Everything Wrong With The Fugitive In 20 Minutes Or Less

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hey you know how we immediately take off several sins of classic movies that we love right off the top like shawshank and stuff because it truly is against the will of god and man to send them did you forget the fugitive was one of those movies well we didn't [ __ ] i've always heard that you your pants when you die which i was dreading more than the act itself but the fugitive assures me that you only turn into a negative image of yourself so i gotta say already feeling better shame about mrs kimball though there's nothing that gets people to donate to children's research faster than a swimwear fashion show straighten that arm paul you're gonna slice yo i know golf guys are lunatics but this dude is seriously practicing his swing right here working out on the range go this fundraiser is supposed to be about kids dr stevens just went into emergency or and asked if you could give him a hand on this one what's amazing about the case that is built against dr richard kimball is how the detectives believe that after going to a children's fundraiser and then getting called in to perform emergency surgery he came home to kill his wife for the inheritance never mind that as a surgeon he could do this in a variety of ways that wouldn't cast suspicion on himself look at this guy he hasn't seen a murder case yet where the husband didn't do it this guy sent 123 husbands to jail last year if he incarcerates 50 more husbands he gets a kick back from the orphanage those scratches on your neck back uh did the one arm guy do that jesus christ this guy couldn't be more chicago if he had a maxwell street polish in one hand an old style in the other and four horizontal stars tattooed on his ass his fingerprints are all over the lamp the gun and the bullets and the good doctor's skin is under her fingernails wow that's compelling evidence that richard kimball lives in his house and touches his things and his wife has his skin under her fingernails what kind of a married couple ever has that situation come up helen comes from a wealthy family yes i know he's traumatized right now but we later see how focused and stable richard can be in stressful situations probably because he's you know a [ __ ] vascular surgeon so why the doesn't he immediately call for his attorney during this questioning i'm not necessarily saying richard deserve what he got but anyone that has a framed poster of goddamn furniture in their entryway is at the very least looking for trouble honey i'm home who won the game so after going to the fundraiser and performing surgery both of which happened in the evening kimball came home and asked who won the game like was there a game going on during the whole thing what [ __ ] game that sounds like something you have a character say so that can give them maximum obliviousness to the murder going on upstairs richard he's trying to kill me way to go helen i know you're like 95 dead and everything but you dropped the ball why does the one-armed man press this button on the phone instead of the hook switch hang on sykes let helen call 9-1-1 knowing that she was going to say some garbled that somewhat implicated richard look i love the rest of this movie but the beginning stretches my believability more than my pants when i watch that zack afron netflix show much like in the shawshank redemption we don't hear what kimball's defense attorneys say to prove his innocence because it's not important to the movie that's being made but these guys richard just as hard as andy's did especially when you consider what tommy lee jones figures out later what the goddamn hell why the credit's still rolling it feels like we're already like halfway through the movie i guess we'll figure out who the director is around the time charles is fighting richard on the roof of the hilton discount jerry o'connell it's pretty unbelievable that when a prisoner is being sent to a new prison they don't check for toothbrush shifts like if you're in prison it makes sense you could carry this around with you but feels like it'd be normal protocol to check a guy out before transferring it also let me get this straight the prisoner's plan was to stab the first guard with the surprise shiv and then hope the other guard would be slow in using his gun then somebody would be able to overpower said guard while wearing restraints do i have that right you gotta love this bus driver he wasn't concerned after the first gunshot dude just kept driving there was no need to stop the bus or help out or anything holy this bus crash what was it about 1993 that made the special effects hold up better than anything made in 2020 what the hell was that i'm not totally sure it sounds like a train but the thing that really perplexes me is how they even got on a railroad tracks to begin with remember the bus crash that happened 40 seconds ago they crashed into a tree with no railroad tracks in sight i mean not to write something just to count another sin and be repetitive but how the f is this bus even position that way it fell long ways into this tree but now it's positioned long ways over a railroad track it would have to have fallen down along a railroad track for this to be true also okay look great scene and all but this train sees the bus long before it starts to break and it doesn't even honk at all dr richard kimball went to the prometheus