Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Fasting | Jimmy Moore on Health Theory

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you're about to learn how to fast like a pro on today's episode of health theory with Jimmy Moore we talked about why you need a Y in your health journey what the true markers of health really are the dangers of a low fat diet and why fasting is one of the most powerful tools you can utilize for better health everybody welcome to health theory today's guest is best-selling author Jimmy Moore the man behind the livin la vida loca podcast and such books as keto clarity cholesterol clarity and the complete guide to fasting his personal journey from morbid obesity to champion for healthy living is also ultra inspiring and Jimmy I've been following you now for a very long time we were talking when you came for years now which crazy that this is the first time that we're meeting face to face her and that's far too long far too long and the question that I'm dying to ask you Oh change as profound as yours usually comes at the cost of pain that's usually the thing that causes people to change what was it in your life that caused that spark that made you lose all the weight and learn all this stuff so my older brother Kevin passed away at the age of 41 of morbid obesity heart disease and diabetes but he had his heart attacks in 1999 and that was the first year that I kind of went whoa for the first time in my life I really got serious about wanting to get healthy but I always went back to to the default and the default was no fat lots of healthy carbohydrates for energy and then exercise to you drop so I did that in 1999 successfully lost weight but I was miserable I was angry and I couldn't sustain it and I think anybody that's trying to find a nutritional modality or a lifestyle modality that's gonna give them long-term success it has to be something that you literally can do for the rest of your life and be happy about from day one of keto I other than date number one which was bad it was not bad at all and it's been nothing but living la vida loca carb ever since so there's a book called change or die the punchline of the book is that most people and I forget the percentage but it's way less than 10% right when all they have to do is take one pill a day to increase their or to decrease their mortality risk by some like astronomical percent like 40 or 50 percent they don't do it they still don't do it right and I was just like how is that possible so looking at if it was your brother's heart attacks it was the impetus for you to lose weight right why were you able to tap into the why when it was his own life and he couldn't click into it it gets really to the heart of motivation because everybody tells me oh you had such great willpower to be able to do that diet and to give up the carbs and give up this and that and I'm going no I had Y power going back to your original question I had want power I had the desire to change the the want to and it wasn't that I ever didn't want to lose weight didn't want to get healthy previously but suddenly I had a radar screen in front of me that said if you don't then and it's that what comes after the then that didn't look good in my eyes and so I had to make that change and why did I do it and others haven't that's up to the individual and I think each individual has to come to that conclusion of they have a why they have a want to they have a reason for doing it and this applies not just in diet but really any part of life you have to have a reason or you don't really stick with anything hmm now is it always been in your personality to go and learn and research and figure things out because the amazing part of following your journey has been like when I first got onto I don't even think you'd written you your first book yeah I had not it was just the podcast and so I've gotten to watch you like really become one of the leading voices in the space self-taught like there's no MD after your name and yet your line by the way that's interesting you'll talk about that yeah for sure because you've built credibility without that just by going in and learning sort of a citizen scientist is that just a natural part of your personality or every single job that I'd ever had before what I do now for myself best boss ever by the way and it was always I felt like I got to a certain point with that job and I couldn't go higher even though I felt my abilities gave me the ability to get here I was always stuck here and I could never figure out why when I knew I had value inside of me talents gifts to be able to help whatever company I was working for there's where I was and I would apply to be able to get there and they would never let me and so I think that was one of the things that I wanted to prove those people wrong and for the longest time they tried to define who I was I'm like okay well I guess I'm gonna have to go out on my own build my own business from the ground up and and do the work that it takes that I know I can do I work harder today Tom then and you know this being an entrepreneur yourself I work harder today that I've ever worked in any job in my entire life and yet it is the most satisfying gratifying I wouldn't trade it for the world when you wake up at four o'clock in the morning and you're ready to grip her and ready to go and take on the world that's what drives me now whereas if I had a nine-to-five job that would not be so fun yeah I want to like really get to what were when you first started dieting and in the beginning when it is really hard yeah what are you repeating in your head is it