one that i hoped to see in a spin-off show of some sorts by the time of the clone wars he was already in his 50s so to him things weren't really all that personal anymore at this more of a mature age a job was a job and if it paid you would get it done the duros specie bounty hunter was very intelligent much like thrawn he was always several steps ahead of his bounty he was second in the galaxy only to jango fett and once django died at the hands of mesuindu on the battle of genosis cadpane was considered the best his specialty was killing naturally like most bounty hunters but what made him unique like django was his ability to kill jedi where other bounty hunters could not this was due to his keen intellect and very fast reflexes combined with his aggression and ruthless behavior it left for a bounty hunter that never faltered under pressure some notable hires included the hutts the separatists and palpatine himself which we're gonna get into all of them number two his mask have you ever wondered about his mask why does he wear that thing does he have problems breathing like vader did now while tubes and masks weren't unheard of in a galaxy where so many different species have different biologies you know some can't breathe oxygen banes was for a different reason he knew jedi and sith used the ability force choke so as he fought more and more force users he eventually realized this threat was rather overpowered and devised a breathing tube apparatus to go down his throat which prevented any force user from force choking him in the future like anakin for example if the seldom few jedi would use such a power as it was more deemed to be a dark side ability it also allowed him to breathe in areas without oxygen like space number three he worked with obi-wan ah sort of if you remember in the clone wars cad bane was arrested by the republic all according to his plan he did this in order to rescue an inmate named morallo eval who was working with dooku now their plan was to kidnap palpatine so kad paid little boba fett who was also in prison to create a diversion a distraction while he and reiko hardine who was actually obi-wan kenobi in disguise escaped now obi-wan or reiko was also on a secret mission of his own to stop the kidnapping of the chancellor once they got out cadbane obi-wan the rest of the bounty hunters and dooku entered the box which was just a room in a building filled with a sort of life or death obstacle course kind of like the saw movies dooku did this to see who would be the best bounty hunter to kill palpatine sort of like a test well no essentially a test cad survived and so did morallo and obi-wan who everyone still believed was reiko hardin if it wasn't for obi-wan revealing his true identity cadbane's plan might have succeeded that being said we all know palpatine couldn't actually be killed he was just pretending to be this feeble and weak politician at this point in time cad bain was sent to prison for life in a republic jail number four weapons a bounty hunter never is without their weapons cad bain's weapons of choice were kimbo ll30 blasters dual blasters customized with a special scope and a fast rate of fire he was able to throw off even his most skilled targets the jedi with their lightsabers that is in addition to dual pistols he had rockets attached to his heels much like the fets were equipped with jet packs he was partially iron man which allowed him to get out of any situation by flying or leaping away out of all of his weapons the most deadly were his gauntlets which were kind of like inspector gadget they had a wire cord much like django used against obi-wan and boba fett used on luke skywalker in return of the jedi flamethrowers little projectile launchers much like the mando has those singing birds and the ability to shoot electrical currents to shock his enemies now i should also mention that his hat doesn't offer any type of gadget or ability like odd job he did once kill another bounty hunter just for wearing it so never touch his hat note to self number five sidious cad bain had many powerful people hiring him for various jobs and deeds he was that good one of these people was of course palpatine himself darth sidious who required bane to steal a jedi holocron now this holocron was special i don't know all of them are but this one in particular it was known as the cyber memory crystal it listed all the known locations of every force-sensitive child in the entire galaxy something surely palpatine wanted and so does calcus but both for different reasons the holocron was in the jedi temple itself and if you remember it was guarded by bola rapal the rhodian jedi master now rodians were the same species as grido if you didn't know now one does not simply just walk into the jedi temple and steal the holocron unless of course your cadbane who eventually challenged the jedi master regarding it and defeated him holding him prisoner master ropal never gave in to bane's extreme methods of revealing the information and he eventually met his demise so without any way of opening this holocron he improvised when the republic came to the aid of the rhodian jedi master anakin and ahsoka were part of the rescue team so naturally cadbane captured ahsoka and forced anakin to unlock the holocron for him in exchange for her life he took out a clone trooper and wore the armor to disguise himself as he escaped freely number six mind power happy with the job well done sidious hired cadbane once more now that he knew the location of so many force-sensitive children thanks to anakin opening the holocron he had bane kidnapped four children and to bring them to his facility on mustafar palpatine planned on making dark side spies so cadbane executed his contract in his typical fashion until the republic captured him it took obi-wan anakin skywalker and mace windu to perform a jedi mind trick on him to reveal the location of the children but to no avail bane