school of running away from trains not for nothing but pretty much everyone survives this except for the train conductor who clearly gets no respect in this movie how the [ __ ] is copeland even close to where richard ended up oh sir hi who's in charge dramatic unveiling of gerard's badge not withstanding why didn't the sheriff notice the other obvious federal badges on everyone else if i'm dead for the united states marshall samuel girard i'd like to talk to you i'll be with you in just a minute local cop superior officer is addict to obvious superior officer local cop before a local cop superior officer shows him up but good cliche no i don't think he made it well looks like you came a long way for nothing jesus does anyone in illinois ever do their jobs he just accepts and i don't think he made it as the last word no wonder michael myers regularly runs free around here first off roll credits second half don't they want to keep this investigation reasonably secure gerrard knows that there's a ton of press around here and if kimball sees or hears anything about this search he has a better chance of subverting the perimeter so this speech while classic and iconic is completely antithetical to the actual investigation what i want out of each and every one of you is a hard target search of every gas station residence warehouse farmhouse hen house outhouse or dog house in that area so look for richard everywhere [Music] gotcha convenient coveralls are extremely convenient i'm thinking well think me up a cup of coffee in a chocolate doughnut with some of those little sprinkles on top well as long as you're thinking yeah tommy lee jones is pretty [ __ ] great in this movie and we should take a sin off for his performance oh yeah all hospitals have the treatment room you know where you get treatment it really doesn't matter what kind sort of like the room of requirement richard is wiley for sure but he gets absurdly lucky during this escape he's within walking distance of a hospital from the wreck which is pretty serendipitous but he also finds a nearly comatose patient from which to steal food clothes and shaving equipment and the nurse somehow decides to turn the opposite way from the patient to talk to him from the bathroom rather than easily see the obvious man behind the door i'm just saying it's a good day to be a dick what does he look like 6 1 180 brown hair brown eyes beard it's weird that the cop describing kimball says he's got brown eyes when the official police report says he has blue eyes of course the police report is dead wrong but the cop is also wrong for doubting it we don't allow freethinkers here how in the [ __ ] does the guard notice who kimball is the only kimball he's ever known had shaggy hair and a beard plus when you add the disorientation where the does this guy get off anyway i know kimball's just trying to help but wouldn't they be able to figure that out pretty quickly if they haven't already wouldn't the paramedics already know this why say something that could potentially [ __ ] your world up look i know he needs transportation but stealing an ambulance seems like the worst possible way to drive around incognito [Music] this guy in the truck honks at a [ __ ] ambulance what a dick also i must say that the people driving down this road gives zero [ __ ] about getting over for an ambulance with its lights flashing amazing how a guy on the run from the cops can just open up an access grate and jump down into a drain so here's another classic case of people in illinois not doing their jobs i swear samuel gerard wastes more essential pursuit time quipping nonsensical bond mods than austin powers it's crazy to me that as good as sam is at all the things he does he doesn't notice the cable that richard used to walk down this incline he tries to go down the naked side of the wall with his gun in hand which leads to obvious results i guess richard had no other real choice here but it is totally that he survived this i did a feeder pan right here off of this dam right here movie provides dialogue for approximately 133 cinemasins outtakes involving people jumping off cliffs and waterfalls there's no way out of this place he says as an obvious exit shows up right in front of him the guy is fish food okay get a cane pole don't catch a fish today look we know gerard is right but he's also asking for a ridiculous amount of resources to find a dude that just jumped off a dam and if he were going to go this whole hog why wouldn't he go downstream instead of focusing most of the efforts right by the spillway this movie proves that even though you're a fugitive on their own from u.s marshals after escaping prison even though you're cold injured and using leaves as a blanket you can still have wet dreams in that scenario and richard will be back on his feet in no time after walking through the magical portal of health rejuvenation seriously i think this is the first time that the movie said skip wow richard looks so different with black hair versus his natural dark brown if he were going to change something why didn't he go bleach blonde like simon phoenix all right sammy we got it shacked up with some babe over in whiting they're not talking about richard of course but joey pants will play the pronoun game so that we forget that these [ __ ] are supposed to also be pursuing another fugitive ah come on man i know you're a rookie but even i know you're not supposed to walk