the the what if statement where if I don't do this then I'm going to you know fill in the blank I heart attacks whatever is that what you're repeating or yeah sugar is rat poison became my mantra really yes so in the beginning it was just imitation I had such an affinity for sugar and carbs 16 cans of coca-cola I'd ask yeah and whole boxes a Little Debbie snack cakes I throw them in the freezer an hour before watching TV we'd pull them out and I'd eat a whole box watching a one-hour sitcom I'd pull out the other box in ether I mean that was just normal to me and so you know when you have that mentality your past and then suddenly you need to create some negative stigma with that thing sugar is rat poison certainly as that stigma now obviously on a conscious level I knew it wasn't actually rat poison but to give yourself enough pause to go oh yeah this is why I'm doing it so did you so that was the avoid the sugar and I think that there's two ways to approach something you've gotta move away from you've got moved towards right so that's the move away from sight did you have a move towards like and I want whatever result better blood markers or to live forever which is my thing you know forever I had always been told oh fat is gonna clog your arteries and give you heart disease and it's gonna give you a heart attack you're gonna die and so people fear fat and so for the first time in my life with reckless abandon I didn't fear fat and that's huge and to this day people still are hesitant about embracing fat and so I think that's what hangs up a lot of people when they try to make a nutritional change is they hear low carb and they say well if low carbs good low carb low fat must be better and it really isn't that's a recipe for disaster and so low carb high fat becomes your ticket to feeling the brain health benefits to getting the lowering of the inflammation to increasing your longevity which is your goal all of those things are so important and it came by embracing the very thing that you've always thought was going to harm you alright you've talked really eloquently about that you can't just look at whether somebody is skinny or not you've really got to look at biomarkers so what are biomarkers that you really pay attention to you that you think all of us should pay attention to in terms of actually determining our health yeah and thank you for that question because I do get criticized online because I still have weight on the body but at the end of the day you're right health markers are what matters and for me I want to see very specific things so inflammation because without inflammation in the body there is no chronic disease people are like well why do I care about HS CRP high sensitive high sensitivity c-reactive protein well you should care because if that's low your chances of having any kind of disease going on in your body is extremely nil and so that's a big one fasting insulin is another one that is a key and so insulin is a the kind of master hormone in the body and so if you control insulin levels and don't allow it to go out of whack then again your body is in a pretty good state of health that's the one that I know is keeping some weight on my body a 1c which is like an average blood glucose over the past three months and so a1c it's measured in milliliters Americans don't understand millimoles per liter but basically you're looking for an average glucose of all your glucose readings for the past three months and then triglyceride to HDL ratio everybody say all my total cholesterol is out of whack and my doctor wants to put me on a statin medication and LDL and blah blah blah and I'm like okay that was the science fifty years ago would you like to know what it is in 2018 so in 2018 its triglycerides HDL ratio and small dense LDL which we'll talk about here in a minute so triglycerides are that really true bad fat in the blood and so people are like oh okay well triglycerides are fat in the blood it must come from the fat in the diet no no it comes from the carbs and so the more carbs you eat the higher their triglycerides go my wife Christine she had a 300 triglycerides normal with conventional medicine is under 150 you'll find out here in a minute that's high but 300 is what she had all we did was cut out her skittles M&Ms in dr. pepper this was many years ago just those three things all sugary things and she dropped in six weeks from 300 to 130 whoa yeah and so it's powerful knowing that the direct impact of just the sugar and the refined carbs and and the the grains and all those kinds of things are having on your body just in the blood fat levels and so getting the triglycerides and wanted to tell signs if someone is doing keto slash low-carb well is their triglycerides will go under 100 like like axiomatically go under 100 and ideally under 70 and then HDL is the other one ever oil that's the good cholesterol yes it is but let me tell you why it's good because it goes in conjunction with the triglycerides and so as triglycerides come down HDL goes up and HDL doesn't go up on its own it has to go up because it's got the basic raw materials that allows it to go up guess what that material would be oh yeah its dietary fat and so when you eat fat in the diet specifically real food fats like butter coconut oil lard all the healthy fats avocado oil olive oil macadamia nut oil is my new obsession I love that stuff then your HDL will go up and so you're looking for that ratio between the triglyceride and the HDL and it should be 1:1 or less and so most people are walking around with like 10 to 1 triglyceride to HDL because their triglycerides are going so high