resisted successfully and in the end the jedi eventually recovered the cyber memory crystal and rescued the children from mustafar however cad bane tricked them long enough to escape once again number seven cad vs boba fett before the clone wars got cancelled there was an entire planned arc with boba fett who had a standoff with cad bane now that we see cad in the bad batch it's very very possible that we could see this conclusion either in the bad match or even better maybe in live action in the book of boba depending how they want to do it or perhaps we could see it in both and then in the book of boba is a flashback i'm not sure about you guys but sometimes i feel like what is made in animation should end in animation and not be put into live action but once we got ahsoka and bo katan and so on honestly it was kind of even better for me in live action it was different but i enjoyed it in a different way which was pretty awesome anyways in the unseen arc of bane and boba bane would have joined boba and told him he knew jango his father bobo would wear the green armor for the first time and their fate would end in a western style standoff whether cad survives or not is not officially confirmed or denied only there are fan theories out there which point towards cad dying but some point towards him being alive too that said the ones that point to him dying make a lot of sense because the theories are well bane must die because well boba is still alive because human empire strikes back in return of the jedi and i highly doubt boba would just let him walk as a free man you know that large dent on boba's helmet yeah that's a shot from cad bane himself number eight jabba jabba the hutt had a bit of a rowdy family member named zero the hutt who was being held captive by the republic the hutt council believed zero was too dangerous to be left in prison as he knew too much about the hutt's operations and private details that could be leaked if questioned under pressure so naturally jabba old body old pal hired cadbane to break zero out and return him to the hutt cartel so cad abducted r2 and 3po which gave him access to the map of the senate building bane then put together a crew of other bounty hunters and together they took the building with several senators hostage as collateral zero was sadly killed by his former lover and one of jabba's top singers that we saw in return of the jedi sy snooties number nine his ship bane flew a smooth looking ship a modified rogue-class starfighter called xanadu blood equipped with dual laser cannons and a shield generator this ship was a gift from papa palps himself as a reward for stealing the holocron with the information about the force sensitive children he used this ship quite a lot to say the least the ship flew very fast and it was stealthy and not to mention it was controlled by his wrist gauntlets for ease it also had a regular com system navigation system but if you needed to control it by his wrist he could do that kind of like the green goblin in spider-man number 10 the wills do you guys remember the wills the force-like god beings that qui-gon learned how to transfer his essence into the force from who then went on to teach yoda who then taught obi-wan and thought anakin so on this was also what george was going to do for the first star wars film he was going to have the wills observing the events of the skywalkers maybe playing a hand here or there fixing something moving something making something a little more difficult knows the journal of the wheels is where they would have documented everything and like dts as they recorded everything they saw they ended up actually mentioning cad bane so he was big enough of a figure in the galaxy to be considered and discussed by these god-like beings the following excerpt comes from a certain point of view and it's a discussion between two wills so here we go wheel one says next you're going to tell me that you weren't planning to mention captain rex ahsoka ventress cad bane savage press jar jar and the mandalorians will 2 says well i guess i could always go back and tell their stories later wheel 1 says out of order so what i'm thinking even here just from that dialogue and i hope this is just a theory and a hope that i have is that all of these backstories for these characters that were mentioned and many more down the line will be explained at some point in the future either in their own show spin-off film heck even give me a comic you know showing their early life and the end of it but go into detail i want to know the nitty-gritties or they could even put it in some other show like the bad batch for example which i think what they're doing which never really made me think that we'd see cad bane in there but it fits so well and bonus fact number 11 sabine wren and rebels had a painting of cad bane on her ship let me know what you guys thought of this breakdown which facts about him are your favorite not just from the video but in general that i may have left out because if you comment i will make another video and include that fact that you enjoyed so much and explain it in great detail let me know what your cadbane theories are down below in the comments i hope you enjoyed this top 10 and i will catch you in the next video until then remember the force will be with you always you
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 604,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, cad bane, bounty hunter, cad bane death, boba fett, the clone wars, cad bane vs boba fett, star wars the clone wars, clone wars, jango fett, cad bane star wars, star wars the bad batch, boba fett vs cad bane, star wars explained, cad bane clone wars, star wars theory, the bad batch, ahsoka tano, the mandalorian, the clone wars order 66, cad bane best moments, cad bane vs hunter
Id: avkTJIT8Mpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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