into rooms like that you were voted most likely to be a hostage in high school richard must have followed the first rule of the unwritten book of the road if he got that lady to drive him all the way to the city what can i tell you sir mr copeland was a bad man he was going to kill one of my kids well sir you can blame me i mean i'm the one who shot him while i love sam gerard and i love tommy lee jones this is a [ __ ] his superior wants answers about the guy he killed and he just says hey blame me deal with it and hangs up the phone well that's fun for movie sake are we supposed to believe that the guy on the other end of the line doesn't have an ego too you think he's just gonna let this slide what cities have else uh we got help milwaukee's got it milwaukee's got an l milwaukee's gotta know how the [ __ ] did cosmo get on this team in the first place man ain't no l in milwaukee they barely have functioning highways i knew that was an elevated train oh yeah big dog you're never wrong this has always been strange dialogue to me mainly because sam never says that he didn't believe it was an elevated train he was just dubious about how people could know it's an elevated train by the sound why did richard campbell kill his wife he did it for the money what do you mean he did it for the money he's a doctor he's already rich gerard has already set forth a better defense strategy than his entire legal defense team dude i know it's a county hospital and all but i don't think any hospital will be rolling a critical patient that's bleeding out into a regular room through the main goddamn hallway of the place richard's own investigation into who killed his wife is a compelling story as he evades the law but this makes it seem like nobody did this before he says a one-armed man did it but apparently nobody on his defense team did this very thing during the case oh sure later the one-armed man will say he was asked questions but it's amazing richard was never able to describe the intruder or get a look at photographs of possible suspects identity theft if you want help gentlemen you've come to the wrong man blatant obstruction of justice jesus christ movie a train to kimball the harrison hotel we know the lead character already is he about to go by a ford dealership or the richard daley library in bridgeport jane lynch is always a welcome addition to a film but did she really have to bring her 37 pieces of flair with her why the hell would you write this right in the middle of the page isn't he taking notes does he want any room left to take additional notes oh cool all the tvs in the store are playing the fugitive this is a cool way to investigate the one-armed man but this is also assuming sykes not only got his prosthetic in chicago he got it at this hospital what if he received it in new york toledo boise it's always hilarious to me in these movies when someone goes to the bathroom or in this case is pretending to clean the blinds one of the workers always gets super suspicious most people don't give a sh but in movies these people give just enough of a [ __ ] to make it seem like the hero is going to get caught you mean to tell me that this is the guy staying in your mother's basement i almost wonder why richard even bothered cutting his beard and coloring his hair people are just going to recognize him from his bearded mug shot all the time wait richard keeps his conspicuous and incriminating trash on the kitchen table in a coffee tin cch what the hell is that cook county hospital but you probably knew that living in chicago and all him you knew what an elevated train sounded like no one will be seated during the richard saves a kid who would have died in the scene because it's awesome and we don't sell tickets to people this far into the movie anyway hey hey this may seem ineffective but if i know anything about catching fugitives and or janitors that change orders on a patient's chart it's that they immediately freeze when you yell out hey multiple times i know that this guy has one arm but how rude is it that he walks right between sam and cosmo like that was the only available space to get where he's going and thank god he does right or else they wouldn't have had their doctor house moment apparently everyone can recognize richard at the drop of a hat except when he'd be in the most trouble a [ __ ] guard who got shiv with a toothbrush can figure it out in a millisecond but nobody else can they can dye this river green today why can't they diet blue the other 364 days of the year man you just know biggs has been dying to use this lion since the last st patrick's day when he overheard some drunk copy editor asked to his buddy at connor flannery if it's patrick's o'sullivan's pub so what are you irish there sir now but i will try my damn just to be irish and blown away and it will not work out very well visit it for driscoll come on man let's go let's go damn dude richard came immediately when you said visitor for driscoll why are you so impatient with something that is happening without delay you're the guy who honks as soon as the light changes green by the way it is crazy that kimball decides to visit this dude in jail instead of investigating the other people on his list first this is such a tremendous risk would be the last place you would go after tricking everyone else out just because this dude was third on your list doesn't mean you needed to check him out first before the