because they're eating carbohydrate their HDL is going so low because they're still fearing fat so this dichotomy between those numbers are here when if you eat keto they're more close to here and that's what makes you healthy it's so crazy because this stuff is so complicated like when I think back to when I first started so keep in mind at like 12 years later I found a nutrition company but in the beginning I'm eating licorice every day because licorice has no fat and I remember somebody saying to me naturally fat free etc exactly so I'm like how can you lose right and somebody said to me um I think though sugar turns into fat if you eat too much of it right and I was like that that doesn't make sense like come on how can one thing become something else right so as you were explaining that triglycerides are actually coming from carbohydrates walk people through like in a 30,000 foot view we're not to dive too deep but just give Mike a quick rundown of how in the body a carbohydrate ends up as a triglyceride particle in their bloodstream you consume it and the body immediately says okay it's a carbohydrate that's raising blood sugar so blood sugar goes up guess what has to help bring it back down insulin so insulin comes out slanted into the cells that says behave you're not supposed to be here because in the entire human body there is just one teaspoon of sugar that's hit one teaspoon of sugar and so when you eat a whole bag of red vines you've just flooded your body probably with 15 to 20 teaspoons of sugar I did the same thing I know it puts it in perspective doesn't it and so when you think of it that way at some point insulin goes okay dude I'm out of here screw you I can't do all this and so it stops functioning well that's insulin resistance so when you start getting insulin resistance and you start having adipose tissue start to build up it builds up because the insulin stops responding the sugar goes to various parts of the body primarily the liver and once it hits the liver the liver is like okay we don't know what to do with all these sugar we start squirting out fat because we've got to translate it into something the body can maybe use and so whenever you get that kind of a you know think of it ancestrally when you get that kind of bolus of sugar all at one time and sexually it wasn't meant to be a disgusting you know part of your body it was meant to be a survival thing your body thought you were starving in the future so it was gonna store up because you're giving it so much energy at one time right it's gonna store it all up in your fat stores so that someday you can use that as energy but what happens is you're storing up this energy and it's never getting used I used to be basically on a rabbit starvation diet so I knew carbohydrates were a problem for me so I dropped my carbs I started losing fat it was a maze I knew that I didn't want to eat fat because fat makes you fat obviously it's in the name Jimmy so I avoided fat like the plague so I was basically eating protein period and I went and and I thought I was lean dude I got WAY lean and I was so low carb low fat high protein really restricted calories lots of cardio I looked amazing I felt terrible yeah business partners and my wife pulled me aside like you don't have a personality anymore yeah that's how bad I got this my doctor though was like oh my god these numbers are amazing your cholesterol is so low this is incredibly he was freaking out and then I was screaming with inflammation so I had joint pain I as my wrists were an atrocity my knees were almost as bad I mean just really really bad and find fat through experimentation that we were doing a quest fixed my wrist problems overnight it was amazing changes my lifestyle flash-forward whatever four years later and now I go get my levels tested again and the doctors like we got to put you on a statin mm-hm and I was like but I feel great I'm still lean yeah not as lean but I'm still lean I haven't had to use up dice my wrists every night for 15 years Wow and so like thankfully by then I knew better but what gave you the confidence to be like I know better than these doctors because even me and I'm pretty arrogant when the doctor said that I thought I don't know like is he right because it's when the person in the white lab coat tells you no this is really dangerous it gives you pause how do you have the courage so let me tell a story about after my initial Atkins diet weight loss in 2004 I went to see my doctor whoa he's lost a lot of weight how to do it I did the okay I do want to tell him because I was fearful and know how he would respond and the first thing out of his mouth was oh we need to test your cholesterol on a michael knock yourself out I have nothing to hide and the results came back and so I was like hey pretty good numbers No we put you back on statin and now I've been on to statin drugs Meyer to going on the Atkins diet and I was like okay no we're not doing the joint pain and all the other negative side effects of statins again but it was just this whole notion that a number on a piece of paper would determine your health whatever happened to looking at a patient and saying you're healthy you look healthy I can tell you're healthy whatever you're doing keep going now obviously there are some markers that will indicate things long before you're symptomatic but a cholesterol is not one of them and I think what gave me the confidence was I got tired of everything being about a number because you asked earlier you know I don't have an MD a PhD an RD or any tea after my name and that's by design I want to be empowered patient to me