Barack Obama takes on 'woke' call-out culture: 'That's not activism'

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you know this this idea of purity and your never compromised and your always political evoke and all that stuff yeah you should get over that quickly the world the world is messy there are ambiguities people who do really good stuff and have flaws people who you are fighting may love their kids and you know share certain things with you and and and I think that one danger I see among young people particularly on college campuses Malia and I talk about this Yana goes to school with my daughter but I do get a sense sometimes now among certain young people and this is accelerated by social media there is this sense sometimes of the way of me making change is to be as judgmental as possible about other people and that's enough like if I tweet our hashtag about how you didn't do something right or use the word wrong verb or then I can sit back and feel pretty good about myself because man you see how woke I was I called you out I'm gonna get on TV watch my show watch grown --is-- you know that's not that's not activism yeah that's not bringing about change you know if if all you're doing is casting stones you know you're probably not gonna get that far that's easy to do [Applause]
Channel: Guardian News
Views: 1,613,099
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Keywords: barack obama, barack obama video, barack obama woke, obama, obama foundation, barack obama news, barack obama latest, obama culture speech, obama call-out culture, politically woke, obama chicago, us, gdnpfpnewsus, obama call out culture, obama on being woke, gdnpfpnewspolitics, that's not activism, activism, 2019, gdnpfpnewsworld, obama woke, cancel culture, cancel culture is toxic, toxic, woke, woke culture, obama cancels woke culture, guardian, what is woke culture, the wokes, usa
Id: qaHLd8de6nM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 54sec (114 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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