last two harry takes the stairs here solely so he can run into gerard who also coincidentally decided to walk i'm not saying it definitely couldn't happen but this movie is full of some wild coincidences that i've definitely idotted away over the years sam tells the cops to secure the exits here but god damn he couldn't have done that after he recognized richard on the stairs doesn't he have a radio or something i know he does because in a minute the guy who played jay leno in the late shift is using one this guy trying to grab kimball from behind the counter all this commotion and at least three guards here and nobody could be bothered to step away from this central area to tackle richard the only thing exposed here is kimball's foot which would be a good place to aim to incapacitate him but no sammy wants to get his jollies off by plugging the doctor in the face despite starting to believe that he's not guilty jesus he's in the plaza sam he's heading east to the plaza how in the hell did these guys get up on the roof in time to look down and see richard running through the plaza why would gerrard think richard's in the parade right now he was headed down the plaza the last time big spotted him but he could have gone anywhere from there and honestly should have tommy leap jones that's racist kimble recognizes the one-armed man by sight which makes me wonder why his lawyer couldn't find the guy this is a pretty easy investigation all told and later richard's gonna find this guy's w2s for devlin mcgregor i mean how bad were his lawyers sure richard just grab the mechanic arm and put your fingerprints on it although now that i think about it it would be pretty hard to plant evidence in this case right i was all worried that sykes could claim it wasn't his mechanical arm that was planted here and the fingerprints would cast out this can't be counted as a sin this can't be counted as a scent what does the hospital have to buy what's the catch sailfish now there's no strings attached dr kimball dude big pharma used to be dick wads back in the 90s waving their checkbooks around and buying off medical professionals left and right that's not a problem anymore the third paragraph of this story about richard says kimball was apprehended after an extensive chase by police and several bystanders and yes this is totally wrong but it's even more hilarious that the headline itself says he escaped 256 not st lawrence eric get the cpd right the hell over there we got a car there now how the hell does this address not already ring a bell with the u.s marshals they know kimball is looking for one arm meant and they know that one of the residences he could visit is that one as soon as someone said south st lawrence somebody should have said oh you mean where frederick sykes lives deputy you want to take a look at this you better come take a look at this cliche i went through all of this a year ago you should know that they came here and they questioned me about the whole damn thing he did and why did the marshals have to go through that whole record search over the hospital shouldn't that have been in the kimball final that they poured over i wasn't in chicago on that night i was on a business trip 15 people verified it jesus how is that even possible i mean you must really doubt this guy's story if you go to question 15 other people about a man's whereabouts on the night of a murder i guess sikes could be lying or exaggerating the number but i can't believe this many people could independently vouch for a dude who definitely wasn't in their presence even in a cover-up situation the detectives would have to question sykes sykes would have to tell them the names of all the potential alibi witnesses then sykes would have to call deadly mcgregor and they'd have to dream up a supposed business trip where 15 key people were there and they are all the best liars in the world it was me they were after it's so weird to me that in this plot to kill richard kimball sykes was sitting there waiting for them when they got back but he waited to kill helen until just before richard got back from his emergency surgery so he must have been sitting there in the closet watching helen change into her black nightgown and got bored or something why i couldn't wait until helen and richard were [ __ ] to kill them both nothing about sykes's actions makes sense this guy right here i've never seen that person in my life before it's weird that charles lies about this guy like there's no reason to lie about lentz sykes sure lentz there isn't a good reason to lie about him at all since a good detective could easily find out that they're connected sneaking up on microscopers a friend considering richard trusts kathy with this entire story why wouldn't he tell her that he's pretty sure charles is involved i mean she has all the other information and he's about to make a big show of it anyway nichols also knew lentz considering that nichols was lenses boss i don't know why this is such an amazing revelation it works out pretty well for the movie i'd grant you to have this dramatic reveal but someone like gerard could have figured that out well before his underling did sykes is on the phone explaining to charles nichols that he can't find kimball and of all the dumb luck kimball just happens to be walking down an alleyway visible from the pay phone what a lucky break kimball called sykes and the night of his wife's murder good god there