more and yes I built the platform without those things so to try to go and get those things now would be silly right I'm so much more powerful so much more relatable to people because I'm average everyday Jimmy more who happens to have a few best-selling books but at the end of the day I'm just a dude and I'm trying to show people look you're just a dude or do that you can do this too and the confidence comes from I know the science I know and I've talked to all the experts in the world I think people lack the confidence like like what you did because they haven't immersed themselves in now you're immersed yourself in and now and you could probably be that very confident about really anything about your health now but until people get to that points one reason I wrote all these books is I'm trying to give people that arming them with information so they can be confident when they go there doctor I'll tell you a story my neighbor read my book cholesterol clarity she was on a statin medication she got to chapter five and read all about what statins were doing and she's like oh my gosh this is exactly what they're doing to me she goes to her doctor with that book in tow and says I know the author of this book he says I need to come off the statins I would like to come off the statins help me now oh and he just had a history fit but she was confident and so if nothing else about my work I'm hoping it arms people with good information about cholesterol and Kido and fasting and whatever else I decide to write about the future so what is your process how do you go and learn this stuff like how do you start when it's a brand new topic you know anything about it you don't know who's writing about it right how do you begin so one of the fun parts of my job and I professionally podcast horse shows the air five days a week yes I'm cray-cray but it gives me lots of confidence to chat about different subjects like you're hearing today I'll give you an example of a topic and it's fasting fasting was always off the radar screen for me until I interviewed a gentleman on the livin la vida loca carp show dr. Thomas Seyfried very famous Kido cancer researcher and at the end of our podcast he said you know if you want to prevent cancer just fast for seven to ten days using only distilled water once at one time a year and he just drops this bomb at the end of my interview and I was just like I was trying to process it okay that's all the time we have today for the living of it and I didn't ever get to follow up I've since followed up with him a little bit but I was like wow fasting is that powerful and I think it's just it's that natural curiosity to want to learn more that drives me to become an expert I'm always thinking what does Joe Sixpack think about this issue okay they don't think about this issue okay that's where I start show 6-pack of ABS or 6-pack of here yeah well just the Joe Schmo right and and Jane Doe that's that's who I think about as I go through this process of learning all right I could beta-hydroxybutyrate and I could do all these terms to them and it would just gloss over their head but if I say you know if you become a sugar burner and then turn into a fat burner you'll improve your health whoa now that clicks and then you refine that a little more so for me yes I can geek out on all the science and read all the journals but I want to get to the crux of the information so that it becomes palatable to them because Kido clarity for example that's all I did in that book will scratch the surface of what Kido is and give practical information and a very layperson knowledge so that then you become very engaged in it and you want to learn more now go read all those hard books because now you understand it so that's my role in this I probably will write a little bit of a harder book someday but for me my niche is just translating it into average everyday language no that's amazing I love that and I love how deep you've gone on a lot of subjects and I want to go back to fasting yeah so with fasting have you had pushback from people that they don't think you should or they seem to have almost a religious aversion to it yeah there's still people that think it's starving yourself which very quickly starving is you have no food and you can't eat food mmm fasting is you have food do you choose not to eat for a period of time for a specific purpose two totally different things and so when you explain and then that way you're in total control if at any point during a fast you need to eat guess what eat Jason and I both safe to do that in our book if you're fasting and you're not just not feeling right eat but we also explained the the back end of it if you're just kind of okay I've got head hunger and I just don't know if I can get through it okay that's a different issue we'll help you with that you know do some salt and electrolytes and different things to kind of calm things down and usually people can get through it and get to a one-week fast very easy now I find that a lot of people don't really understand what a fast is right walk people through the difference between intermittent fasting and then a full fasting here's the easiest way to intermittent fast it's gonna make it so easy for everybody watching right now so you eat your last meal the day at 6 right 6 p.m. wake up the next morning yeah I'm not really hungry you just skip breakfast and keep in mind that term breakfast literally means break the fast doesn't mean you have to eat it 8 o'clock in the morning it just means you're breaking the fast so why don't we push that break fast to new hmm so if you do that you go from 6 o'clock the night before to noon the next day you just intermittent fasting for 18 hours and all you missed was one meal are you really gonna miss that one meal most people not once your keto adapted very easily you will not so so just heat a sensible meal on that intermittent fast or a couple of sensible meals because you get noon and 6:00 you can eat G twice that day and then you do it all over again 18 hours but the extended fasting this is where it gets really interesting so let's say you've been term it and fasted let's say you're very keto let's say you're ready to push it to the next level first they should be easy you're used to intermittent fasting it's day 2 where it starts to get a little bit more difficult people go ok they're gonna like ring their their their hands and just because their body is so used to eating that at that day is when everything kind of goes a little bit surco in their body and they they start people start to freak out oh this is not working I need to eat it no no no push through that so how do you push through it stay very well hydrated so drink drink drink and drink some more salt pink Himalayan sea salt you can buy big old buckets of it now at Costco and I get a pinch of it and I stick it under the tongue and when you do that you feel like you had a meal and so you're telling your body everything is okay usually the withdrawal symptoms that people have where they think they need to eat it's really just electrolyte imbalance and so the pink Himalayan sea salt some people also do a little bit of potassium maybe the was it the no salt that has potassium some people take a magnesium supplement so you get all the electrolytes in there and if you push through day 2 you get to day 3 and you start to feel a little better maybe some people are still a little symptomatic but get through three days and guess what happens that a word rears its ugly head in a good way and that's on top of G because after three days of not eating food and I mean no food you can have water you can have salt but no food your body rewards you by giving you cleaning up a cleaning up of all those proteins so what so if a tapa G is cleaning up with the proteins what does that mean exactly is it looking for the formed proteins all kinds of protein this is the other thing people don't realize there are proteins just floating around the body got nowhere to go and there's no way to get rid of them without fasting and so this is why regular at least three day and and here's the point I was going to get to about long-term fasting you get through food at three days go seven because once you pass the three days you're passed the hardest part of this entire process day 4 or 5 6 & 7 you almost feel like I don't ever have to eat again it's the weirdest thing what's the have you've done a long fast 5 days my max so day 4 or 5 was it pretty good yeah yeah so I mean you get to that point and you truly feel you get moments where it's just a little gnawing in the stomach or you kind of just go okay I really want to eat but it passes especially when you do the salt thing is so powerful and I try to incorporate this I travel a lot with my job but I tried to when I'm home for some extended period of time throwing in a one-week fast just to see how I feel and most the time I don't even have the symptoms on day 2 3 anymore yeah which is amazing because it's like I think it's like riding a bicycle those first few times you skinned your knee a little bit and so it's really hard but then after a while you're popping wheelies yeah I totally agree the first time that I did a fast was brutal night - I remember my head hurts so badly and I woke up in the middle of the night and I was like this is brutal I couldn't like even my head on the pillow yes was like too much I had to sit up I remember thinking are there any calories in advil because I wanted Advil so badly and I was like there might be calories in it so I can't have it I don't an empty stomach oh god it was that was brutal Huy then was fine no no I did it and I know you said like don't be a hero's through it push through it Jimmy that's part of my personality I have to I said I was gonna do it I'm gonna do it yeah so I made it through I was so beyond proud of myself and the next time I did it though cuz I did that right after Christmas where I cheat I have sugar and all kinds of oh yeah hence the misery and it was my first time ever so I had no idea what I was doing yeah then the second time I thought I'm gonna get into ketosis before I do this yes and then everything changed so that now so the most recent time was the five-day fast long as I had ever done I had done multiple three-day fast before but this is my first five I got into full-blown ketosis before it got into it honestly I didn't have the day to problem like right the only thing I struggled with fasting was I realized that there is a an emotional drug like effective food then eating is just fun and even more than that there's a sociological aspect of it as well why aren't you eating I remember Christina not Christina my wife Christina and I would go visit family and we we would be intermittent fasting like we always do at home it's lunchtime why aren't you eating lunch they just can't wrap their heads around not eating breakfast snack lunch snack dinner snack midnight snack it seems like we've become so conditioned to eat that when someone doesn't eat their the wierdos that's strain and I've done three 21-day fast yeah his mouth just opened that was hilarious so rate all water-only fast for 21 days so when I did the first one I did kombucha and bone broth with it then I realized that