are phone records of kimball calling sykes at 7 30 when he was clearly at the fundraiser how did his lawyers not find sykes how did the investigators who talked to 15 people about sykes's whereabouts not find this information jesus christ also it's got to be one of the dumbest moves ever nichols is the one who called sykes from kimball's car phone and why to give him an update to tell him he got kimball's house keys why couldn't he just meet sykes at his apartment and tell him this it's not recommended but you can change cars on the l so why doesn't richard leave this one as soon as he sees the dude with the paper also eye contact on public transit is definitely a sin i don't care if this guy did kill his wife just as the dude goes to talk to the cops this is when sykes decides to reveal himself what's the point in doing this on the train right now this is a public place for christ's sake gotta salute the chicagoans who all decided to stay on this car while people were getting shot i didn't try and go to any other cars during that whole thing they are disciplined mailing guns without putting them in boxes or using proper postage yeah but there's a handcuffed dude that's literally being monitored by the police on the same car i know the dude from office space is in this movie early on but there's no need to jump to conclusions this easily provisic is remarkably effective and has no side effects whatsoever the fact that this statement alone doesn't get charles laughed out of the room is maybe the biggest sin in the movie look you don't have to work in the medical field to know that no drug causes no side effect whatsoever charles and his stupid lying [ __ ] face it's absolutely insane that richard isn't tackled during his walk through the convention why does he have to confront charles here what's his plan how does he hope to get out of this he almost got away with it didn't you classic movie steals the opening line to its final act by quoting the holy scripture of scooby-doo after lens died you were the only one who had the access i'll tell you who doesn't get enough credit the [ __ ] spotlight operator that held the beam on this scene even when it went off stage get this guy on broadway stat he falsified his research so that our du90 could be approved and devlin mcgregor could give you provasic okay i believe you guy who was convicted of killing his wife all right it's all over folks let's just stay calm just the biggest story in chicago since the great fire our keynote speaker is being chased by a murderer you guys should really try out the onion soup tonight it's magnificent i don't know how richard knew where he needed to go after he spilled the beans on provasic to all those people but he found the right place anyway and oh look at that the only place in the hotel with nobody walking around chicago pd has been given the shoot when there's a clean shot order but looking what this guy is shooting at is there even one innocent person to kill here this whole area looks empty anyway the guy misses like a dick so that the movie can have a happy ending ah that's how i like to cap my movies with two respected cardiologists in a fist fight luckily cosmo was trained at the same academy as the wet bandits from home alone why would sykes be getting arrested just outside the hilton he was handcuffed on a subway car wouldn't he already be down at the station as we see richard kimball getting escorted out in handcuffs i really do have to wonder what the retrial would be like i mean a lot of evidence was discovered because a convicted criminal escaped from a bus and did his own investigation sure sam found out a lot of evidence on his own but i'd love to know what the legal ramifications of richard's actions are here we leave this movie knowing he's innocent but what does the law say about all that he did do they set off fireworks every time a fugitive is captured in the city of chicago damn it it never gets any easier [Music] that quiz did you know that cinemasins has two more channels music video sims and tv synths if you for whatever reason like our snarky style you'll probably enjoy even more ridiculous [ __ ] over there okay that's it for now back to the outtakes billy what do you got for me i've got a 35 year old air force colonel crushed his lower spine in some kind of experimental armor mid-thoracic burst fracture and may god have mercy on your soul the hell is that that's the only gavel i could find it squeaks when you bang it that's what she said i have people skills i am good at dealing with people can't you understand it women what's happening be sure and tell them large marge sent ya i've been to prison oh i have i've been to prison prison of drugs alcohol sick thoughts i used to have sick thoughts all right sammy this is my problem sammy didn't have a wife it was your wife who had diabetes close the gate get off my plane let's stay stay calm people look just talking lecter put your hands on your head
Channel: CinemaSins
Views: 1,166,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: everything wrong with, eww, cinemasins, movie, review, movie review, the fugitive, everything wrong with the fugitive, eww the fugitive, harrison ford, harrison ford the fugitive, the fugitive review, fugitive, tommy lee jones, tommy lee jones the fugitive, the fugitive full movie
Id: GKOhem2DiFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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