made it harder so that's when I backed on because you have some calorie there were some bodies that was smoking a little bit of like hunger and cravings and so when I cut everything out it was just water and salt three 21-day fast and I regularly fallow for seven days and I've and I've come to the conclusion I get all the benefits that I'm looking for fasting for seven days at a time more often than 21 days like once every six months dude that is like Olympic level fasting it's not as hard as you think and especially if you have some body fat which I do it makes it a little bit easier but yeah I think probably organizing them every six to eight weeks is probably a good idea Wow incredible so then we need to go harder on a toughie G because if I'm listening to this right now I'm like yeah there's not enough benefit for me to do this many fast so a toffee G it's cleaning up my proteins I've heard it described as picking up especially malformed proteins yes I know that some people say that there's potentially anti-cancer properties which is why I fast I'm honest so what where does that come from nobody really knows that's the honest answer and I think a lot of it has to do with the gut health connection because when you fast and I'm gonna get really gross here but it is what it is when you fast and you start eating again people are like oh how's the poop when you start eating again it's the best ever if it's the weirdest thing to talk about out loud but you can't deny that there's cleaning up not just of those deformed proteins but of the gut health some of those bad microbes that are in the system you zap them out because you're basically starving them of what would be food when you're not eating anything at all so for me I want to see more research in this realm and this is something that if the research comes and I get real excited talking to different researchers about this there's definitely gonna be it something there that can be communicated to the public because right now we don't know enough about it we can theorize that it helps improve the the population of the good bacteria once you start eating clean real whole keto foods again but we really don't know until those studies have been done it's interesting I can't wait to see what you come up with with that one thing on the cancer side that I thought was interesting and again I'll say it's directional I don't know that there's enough evidence I'm certainly not making proclamations but part of the reason we were taking this so seriously a quest is apoptosis which is programmed cell death so your cells are supposed to die they're supposed to senesce get old and then ultimately stop reproducing altogether and cancer cells are the cells that sort of skip that step made they senesce they get essentially defunct but now they keep reproducing and they never actually die but they're in a somewhat weakened state so if you then go through fast and those are weakened and now they're under the stressor of there's no food source coming in from what I understand those cells are more likely to die and then be cleaned up and especially if they're malformed in the etaf AG state they would be cleaned up and swept out of the system so one word of caution I would throw into this discussion because even a lot in my community say well just only sugar in your star cancer cells and you'll get rid of cancer and I'm going in some of the cancers metabolize ketones so if you're in a fasted State and you're ramping up ketones driving down glucose of course but ramping up ketones are you exacerbating cancer cells in certain parts of the body while you may deal with ones like the brain where they were cancer keto is really good for cancer there's other parts of the body where keto would make the cancer grow and and anything that would grow ketone bodies you do you fast then primarily just for cleaning up the random proteins a lot of things cleaning up the random proteins allowing the insulin resistance to heal a little more I've noticed Tom since I've added in these fast that my carb tolerance level has gone up just a tick and tolerance as measured in the blood and blood sugar level so whereas I could only eat 25 grams of total carbs before without a spike you're saying without a spike now it's about 35 grams not a big change but it it shows you that there is healing taking place inside the body metabolically even if it doesn't necessarily manifest itself on the outside maybe I do six more of these seven-day fasts and it becomes 40 got it dad Wow they'd be really interesting to see if there's like you know does it plateau or doesn't just keep going it's really really interesting yet fasting is one of those areas like the whole sort of ecosystem of benefits on the gut on insulin you know about all that and the complete guide to inflammation I imagine something that's well I mean the thing that makes keto so amazing is it's an anti-inflammatory diet but the same benefits are with fasting except just had a much more sped up level I'm gonna take you where to your comfort zone for a second I want to go back to Thomas Seyfried yeah so he drops the bomb at the end of the podcast saying that if you want to stay cancer-free then fast right what is it and I fully understand I'm so with you what you're about to say is merely one man's directional insight it is not in any way shape or form a proclamation but out of curiosity why did he think that so in his research he had seen where they were trying to get the I believe it was the rat model he was using they were trying to get them into as high a ketosis as possible where basically the blood glucose and the blood ketones were basically one-to-one and so he found he couldn't get it there with nutrition I just eat but you know just with feeding the makita jegg diet so he would have to basically fast them for a period of time and so it was through all of those testings and all the things that he had to do that he discovered seven to ten days but do you know why he thought a one-to-one ratio was cancer protective so he's got a lot about it online about this glucose ketone index if you want to look it up but I think it's just just the many years that he'd been looking at the numbers with so many animal models that he just came to the conclusion again I think at the end of the day we don't know yet but I think his theory is an interesting one that it's worth exploring more hoping they're going to do human studies with real people with cancer because this could be huge yeah I mean no kidding and look as somebody who and I say this sort of tongue-in-cheek but it it really is something that I hope comes to fruition I want to live forever and there's a great Woody Allen quote he said I want to live forever not by you know leaving a legacy of art but by not dying and I thought yeah that's exactly how I feel like I want to not die but this stuff around longevity I find really really interesting and that's gonna actually be around my final question I think your answer would be robust so before we get to that where can these guys learn about you online oh I'm the easiest guy in the world to find if you google Jimmy Moore the whole first two pages on Google is literally all my stuff I don't know how that happened but it's yeah SEO optimization without trying ten ten plus years of being one of the most prolific creators in the space I think is what did it but livin la vida loca com is the website perfect alright my last question is what is the one thing that John Doe should do or myself if we want to have the most positive impact on our health Wow that's a loaded question I think care I know I've said it many times in this interview today but care and I think once you care then you become a student because a lot of people they'll go to their doctors you talked about white coat syndrome earlier they go to their doctor and they expect the doctor to just tell them what to do take this pill even though half of them choose not to do it terr means I'm gonna study I'm gonna become the best student of my health that I can possibly be that's all Jimmy Morris I'm nothing special all I did was started caring about my own health and in that journey of learning about what helps my health I've helped other people and so once you start caring and you start getting passionate about why you care then you share with the world we're gonna change this world as I really appreciate you having me on here today do it for sure thank you so much for being here Jimmy is an absolute pleasure guys man I'm telling you I've known this guy for a long time been following his work been reading his books and what I hope came across in this interview is that he is a normal guy that decided I'm going to learn this stuff I'm gonna take control I wore this shirt in honor of him because he doesn't look towards other people he looks towards himself and he takes that ownership and he figures things out and he learned all this stuff and you have to understand like you look at it now and you see yeah but you've got all these different podcasts you've written all these books and you've met all these experts but there was a day where he was a morbidly obese guy that didn't know anything about and he had to build all of that from scratch and that's the incredible part that's the journey that I hope that you guys take away from this is that can be you to whatever it is you're going through whatever it is you want to learn about how do you want to empower yourself the information is out there you can learn it you can figure it out and if you're willing to ask those questions and dive deeper and keep pushing until you understand you really can become the greatest advocate of your own health it is such an empowering journey to know whatever you're going through physically that there is a way to address that and it's almost always through what you eat so hopefully you guys will feel empowered to embark on that journey yourself and I'm telling you he's the first stop so check him out look them up online read his books they are so great in their simplicity and how they make these really complicated topics accessible it's actually where I start if he's got a book that addresses it and I'm learning the topic I start with his book it's that powerful it's that foundational so make sure that you dive into them guys if you haven't already be sure to subscribe and until next time my friends be legendary take care thank you guys so much for watching and being a part of this community if you haven't already be sure to subscribe you're gonna get weekly videos on building a growth mindset cultivating grit and unlocking your full potential
Channel: Tom Bilyeu
Views: 345,537
Rating: 4.4637594 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Bilyeu, Impact Theory, ImpactTheory, TomBilyeu, Inside Quest, InsideQuest, Tom Bilyou, Theory Impact, motivation, inspiration, jimmy moore, low carb, keto, fasting, livin la vida low carb, jimmy moore fasting, intermittent fasting, jimmy moore keto, keto clarity, fasting 101, fasting benefits, fasting weight loss, health theory
Id: qxNWz0KpBok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 28sec (2488 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 07 2018
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